Newmarket Era, 24 Aug 1906, p. 3

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OTA OS Shipment jr the past two days the Davis Company received skins from he Old Country Moscow 2600 from Germany and from Denmark Rerdy for Opening Mr Low is taking charge of the painting oiling floors and general repairs at the High School so as to have everything in when school opens on the of Sep tember Toronto Exhibition In addition to the special rates ad vertised a special train will leave toe Union Station Toronto at pm on Sept a and and all points Leave North Parnate at Special Exhibition Rates The Metropolitan and Aurora Railways will return tickets to Toronto only from all points at the former single fare These tickets good going from August to September inclusive and good to return until September Rates from the main points are as follows Newmarket Aurora Bond Lake Richmond Hill 30c Chaplain will deliver a Masonic sermon in the Presbyterian Church at J Queen on Sunday Sept Jnd at pm Officers brethren of Tuscan No are invited to be present No Place for Revolvers The cashier of the Sovereign Bank at wanted to sec the match at Bradford on Thurs day of last week and as he had in his possession Ire took a revolver along for protection Somehow a Bradford Constable heard that he was armed and too- possession of the shooter as banker was to show his permit to carry such a weapon lie bad to take another trip to Bradford the next day to recover his property S- Exhibitions The Disk Harrows and Steel Rollers have Wen so well ad vertised throughout Canadian papers J i in the last few years that visitors to Profoundly sunk the remotest chambers the deep in those vast abysmal wilds miles beneath heav ing surface of the great ocean were it not for the blazing phosphor escence of the denizens of those dread Cimmerian ravines and fissured gorges ever plunged in livid blackness and darkness dwell if is now surmised mighty cyclopMn monsters survivals of that epoch when those pro- and other am phibians and quadrupeds ravaged the unable halfcooked earth And if we may by analogy assume that these ravening dragons and wild beasts of the sea equal in magnitude and in fer ocity to their extinct contemporaries those rapacious ravagers of the an cient world the latest discovered the Atlantosaurus was a hundred feet in Sept length and stood thirty feet high then must those cavernous recesses of the great deep be indeed an empire of leviathans and savage vora cious marauders From time to time a of those remotest depths of the the sur- Fair Dates Canadian National Alliston October 26 Bee ton October Bolton October Bradford October 16 September September sea has ventured to ascend to Newmarket October face and then dazed by the September brilliance of the solar light has September again plunged down into the darkness Sutton September October October the Brief lets Labor Day Sept 3rd will be next holiday week from Monday Mr A has a fine new wall George a Newmarket man while at the Brad rill lacrosse game our large Exhibitions look forward to seeing them every year as they would to renewing old acquaintances with friends The T Co will have an exhibition in the new imple ment and process of manufacture build at Toronto this year and also in the implement building at the Ottawa Fair King Council at on Satur day Last Tuesday was a scorcher As as IIS in the sun is reported Messrs Osborne Sons put a new bath in the Industrial Home and a new furnace Mr P Pearsons house last week One of Newmarkets Wealthiest But though not more than three or four different species of these mon sters have been recorded by those who have been fortunate enough to have had a momentary glimpse of these creatures yet it is believed that not only sea serpents gigantic ca pable of capturing and devouring a whale and other hideous hairy and behemoths dwell in those dark Wilis hut enormous survivals of thy Jurassic age still exist And what a ghastly spectacle must be enacted when as doubtless fre quently occurs a lullgrown whale at tracted perhaps by the phosphorescent light of countless moving creatures for is known that the dwellers in these realms of darkness are provided by nature with means of efficient is attacked by one of the Unsightly creatures dwelling in those regions Espying its prey Now that the NorthWest is calling loudly for harvest helpers several ap parently ablebodied men in Toronto Aurora and Newmarket who seem to do preeirrja Utile mors than consume might supply part of the demand If they were to get lost on the prairie out there Ontario wouldnt suffer materially A teamster for the Co named Win Debar has resided this city for some years through an advertisement has discovered his claim of being heir to a Lincolnshire manor and toe owner three stately English country houses Debar is now away to the Old Country taking possession of his lordly estate and to consult with his deceased fathers so licitor who advertised for the heirship of the estate What a change from driving a Toronto dray to the lord ship of an English estate T Henderson former secretary the Henderson Roller Bearing Co was arrested on Saturday morning on a charge of stealing received by him for the purchase of stock in tin- company He had just arrived from France when arrested A fine selection of samples from the Cobalt district is being arranged lor industrial Exhibition The General Assembly Sabbath School Committee will meet in are With Another Mans Wife Last Saturday a man named Sweet came here from the vicinity of Stoufl- and swore out a warrant before County Councillor Woodcock for the arrest of a man who had run away with Sweets wife and little boy seven health for some old He had traced them to Newmarket where got on board a train for the North