J i THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DECEMBER Weeks Local WHAT IS DC VCtTE Successful The ladies of St Pauls Church had wonderful success with their Bazaar last week the proceeds amounting to Board of Examiners The County Board of will meet in Toronto on the 22nd to award certificates to toe successful Model School pupils and transact general business i Friends Church Last Sunday evening the pastor Rev Cornell preached at Pine Orchard by special request and the services were conducted by Rev Jas of Toronto The Entertainment will take place this evening A Singing Class has been organized under Mr A It meets ev ery Wednesday evening Between and 30 have joined and there is room for more Hockey Hitch Hockey Boots for sale by A run ton League The lecture room of the Methodist Church was well filled on Monday ev ening the attraction the ad dress of Hon J Davis on Can adaIts future for young men In an admirable address Mr Davis dealt the division of Provinces ex tent of territory resources and mar vellous development The opportun ities for young men were enlarged upon and instances Riven of personal acquaintances who had risen from lowly rank to that of influence and affluence Next Monday evening the Literary and Missionary Committees will pro vide the program Dainty Pearl Handled Dessert Knives and Forks Fruit Knives Butter Knives Cake Knives Forks and Carvers at Wat- Eons Jewelry Store ill ii Promenade Concert Girls Cancel Guild of St Pauls Church will hold a promenade Concert and Bazaar in the Town Newmarket next Tuesday evening A- good program will be given from to oclock after which there will be amusements of all kinds The children will the Gipsy Tents Orange Trees Candy and Ice Cream booths A quantity of work prepar- by the girls and suitable for Christmas presents will be displays Everybody will welcome This being the first public affair conducted by The Guild every effort has been made to provide a pleasant enjoyable evening A real time Is assured Sec Curling Competition Mr J has donat ed a bronze Smokers Set as a prize for individual curlers on Newmarket Rink tbe coming season Oar Toronto tetter the Editor of the Era In last weeks issue of your paper you report an interview alleged to been had by a Telegram report er with a number of County Council lors several of whom it is alleged signified their intention of retiring from municipal life Among these my name was mentioned me to say I had no interview with a Telegram reporter in reference to the J position I might take next municipal and a months axe Si ahead of on had the chiW struck from tie period last year hand by the engine and instantly kill- what I did say was Unless I am improved in I will not make a At the Ministerial Association last contest but if the electors so desir- Rev A B Winchester The Grand Jury escorted of the duty of the church to Constable paid a visit to tie foreign population advocated David Roger an iron worker was instantly killed last Monday at the Canada Foundry Works by hook customs Receipts striking him on the head The Newmarket and Aurora While end ring to get her four- Officer Mr A Yule reports yearold daughter Hilda across the that tbe receipts in his office from track ahead of a train Customs dues during the past five Monday Mrs Ernest of Qettlng a Square Meal Mm L the sire to occupy or endeavour to the position of County Council- the County Industrial Home on restoration of whipping post for lor ad infinitum but some matters tan was managed all right enough For the information of people out- brought before the County and compttmented the officials This tbe who may have business at the Countys with departments of government it a the Legislature that been enen out that buildings will close for prior lo expense is overdone Locket Top Bracelets One of the newest styles from to See Watsons Jewelry Store- Others mas holidays from Dec until oclock on the morning them at the and for the New dayabtc V ears holidays from I clock was anu J instance prior to the act of Constables attending the ses sions or assizes were per until Wednesday morn- Jan 2 creased to CO but onehalf A sad catastrophe occurred at Bull- Ave Beach on Monday No person thinks morning The dwelling of Mr Geo Constables arc paid too much- by fire m the absence of Mrs the Baker to wait on a sick friend only a soIid few rods away and was con- increa their with contents but saddest of all their three children were burned to death in the ruins The father Council and mother are both nearly frantic Constables were with grid The eldest child W SU per diem and the youngest two years old J In the estate of the late iMt per day an increase of J9r6 John Will has