Barrister to to loan on good Lee Clark Bank Oj Kins- people Napier leader the New market Band is in one famous Scottish The Scottish of last week- kU l ltie lacrosse iaiciaWn0riHU and Bradford- peep- Quito a number to Bradford today the Chair Keith and iwKprlratt tod Trust Funds to eat Current Rates Loan at a special train to about people The tame was late in starting but showed some decidedly fast lacrosse T0 checking was very close ami the referee bad a number on the fence sl ft ready award Newmarket prize to a victory tor remark which speedily I Ottilia and thus champion- Conveyancer o Billiard Parlor Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat ship of this District goes to on and Court Naming thFarm and Bank Aurora a Co Funds to Loan if INSURANCE Very Sudden Death The people of were startled on Saturday morning by the circulated Mr Allan is dead The suddenness of his decease is what startled the people He was around town as usual the day helorei even down to the depot to meet his grandchildren coming horn from their holiday trip and shortly after thre oclock next morning was a Corpse He apparently expired without any warning- A short time Agent for Fir ai AKaornar Loin interest at Current Rate At the Newmarket There is a J fi J J she turned- ftn I she found him dead iT born in Glasgow and came to Duncan AUCTIONEER i Sirac Street We are to know that the of naming farms is becoming quit- general A natural sequence it is to print thename farm- on too owners stationery and thus farmer and his place become individual the advantage too as every letter sent out from Hickory Walnut Lodge or Maple Hall the case may be acts as an Wit the place Shakespeare says years and has a poet is able to given even to airy fieen nothing local habitation and a to a thriving Town and an import- name and surely an attractive farm business centre He was a to enjoy a distinctive per- machims established a ma- in the minds those who shbp for the visit it or have business with the pro- implements The printed butterwrapper part in has been a large factor in giving the lhe 5 The farm a name with the addition to the firm the fate Mr Hendry they manufactured plows that had a provincial reputa tion Mr Allan toot meeting read and The Mayor In Messrs Smith were present illnutes of Inst confirmed 0 raotiou Mr Foster heard re drain on Cedar St The following were to paid Eves coal Can Westliighouse Co Co freight Stone- United Factories Gardner and Son freight Hamilton Anchor Co Kay Electric Dynamo Co Can Co Canada Foundry Co Atkinson Co former scholar at the Aurora High School and latterly a graduate of the is renewing old acquaint ances x Humor has it that the socalled c Aurora Railway is to form a branch of the James Bay line and will be extended from Bond Lake to a point on the second lino of ham some two miles northeast of iKlgin Mills 7n 000 i Among the plasure seekers in this quarter we note Mr Hunter Oak- villec Mr Will Blackburn Toronto Ross Curtis Brandon Man Miss Georgia Charles Aurora Mr Rimer Lemon New York Mr Stewart Mr and Mrs of and Sir and Mrs Lehman of North Bay are guests at Mr John of Toronto i Cor Street Stop Excessive Drinking The new liquor laws respecting in- a great interest in J Buck Wilson Coal Co freight A Yale duty J ft rough ton Pearson Can Gen Electric Co freight Inspection weights etc Pay Sheet and ttm 0 wins The Misses jfi who have been visiting with Miss Et- 10 Ptti have returned to the city jo Miss Reynolds Aurora was 15 on friends Mr A Matthews of Toronto spent Sabbath with friends the village Mrs Vernon and daughters of market spent Sabbath last at 17 IS JO 0 timer of MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 At the Era Office Newmarket Private lesued at private NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones- cr call JA1XES CASSIDY Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS Opposite Smlth8 Grocery arc so stringent and import- public affairs and was lor many ant as to warrant our publishing previous to the introduction of The husband wife parents child or the Town Water Works system employee of any person given to drink- tain of the Newmarket Fire Brigade to excess may require the j which dm heroic service on many keepers etc not to deliver liquor with the old hand engines inspector to notify all licensed hotel- hut lately lie had retired from active such person The Inspector shall business pursuits and had been living forthwith notify all licensed dealers a quiet life I On also the person who brinks to excess Deceased was for many years an thereafter any dealer or other per- in the Presbyterian Church Bo son supplying liquor to such a person