Newmarket Era, 9 Nov 1906, p. 2

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3 Carriage For Enquire office Found Chtaleite with small sum of money It Enquire at Dr for Sale ami lock Also ft Box In order Enquire at Era Office j Peary who New- York July in search the north pole has been heard from and is now on his way home He tells the New York Artie Club that he got within miles of the pole This is Commander ninth trip to the Artie regions but he failed to get a chili of the pole he was after WANTED good General Servant per month MRS For Sale or to Rent House on Huron St well I of flcMor Home- f Quality in Town on Tuesday Special Offer THE BUSY MANS MAGAZINE T Cream tfve Wcrld roiled for Busy People AND The Era any lot of the Magazine akre it per year An Ottawa despatch dated Nov remarks In opening the Loan Ex hibition at the Womens Historical Society in the National Art Gallery last Tuesday Sir Wilfred expressed satisfaction for having been horn in Canada He commended Canadian women for striving to im prove the surrounding circumstances and not taking a hand in politics as women in England are doing ir T Thursday of Inst week a friend- dropped dead in the street Sunday with Ins brother found asphyxiated Sir Case of is spending a few days in Town Mr and R Y visited in Bradford on Mr Jos Bell over Sunday with Mrs LlstowclVjis gas a despondent Russian suicide by cutting his throat and a prisoner died in police ambulance There is a story floating about the city that brokers of New York owe the Ontario Bank about two million this week with- dollars on transactions which Manager fibres But if this had I r it nd A A in Grand Railway System I Resorts A few days at the mineral springs of St Catharines and Preston has ben efited the health of hundreds Nothing Is to the treat ment Best hotel accomoda tion at moderate rates TRY IT Alt situated on full J Ve the of who really the of halu advice Charges Our re Hon Marlon York EXPERIENCE Marks Dtttotia C a uro A Scientific APRON PATTERN Wa THE Mil vet ft jew Co Tick Mow OLD For Bale According to the recently published list of shareholders of the Ontario as compared with January last it is very that no effort was made on the part of the directors to unload their stock- This fact alone will give large assurance that al though directors may have been las in supervision they were not est We notice the list of- share holders published contains the names of two citizens of this town The Gazette takes of the fact tliat Postmasters have been holding a convention and has a few suggestive thoughts The Postmasters held a convention and are now organized dont know whether they have form ed a union or not I hope not for UPC dont want to he called on to cognize a Union in this line Would nt it he funny we couldnt dis miss a postmaster who belonged to the union or appoint one who didnt belong- I like the idea so far as im proving the mail service is for there may be room I will follow the Conservative party or wrong was the sentiment of Mayor speech to the Club which the Telegram very suggestively inter prets as follows I want the Con servative party to swallow me right or Our adds The whole support which Mayor offers the Conser vative party is not mere afterdinner It can be reasonably con strued into a bid for the support of the party the coming municipal elections A cablegram announces that the Pi ivy Council has decided that the Christian Brothers are not qualified to teach n the schools of Ontario The case arose at Ottawa where a Separate School teacher contended that the Act the known as the Christian Brothers were not qualified to teach in Ontario Schools It is said that out a total of about Separate School teachers in this Province the judg ment will affect at least threefourths of them In this we are told the Ontario Department of Edu cation Is considering the situation It is an important matter and will not be dealt with in a but will rather to con sider only the public The Toronto News The News has maintained that is not an excessive in demnity for members of the House of Commons There was a very determined attempt to make it the chief question in North York North Bruce and in Queens and In each case the major ity for the Government was empha tic This a big country and It is impossible to stampede the constituencies with a peanut issue AH the vote been taken on the question we dare venture the assertion that not a single member