been made upon an appraisement Constables for 3rd the Succession Duty Department was The money is now gathered from the Tbcrc estates of the wealthy payments which generally average Hon Mr Whitneys pronounce- sani wch ment when in Opposition that these to dues were robberies constables annually onehalf children and orphans is under the new act payable The trial of Joseph Phillips thc Judiciai of York of former manager at the York has been traversed till the a Ancient Order of Foresters Court Rescue No elected ficers on night for the ensu ing year as follows Bain J- Secy J S J Art Coring Arch J Roy Auditors Gibson Collins and J Smith Medical Dr Another handsome has been added to Drug Store to show bis fine Christmas Thousands of pretty and useful presents for Christmas Mens and Ladies Mocha lined from upward Ladies Kid Gloves all thc latest shades pair Every pair guaranteed Lace and Fancy from each to Silk Handkfs from 10c to A Linen Initial for men at Fancy Lace and Silk Collars from to 75c Fancy Wool Shawls from to Silk Wrist Bags from to And Thousands of other lines Better variety and lower prices than have ever been shown in Newmarket before a Large Stock of Slippers to choose from i Grocery Specials Cooking Figs 3c lb Raisins lb Seeded Raisins Full pound package lOo New Peels Nuts Oranges Candy THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER goods Mr Lindsay of Toronto is the new assistant at Wests barber shop and Assizes If he had stolen he appears to be a firstclass man The merry jingle of the sleigh bells seems to put new life and vigor into everybody close next Friday for the Christmas holidays Mr R Schmidt has greatly im proved his drawing room by the in sertion of fl window each side of the mantlepiece Ladies Fancy Collars At Hughes J5 bill to keep his hungry- children starvation there would have been traversing the trial till next court you bet Geo Williams the porter of the clothier who was brought hack from the States to an- to charge of stealing J from sum no portion was paid to the act of I have not counted in above calculation the ex tra paid the County In ad dition to this there are some other judicial matters that should be laid before the Legislature and perhaps before Judiciary that time will not permit rnc to mention is one matter however that his employer was convicted on is the Central J affects every town and vil- day last and sent to th Prison for four months There was dance at Government House on Tuesday night Of course Clubbing Rates for Era and Weekly Globe Era and Weekly Mail Era and Montreal Star Era and Toronto Saturday Night Era and Toronto World 360 Era and Busy Mans Magazine Balance of free to new subscribers Public School Board Regular on Tuesday even ing PresentsMessrs Brim- son McKay and Ross Principals report shows on the roll for Oct with average attend ance of Nonresident fees For Nov with average of Nonresident fees tbe tame Accounts passed as follows Pearson coal Rogers supplies Office Specialty desks J A Allan A Co supplies Jos Wesley carting War Eagle Fuel Co A Point Worth Knowing The HydroElectric Power sion has notified the Corporation of that if the city takes horsepower Niagara energy the price will be from to per horsepower per annum for hours service but if less than horse power is taken it will cost from to These prices do not in clude the cost distribution from the j transformer station which city Will to build This will in- A Yule duty or coal crease the cost to consumers from A drawing cos to per annum Taking these fig- Maps for School as a basis what would it cost Mr was rested for Niagara power at Newmarket subscriptions for the how would the cost compare with our present expense of the water- The Model School grant o 150 was works and electric power plant Our jreewved from the Treasury people ought to informed in regard to this important matter Our Council should be prepared to give information to the electros at meeting 19 12 IS 12 to re- it was a swell afiaU The late Rev Father P J who died very suddenly of- hemorr hage in Toronto last week was the oldest priest of the Archdiocese of Toronto and was well known throughout Ontario having been parish priest for lengthy periods in such important parishes as Newmar ket Toronto Gore Abridge etc A yoJrjg lady employed at the UII son was taken to the St Michaels last Week Thursday with a broken leg She received the injury while in the elevator which dropped that day- Thc legal profession is reaping a rich harvest of Cobalt disputes Writs are being issued daily touching some point difference respecting titles sales transfers etc The legislative chamber at the Par liament Buildings is ranged with a view to improving