p Richardson DENTIST at Albert Block on 2nd each month Mary Reynolds Teacher ol Piano l 7i Wilt at MOUNT ALBERT every Tuesday at Mrs Terrys Pupils prepared lor Music examinations THE MARKET record crowd at the market Tu1ay Prices as follows Butter to cents eggs ens to 1 EX CUIUS I ON Although Sunday l was a month later than usual year the crowd here The auction sale of old plank will take place on Saturday evening 1st of September commencing at Mr Percy son of Mr Isaac Res left Wednesday for the West Percy is a fine young man and we wish him much success and Taylor Mr Taylor Iras with drawn his interest i the Taylor Bros firm and he is going to try his luck in the West We wish them alt good I Prinze health and good luck BALDWIN BREEZES- ideal day at Jacksons Point and ev erybody thoroughly enjoyed the out- Baldwin and Miss daughter of Darius formerly of were mailed last week The extreme the bride only thirteen occasioned some difficulty in securing the license hut the mother was raffling so it Was The kids rased two dol lars or bis missus VALVES CHECK VALVES PET COCKS LACE LEATHER BELTING BABBITMETALS ALL KINDS OF PACKINGS Mrs Walter and family Mrs Wii SHARON awl family of Toronto that attended from have been visiting friends here during was if possible greater than at Mr Charlie left on Tuesday Week any former one- All business places for Glover North Dakota- where he MiM Hannah Nesbttt and Miss Mar- were closed and the town presented a will assist his in put- of spent a few days deserted appearance Friday was an tinz upwind mills this week with friends Mr and Wilson ami Mrs water no ram of Toronto spent the weekend Sophia Thompson formerly of this Mrs Wilsons mother The boys Roy and Charlie have returned from the district New where they have spent the summer cutting lumber- Senior and Junior Baseball teams played matches at Sjtton on Friday and both won easy victories A cement sidewalk has been built south Side of Main Street to the end of the Printing Office building Mr Art Manners had charge of the work and made a good job of it School opened Monday morning to toe delight of youngsters Miss Russell is in of the junior department succeeding Miss Walton had her cousin her for a few Mrs A J Mrs Kneehaw of was a welcome visitor among relatives in toe last week Mr met with a heavy deceased loss last week in the death of his Tuesday imported horse Robert relatives have he sincere sympathy members of St James church bereavement held a meeting on Tuesday evening to prop of new pickle place who has visiting her to till fall rains Mr Thompson at Calgary n stayed in wilder- past few weeks suddenly Edmund son of of appendicitis j Esq after spending the summer The remains arrived at Barrie on them passed on to harvest in Monday last accompanied by her he Provinces brother Thompson brother of Cameron who Iras been absent the funeral at Bar- or twentyfive years Mr Wooding and visiting relatives He is a brother of Donald Cameron Egypt The wife of George Kay Ph Kansas City and Kay decide on the is success so spent Thursday with their PERSONAL toner is visiting The it London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY festival It expected it will beheld will soon have all his tanks about the last of September hut the filc as tanks GOG hush exact date will he announced capacity each of which lie expects will Mrt A J Hughes visited with her in a few days He daughter in Toronto a few days last has three tanks of bushels each week fiHefl The crop is very Mrs J Hughes arrived from Chi- never was better Mr- last expects to Jiavt acres of spent Sunday at at Mr A J Hughes before making cucumbers grown here next year He home in Newmarket tome in Toronto had only acres this year OFFICE CANADA Or Andrew Chairman Went- J pucbannn Deputy at Current Role Albert Ageot for Dominion Available j Balance of j Orchard Beach Miss Dunn was visiting with friends in this week Misses Olive and Ross have home after spending theirhoi in Mrs Mason and daughter of axe visiting at the home of mother Mrs Thirsk is visiting frills in Stratford Mr Mrs Ben OBrien and Mr of Toronto were visitors at of Mr A Dunn over Sun- Miss Emma is the guest oil Miss Emma Terry left on Saturday I We Understand that the wedding friend Miss Florence Rosamond to take charge of the at be ringing here this week Mrs Jos Foster Bald win Mrs Kay has a very intellectu al baby boy with great decision of already stamped on his Hell likely he a credit to his Grandmother has gone on a visit to her daughters Mrs Alex Crittenden Edgar Co This week we bid farewell to Mrs Crittenden and her nice fam ily She was an excellent neighbor of whom we can ever well ami vale o stock before W4ll iri4e Take ft look at our buying Finest lines ever brought to Wall from per roll up Faints kind that woara Full stock Now is to put It on SUTTON we wish her abundant happiness and prosperity in her Nor Western home his fathers Mr shortly to hear of a happy weeding was a large excursion to liculars next week Mr Taylor of Sutton spent Thursday last at Taylor The Misses of IOgUuftton