without buying their tickets The man was unmar ried and came to the house while Sweet was working on the farm The put in motion as soon as and Most honored Citizens approaching the lurking monster awaiting its opportunity suddenly emerges from its den and with an in- real at the end of October instead of as is customary in Toronto during September That it might be possible to compel the Toronto Railway Co to charge only five cents as fare on night cars for distances not exceeding three miles was the opinion expressed on Satur day by Controller Jones This is that other gruesome and according to the new Railway Act which lays down rules about lares notwithstanding any agreement Abigail Brown aged was arrest ed a days ago charged with biga my The old storythought the first husband legally dead Two new cars passed up St for the Metropolitan during Friday night They are handsome and have a baggage compartment The British Medical Association has the freedom of the city this week Our Lady of the Snows is having her an nual thaw Both Edmund and Lillian Miller been committed for trial on the charge of murder The Assizes open on Nov Our ar all bought for Spot Gash which a saving of from 10 to per cent Our get the benefit of this Table Linen inches vlde regular Inches wide regular 35c 72 inches wide 35c regular THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER A for 3c Cotton Cashmeres all colors Ho Check Ginghams yd Boots and Shoes This is a great success keep everything you vant in and Shoes and Save you from to 25c on every pair you buy r We are now clearing out our entire stock of Goods damaged by water and smoke in the fire of Tuesday morn ing Aug the warrant was issued hut so far no trace is to hand of the runaways Passes Away James Allan one of Newmarkets rush like a great blazing corn- oldest citizens died last Saturday hurtling through the obscurity at oclock years throws itself upon the unsuspecting He had been gradually felting in cetacean and in a moment has time and his sudden it in the grip those terrible death was really not looked for He tentacles from which notwithstanding was horn in Glasgow Scotland in its massive strength it cannot and came to this country at the loose the evilfavored creature mind you of James Allan belonged to its powerful homy beak then Mr Stewart Draper left for the West rare type of Scotchman He was scooping out great blocks of the still this week of the same kind of material struggling creature until at length I Mr Mortons store caught fire CEDAR CORNERS Mr Hector gave a lecture on Tom last week and was a cracker to be burned at the stake rattier than devour Hut those who with the flinch from what he thought was right Holy Spirit of resist was stern yet kind indeed very kind Morses Dead Last Friday night the United Fac tories lost one of their valuable horses through It was only tender with his loved ones sick about an hour and tore around friends of the inner circle He was a man of much intelligence and general information the possessor of of the same that John leader of the Scot- unequal combat is ended last week hut was soon tiiKier control tish Reformation was made of such And we an told in Holy writ that and not much damage was done as martyrs of old were made of and Adversary Mankind is ever Mr Jessie Councils new house will would have given himself if necessary roaming about seeking whom he may soon he completed SOVEREIGN BANK BUILDING theVtaMe as if it Were mad It was one of the matched team that killed their driver some years ago Mr Frank Wilson ol Sharon also met with a great loss on the death of bis stallion a few days ago valued at Mr Foster of Holland Landing also j lost a good work last week an unusual memory was most shrewd in all matters of business and one of the highest possible honor and integ rity Mr Allan was engaged for many years in the foundry business hut has He living a retired life for a number aid his attacks and flee for refuge to Him died on the cross that we might- ive eternally will be more than through His never refused help and intercession ooq What the Old Man Says found it dead the marsh some days After it had strayed from his farm The Lightnings Pranks A very heavy thunderstorm passed over here on Monday afternoon ac companied by a downpour of rain The of the Christian Church was struck by lightning but the slate to scatter the electric current end it passed off without doing- any damage During the same storm the lightning Mr Frank Kelleys house about mile north of the town tearing off nart of the roof pasting down the north end and shattering it badly One or two windows were broken Mrs Kelley and lb girls were in dining room and were stunned but all soon recovered Fortunately the house was not fired The damage is covered by insurance A ball of fife entered the Era Office the same afternoon on the wires plying for power but no dam age was done Police Court In the of Col Lloyd two men brought before Mr I McKay J on Friday evening One was arrested down town by Coin stable Savage for being drunk on the placed in the cooler for a few hours The other was by Constable at the It depot for awl exposure The latter resisted Savage was called for were fined or days The first man his fine and was advised to get out of town Hie second his all Constable Savage accom- Mm to on llie fl pm car he ttat he was an noted for There are several to come he- fore County Woodcock on Saturday- Mr of King threatening used him Mr Vllliams Is damages for dogs Worrying rfmrpi Curtis wants- redress for the a dog of years In his dav he was promi nent in public matters and took an active part in the municipal business of the town a Presbyterian in In politics a conservative Mr Allans wife predeceased him years ago He leaves three