Newmarket Era, 13 Jul 1906, p. 4

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The Indemnity Question Red Rash Eczema la fact any effect of Jast years akin disease disfigures the com- because the bowels are constipated or because the kidneys do not rid the system of waste or because the skin itself According to the report of the Sec retary of State tor Canada tor the year ending 31st Dec toe total num ber of persons naturalised in the Dominion during the 12 months Was over This shows that a demonstrating the tided per cent age of the people and to Canada from other countries have decided to male this THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY Big last -v- While the indemnity question was j being discussed last the Commons presented showing large appreciation mem- I place upon their J services Although possibly the calculations he presented ExCabinet Ministers have do rights in the pensions voted feH Scottish on u saiw a onboard SOUnd The largest shipment UK- cover Saturdays arid unhealthy Ointments salves and soaps are days yet making additional allow- Because the trouble is tor these the indemnity filched cost from the public treasury without mandate from the useless with the blood Owing to defective action or bowels kidneys or the blood becomes laden with impurities It these deposited by the blood that mike pimples and painful akin diseases It Is because the trouble is the bowels or that cuxe thte diseases Mr j last week quashing a local option by- flaw that adopted by the Owen Sound voters by a majority a oil Renfrew and purchased and throwing the Town to of the case Much disappoint went is felt at this decision and this the discomfiture of their party warranted and unjustifiable A small addition to the allowance would greatly aggravated well as personal an I notcI by legislative changes in the law abuse of terms lS Blend and- like him pretty since the vote was taken have- been tolerated without much A statement has been made that over the incident questioning but when their extreme laW in the Camp served under assumed names in instance it savs and avarice over 1 kt sure to make a good breeding horse Of the three dozen fillies five were got by Glasgow premium horse Clan 10527 the sire ally contest For A champion horse of last The Toronto Star is having some fun of k 1 1 we I selfishness and avarice placed over t allow- accent on per diem upon their average men serving two and three years first part vice to this suffering country they We cannot vouch for the truth of the put a premium upon indemnity the Department of Mi- should not allow such a report that worth nor common sense justified A score of numbers committed lot it be exposed may be worth the allowance tak- j be a bad bargain at more than a I quarter the price But here are the act directly on the eliminating organs- correct their irregularities them ml thiiscleartheskin the complexion clear and soft- If you have any any fault with constipation liver trouble J biliousness headaches indigestion calculations made by Mr rheumatism cure yourself with Fruit- They- are made of fruit juice and tonics and never fail to cure a box or boxes for J Sent on receipt of price if your druggist does not die them en other ninety per cent would In the Commons last week Hon LIMITED Ottawa and we leave the electors to draw their own conclusions The session lasted for 1W1 days the House actually sitting on days during that period making an aver age per diem of about for the ac tual time the House was in session j The amounts actually drawn the number of days absent and present respectively and the average per day members the Sidney Fisher took occasion to deny the story of the Opposition Press and more especially of Lake of that the bad been awarded as alleged with a job as census enumerator in Saskatchewan The Hon Minister declared it was simply another ex ample of reckless assertion without any foundation of attendance I House was l follows of as If there is a carriage to be bought 11 White talk it over lL Forget With US I Bristol Name Gordon Clarke Hon Hon Buying a carriage Is pretty im portant business with most men and you cant he too careful about the carriage you decide on Thats why we want you to talk Seagram Carrier 103 SI IS 706 J2737 J While the Government is passing around cheques why cant the County of York participate in the distribution Certainly the leading roads in North York need attention badly enough The County Treasur er of Went lh received a cheque last week for from the Provincial Treasurer- being onethird of the amount spent on good roads by that County last year A states that the Government cruiser Arctic has sailed for Hudson Hay The Arc- He Will visit Churchill and on Hudson Bay and proceed thence through Hudson and Davis Straits to where she will touch at some people put the the last and some on the of his name Again it says One of the incidental disad vantages is thai Premier in making Mr sheriff makes at least six other gentlemen good and sore Up in this Riding however the disappointed gentlemen dont put blame on but arc hand ing out bouquets to Mr T H Len nox although it