arc the guests of Miss Fuller son Point on Friday last from Mark and Misses Sadie and visiting friends in Ray City in and all the stations along the line are visiting he Mount Albert baseball took j J vantage of the same aid a KZWG rtrt Now that school reopened the and girls need gowl reliable foot you can buy letter wlvaniage at The Peoples Shoe Stora as we sew all shoes ft of charge lyjugltt bete No trouble When your next try The Peoples Shoe Store MOUNT ALBERT HANK WLEHMAN at day Miss Ethel Pollock spent Sunday the of her Miss Ida Shaw Mrs of Newmarket visit ed Mrs this week Mrs Harry Lapp of Cedar rove is visiting at the home of Mrs Mrs Davidson ami daughter are visiting friends in Mrs ieo and Mrs the week re has a advantage of the same and a game engine and intends rush- was arranged the Sutton boys business this fall The game was very onesided from the Marsh is her beginning as some of the Sutton boys had been to Bradford to the lacrosse match on Thursday and consequently ooo- i were not in shape to play The in Mount Alberts favor the score being to fjuitc a number of local sports took in lacrosse match at Bradford last week Mr Hen was home from for a few days Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL WOOD Kitchen Queen Range J ROWLAND Mount Albert Barrett were visiting friends in inanville week Mr- Mrs Clifford of To ronto are vis tors at the home of Mr John French Mrs Baxter of San Francisco is visiting friends in town and vicinity Mr Lehman spent civic holiday with friends in Miss is ill with diphtheria Gospel of Health To he healthy is the natural state disease is in nine cases out of ten our punishment for some indiscre tion or excess Every time we are ill it is a pate of our remaining youth which we squan der Every recovery whether from up there live us news Tom Some local lads were endeavoring to Catch a night hawk under Hie false impression that it destroyed poultry No such birds are insectivorous A glance at the bill conclusively shows that Better watch out for night Owls though An intimate knowledge of natural story is a grand thing And a more interesting and pleasing study is not to be found Some know no more about it than a stick Yea indeed is light Mrs bus a baby equal to very best Heat it if you can and he sure to let me know when you do Groceries Fresh and at the Lowest Prices CTTSi MADE IN CANADA Machine Oil Paris Green Mr JO look the trip to on Monday Mr was Toronto business on Monday repairs exterior decora tions arfd much to the comfort of Mr M Nottinghams harness shop Work s lcin rapidly along and he expects to re- the manufacture of har ness in about a week Messrs Art Milne Norman Smith Frank KavanaKh left on Monday lust for the West they will a6ist in taking oil tint harvest Miss Jennie of the Registry Office Miss Mary of Mr and Mrs Johnston have a new daughter Congratulations Mr Ross look up his du ties teaching at Virginia at open ing of that on Monday The Council arc putting down a new asphalt sidewalk from Johnstons cor ner past the tailor shop and Mr I Welshs lot The same is a great im provement on the plank sidewalk The visitors at Jacksons Point are beginning to return to their homes In about three weeks they will be about all gone very heavy thunderstorm is therefore a waste of your capital of life The best plan to avoid illness is to Jive regularly simply with a frugal ity that stupid persons alone will deem painful or eccentric I Sleep eight hours in every twenty- four 1 Ventilate rooms you work and sleep in Very few people even among those who think they are well up in modern ideas have any concep tion of what ventilation means Even my voice was the only thing I had in this world I slept with ALBERT DRUG STORE We carry full line of PATENT MEDICINES Among them REMEDIES and CURB Prescriptions and receive attention day or night T LLOYD tend Druggist Jersey Grades for Sale Young on hand I old- STOKES Mount Albert passenger Ihe teaching at public School spent a few days the past week with their sister Mrs J Mr and Mrs I loan and Miss Jennie of Toronto also Mr and Mrs J and family of Toledo Ohio visiiel with T a few days this week Mr- and Mis II J of Kes- in town on Sunday Mr Nottingham was calico to ioronUj on Saturday to attend frjneral of a nephew Interment took place at bridge on Monday Mr Mrs of New market were calling on friends In on iucviay I is in Toronto a couple of davs this week attending convention of the Rrltish Medical Mr 1 left on for where he will teach school We are wrrv that our druggist Mr has removed Ms and flxtur from the town was not brisk enough to warrant a longer stay Only more and fichool will reopen for another term Miss Alma Aylward has been engage to take charge of Junior room Mr T J Power Is not as we stated last at Springs hut is on a trip divnthe to and Mr Power will in charge of the senior room of school early closing of flaxes two evening a week which ban- been In fore the past three will in all for a year The has worked well so far people a little passed over the and vicinity on Mon- summer ami winter doing a