NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY Town Man clpal Matters Redisiribu Hon Bill A at lb a fast the surface fyution or Seals Hie announce that the to spoak of will be one of prominent features tint of the Colonial Conference j ihmrndrn r iLti aVah postponed April to As the ilav nomination It is under in Government the undercurrent of public at Toronto that a hew sentiment is nod people are ro oi be one of issues in the impending municipal session is to open in postponed from April to election in a more pronounced tone has s ho of Colonial With regard to the V been brought formally j of the corporation it the Government says toe Telegram At Club Toronto pears to us the time has arrived in it is in charge of Dr Pyne Many we Mr the order that users of the current may important changes been celebrated explorer save some of each bear an equitable proportion of Wonder will North experiences among the wilds of the cast that the meter system York he parcelled up like the Con- lLabra Labrador the velue rk be universal That the flat scrvatives once did it for the CornSins done there itiitl rate is abused is very ad- when the Riding was carved to appreciated He predicted that the mi t ted This is not only unjust to form a new constituency known as lim barren those vc West On Well use but is also unjust to the wait and see what Dr Pyne will do believed thai the land ratepayers at large who do not make his old boyhood home before in- would be found to be rich iu miner- use of corporation light at all dulling in speculations Of course dollar the cost of generation ex- the result of new redistribution bill by to add a a to the fiLffi the has to be borne ratably by as on former occasions Ottawa Government the Department those who do not make use thereof the House was composed of of the Interim has issued a circular At any rate one of two systems members By legislation of hooking agents in Great Britain should obtaineither be placed on the number was increased col one pound on the following classes meter or all on flat have tried both have no hesitancy in declaring that considerable difference is apparent the yearly cost The lightins franchise is Dot vested in a private company or individual but belongs to and is operated by municipality Hence every rate payer Is interested in its management The current should be supplied to citizens its bare cost The price should not be placed at figures which make tle users of the electric current pay more than the actual cost At present are in formed the rate is- placed at a figure not only covering actual cost but also contributing some hundreds of dollars towards street lighting a should lie equit ably the whole municipality and when to this is added the disparage- between the fiat and meter rate it does stem to us a change in the interest of justice is desirable In addition to the foregoing there- is another consideration favouring the meter system The Corporation engineer informs us that existing plant is only rated to to sup ply about three hundred more lights than are now in use but by the ap plication of the meter systemenough r on trie Classes rate Those who US three more were added immigrants farm la- I in there addition of borers stablemen cart- three making the total The last railway service men navvies or redistribution took place in wheni aml ltic and a bonus of ten shillings the number of members was j a to Under the coming bill it is eighteen of more than probable a new number j will be given to and one or j As result of the Hamilton more to New Ontario Harmful Stomach Dosing Ontario Government is explanations respecting the prison labor contracts Indeed some of the minor organs claim to have authority jfor the statement that a change is contemplated The Hon Minister v t however to whose department the of It When Is question belongs has that to Cure Catarrh when the Government explanation is made in the louse those who arc kicking will have less cause to com plain It seems queer though that the explanation was not forthcoming when the question was made a crucial one at the Hamilton election Physicians and scientists agree that the less medicine one swallows the better It is In keeping with this idea that is recommended by leading throughout iKs and other catarrhal sections When this treatment is used ca tarrhal troubles there is no stomach losing for the medicine is taken in with the air you breathe and goes to the spot where the germs are present healing the in flamed and irritated mucous mem brane killing the disease germs and entering the blood with the oxygen driving all catarrhal germs from the system Do not try to cure catarrh of the bead by putting medicine into your stomach this is neither scien tific nor commonsense treatment Breathe the healing balsam of Hy- omei and in a few Jays you will now wasted through careless indifference those supplied on the flat rate would probably enable the corporation with present appliances to install over four with If this be true the evidence of wasted electric energy is palpably apparent and