JA Dp S DENTIST J Kill bo at Albeit Block on 2nd ate Tuesday each month Reynold- Teacher of Piano Will ho at MOUNT ALBERT every Tuesday at Mrs Terry Pupils prepared for Toronto of Music examinations The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY of Subscribed Capital Total V- CANADA BRA MONTREAL BOARD Of DIRECTORS Andrew Chairman Clous- ton AleiXicoste a toiri DAVIDSON HAY RACKS Hay racks will be made to- order at from to 900 at Piles factory Mount Albert PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev the Frenchman who addressed the General Assembly so acceptably this week will speak in toe Presbyterian here on Sun day evening next THE MARKET Another large crowd as Tuesdays market and all the butter and eggs the four buyers conveniently handle to Albert Spring Goods Arriving Nice Selection In DRESS GOODS PRINTS GINGHAMS ETC Values Butter to BASEBALL Our junior team met their first de feat of toe season the hands of the tors on Saturday The locals were evidently afflicted with stage fright during the first part AND SHOES AND WALL PAPERS New Styles HATS CAPS READYMADE CLOTHING MILLINERY the game and their opponents piled up too a overcome Score to PAINFUL ACCIDENT Mr Robert Little met with a very serious accident on Saturday while in blasting stone at Mr Mr Little had putt in a charge of powder and was packing it dawn with a hammer when it explod ed blowing off thumb and three fingers and otherwise mangling right hand his Thursday evening June is the date of the annual Strawberry Festi val under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church here The usual good time is sure to bo good fortune of all who attend so please remember the date Further particulars hy posters in a few days Last Saturday was a red letter day in the history of Sharon AM when the dedication ol their new hail took place here About visiting brethren arrived here about pm when the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church had a sumptuous dinner prepared in the basement the Church Alter dinner coasts and short speeches were the order for a short time when an adjournment was Very Aurora Very McKay Newmarket almost one hundred After being received by -Bro- Hill and his officers Most Murray Grand proceed ed to dedicate the new lodge room due and ample form in which he was assisted by Toronto Geo Eakins Toronto J Toronto J Duncan Toronto T New market Aubrey White Toronto Toronto Wor Curl ton Toronto Very Toronto Very Wor H T Smith Toronto Very J East To ronto The Presbyterian Garden Party here on Monday evening was considered a splendid success though there few minor drawbacks and the ladies feel highly that clerk of the weathdr was in a gracious mood The lunch and evenings entertain ment was up to the usual standard but much disappointment was felt Highland pipers bagpipes were out of kilter an he play AND SAVE THE PEDDLERS PROFITS We Pay Highest Toronto I MOUNT ALBERT Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL WOOD Kitchen Queen Range STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL The annual Strawberry festival in connection with the Methodist Church will be held at the residence of John Graham Esq on Friday June will be a fine program ing of recitations solos duets and choruses The ladies of the Church are sparing no pains to make this a most attractive and enjoyable event Sec bills for particulars PERSONAL Mr A Miller of ridge was in town on Tuesday Mr Isaac Grove was a visitor at the home of Mr Paisley on Wed nesday of last week Mr and Mrs L Jackson of New market were calling on friends in town on Friday Reeve and Councillor Hill were in Friday J ROWLAND J Mount Albert T ALBERT DRUG STORE We carry a line of PATENT MEDICINES Among them REMEDIES J and RHEUMATIC CURE Mrs bridge of was visiting at the home of Mr I on Tuesday Mr of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mr S Jen nings Dr Forrest and Miss Forrest were in Toronto attending the wedding of Dr Win Forrests son Mrs Win of Roachs Point was in town on a visit to her father Mr Thos Rev and Mrs Cameron arc attending the General Assembly in London Mr and Mrs Stiver and Mr arid Mrs Thos Waits spent Sunday at home of Jos Watts Aurora Mrs J W Woodcock is visiting in Mr Guy of the Sovereign Hank spent Sunday at his home here Mr I Ramsdjn has been an pointed commissioner for taking af fidavits made to the hall when the of the day was gone through- Mr and Mrs I left last week for a trip through the North West Mrs J Wight is very kindly taking charge of the Union St school until holidays Mrs Dicks spent a few days in Toronto last week Mrs Lewis of Calgary Alber ta is visiting with friends and rela tives in this locality Mrs J J Terry was visiting in the past week Mis Smith of is visiting at be Parsonage Rev H Partridge is in Toronto this week attending Conference We extend our heartiest congratula tions to on passing his third year exams at the Col lege Miss Minnie White of is visiting with Miss Mary Rev Warren of Thornton was in town from Monday until Thursday when left to attend Conference Mr Walter Watson is getting ma terial on the ground for his new house on Maple Ave Mr Charles Young a former resi dent of this vicinity and cousin of I was in town last week A fresh coat of paint adds greatly to the appearance of the Queens Mo tel Among the many sad awl touching incidents through which we have pass ed during the past few months none has been sadder or more touching than the death of Miss the late beloved teacher of No 4 East Scarcely ever has any death called forth such cx of sympathy and sorrow During the eight