New Walk A Dumber gathered on a bee at the getting ready to put down granolithic walk Complimentary Supper- The Lacrosse Club entertained players who- took part in the Brad- month All the members present The following bills and accounts were ordered to be paId fordNewmarket Match on Wednesday St Robert Bryan gravel and reps to- road SO P J man and team vith grader 112 Watson road a splendid spread Dr Clark Decoration Day Cemetery bare decided copied the chair and numerous July as drosses were interspersed with songs I Day for Newmarket Cemetery The by Mr John Weir The boys had a I Secretary- has been Instructed to cor- jolty good time and everybody is respond with the Mayor Resdent hopeful that the will play Clergy and various organizations of in finals for the championship Town to ask assistance in making service afternoon at Simpsons Restaurant Jftmee Aiken concrete on Wednesday evening About fifty vert per contract 00 were present and Mr Simpson put up James Aiken extras on above a success also to arrange with the Band and others for vocal and instrumental music SUGAR During the last lew weeks rK better sugars have twice raised In BradfordNewmarket best Jacrosse game ever played on Newmarket grounds took place on The new caretaker appears to bo Wednesday afternoon before a large getting on nicely and the Cemetery crowd of spectators among whom were Sir William acting lt- of Ontario and from contract James Thomas gravel and A Railway freight on lumber Ira Shaw teaming lumber for road Frank Jackson road work Mitchell and Bell con lot Alfred Gordon cedar for road way Andy McClure road work llenry Ireland reps to el pit That the lowing persons be paid the opposite their respective for the erection of wire fence on the highway 400 A P Shanks 128 e CHOICE price Would it not be a good produce idea to purchase now Your market last Saturday Summer wants Wo keep only follows finest quality put up in Butter to road Joseph road work work Gooseberries quart Spring Chickens Old liens lb live weight I plants hundred Tomato plants box lb bags Get our price TEA We have a very fine CEYLON Pigeons 15c TX at fully equal to most sold at 35c OLIVES and 20c boy Onions bunch is a we make a spe- Lettuce 5c bunch cial effort to do just right They are very tasty and ap petizing Put up In bottles from each COCOA We have a fine quality In bulk at lb It is very Jelly Powders All flavors Several makes One line for An- Civic Holiday Excursion Wednesday Aug ibis is the date Newmarket Civic Holiday On that day the Newmarket Fire Brigade will run a cheap excursion to where a day of splendid sport will take place Eighty companies will contest for prizes so a Firemens Tournament and Mili tary Band will compete in a Band contest A special train will Thorn- hill at calling at all stations to j Aurora and Bradford Feeling Aat something specially stirring was go- to occur the Town Band headed scrapers a procession to the grounds The Co crowd was most enthusiastic sup- Hauling Tile porters of both teams being confident rep to success to the extent of or more With the followers of the game Sons edge Tor The came opened at a furious pace planer both trying to get in a goal as a l Hill reps to culvert but the defence on each side was play- Robert White gravel a sure safe game and despite ev- NMson sim tongue for cry effort neither side scored In first quarter P three minutes in the road second quarter was left en- covered right in the front of the nets T Wlbon team on grader first goal was or Cooper team on Bradford exerted every I and tieil the score in minutes J W Monkman road work in almost exactly the same manner Dan drawing lumber But by this time the Talagoos home felt suro of the and began OBrien and Willis grant on that put in another in four OBriens Hill minutes Score at half time 10 for Newmarket J cedar In the first of the second half the gravel locals succeeded in findirg the flags in road work minutes which example Bradford gravel and 75 as o good quality 3 for Craig vale Newmarket time is oclock and the return is only House Cleaning Goods Klenzlne Star Ammonia Hot and cold water provided free Handy Ammonia Gold Dust the who wish to and Soaps very take their lunch baskets Splendid boating and bathing at Orillia Train followed in five minutes more Both teams were doing their hardest and only Newmarkets