should prompt immediate action in thc direction of economy present relations between the Corporation and the Metropolitan Railway the franchise allowing the occupancy of the Market Square mid money will be refunded unless other accordcdthc Com- I satisfaction According to a report of Wo mens Domestic Guild of Montreal lover 5011 domestics the last party of whom reached Montreal last week- have been brought out to Canada the present year and the lady superin tendent states that a thousand ser vants could have been placed if only they had been secured The Guild Iras two agents each for Eng land Scotland and Ireland who care- fully investigate all references furn ished applicants whose character and capacity are tihus assured The membership fee of the guild both for employer and employer is one disregard to obligations in the original agreement without compensa tion these and other questions arc assuming considerable proportions in the thought of the people Pos sibly however much that is now speculation will be satisfactorily ex plained when nomination day comes round The management of the Towns WaterWorks and Light plant is sure to be discussed Toe under lying principle public ownership of utilities is not to make money out o patrons for the advantage of those who do not patronize the same not to increase the corporation hank ac count at the expense of users as a means of lessening the taxbill but rather to place a public necessity at the cost to those who evi dence their desire for the progressive kvelopment of privileges calculated to advance the general good of the community To this end we are in clined to the conviction that in New market for instance the Council ought to place a fair estimate of what the annual cost of the is worth to the whole cor poration in affording fire protection levying the amount thus ascertained upon the ratepayers at large T9 pursue any other course is to make contribute to the advantage of nonUHfttf and thereby fostering a principle wrong in practice aird par tial in Us operations To make IhobC who patronize the Water- Works and the Electric bear the entire of construc tion and maintenance without mak ing proper and adequate- allowance lor the annual advantage of these utilities to the corporation ax a whole Is not in with that principle equity which should in the of our The man or set of men who are prepared to undertake the of problem of an equitable Adjustment of our electric as between patrons and the corporation at large have a deserved claim upon the electa In the approaching municipal The Mine Is ripe for ac tion- A tew ago our Town Auoitorx reported that of the energy were contributing hundred towards the coat Of means that portion gtwhl taxation was upon a of only nd to the extent a year When is relief and its continued a charge of three dollars is result in a complete lasting to the girl and her employer The complete outfit costs but SI 00 extra bottles if needed A new invention for ventilating cars cents We do not want is being tried the It is money unless gives relief and lnc of George Henry cure and we absolutely agree an employee of the company iu the the freight department at Toronto Mr C the Companys account- All druggists should he able to sup- ant in the city bought an interest in ply you with or we will send the invention had it patented and it by mail on receipt and then placed it before officials at every package is sold with the Montreal The Witness says If understanding that it costs rt is shown that the method is unless it cures Write to the system in use the corn- today for a symptom blank which purchase the invention we will send you free together with j claims that his method will do treatise on Catarrh and how to cure draughts- the It When you fill in and return to tals Messengers prevent the symptom blank our consulting of opening the side windows physician will give your case best lak ttU W care and attention and write you a letter advice without charge BOOTHS COMPANY Buffalo Coal is so in North Dakota that the Greats Northern Railroad has exercised its right to confiscate supplies order to run its trains The plant of flic Canadian Fold ing Box Company at Brant- ford was damaged by Ore and several of the young women employees had to be taken out on ladders The local Conservative organ in Hamilton commenting on the causes which led up to the defeat of the Government candidate at the recent byeelection to the Local House for East Hamilton although a hide bound Tory journal takes occasion to give the Ontario Government a punch under It Hays lu summing up the causes for the defeat of the government candidate it would be unfair to omit the fact that most of the appointments made In Hamilton by the government since ft came Into power have not been at all satisfactory to Mb- party So the chickens are coming home to roost The Hamilton Herald reads the On tario Premier a severe rebuke for Cut this out and take it to J store and get a Ire sample Chamberlains certain appointments his government and Liver Tablets For BIUoiuv of License In