is said he only act ed in accordance with the recommen dations and decision of the party patronage en- the com mittee has got Mr deep water the party ought to make a change the same the Government did with North Yorks License Commissioners and Inspector Let the tail go with the hide a 10 in the ooe CLAIMS CARRY THE MOST CONVICTION When Maxim famous gun in ventor placed his gun before a com mit tee of judges he stated its carry ing power to be much Mow what he sure the gun would accomplish OS 1 Senates Record The record for the Senate Mr said was three times as over your wants with us and line session lasted kiS you dont have to buy J f 1 r fee itbut fed like it when you see aVerase CARRIAGES lay- The amounts paid to souk BLIZZARD Newmarket Senators were as follows Portland Cement RAVEN LAKE BRAND I T -OF- Me PEAR Park Avenue NEWMARKET Town Carting All orders for moving and general Carting left at the residence of Mrs Hunter rear of Public will receive prompt attention J- A 55518 2380 2332 2321 23 if 2281 i8fl 2252 10236 18 2JS8 It 11 2IC1 Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our8peoialtle8 Name Kirehofler Church Church I Forget j Vox The man could without any qualms of conscience take any wheres from to 250 a for serving in parliament ought to his walking ticket while figures as indernnitv paid to Sen ators furnish additional evidence for wiping out this expensive and department of government machinery at Ottawa The Senate is composed of irresponsible appointees clothed with power to thwart or obstruct the will of the peoples representatives and this is called responsible gov ernment according to Mr calculation wine of Senators were present from eight twentytwo during last and had tlKt conscience to take from to 2C0 a day for each days teirdance Such a statement of facts is a comedy on public morals Ponds Inlet the headquarters of a whaling industry tbat is carried on by Scotch and American firms instructions are to collect Customs duties to sec that fishery men frequenting these waters arc pro with the necessary licenses and generally to assert Canadian authori ty- The Mail and has got the again It could the Tory scandals of the Come along John another and the con tracts the Nest of Traitors and Remedial Legislation and the methods resorted to in order to the country tor eighteen years of Tory rule hut nothing short of an armv of muckrakes in its opinion will able remove pres ent dishonesty at Ottawa The Mail- is getting terribly bungry for office and a change in the political atmos phere of the country forms the sub ject of its daily prayer felt result of the trial was therefore a great surprise instead of disap pointment ft is the same with the manufacturers of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy They do not publicly of all that their remedy will accomplish hut prefer to let the users make thj statements What they do claim is that it will positively cure diarrhoea pains in the stomach and bowels and has never been known to fail For sale by J Y and all druggists Boston July Ferdinand J Dor- formerly of Indiana and one of the promoters of Plantation Company was today sentenced to serve twelve years in State prison for larceny and conspiracy Louis fell from the new Quebec bridge feet ami was killed Knox Church at was by lightning and the steeple damaged horse champion mare of now Tire Methodist Magazine for July begins its sixtyfourth volume with one of the best numbers ever issued Its illuminated cover shows an Indian in a red Hudsons Hay watching the invasion of the railway the white mans trail It con tains five articles describing Canada its resources and its outlook from Sable Island to far Vancouver illus trated with sixtyeight engravings The Switzerland of Canada The New West Karly Days of Canada stirring Canadian poems give a thoroughly patriotic character Cur rent topics arc illustrated with a number of vigorous cartoons Bathroom Outfit at THE TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SON EDIT0HIA A fc The Mercury is becoming and says Time passes swiftly when the country is proKpcr- It is just one since the Conservative party decayed at Ottawa A 1 A has been legislating to lessen the evil of usury but this regard ft Is still a question as to whether its provisions will the purposes Hon A worth during the course of his j nervations on the bill I have doubt that in whatever way We fcball endeavor to legislate against evil we in practice crafty men endeavoring to j find mean for visions of and prxily only too well succeeding But the subject Is one In regard to which some effort be made The member for York takes credit for having press Companies placed under the control of Rail way Commission io give Mr Mac lean his due it is qui to possible his observations may have had some thing to do in cheeking the opposi tion of the companies to that propos al but what led Parliament to take positive action was an opinion from the Department of Justice of which North Yorks representative Is the head that it had the right and lo plate Companies under the Railway Commissions control It Is a source of satisfaction to have a