endowed with a liberal allowance drinking to excess is liable to a pen- of perseverance and backbone for ally and to damages if sued for which the Scottish ancestry is noted lo the extent of and not less than he never hesitated to express himself The tavernkeeper after emphatically on all questions whether home Mrs P of Toronto is spend ing a couple of weeks with friends and relatives here Miss Watson has returned from a visit with aunt in Mr will lecture here on August on the closing of the bar l most unfortunate accident happen ed at Dobs hill on Tuesday last to of the Berlin Co of the Bros threshing out- referred to the respective con fits While Mi Curtis was Sheet JO and Cent tables no The accounts of Era for wn ndttecs to be paid if correcli moving Up the hill his new cleaner Mr Morrison application advantaj of the team and on S of Pro- ran backward down the bank urn- was granted completely upside down It greater part of the after motion Council adjourned l j- set it out and clear up the wreck It is needless to expatiate on the damage done as every can SUMMER DIARRHOEA IN lt than words jRBN express They have however old thresher continue the During the hot weather of summer and therefore will not notice respecting such person who- in church or state In politics ho I unnatural looseness the farmers to any great extent drinks to excess shall not permit him was Conservative His aged partner that the use of the blower to linger or loiter about bar- died a lit tie over fire rears ago and ediate attention so as to check the On Tuesday while the McClure out- loom If the person having such hah- there survive sons ami onc it by himself or by any other person daughter James of Toronto Will of J within twelvemonths after J A W Major of s Colic Cholera and s vice of such notice purchase or at- Newmarket and Mrs Marion Rowland Allowed bra dose of of it disease before it becomes serious All fit was threshing at is necessary is a few doses of on the line the pulley that the strawblower hurst and a portion went out over the men on the tempt to purchase liquor or shall be of found lingering about the barroom he shall incur a penalty of not less than or imprison for one month The funeral took place on Monday afternoon quite a number of people attending at his late residence The castor oil to cleanse the system Rev stack 0 Stockland Pastor of the first Church Little Falls Minn writes We have used Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea for several years and find it a very valuable remedy especially for Accident at The second train ol harvesters that left the Union Station Friday other person knowing of such no- three sons his soninlaw Mr who gives sells purchases for Rowland and his grandson Mr or on behalf of the person with of Toronto nall-hoir- to whom the said notice has nterf or for his use such other per- Newmarket cemetery J- and all Druggists Ha and the passengers son shall upon convictIon incur a penalty of not less than and not exceeding J See Here ft lave a lot Work Horeea that mart be Bold before the hired girls month la up- for she Bays she wont attend to them any longer and we want her to leave bo help me of the difficulty by buying the honea A Livery Livery The undersigned now running a Onto Bat to all ratas by telephone tor all parts of the trill receive prompt attention A BOYD Old eats SIMPSONS ICECREAM I Our Cream is the Pure Cream and Sugar It excels in delicious taste quality Come a while you order your and j Mo Walker A wedding was solemnized St Georges Church Clarksburg on the when Miss Car- eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Hill side Clarksburg- of Whit- was united in mar riage to Mr John Walker of Vancou ver BC The wore a beautiful gown of point desprit over taffeta trimmed with lace and carried a bouquet white sweet peas her tulle veil being caught with lilies the valley Miss Dorothy sister of the bride was maid hon or and wore a white silk gown with lace hat carsyiug crimson sweet peas Miss Daisy Keys of Toronto the first bridesmaid wore a gown of French embroidered lawn over green with hat of white and green and carried pink sweet peas Miss Fannie of Toronto the second bridesmaid wore figured Brussels net over mauve to match and carried mauve sweet peas Mr J MacdonaM Fa- of Toronto was groomsman and the were Dr If of Meaford Mr J Toronto brother of bride and Mr Stanley Nicholson of The ceremony was performed by Rev Marsh of Lindsay uncle of the bride assisted by Rev Appleyard rector of parish The church was most artistically decorated tin being banked with ferns golden glow arI sweet peaK As the bridal procession entered the church choir