of Parliament who voted tor it would now he jingling in his pockets as his sessional indemnity Other besides the indemnity issue influenced the result of last election in this Riding what ever may be said of the other con stituencies Last Saturday tho Toronto Daily Star its fourteenth anniversary and it in not faying too much to affirm that it grown in circulation in vigor and in the yean have come and Official figure for North Bruce Mr Liberal candidate a majority of The Star has the notion thai the earlier and lower figure were published just to break the newa to mother too regard may have had for the engineer from York who thought to stampede North Bruce with the discomforted tale rehearsed at the last byeelection in this Hiding Until Mr Mclean corner down off his high protection the farming immunity will have their suspicion of The County Council of Peel has decided to spend for the provernent of one hundred of the main roads of the county Mr and family moved to Toronto -Junctioti- this week so the directors would have made it known A medical student named Mrs McXLiius of is Harry Daly died suddenly at St visiting her daughter Michaels Hospital on morn- Patterson jing It was a case of Mr spent over Sunday night with Mrs Miss of the estcrn Toronto is the nurse is attending Mr Hatch cMrs Edgar will re ceive on her day this month owing to the illness of her husband- Mr and Mrs Johnson of spent a couple days with friends in this week Dr bacK to Town for the secured a furnished house Lot street Mrs J Steven Mrs A Vernon and daughter of were visit ing with Mrs Vernon I St over Sunday We regret ease which he had never suspected A hotel waiter of this city has fallen lien to in ihe Old Guess is rather more than made from tips during To- Gnat Worlds Fair year A City ByLaw prohibits any municipal officer or other employee from canvassing soliciting votes or otherwise inking part in any muni cipal election except by voting Vio lation of this by law means dismissal on the scavenger and fellows who like to make a noise at public meetings of candidate The share of Street earn ings for October amounted to 52 Six years ago it was only Our i young friend hs ltn obliged to go to hospital in to- Aspiring candidates for honoiv are now going about doing the for 1 acts A family tea took at the during Monday night the store of residence of Mr S- Gardner on Mr W A Lyon King St West was Wednesday evening the occasion of burglarized and between 300 and the christening of Jus baby 400 worth of goods stolen including Ross Esq of Goihim St has lenses and tine photography returned a- trip through the stock Saskatchewan and also visited Ms old Masonic Lodge in Tern- home near j last Monday night cele- Mrs ftiR Clark gave a anniversary with fitting en hand Saturday evening In i ceremonies Over guests were honour of Aiiss Gertrude of present who is Miss Louise Clark rorty acre- laud changed in lait week the new Mr Attect Jones who has been purchaser paying per acre spending the summer at Kama will return to the of King it a few hundred and eight infants fays the are I d a y y the that we will have plrrtly snow clt month according to the Thanks to Mr Albert Rogers Theres no buying more carefully done as a rule than buying the buyer expects to keep company with this garment for years And there are two points in buying that receive more attention than all the others of Atlantic City for a hatch of pa- port issued by the City Clerk On Tuesday last Mr Chas former manager of the Ontario Bank was charged with theft from pcrs illustrating the terrible disaster or wlth there a few days ago when 3 electric cars jumped a into 35 out ball The case against Mr President was adjourned feet of water and people were drowned Te Horticultural Exhibition in Mr E Hunter who for Masficy thJs is a years was manager for the I oronto was opened by Premier Whitney Shoe Co has moved to Newmarket The new grandstand at the is occupying the house just grounds will be of steel and cated by Mr A Davidson He concrete and will he will assist his brother Mr tt fcct 3ft scats Hunter in their general store j Mrs K of San Bruno Cal writes I enjoy the more than did when at home is a beautiful country but the Land of the ttlll it- charms I now the woods with Ihcir tints A lire on Saturday burned the dormitory of College Defiance Ohio Miss Gertrude Gar- butt one of the professors f that institution and daughter of Rev of formcrlv