Newmarket Era , June 15, 1906, p. 3

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leek WHAT QQtta OH fit A Afore Accommodation About three weeks gi 45 new call were added to Post Office They are all taken now Jfl two lock boxes and a few calls Mortgage Sale A hundred acres on the churchy belonging to the Dr were in Saturday under mortgage to Mr Clerk neighboring farm for Off for Camp There were not more than volun teers in No Company when they left here Tuesday by special train for Niagara Camp Many people look upon this annual drill as a great waste of money that might be put to much use i j S There was good attendance at the regular meeting of the Womans Mis sionary Society in connection With the Methodist Church at the resi dence of Mrs Richardson Wednesday afternoon The report of the delegate to the convention in Toronto was the chief item and Mrs Dr Richardson contributed a solo- Baseball An interesting ball game is an nounced to take place at Exhibition Park tomorrow afternoon East Co Champions Wholesale League Toronto vs Newmarket Game call ed at sharp admission is only ladies and children Go over and give the Town Hoys cheer They have been practising hard and promise a fast game Lots of Accommodation In order that there shall be no dis appointment in the way of hotel ac commodation at next Wed nesday Mr J Johnson informs us that the ladies of the Methodist Church have decided to serve meals in the schoolroom for cents each The of the Town are determin ed that all their visitors shall go away with a good impression of the place Leg Broken Last Monday evening Mr J of Whitchurch Township was so unfortunate as to have his leg broken He was assisting in moving a building at Mr Alfred Bol lingers a neighbor on the Con cession The building was nearly in position when one of the rollers flew out of the end and hit him on the leg breaking both bones a little be low the knee and crushing leg badly Medical assistance was se cured as soon as possible and he is doing as well as can be expected but it will practically lay him out of his summers work Grand Garden Party The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church has about completed arrange ments for their Strawberry Festival to be held on the Model School Grounds Newmarket on Friday even ing of next week June No pains will be spared to make this the best ever held The grounds will be decorated with Chinese Lanterns and a number of extra seats will provided The Newmarket Band members will render a program of their choicest music Tea served from oclock The ad mission ticket entitles holder to strawberries cake etc Ice cream bananas extra The grounds are convenient and commodious if the weather is favorable and a good time may be expected Proceeds will be applied towards the new stained glass windows for the Presbyterian Church Mr Donald Morrison attended the meeting of General Assembly in during the past week Remember the date of Annual Garden Party Friday Juno It will be held as last year upon the beautiful lawn of Mr Schmidt The Picnic will at Wilcox Lake year the week in July The Rev J aye an interesting address or Sunday even ing on the Point Trembles School near Montreal which is supported by toe Presbyter jan Church of Canada and Is for Frenchspeaking Canadians whether Protectant or Catholic There are now boys and young men and fiO young women in attend ance in from to iG years Last- fall there were- over d00 applications lor admission and an effort is accommodate at least pupils Hie pupils board at the school and deal of manual work in caring for the buildings and grounds that the coat to the church in but a year pupil or board and cm More than of the 100000 J quired for of the buildings are already subscribed the work being carried forward So that enlarged occupied- soon Brief lets- The Town coinr into market remains a jongitime proper attention a great to business Mr Squires is putting up a nice on Huron Street West The work of decorating the interior of the Christian Church is proceedings slowly but is going to look fine when completed The Sunday School did not have a very large attendance at the picnic at Bond Late last Monday Illustrated Lecture The Friends Church was well filled on Wednesday evening and the lecture by Rev A T assisted by his wife showed very plainly that the missionarys life in Central Afri ca is no holiday excursion The of the natives makes It one of hardest fields of labor and one of the greatest- need This was forc ibly illustrated by limelight views A substantial collection was in the interests of she ivor Mis is a niece of Jacob Doyle ol this town m m W Masonic A special car with a large number of brethren of the Mystic Tie arrived about pm on a fraternal visit to Tuscan Lodge No on Wednesday the in the per sons of J Sheppard M Victoria Toron to Junction and A J Anderson PM of Stanley Lodge Toronto Junction ac companied by and The visitors were highly pleas ed with the working of the 3rd De gree When the Lodge closed at p At the refreshment table Degree ritual was fully exemplified and the usual loyal and fraternal toasts were indulged in the visitors leaving at midnight ONelftAicDermott Nuptial mass was celebrated Tues day morning at eight oclock in St Patricks Church Father Barrett for the marriage of Miss Madge youngest daughter of Mr T to Mr James J ONeill well known among the la crosse boys of Newmarket as Tip The bride who was given away by her father wore a pretty gown of cream silk eolienne en ever taf feta with deep yoke trimmings of Irish net lac A tulle veil covered a wreath of orange blossoms on hair and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses arid lilies of the valley She was attended by her sister Miss Kitty gowned in green- silk and bat to match carrying pink roses The two little flower girls