its acous tic properties The rows of seats on each side of the Speakers chair are being brought forward a couple of feet and a number of the aisles are eliminated The Dominion estimates for the current year contain an of 317500 for various purposes for This shows Roads Question Under the present act towns and villages wherever the Good Roads System is in force are required to pay a share of the cost of construction and maintenance hut no portion of such roads arc constructed or assistance- given to construct within such towns or villages The Government say They are considering the ques tion of further assisting the construc tion of Good Roads In the County of York we have three Towns nine incorporated villages and believe if a gigantic effort is Simpson Co store J by Countv Councils through the representatives of towns and vil lages that many members of the County Council representing farming local municipalities will see the of the claims of towns and vil lages and assist them to get it from the Government Other matters of importance will at next meeting of the County KESWICK A event took place in our village last Wednesday Bee 5tb when was married to Mr John Hirst The wedding was at the home of the brides par ents Mr and Mrs W A and the beautiful and impressive cere mony was performed by Rev J in the presence of more than one hundred invited guests The was attired in white chifion taffeta trimmed with point desprit lace and silk applique and looked lovely under her wedding veil which was fastened with a wreath of lillies of valley and maidenhair fern She carried a bouquet of cream roses The bridesmaid Miss Vida sister of the bride wore a lovely cream cashmere trimmed with white silk ami gimp and carried a bouquet of pink roses It was a beautiful and the presents were numerous beautiful and useful The present to the bride was a beautiful gold pin set with pearls To the bridesmaid a gold chain and locket to the grooms man a heavy cold watch chain and charm The other presents were too numerous to list but they surely testify to esteem which the friends hold for the pair We all join in them ail the hap piness that life holds for any one and all the prosperity that comes to those who live for it as we will We all join in asking choicest blessing to rest their journey through they may journey lorn only enough sunshine- seem the THE LEADING Dry Goods Merchant Tailoring CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK OF MENS NECK TIES AND NECK SCARFS The Very Newest Styles ami Patterns for the Holiday Trade ALL HEW GOODS TO CHOOSE FROM Mens Fancy Vests for Christmas liens Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs Visit our Tailoring and you will find we have the goods thc Prices Right For Style and Qual ity we are hard to beat ALLPRICES A Call Solicited The Leading Tailor Shop 0 NT 111 Gods very upon them in life and that together wit to make brighter Mr and Mrs friends Established Win arc and In CAPITAL ALL PAID UP- REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS 4 J WOODCOCK Newmarket Dec PI Drawn Work Linnens And other useful presents Hughes at Church A The Song Service Sunday even ing was very The large congregation filled the house with In the six beautiful that by choir The choir also rendered two Anthems in good fono Miss aanft a solo as did ako Mr who the audience Friday evening and on Sunday with bis rich baritone voice Those who use the Church will kindly remember that the en trance now is from St along side the trolly track and not from front of the lot as heretofore The Sunday School be held this year on Thursday A good being prepared A feature of this yearn giving be gifts of household recesGlties food Ac con tributed by the children toward giv ing cheer to any In the who might find the Christmas time Ordination service will be held when Dr Robertson of College the rircently elected mem Miss Codys leave was extended and Mies Wilkinson was en gage to take her place at the rate of Per annum Mr McKay tendered his resignation as a member the board which accepted Board adjourned I you dont see our Stock you decide on your Gifts Watches Pearl Brooches Nieklets Ebony At prices that cannot be beaten Interest Payable Times a Year on Dally Balances BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Newmarket and JIM Sale Register in Howls at Bracelet Watches Dainty nieces in Improved Sterling Silver Come ami look through Mo trouble to show Goods CO end this city ment is not all like the Mr former postmas ter of Weston was honorably acquit ted on Saturday of the of stealing sum I rem Institute His Worship the Magistrate thought the case should have in a civil court rather than a criminal