sang The voice that oer Eden and during the signing register Miss of Toronto sang Oh Fair Oh Sweet Oh Holy The bridegrooms gift to the bride was a old and necklet ar1 to the maid of hon or awl bridesmaids each a pearl sun burst and to the groomsman and ushers handsome pearl pins Af ter reception held the home of the brides parents Mr land Mrs Walker left Montreal and New York before going to their home in Vancouver Richard eon of New mar was among the many gucta from EVERY A Should know about try Houte- Polishes sil verware all bright metals awl mount ings like magic without paste or powder The clean quick way Price For Bale by A Smith Trial free PURE VINIXIAKSOur Special Cider Vinegar a rich bright seven year of rare flavor and bexfy cents Gallon Call ami see our sam ples Wine XXX Pure 10c Gallon Pure Pickling Spices Whole or Ground are perfectly reliable the best procurable and just arrived from Canadas Foremost Spice Mills The Specials for I i AH Flavors a Solid Jelly tl Best on the Market j for 2c Imported Pickles Patent Cork loc Bottle Good Catsup lib tin English Breakfast Coffee 15c Bars Best or Eclipse Soap 6 Bars Castile Oatmeal lbs Pure Castile Soap 3 lbs Sweet Biscuits 10c tin Pure Marmalade for Lima Beans lb of Wheat 6 lbs for 20c Mince lb tin 20c Mince Meat lb pails 55c Jam Strawberry lb pails were tossed their seats in a manlier that caused considerable excitement When order was restored it was found that no one was seriously injured but a ood will carrv a scar or bruise for some time The accident occurred while the train was running at least forty miles per hour approaching Four of the coaches jumped the rails and bumped along the road for half a mile Considerable damage was done to the coaches and rails The local railroad officials not say what caused accident unless it was a broken flange on one of the wheels The wrecking crew were sent out- from and after about four hours succeeded In clearing the line Town Almost Wiped Out by Forest Fires Aug For est fires are doing considerable dam age this vicinity and the air Is thick with smoke It is reported that the Village in the County about miles from with another settlement hack of it have wiped almost out of ex- Very meagre particulars arc to hut it is said that about buildings have been destroy l and a largo of persons rendered homeless The damage to crops and timber that vicinity is heavy and fire is spreading Another Is spreading near hut so far as can lie learned it has not reached the settlement damage to lumber is consider able Still another fire in bunting and rapldlv just back of Camp- tlr5 Sugar Loaf Moun- tains The Haines can be seen leap ing up the side Of mountain In two or three places Unless there Is a heavy fall of rain shortly much val uable Umber will lie laid In ashes Hie thermometer registered n in the shade today J Q MARK JACKS FOR HIRE We Have It Again All in White TWO for A Good Line to Buy fr PALL 36 Inches Wide yard AT THE Toronto Jobbing House iia someTHiNG I in Clothing is you pcquire this Hot Weather We have the Goods at Right Pfiees a NEXT DOOR TO L ATKINSON MAIN STREET FOOT SECRET DISEASES HEM Nervous Debility trial you not you once I In morn- frxhnuned In OUR PROVISION COUNTER Sugar Cured Hams to IB torn each lb Holla mUd Hams Corned Keel Jell led Veal on Ice sliced to you A large stock of fruit ii Isnt it queer that the thirds want to know most arc el- Phone 35 pie none of business At Wingham Clayton plunged Into the river to save Frank Mcc who was drowning clnng to wouldbe rescuer and both went A flood causcxl by the- full twen ty Inches of rain Ik devastating the of India It Is fear ed that there has been much loss of life and roads arc badly damaged the man I Ail feel eta you In conctntrAt- you not let a of If you any or all it the yog do not desire lo re main to What ii lo and vigor- out mentally as nature In tended Cure In SO to days Quick cures VARICOCELE la an of the more on the left caused by bicycle dlisIatUn In time it tape a me nt and atrtnith If Reflected IT III contracted The fornxi- rhtumAtlc ajaa fc- a by In the and throaty which have of hit or aoret on the body face or acal falling hair and en ether terrible or cancer and fleth Ve It In SO dlaappar quickly STRICTURE cauea a or compute closure of the urinary canal due to a Improperly treated and the In or by IT IN by abiorptln Ho WE DO NOT TREAT ALL DISEASES BUT CURE ALL TREAT OR MAKE NO CILARGE Id to opinion mm Who her If he Is of our lh either In or by mall If Blank an1 jinkuUra our litre Ryticm Money refunded Vnultfcilcn to Treatment read carefully he may have It for you cannot call write for Queulon loday call Ik ient AVE A11