excellent defence saved the day In the last Bradford saw tne game going and put forth last and best effort but fate and the were 7 quality and price One Job Park at pm arriv- against line Soap at bare for 2oc Quality the- Beat China Department Just opening some fine China Tea Sets pieces at a very closa price will be opened In a day or so Dinner Sets Toilet Sets o Win William concrete tile Bradford Edward Sullivan digging stomps Bernard reps to cul- 1 gravel J D operating grader cur them so hey could do no home about oclock thing In ten minutes the home This will be most delightful ex- team scored and did the trick again crooks gravel sion of the season considering the minutes more Thos Ellison low price the attractions Referee had his hands full Alfred Thompson roadwopk but he kept the game fairly clean by Daniel road and bridge rictlv penalising all illegal play and reps Crops Were Destroyed attempts to rag one John K work The storms of Saturday Sunday J of the locals head and re- ravlK and Monday have done a gnai of I laliated after considerable to crops in York County On It ion by swiping an opponent across Sunday a hailstorm passed over Hast the back Some of the Bradford at cutting a players did some swath about a mile wide All crops the whole accidents and not intention Come and our atock touny destroyed and trees were largest at the clos est cash prices road work J OBrien reps to cnl- John road work Albert Ballard road work- Robert Kelly road work Newmarket The Leading Reliable Sweep stripped of their leaves On every woodland the ground was literally carpeted with leaves cut hum the trees Such a storm ami such has never before been in Bradford North York OrilHa Lightning burned barns of Thos Aurora Ferguson in Concession i and Alex Honey of Concession East This is the second time Mr barn on the farm has been destroyed by lightning The heavy rain Monday did great damage in South York standing crops Grain was laid down and wa tercourses cut gullies in lipids were cause of fouls The standing in this district after road work the above game was as follows John J Edwards road work- Won Lost To Play Perry damage to fence 3 5 on 2 5 Aurora was to play in Thursday The go to on Wednesday July The Juniors have a game here with Bradford Juniors on Saturday and field i Nidi McDonald road work Baker road work Robert road work- John J bridge and John gravel Stewart team on grader John gravel Fuller gravel the lowing sheep claims be paid being value of same Wesley Dove Wm Thompson 4Q00John J Edward 1000 James Coulter NormanBurns That Thomas Connor be paid the sum of for road allowance across lot con a continuati of roadway known as the Gamble road he to Deed and pay all 7Icosts of conveyancing Burns That Mr I granted the sum of Tor graveling road near and to Mr for Con Burns Dacon that the sum of be granted to Webb to gravel a portion of sideline lots and Con Burns Herbert Leonard be granted the privilege of removing his fence to enclose gravel pit lot Con Norman- That Mr man and Mr Deacon be and are hereby authorized to have a steel superstructure erected over the in opposite Grahams office Norman Burns That when this Council adjourns this day It stands adjourned until Saturday July 1 then to meet at Hotel at oclock am to deal with a bylaw proposing to close certain Streets of and other business The next regular meeting of the Council will be held at Phillips King City July 28th 19015 Ironclads Join Mutiny 13 Sevastopol July It is reported that the ironclads Ianteleimon and Three Saints have joined the garrison of the Batum Fortress has been in mutiny that the Three Saints hoisted the red flag and that the tincers are forcibly detaining two j ironclads which had refused to join them 100 10 Kivo were killed twenty in a collision on the International 10 Buflalo July One of the worst electrical storms of the season passed over this section last night during which ten cows belonging to Sage ol Corners were killed by lightning in the pasture field The animals had taken shelter under a tree and they were all instantly 8 killed Turner of the same disi also had a horse killed Preserving season at hand We are agents for pre pared Sugar for canning fruit without cooking an ideal fruit pre server lb box preserves lb package To Introduce it Package A large quantity Fruit Jars and Rubber