Babe ONeill and Mildred Williams looked pietly with of white silk and wreaths and bask ets of daisies The groomsman was Mr 13 J Mendelssohns wedding march was played by Mr J Ernest Lawrence of the Standard Bank a friend of groom The grooms gift to the was a diamond cluster ring gold bracelet to the bridesmaid a gold chain to the flower girls gold brace lets awl to the groomsman scarf pin A reception was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Williams Penning street where the bride received con gratulations of her many friends Mr and Mrs ONeill left on the evening train for a trip to Detroit Grand and The bride travelled in a smart Eton suit of blue voile arid blouse of cream lace over taffeta and sailor hat The presents to both the bride and groom were both numerous and cosily Conference Sunday The pastor of the Christian Church Rev is attending the Ontario Christian Conference at awa in of which Hie Christian Church people and the Friends will worship together next Sabbath in the Friends Church in the morning at and in the Christian Church in the evening at J Johnson MA of Toronto will con duct both services finflrbafcrisuqrtsjdat the action of the Cob received another no informing him that the previous one- of was an error and thatan had been passed first The- Ontario Bank was on the ground bright and early yesterday morning In opening a branch at where Mr Ross the genial manager of their tablfshed Newmarket Branch was found giving smiling recognition to friends and cuatomers in live little village LushMears A quiet Wedding was celebrated on Tuesday evening June at the homo of Mr and Mrs Av enue Road Toronto when their daughter Emily May was united in marriage to Albert Ellsworth Lush of Toronto formerly- of Newmarket The ceremony was performed Rev Dean of Simpson Ave Methodist The bride was prettily gowned in cream silk with veil and wreath white flowers in her hair carried a shower bouquet of white roses She was given away by her father Miss as brides maid and wore a white embroidered dress and carried a bouquet of white and pink roses The groom was supported by Mr Herbert of The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and valuable presents After the ceremony refreshments wore served to about guests Mr and Mrs Lush will reside at West Bloor Street a Time Keeper Neednt be Necessarily a costly one We have Reliable Watches with finely Jewelled move ments ladies Hunting Case solid Gold J Ladles Cold Filled Otnta Killed f watch is backed by our personal guarantee Make full enquiries and Save Money on your CO and I Lacrosse Newmarket redeemed its reputation in lacrosse circles on Wednesday when they trimmed Collingwood to the tune of to Every man on the home team played his place well Leadiey especially distinguishing him self while the three and Man ning the home brews easily held their own with the imported players For the visitors Hurst goaf and Graves a man at cover- point were the stars the latter play ing the test game in the field The were on the job with the right kind of goods from the first and literally played rings around the- dozen making it ra ther monotonous for the spectators The score is very good account of the game Goal Time 1st Quarter Newmarket IIMFllI I oj 2J in m m Newmarket 3 Newmarket Collingwood Newmarket 2nd Quarter Newmarket Collingwood 3rd Quarter Newmarket x Newmarket Newmarket Quarter Newmarket Newmarket Newmarket The referee Curtis of kept the game clear of roughness hut his rulings were not very satisfactory especially when he ruled off Manning in the 2nd quarter being the In Ufa last quarter had a bone broken in his left hand which put him off for the rest of the game There was a fair crowd in attend ance and the boys may expect a good crowd of enthusiastic rooters in with them next Wednesday as a result of their work this week The teams were goal Backus in m m in In cover Manning defence I Doyle Reeves Maher centre Jack Doyle home Judd Doyle Lead- ley outside inside Finnar Hurst point cover Graves defend Colling Hughes cen tre home Roland A Stewart outside Stewart Inside Referee Curtis penalty Rooney timekeepers A Davis On afternoon the goo H played a team at awl were beaten to One day last week Mr Abraham an employe of the Acton Tanning Companys works Acton Ontario was pulling leather out of a drum when in some way the ma chinery operating was put in mo tion by another employe Mr was partly In the drum at the time and the motion hurled him up against the beams above crushing him about the from which he died about half hour af ter Mr leaves a widow J arid one married daughter Sate Register Warden Johnston presided at the opening of session of the York County Council the old court house Toronto on Monday Members all present except Messrs and Rogers At January Public Seho9l Inspector A Davidson of North York- in View of the fact that his dismissal was imminent resigned On Monday a petition was presented signed by more than residents of North York urging the reopening of the matter and asking that charges be investigated On Thurs day afternoon at oclock Mr- Davidson will be The report of the inspector for North York shows a total of six schools with teachers of whom three hold firstclass certifi cates fiftv secondclass and fortysix third class In the salaries of the teachers totaled and in The highest salary paid to a public school teacher in North York last year was HO The male teachers numbered and the female The total number of pu pils last year was of whom 265a were and girls In all 14 schools were provided with libraries numbering volumes valued at The number of pupils writing on the entrance examination was of whom were successful Councillor Woodcock introduced a notice of motion asking for there- mission of a fine of imposed upon a youth named Oil Tuesday tin members