man like Hon A at the head of the legal department at Ottawa SAVED HIS COMRADES LIFE While returning from the Grand Army Encampment at Washington City a comrade from Elgin HI was taken with cholera morbus and was in a critical condition says Mr J of Iowa I gave him Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and believe saved his life I have been engaged for tun years in immigration work and con ducted many parties to the south and west I always carry this remedy and have used it successfully on many occasions Sold by J and all druggists Is reported that a company of Antwerp capitalists have purchase acres of land along the Can adian Northern and Grand Trunk Pa cific lines east of Saskatoon from the Western Canada Settlers Mutual Land Company Beardmore Co of Acton have twentytwo bricklayers working on a building feet by feet that will cost about year Royal Chattan one of them being by that celebrated horse himself Three were got by the West Lothian premium horse Linesman and an equal number by that wellbred sire Royal a successful breeding horse closely re lated to Barons Pride and the leading sires Three are also got by Sir Hugo one of the best breeding horses of the present day and got by the great Sir sire of Barons Pride and all the best horses of our time Two ate by the wellknown Kintyre sire Sir Ronald and an equal number by Gay which bred excellent selling stock in the Kintyre district Besides there were fillies by Ba den Powell site of Memento the Glasgow premium of this season anil first last week at the Glasgow show The Summit also like the last named sire a son of Sir Everard and a Glasgow prem ium horse in his time the ami A big champion horse Prince Thomas sold by public auction for 900 Mr Parks famous breeding sire of tho in Can ada the first Cawdor Cup winner Prince Alexander whiel sold lor when a yearling and was champion of and A Show the same year the and A first prize horses Royal and Mr Taylors noted premium horses Sir Edward and Sir Randolph both excellent horses ami breeding useful stock as well as other sires of established rep utation This is Mr first shipment from tjtis country but he has been so well suited with fillies and mares lor the Canadian market that there can he no doubt that it- will not ho his last For Era A on an Antediluvian BY A BANKER Perhaps the most interesting of all the exhibits in the British Museum is the preserved body of a man recently discovered in Egypt entombed in an airtight stone sarcophagus which was briefly referred t in a previous article of this series The flint im plements by his side indicate that he lived long anterior to the period of of be There cannot be different degrees purity more than there can different degrees of honesty If a man be honest that is all he can be There is no superlative One flour cannot be purer than another It can only be more nearly pure In these times when all flour man ufacturers are claiming purity you should remember these two things Actual purity in flour can only be secured by the use of electricity Household Flour is- the only flour made and sold in Canada that is purified by electricity You can get Ogilvies Royal Household Flour from your grocer Flour Mills Co unite MONTREAL Ogilvic Rook for a Cook contains pages of excellent recipes some never before published Your grocer you how to get it FREE dead to life again Then will those sightless eyes once more behold the light of day and those quiescent limbs once more throb with life- And if he were one of those few in those days wickedness served his God and obeyed Mis laws then will he in virtue of the retrospective ben efit of the Redeemers atonement with that same though ethere- alicd and seraphic once more tenanted by his undying spirit be The Alan Who Dared Sir Stratford Canning one time British ambassador to Turkey was a man of groat distinction but of a civilization in and it is there- peculiarly haughty spirit and fierce fore assumed that he is one of the temper which no man even when he antediluvian inhabitants of the earth was thrice armed with a though notwithstanding el provoke Few natives thousands upon thousands of years ventured to stand up to Hit Notice to Creditors All parties having claims against estate of Martin Shanks late of the township of Whitchurch in County of York gentleman deceased who died on or about the 2nd day of May are hereby notified to file the same with Esq Newmarket Solicitor for the Execu tors of the deceased on or before the 1st day of August 190G as immedi ately thereafter the executors will distribute the estate moneys amongst those entitled having regard only to those claims then filed AH parties owing the said estate will kindly pay their liabilities to said ficld within said time Newmarket Solicitor for Executors A Guaranteed Cure for Blind Bleeding Plies Druggists are authorized to money if OINTMENT- fails to cure in to days in the World makes these observations Dr warden of Central Prison disparages ticketoMeavx system and says lie would welcome any steps which would render the existence of prison unne cessary The warden should know he if experience and for anything and