Rings Cider Vinegar 7 years old rich strong full flavour Gallon Pure English Vinegar Gallon White Wine Gallon you are using our teas you are the best values procurable Black or Mixed at strong favorites ling Quality Our Provisions Counter can equip your table with a hurry up meal of the daintiest quality ready to serve A Soap Special Phone 3 BEST SOAP The best 5 cent bar manufactured 1000 Bars for WISH BARN COVEREO WITH ROOFING- on is the very cheapest and best you can put a bam tool shed or chicken house TIN rusts cracks leaks and is unsatisfactory SHIN wont last more than six years Then more expense WIRE costs less shingles and with very little attention will last lifetime It has a successful record in Canada for twenty Hardware dealers everywhere have it If yours does not write for tree sample and lOoklet UFO CO TORONTO and WATSON Agent Newmarket The Reliable Store Our Aim la Fair Dealing GOODS UPTODATE AT RIGHT PRICES I below all others tut Lace Curtains from 25c to 13 to Dutch Set for for fthermftnWillUnn Oils and Dry the Beat DISHES FREE I Sand and gravel or by tta41 to pur- for Hi Entrance Results The following are the results of held at the centres indicated below Girls Archibald dia Brown Annie Collins Lulu Cane Bernice Cull Maggie Doane Dorcas Bella Gladys Dorothy A V Hon McCariy Laurel Morton Kerne Gladys lion Owen Con stance Hon Nellie Amy Florence Shaw Ethel Skinner West Maggie Hon Wes ley ice Hon Boys Frank HonT Brown Caldwell Hon Brown Frank Barry Frank Hon Cross- ley Cody Allen Daly Harry Basil Arthur Hon nan George Marsh Matthew Stephenson Sheridan Milton Tench Charles Collin Sutton Dorothy Ernes Ernes Fannie Greenwood Hon Hamilton Roland Hon- Doug las Howard Annie King Hon Mann Hon 1 Ross OBrien Thornton Hon Cecil John C Blatwhe Reed Hon Agnes David Sweet Winch Honors Mount Alta Hon Myrtle Rear Hon Florence Traviss Hon Vera Walton Herman Bar rett Floyd Leslie I Shields John Smart Peter Sadie Burrows Johnston Hon Lewis Dan Moore Rose Mamie AGENTS FOR WESTONS CHILDRENS SHOES and CENTURY CLOTHING Bargains in Ladies Wear CENTS or Colored TV KiMONAS FOR Made of White Lawn Muslin Fancy Trimmed with self or colored muslin Late or Braid The prices were Toe lJft Now all at one price fi5c PRINT WRAPPERS FOR Navy White Black White White New Goods well made re gular price This week NORTH YORK LEADING STOR AGENTS FOR PRIESTLEYS ENGLISH DRESS GOODS Colemans Meats PRINT BLOUSES FOR Black White Check Navy White and Grey White Regular price and for LADIES FINE COTTON DRAWERS FOR CENTS Wide Frill Embroidery Trimmed with Beaded Insertion aod Rib bon or Lace Trimmed or Lace and In sertion Regular price GO and cents This week With Electric power from Niagara will bo delivered Wie Toronto 1100 BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS CENTS regular for cents CHILDRENS Mother Hulbard Embroidery and Trimmed cents CHILDRENS LINEN DRESSES Fawn Colored Linen Lace A Braid Trimmed 3sUee each A Century suit is better lliajt pretty good Is like the pic- lures what you see worn by men whom everybody recognizes as good dressers Many of them are wear ing Century Suits Host cloths best trimmings and fit Prices from to O A Great Big WASH GOODS Dress Ginghams for Half Price GOO yards only Check Dress Ging hams Patterns or Coloring to Choose from In Pink ami White Navy Whitj Blue White and Black AH new clean goods this sea son Regular cents yard- clear this week at yard To THE BEE Awuy we down town to the Bee what things we Everyone knows of the Bee how sweet is nothing hero with it can lis always the same wheneer you arrive The people continually crowd into this hive The goods are always up to the mark Country folks know where to go on the start quality so great and prices so low- When in Newmarket to The Boo well all go JOJ NOTE JOJ will please apply for the awarded Mr R Storks was trie author of last weeks venes BOYS PRINT BLOUSES EACH and Homespun side Skirts MARTIN A CO I 9 OUR MOTTO- The Right Goods at the Right Time at the Right Place AllWool Carpets for yds only 2ply all wool Ingrain Carpet full yard wide a nice range of patterns to clear this week per yard CURTAIN POLKS FOR only Curtain PoKs in Mahogany and Walnut with wood trimmings to match LACE CURTAINS FOR pairs only White Nottingham Lace 3J yards long wide pattern regular price width new for way Corner October mum