months of her so journ here she passed to and fro a messenger of brightness and of kindness By her bright intellect and oven brighter disposition by her gen tle loving nature by her lively and active interest in everything pertain ing the true and pure and noble in life she endeared herself to all Now that she is gone we feel that the and gracious- influence of her quiet gentle life abides as benediction that follows after pray er Manager Ross of the New market Branch of the Ontario Bank a The financial returns fc5 MOUNT ALBERT Qtyy P Morgan Newmarket P T Lee Newmarket Toronto Malcolm East Toronto McNichol Toronto Dunn Toronto Junction J Anderson Toronto Junction Right Br chaperoned the party on a pri vate car up from the city A large number came from other places all returning in the even in Prescriptions and family receive personal attention day or LLOYD Che midland Farmers have you teured SEED PEAS If not we on hand have a very lot all kinds of CLOVER SEED CHOICE RED ard MAM MOTH and TIMOTHY rived a car of American FEED CORN price paid for Grain Potatoes etc Also a full line Fresh Groceries for sale SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT Jersey Grades for on hand years old STOKES Mount Albttt Four the their Uvea a fire that in Kll- Mount Albert Class for May t Form I Jessie Guerre Nellie Harrison Form Total wart Mr Johnston was the guest of his brother Warden H John ston of at the annual of that functionary to Niagara Falls on Tuesdar The will of the late Mrs James of Sutton disposes of as follows To her husband to daughter Mrs and daughter Mrs Dues A special Field Meeting under the auspices of the Department of Agri culture takes place next Tuesday af ternoon on the farm of Mr Donald McDonald commencing at oclock All interested in scientific farming are invited l Mr Geo Cuttle was in Toronto on business last week A number of new recruits for the GovernorGeneral Body Guard left here on Monday for Niagara in the care of Mr has leased Mr Hi Berrys shop lor the purpose of opening up a regular carriage- painting business We wish him every success Mr Ben was in Sun- one day last week Mr Fred Peering had the misfor tune to run a spike through his toe on Saturday last Mrs W had the misfor tune to break her arm by falling of a box last week If you sec it in this column it is so Mr and son John were in Toronto on Tuesday Four lives were lost by fire in a New York tenement on Monday Pilot- ran the Tuni- a subagency town on past Quebec harbor at a speed Thursday for the better accommoda- 1 of more than six knots per hour on ion of the banks customers in this May and was- fined in the vicinity Until the bank can erect a Quebec Police Court for this breach suitable building they will do of the in the store Ail Wait r den WJ4 Adeltha Graham Merle Jennings j fraternal feeling existing among Wesley Gertie Moore members of order Thirtyone members of Grand Lodge Free Masons and Past Masters Into the premises of the undcrsign- passed through on lot Con one Saturday noon the going spotted red and white goiter rising to to dedicate new lodge 2 old Owner is requested to room for Sharon Lodge No prove properly pay expenses awl toko which has been removed to the her away Jacob Vivian former place Their reception fully exemplified the the Gertrude Walton Walton Couples 430 out of Form I Total Etta Wilson Bertha Clarence Frank Millard Steeper Reginald Vil- Myrtle VanDewater Fred SHARON Rev late of St James Church made a num ber of calls in the Village this week on his way to Toronto to attend the synod Mrs and family ai spending the week among old friends here Mrs A Is visiting this week with daughter in Toronto Mr and Mrs Sidney Stokes and granddaughter visited with Mrs on Thursday Miss of Newmarket a lew days with relatives In the village The ladies had a sumptu ous repast in the basement of the UNDERTAKER SUTTON WEST ONTARIO Central Office of Bell Telephone Co Methodist Church which was much No extra charge appreciated by large gathering of J 18 to Cemetery After June 1st this store will close at 6 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays GEO PHONE 8TOCK with as good as see how it community While engaged putting up wire fencing Mr Jas Crawford of Tiny met with a very painful accident one day last week The dog used for stretching the wire slipped and caught of Mr Crawfords fingers- In it The end o4 the first finger was from the ftrst Joint and the off the iecond doctor is in hoped of saving the fin gers hut It will he tome time before Crawford have the use of his hand The Quality Store IT8 A LONG WALK TO A BETTER That would make a firstrate Motto for this store It truth be varied to read Its no short journey to stocks those For general completeness for all time readiness we cant would be possible to surpass this stores usefulness to this For everything you wear for- all that you eat for almost all that you- use every day In the year we stand prepared to supply you with Wo never ask you to excuse anything on account of its quality we for no favors matter of discrimination Simply this store to duo appreciate It for what it Is and bo well pleased and will you Jumbo Swede Turnip Good Luck Turnip pie Top Turnip Monarch or Elephant Turnip Special in Largo quantities GROCERY Castile Soap per It 3 cans Peas for 25c 3 It Raisins for It Rice for 3 lb Currants for 25c Pattersons Soda Biscuits 23c box cans Corn for Jelly Powder for 25c bars K Soap for 25c Rolls Hams and Breakfast Bacon for sale here Highest Market Price allowed for Prod pee in goods ASK y6ur parcels DELIVERED WIGHT SON The Leading QUEENSUIIylE were