the pull calls for immediate investigation and elimination The best possible factor for reducing crimo Is the lash not so much as a means of actual punishment but as an effec tual deterrent This I advocated be fore and Judge Winchester has since announced his Intention of having it applied more freely In future ami if his example is generally followed and corporal punishment more frcouently applied there be candidates for wardens mansion Denominational Census which have rolled by since he was a sentiment living creature yet he still remains In a most extraordinary state- of preservation His hair is a bright red and parts of his skin still of a fair ruddy hue altogether different from the type of Egyptians of the times of the Pharaohs on wards to the present day Although apparently in the prime of life it is possible that he was several liumlredf years old for those days of longev ity we must assume that the sere and yellow leaf of age was not put on until after many hundreds of years of life Ami as we gaze spell hound at this recumbent figure the thought flashes through the mind that we are perhaps in the presence of one who has converse with and has heard him recount the thrilling events which happened when the world was so young Or perhaps those sight- ford but occasionally he met his match once in Ahmed The incident is recorded in the auto biography of Sir A Henry I a yard Ahmed was dining at the embassy one even in when conversation turned on- the Imprisonment by the Turkish police at of some British sub ject rascally Ionian or Maltese who had been seized in the act of commit ting some crime that deserved punishment Ahmed attempted to justify the con duct of the Turkish authorities Sir Stratford maintained that they had violated the capitulations by appre hending a British subject without go ing through the required formalities which It may bo observed usually en abled the criminal to effect bis escape The dispute waxed warm ami the expression on the countenance of ambassador announced an approaching In view of the present agitation for tin union of all the leading Protest ant denominations Canada the fol lowing statistics showing the roll- preferences of Canadians at the time of taking the last census will be of interest I Baptists storm Suddenly striking the tahte less orbs had witnessed the construe- with his fist he exclaimed Awl sup- of that mighty vessel which w posing went down myself to to preserve life the earth and with a kavass to effect tho release ot though he could not be one of those the prisoner what would your who perished in the devastating cat- venture to do which ensued when that ark Why replied Ahmed with was completed yet it is possible that calm they would may he one of those scoffers who P kavass in the derided the old patriarch and Prison to Join hint and they would ridiculed the huge craft which he doing only tholr duty constructing Or who could with positive cerr that this red haired ruddy man was not in the line Noah and 1 fore a very ancestor of our own hu It would be far 0K1 to PrcsHtcriahH race himself The name Adam Send the Era to friends 282i Catholics Lutherans As OLD a dressing for old sores there Is nothing so good as Chamber lains While it is not advis able to heal sores entirely they should be in a good condition for which this is especially val uable For Chamberlains Halve For sale by J It Heifer Canto upon Lot 2 of North the first week in May a red Yearling Heifer flt s to prove property But though these vague and take animal may he profitless and vain yet FRIEND MORTON means ruddy stand there behold this without heing thrilled- thru and thru with a strange enotion perhaps that will remain still unaltered the Arch- anKels trumpet summon by angplS Into the lory the angels tUr p ftuUgst Keswick PO all druggists j Bay fiaalliht WUw J iit I quest Now Is The Time I To buy an Incubator Chicks in July and August grow like weeds and make good birds for CHRISTMAS Buy a Chatham the reliable ton er acquainted with the ma chine and everything Including experience on hand ready for early work in SPRING Sold on Next Years ft cent to pay until Oct 1st prepaid Delivery Machine set up and correctly started FREE OF CHARGE A postal will fetch the Agent along RIGHT AWAY Address JOHN Agent Sharon Notice to Creditors In the matter of tho Estate of Pi- anna late of Villago of Sutton in the- County of York married woman deceased Notice Is hereby given pursuant to Chapter section and amending acts that all persona having claims agalnot the estate of the Diana deceased who died on or about the Third day June are required lo send by post prepaid or deliver to Stephen Bejfaaven PO Executor will of the said Diana on or before day of July their claims addressee and and a full state ment of particulars claims and nature of the security 1 an held by them duly and after said date said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of deceased among the persons entitled thereto having repaid only to the claims of which he then have notice A Sutton West for Executor ton this June Dated at Day A

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