sons and one daughter James hardware merchant Toronto William Collingwcnxl Major J Alfred and Mrs Roland Newmar ket The funeral took place from his late reddence Monday afternoon Aug Give the young and struggling a word of encouragement when you can in You not leave those plants your window boxes water Little Ross was bitten by a last week It was a bite but be is getting on right Who was the young man who upset two girls out oi his i He will he more careful next time Three is one two many I wonder if the Owl knows me HAPPY TOM AURORA George A Pollock has sold his brick residence on street to Jacob of and to re move shortly to Toronto A telegram reached town Saturday J from Dawson City conveying the sad news of the death of Mrs Sarah Hart- man wife of Postmaster I J Hart- man of Dawson City No particulars are available as to the cause Mr and Mrs Hartman and family former ly resided in Aurora Among those for the po sition of station agent for the Metro- Rev J WjBell oi Toronto con- r lo liC that ducting the services The pall bearers were his three tons aid one grandson in Newmarket Cemetery Cobalt Aug A vein mining per ton gold at a depth of feet has been found south ol Montreal River war Gillies Depot the sunlight may fall upon them hut you would leave some human flower to from want of or the of encouragement There arc a few hardy souls that can town are and Albert Alfred 44r44tiri41S4 THAT BEAUTIFY Eye Strain Causes That worn worried look which mar otherwise beautiful fea tures m That can be removed by correct and uptodate The bureau gives Prince population us a gain of struggle along on stony soil shrubs in five years Live Stock Market There is practically no since last week in the prices of cattle ex cept that milch cows are scarce and good ones get an advance of per head In Toronto this week export cattle were scarce and sold from to Butchers choice 1 to medium to good to bulls to cows to to choice to common to feed ers to stock bulls to milk cows to calves to Export ewes arc sold at Si lambs at to lb ami sheep at lie Hogs are down to cars or fet and watered ferod at country points fOOOi I a I PHONE 22 will sell while it lasts a big load ready for stove for 200 or a cord wood and Hardwood Limbs at low prices ILL of dry mixed wood cut for lengths Body Hard- Farmers Headquarters for Steam Coal Order your winters coal before the 1st of September and secure Summer Prices North End Flour and Feed Store W Newmarket Markets Aug While Wheat per hush Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per Goose Wheat per bush bush Hurley per hush Peas per bush Oats per bush I tl ti The old Monument Hotel at Queen ston has been completely destroyed by lire A disastrous fire is raging in the Gillies limits near county These limits consist of mag- pins and have never been cut over The water in the Ottawa river is said to ho lower than it has been for twenty years The continued drouth has been the main cause of this Everybody 00 fib 28- 30 that can wait feu tin dews and sun beams vines that climb kind ly training but only a few Utter a kind word- when you see that it Is deserved CORRECT Mountings Our neat Rimless Eye glasses and Spectacles please the exacting CO and It Was Out He was a stranger cycling through the highly intellectual City of Ox ford You could tell ft from the cautious way he picked his way down the principal street vas evening A gentleman approached the cyclist Sir said he your beacon has ceased its function Sir I say your illuminator Is hrouiled in unmitigated oblivion Really I dont quite The effulgence of your radiator has evanesced My dear fellow The ether oscillations in your been discontinued lust then an unsophisticated little newsboy shout ed across the way Sivy mister lamp Is out TitBits It related of a small boy who came back from Sunday school where he had been deeply moved by story of the making of a wife for Adam out of ribs that he had a painful stomach ache alter dinner Mother said the boy very soberly feeling of his to none was fcttbing loose Mother I believe Im going to have a wife A hailstorm on Saturday destroy ed tlie crops of the Creek dis trict In Saskatchewan Oxbow Aug 10 William A the nineteenyearold son of Charles while standing In a stable door beside a horse was killed on Friday night by lightning The horse was also killed Shorts per ton 18 Hay pc ton per 0 18 Butter roll per lb Potatoes per bag- 1 Toronto Markets Aug White per bush 0 Rod Wheat per hush 0 Spring Wheat per hush Barley per hush Peas per bush 0 72 Rye per bush Oate per bush Oats new per hush Buckwheat per bush Hay per ton per Tub or Crock Butter Dressed per Chickens per lb Potatoes per bag ion Out Aug PI Passengers who reached by the steamer report a very disastrous cyclone in the Rainy River Valley on Wednesday night last Great damage was caused between and the storm passing north and Kino The dam age will run into the thousands dol lars and everyone in the path of the storm more or lcs heavily SAYS Wilson Photos Are the Best J WILSON PHONE PHOTO Pump Business for Sale Nine Roomed Brick House and Shop 18 ft For further particulars apply to Sutton West Go 38- 0 M a TERM OPENS IO ELLIOTT TORONTO ONT Kntcr any time Magnificent cata logue free J ELLIOTT Principal Cor A Alexander Sts Boyds Boarding House At the Popular ORCHARD BEACH SUMMER RESORT For Sale Contains rooms at present all occupied For further particulars V VANNORMAN Orchard Beach Ethel aged fourteen years daughter of Mackie fore man Colhorne dropped on the street on her way to Sunday school only Twite JVork half on Not by for cultivating A for ma on Fall or For OUT Drop a cud for ySSSSgggfrff To Core a Take Laxative Quinine Tablets Seven boat In past This J-

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