of and Sharon had the misfortune to lose all except what was wear In many of the pupils suffered similar losses The Christian Conference has very generously decided to good the losses to the pupils ird staff Dr Smith Inspector of Prisons and Charities made to York Co Home on Tuesday and delighted with both the premises and the man agement On his return he was the guest of the Editor who was a schoolmate of the Dr when late Mr Mason wielded the strap in the old Grammar School on Lot St It was a pleasure to talk of school companions It is A since the Dr left and ho was wonderfully surprised at the pro gress the Town has made A Handy Home Book One of the most useful hooka ever issued is that entitled A Handy Home Book published by the Fam ily Herald and Weekly Star of Mont real It is the best educator wo have seen of those things ev ery one should know yet few people do know It Is a family doctor and cook book To see it Is to want it and never part with It Is a credit to Canadas great weekly pa per The Family Herald and Vecky Star Is bigger value than ever this year Their premium picture A Is greatly admir ed The combination Is certainly a big dollars worth The Toronto Presbytery on Tuesday sustained a call to Rev Cooper Mercer to the congregation of and West King The Induc tion will take place on the 20th at West King It was reported this week that the Government has decided to introduce at the next session the Legisla ture a measure whereby Vic Province will secure a direct revenue from the urines A story of the hunting season comes to the city this week from New Ontario two Americans who in mistake for moose shot a span of horses belonging to a farmer and had run CRADLB A At Spencer Ave Toronto on Nov to Mr and Alts A a daughter WARD At the North end of New market on Nov 19QC to Mr and Mrs Harry Ward a son CODLIKGAt the North end ot New market on Nov to Mr and Mrs Thos Codling a daugh ter In on Friday Oct to Mr and Mrs a daughter MARROW In Town on Nov 8 to Mr and Mrs John Marrow a son THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY calls attended to at residence John Millard Phono and J A Our claim is that your money will not do you such good buying duty in Furs anywhere in Canada as here and we claim your trade because of that and the certain quality of every Fur garment in stock Our guar antee of satisfaction follows each piece of Fur garment which suggests that everything is as near perfection as possible before it leaves the store We know our Furs are at least per cent Below Regular Furriers Prices The bulk of our Furs are purchased in Germany and shipped direottous in Newmarket Germans aro acknowledged to be the most expert workmen and labor is easily per cent less than in Canada We want you to See Our Furs Before Buying We know we can save you a lot of money on your purchases to pay Costly sport ing Cyril Storey seven years old who was accidentally shot by his brother with an air rifle died in the General Hospital Mr John Elliott was crushed to death between two cogwheels at the St Lawrence Starch Works in Port Credit Charles Hughes defeated Hearst in the election tor Gov ernor of New York State a major ity of run ALTAR KEAN On Wednes day Oct the Rev J 1 J of Toron to to Jean of At St Johns Church on Nov by Rev P Whitney Mr Nicholas to Miss all of Newmarket THE TOMB ALMSON In Port Perry on Sat urday Nov 3 Infant daughter Mr and Mrs Allison aged four weeks SILVESTER At on Nov 3rd Diana Adelaide Jones be loved wife George Hooper Sil vester In her year MONTGOMERY At Ave Toronto on Monday morn ing Nov Infant son of R and Montgomery aged days Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Tuesday the on arrival morning R train CODLING In East on Nov 3 Maud infant daugh ter ot Codling J ROflDHOUSH Furniture Undertaking MAIN ST NORTH All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention revision Counter Famous Sausage 1 Our Pea- Meal Breakfast Bacon the most delicious bacon procurable without a rival it stands alone on its excellence Sugar cured Hams Mild spiced Rolls Cooked Hams Jellied Veal Jellied Hocks Corned Beef and Bologna Sausage all of equal merit TWELVE FOR SATURDAY lbs handpicked Bam Best Sou I Soap lb pail Jain J- Mince Meat 25c 25c Catsup Fresh and Cod Fish Sweet Potatoes M FARMERS ATTENTION mo find I to RELIANCE BALDWINS Aurora to too WB J North End Flour and Feed store PHONE I

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