something over the re ceipts from the booth alone amount ing to over thirty dollars The flirts were there and the hearts several of our most susceptible young swells were nearly wrecked Their tender feelings were terribly lassie rated by those heartless young dam sels But it was only tit or tat Apparently some forgot their good breeding if they ever had any as some damage was- done to private j property an act not qualified by or dinary circumstances Mr and Mrs Will have been married four years and todaV they are rejoicing over first fruits of their marriage a son who came up on the scene of action several weeks ago Grandma is my au thority for the declaration that it is tile finest baby in all Christendom Just trot him out for Judge Owl to pass judgment on Congratulations to my friends Mr and Mrs Madden Just to hand The news that Mrs Will Cameron nee Nancy has a fine son too What will Grand ma Hadden do now Wheres the finest baby now That wedding will come ofi OK in our burg if the public will exercise patience and let them set their own date Then- are various speculations as to the cause for the sudden boom and inflation of our market Some say its due to the keen rivalry of our three stores The Owl says the re cause is due to Mr keen competition in buying If an article is good Fennel snaps it up without much Last week he paid out cash to the amount of nearly four hundred dollars Guests arrived at Charles on Saturday even They were his sister Mrs Alex Crittenden Edgar Co her daughter Mrs Shanty Hay and several lit tle folks expert shots and quite a few not experts visited Sutton on iy and had a real time They got salted however our best shots are away Sutton aggregation is therefore quite heroic Im often given So and So was drunk for news Im sorry for any poor fellow who is so unf as to be a victim to the drink curse and take no pleasure in exposing them Sometimes maybe it would hurt if I hit too close home Resides Ive often observed that some otherwise goodhearted men arc their own worst Jo for those who sanc tion the traffic is the way to stamp it out Mr Andy Stevenson Gum Swamp has been seriously ill with inflamma tion A change for the better is re ported John Miller has built a stone stable for Mrs She is pleased with its good appearance The record rainfall of the season visited our burg Sunday noon A pleasant clearup made a favorable time for Childrens Day services Im afraid theres hardly enough discrim ination exercised in the selection of entertaining recitations for such oc casions Some verge on the and call forth loud applause and encores Thats an error think Death Is no respecter of persons Many wellknown North Yorkers have of late joined the silent dead Our friend is among the latest The next century will find us all gone One of Newmarkets honor boys We arc delighted to learn of the pre ferment of our old schoolmate J of Strath- Collegiate Institute who has been appointed senior Inspector of High Schools Mr Wcthcralrwas one of the most indefatigable and de termined students ever met His success is a tribute to his worth Playing the Spy There some remarkably curious individuals about these diggings- They are anxious to their hill into the privacy of family affairs They have been seen after dark peering Into the windows of private houses etc owning recently a young chap was acting as escort for a in her early teens Some lads prompted by Jealousy perhaps was observed stealing along in the twilight dodging from to panel the fence keenly anxious to know what was in the wind Their report meant a shakeup for mamma it she doesnt beware I think our farmers arc icaimng strongly the Importance of stock There seems to be a general Improvement- in horseflesh Some stock horses on route this season boys have some of which theyre not afraid SANDERSON CO I I I I A MS The Beat Made An Extensive Stock Brushes Ml at Reasonable Rate buying elsewhere Finest lines ever brought to Queensville Wall Papers from per roll up Paints SherwinWilliams the kind that wears Full stock Now is the time to put It on Groceries Fresh and at the Lowest Prices ROOT Royal Giant Sugar Beet Giant Yellow Globe Mangel Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangel Mammoth Red Mangel Setts Giant PrizeTaker A full stock Vegetable and Flower Seeds from the largest and most reliable house in Canada- THE STEELE SEED CO We have cheap Garden Seeds TOO Mays Seeds for They are American grown J RlcFARLAWD Queensville We Went All Over The Peoples Shoe Store MOUNT ALBERT Our Spring stock of Ladles to get this furniture wanted something difTerentsomethtng to clusiveand we got it If you want something unlike any thing else in town come here where choosing Is easy and see our stock when buying next pair of Shoes We have a gooQ assortment to select from Heavy Working Shoes built to wear Boys and Girls School Shoes very best Rips sewed free of charge The store was never before more on Shoes bought at tho Peoples full of all that is right in Shoo Store Shoo ture and it we know anything and Ordered Work a specialty about buying moneys worth Is Lehman Prop Opposite the Sovereign Bank here ALLAN a 3 A shipment just in direct from tho manufacturer Its quantity we buy of these that gives us the price Roller Blinds Extra Fine Quality Full Size Reg each for Roller Blinds trimmed with Lace Reg for Roller Blinds with Lace and Inser tion Reg each Come Quick for these Goods it You Want Them Curtain Poles for Lace Curtains to pair Car is disappearing fast over bushels now sold If you want any dont wait till theyre gone Paying for and for- Butter Johnstons Cash Suttori