one The strikers gave up fight arid went back to work at least as many of as could get it on Monday last They wanted the union recognized but failed and lost a lot ol time over it The lasted about months Mrs Edward a wellknown resident of Sheridan P was shop ping St Lawrence Market on Saturday when she fell breaking her arm Special services were held Sunday at St Augustines Church to mark the opening of an addition which has been made to the In the City and also in thc local Township Town and Village muni cipalities in proximity to Toronto there i more than usual stir In regard to municipal matters A good many men in office in will not grace the Councils of Last Saturdays Ontario announces the organization ol nine more Cobalt mini riff companies with of Some the get rich quick crowd will be the The members feeling greatly pleased with the success of the con cert given on Monday evening The chair was taken by Mr Walker 1rosser who filled it verv creditably Dec R I will have an extensive sale wcrc well rendered White Wheat per on lot con East specially Wheat per bush Credit till Nov except for on organ and violin Spring wheal per bush COO000 DO ROSS Manager Newmarket Markets Pec la bush and grain Sale at noon Auctioneer fa KETTLEBY The sleighing is very much appre ciated We hear people saying that the Misses Williams and Tcrrv and the solos Miss Williams and Mr Wright of OueensVillc In the selection Dear Annie Lau- the Musical Asters and duet would not speak ill neighbours our little folks only had one sleigh ride last that when our present winter others cay they were not I star singers feel the need ol rest we enough to have one We have others coming to the front the snow may remain with us to step into the till after Christmas Miss Hill as Elocutionist will Among the visitors in this section again also Messrs A the past week we Mrs McCordiek as vocalist a the our past Millard of guest of Mrs Mrs Herb Edwards who has been In Winnipeg for the past or so awl reader In the exercise Miss Pollock was bound with bands ribbon to represent the Goose Wheat- per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush Oats per bush Shorts per ton Hay per ton roll per Eggs per doz Potatoes per bag Chickens per Ducks per Turkeys 0 0 08- 08- lift Christmas New Years HOLIDAY BATES TERRITORY Between all stations In Canada also to Octroi and Port Huron 0 Mich Buffalo Black Rock Niagara 0 00 1 Toronto Markets is visiting friends in this part but handicapped women up to will go West again w Proctor who Is from partial paralysis does not Im prove very much Great preparation 4s being made by tho of for a concert on thc evening of the of Dec thc most talented speakers that can years ago These were cut handed to the leader Dec White Wheat per bush Rod Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush candidates for the asylum when bubble breaks of a young on Friday be a fake The reported hold up man named J Rushllng last turns out He got up the story for a purpose S I Eight below zero was the record In Not fri m0 No r4 nee has It been so cold at date in December be procured for the Mass Meeting here on Sunday the relative to Local Option work We regret to learn that mumps arc Mr family Elder will preach next Sun day on the subject o Prayer Miller Waldock is kept very busy these davs grinding chop Wedding we love to hear Ringing merrily and clear Dame rumor has it that there Is a counlo in our vicinity that will un dergo the trying of being made within a week May good I 74- Warrincr and w per who explained the Bonds and the j W per bush different status of women as cornpar- Barley per bush with that time Peas per bush We that owing to the per ling engendered by thc fumes of the per In Tableaux taken per 1906 0 76 71 80 00 75 Kails and Suspension Bridge AT FARE ONETHIRD Good going Dec and returning until Dec Also go- ling Dec 31st and Jan returning until Jan 2nd AT FARE AND ONETH7RD Good going Dec 22 and 25 also Dec 30 and and Jan returning until Jan For and lull Information call on J Town Agent J p McDonald Passenger Agent 78 0 0016 thanks due to all who Hogs per 76 35- 0 0 part in by Messrs M Council ij per ton the audience dispersed too potatoes per baa quickly to receive our vote of thanks Butter per lb lor their attendance More Butter per arc our kindly assisted In the Program per and to the genial chairman of the Chicken per lb Turkeys per lb By the recent closing down factories at Lodz persons are without food Messrs and Labello been awarded tbe contract for the extension of the House of Com mons Their price Is about Tbe Department has a contract the Steamship Co for an allyear round Canadian service between Seattle and at a cost of