rather large amount of tIial damage to standing crops etc seriously into your list of Mr S Kaiser was in Toronto have the good sense I lntt neither pleasure nor pro- News reached village on Tuesday fit the wife of Mr J was de Mr left parts West where Mrs for last fall died During the severe thunderstorm on Monday a number of at the Lake had a narrow escape light ning struck a tree a lent but in that line ami simplify your social life simplify it all you can Complicated living brings worry and worry is the main enemy of health and happiness the one fiendish mi crobe that docs more to destroy health arid happiness of mankind than any other occupants of tent received no a plcasatit place- other injury than a severe ul means people were thrown down but Mainly About People no injuries are reported About men started for the West on Harvesters excursion on Weil- morning last Among them I y0U noticed Taylor M Styles run out of friends HABIT GEO WIGHT PHONE Anyone be interested the wanting will Won and shed at were destroyed fcy fire The mill residence of Mustard burned Vehier- viile f storm swept over time for rest and pleasure Agree Ontario of three with them in arid will destruction of an enormous predate yrjr good filing toward the of property Monday movement i QUALITY Dry Goods or Boots and Shoes in our Clearjng Prices August is a bargain month and were mak ing Short Work of everything that belongs to Summer Reductions on Reductions If you want your money to do double duty this is the store youre looking for Courteous Obliging Service at all times GROCERY SPECIALS lb Pure Lard for 256 Tomatoes can Raisins lbs for Victoria Salmon per tin Case Japan Tea at lbs for 00 while it lasts Klenzine for bars OK Soap for Sugar by the lbs at close prices t a COME ON IN to your parcels delivered WIGHT 8ON The Leading Merchants QUEENS VtL Our John Mission Teacher on was in our burp last week and gave us a cordial invitation to pay him a visit Im Sorry to have to say it IvH are too many visit island with an impure motive for Poor is of like passions as our selves and subject to deception designing scoundrels Judge Winchester is he man to deal the young men The author ities captured one such coon gave him option of marry- 330 girl or going jug lie chose the former alternative was married by the Judge with court officials as witnesses and made hap py One of our own boys The elegant and esthetic Miss Allan j passed through on a bike on Sabbath evening A very popular damsel with our rural gentry says Frank TomilaonV fob was relic veil of its watch by some city kids spending their vacation here executed summary lie constitute himself judge arid jury and executioner of sentence of court It was not a case for capital punishment so be used his in an effective manner Mr Thomas Rut lodge a highly re- J spec ted farmer of fell from a load of oats breaking his neck death resulting almost instantly Winnipeg Man Aug Last night a Winnipeg Beach train of eight coaches filled with pleasureseekers homeward bound from the lake resort was in a headon collision The train met on a short curve at with the regular train leaving here at oclock One man was kill ed and half a dozen passengers injur ed The Ontario Bank HAS OPENED A ranch At Cattle Strayed From the premises of the subscrib er Lot Con Whitchurch Four Heifers all dehorned one Rod one Grey and two Rod A White Any person giving information that will load to their recovery will be rewarded CLARK PO Hogs Sale Large English ail Special prices for quick sale the hailstorm has left me short of feed J A general banking branch where all their East will welcomed accorded the same and accommodation at tbelr NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager We Went All Over nil is law ful but crookedness comes under the ban know of some who are experiencing the truth of this Exile from justice isnt the most lot Ive till darkness pre cludes my any more 1 j PINE ORCHARD Cora Conner is suffering from an attack of rheumatism storm of Monday out of business but repairs were made the following day Mrs of Chicago Is vis iting at Mr Mr O Johnson of Mich is visiting with fathers Mr J fohison Mr and Mrs Charles of Fort Colorado latter hot ter remembered as Miss Rachel oh a few of her old friends here on last Miss Frances Matron of Iowa Hospital spend ing a months vacation with her par ents Miss LibWe Penrose has returned from a weeks visit In Toronto Walker UNDERTAKER SUTTON WEST ONTARIO Central Ofttce of Bell Telephone Co No extra charge to Cemetery r to get this furniture Wo wante4 oc clusive and wo got It If you want something unlike any thing elso in town come hero where choosing easy i The store wan before raoro full of all that is right in and if we know anything about buying moneys worth la here ALLAN THEAKER o I Many deaths among Indians reported from Lake Abltibi cause was a severe outbreak of Peaches Basket Pears Thimble Berries Blue Berries Water Melons Musk Melons Celery Cabbage Cauliflowers Lemons fa Cocoa Nuts Spanish Onions Tomatoes Red Peppers I Johnstons Cash Store Sutton J