of the council and their lady friends visited Niagara Falls the guests of the war den King Council The above Council mot at Temper ance Hall on Saturday May Members all The minutes of last regular ami ad journed meeting read and confirmed The Council in committee of the whole on bills Mr in the chair passed the following bills and ordered them to be paid Joseph Hillings months salary John rep to culvert rep road scraper John Thompson rep road J Jenkins postage express 16 Bert toise stone Win Ough Son spade P Kcnefcch rep road con Win rep culvert Harry Rolling rep culvert John Cook rep culvert Arch Mitchell rep road Ellison building wire fence on new road NormanDeacon That the and councillors Burns Norman be a committee to Ladies blouses In Lawn and Muslins at Wrappers Nicely with Braid Deep regular for Trimmed Flounce Special Values in all wool Voiles and Crepe Chine in all shades of color at Silk and wool at regular Thousands of yards of em broidery from per up to with Insertions to match 2000 YARDS OF AT PER YD Cooked Meats SLICED TO SUIT YOU and HO This Department growing in volume every day Price of course is a great ob ject but quality wear is better The best makes at the lowest prices is our everruling motto- Special value in Mens Fine Boots LOWEST PRICE HIGHEST QUALITY BEST MAKERS 1 THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER i OF our at 12 i 9 3 50 no 50 Reeve and exam ine the roadway at lot con and order such repairs as they think necessary Norman That Thos Kaakt he appointed road overseer in 3 con in lieu of Win wrongly appointed lc- in another division That the of John Rogers be received and that the Clerk be instructed to Ikwc the necessary bylaws prepared and proper notievs posted and published the Clerk order from the Wilkinson Company scrapers to be delivered at King Station That Wm Wil liams the sum of on account for the manufacture of tile That the in troduce a Bylaw at next regular meeting to fix a time for payment of taxes and to charge per cent age on all unpaid taxes at such date That Hie fol lowing persons be paid twothirds value for sheep killed by dogs John JHC7 Thos Burns That Council lors Deacon and Norman be and are hereby authorized to repair or re build culvert at con That rt grant of be given for cutting hill lots rear of com known Hill hat this Council do now resolve itself into a Court of Revision as per notices on the complaints of tuo assessment rolls of this municipality On motion the Reeve was elected chairman of the court The appeal of Wm as hav ing land in the Township of King was sustained J M ap pealed as 1cJng assessed too high assessment reduced to 1400 Some ten appeals to have dogs struck off the rolls were sustained as also one appeal by Councillor Burns to have dog placed on the roll NormanDuncan That the assess ment rolls be now passed by court and by the clerk as ByLaw to regulate the of Township of King received its readings ami paused On Council to meet A parrin Hotel 00 June WO per Yard SOVEREIGN BANK BUILDING Take Laxative Seven ABIHon boxes sold in past I months Tablets In weary box i FRIDAY June will have a stable e premises St Terms Oar Toronto better John Cook a member Live Stock Market Fair market in Toronto this week and prices a shade easier Exporters ranged from Jf80 to 20 per bulk going at to Export bulls sold at to per Choice butchers cattle sold ad to per cwt good at J J GO medium at to common at to Cows at to per Short keep cpws llK or Its at to good steers to 1050 at to good steer SOD to His at to light to to comj to Milch cows from to each Calves in good demand at to per Receipts of sheep and lambs were not large and remained steady Ex port ewes to bucks to per spring lambs to each There was a fair run of hogs prices unchanged at for selects and 715 for lights and fats Toronto Markets June White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Wheat Peas per Rye per Barley bush Oats per bush Hay per ton per Butter roll per Tub or Crock Butter 0 17 Dressed Hogs per Potatoes per bag HO Chickens per lb Newmarket Markets June White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per 0 Spring Wheat bush Goose Wheat Rye per hush CO Barley per bush- Oats per bush 80 83 0 78- 0 Sir- 0 0 0015 0 0 80 20 THE DUKE STANDARD AND REGISTERED TROTTING STALLION the Body Guard had bis leg shorts per ton i pm above the being from horse on street on on pray camp on way per Eggs per Butter roll per ft Potatoes per bag Ductal per 17 The Duke is a beautiful seal brown Stallion about hands blab and In stud condition weighs about pounds He la not a but of finest trotting horses In America Ho boa trotted ft trial in quarters in seconds gait GUARANTEE Any ono who will inspect this horse selecting a sire we will guarantee them a present of and a colt without charge The Is not Just as represented and of the best bred Trotting Stallions on tho Continent and greatest Stock Horses on earth Route weeks commencing Monday April MONDAY Hotel from to 10 and thence to Golden Hotel Street for noon to Hughs Hotel from to and thence up Strcot to Hotel Elgin Mills for night TUESDAY Lemons Hotel Aurora for noon Forsyth House for night WEDNESDAY Mr Joseph Hills farm Lot 26 Concession King near for noon for night THURSDAY Klcio for noon and House for night FRIDAY Tbistlctown for noon and Islington Hotel for night Horse Hotel Toronto for noon whero bo will until evening when ho will go to his own stable Street where be will remain until Monday morning insures colt payable days after mare foals I colt comes deformed or dies within that no charge whatever will made REYNOLDS Proprietor J la charge 107 St Toronto Loans made to Farmers at Per Cent Apply to- Mr Lain J The only wn Councillor Thos Oram sua a over by a load of now station

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