various parts of the Province notably in the Ambitious City ft says It would be no and constipation they are un equalled They improve the appetite strengthen the and regu late the liver and bowels more than poetic justice the Government were to lose sup- Cost the Company SLSLSSfm Such would be the governments Hamilton Dec The troops from righteous punishment for thc viola- and Toronto wlich have been of Mr Whitneys preelection here since the street railway riots be- pledge that the regulation of return home today liquor traffic would be removed from the company and the unions atmosphere of political influence representatives profess to be satisfied has not been kept for it with the award of the railway Board impudence to claim The strike has cost the railway Grit company about the Inter- Tories In their places is national of Street Railwaying regulation of about and will cost the trafflcfrom the atmosphere of corporation or thousand dollars Retail also have sustained heavy toting the principle of wiOlr FN IATHIH I Tlie Pope has Issued an Ile al forbidding the Catholics of France to comply with the demands of thc separation lav 9 to CUBE TWO DAYS LAXATIVE TableW- Druggist refund money if It falls to cure box SIVVjW rtuasi r I arm The underairrned Druggist at the earnest solicitation of the Co Limited of Toronto has made a thorough and searching investigation into the merits of FERROL and of the methods of that Company and he finds that Every cure claimed by the Company is absolutely genuine that FERROL is manufactured from the best quality of Celebrated Cod Liver Oil the whole of the oil and is richer in oil than any other emulsion and while it contains just the right quantity of the best form of Iron and Phosphorous it is so scientifically Prepared that not one in a thousand finds any trouble in taking it that the medicine as accomplished the most amazing results In its own city that its sales in the Home City have been phenomenal that it is endorsed by all druggists without hesitation or qualification that it is in short all the Company claims for and more The more I investigated more enthusiastic I became It v is no longer a question of my willingness to handle the preparation FERROL but how can I bring it to the immediate suffering of this city It is a heavy responsibility but I have faith in the honesty and fairness of the Limited of Toronto and the unequalled merits of their preparation FERROL rto raQftMBn N I find also that the- druggists in other cities have taken upon themselves the solemn responsibility of standing behind this medicine and that these druggists have made in each city a daring and remarkable distribution of fullsized bottles Impressed by the action of our fellow druggists and convinced that they would not have given this remedy such unqualified approval without positive knowledge of its merits I have decided to follow their example and distribute free of charge the Sick ottles of On Dec 15th 1906 At N L ers O Maintaining a Drug Store the above named Druggist vim- position in the retail drug of thin city and every that to the public seeks an outlet through his store But with an to the iuieivstaof his many he is careful to the most reliable when a is recommended and by this Druggiit melicine must have merit The Druggist after a rigid inveatigation in this announce ment decided make upon his own responsibility the most of medicine ever attempted in this city Convinced by personal experience of extraordinary of He purchased from Co of Toronto a of bottles of this remedy for free distribution and hereby invites every from any of trouble any who is run down discouraged iu f a powerful tonic person tut I all Bronchial or Lung Trouble of Weight and all wasting any who sought relief in any other renivdy or Cod Liver Oil preparation and failed to Grid it cut out the certificate printed ill out blank lines present it at tho on the given and a ImUIo of this wonderful Free- It was for me to purchase a large quantity iu order to have privilege of making this free distribution and responsibility assumed by me in thin nutter am positive will be appreciated by tho and aaloa that are aure to follow will more than compensate for the expenditure involved There is absolutely no sentiment in this of It is a recognition of a preparation that pocaaaes merit and a keoo desire on part of a progress concern to always supply beat at the lowest price THIS CERTIFICATE Properly filled out and signed en titles holder to one large sized bottle of Cod Liver Oil Iron and Phosphorus if pre sented on at RogerS CO Ltd from until samples are exhausted t Name of Patient Disease The bearer of this hereby threes to this medicine thorough ami faithful trial and to report to druggist named above within throe weeks the improved condition of health that almost absolutely to follow This Coupon must bo presented by adults No other distribution will be made and it will be necessary for you to come early in order to be sure of securing a large size bottle of ABSOLUTELY FREE REMEMBER only ONE bottle will be given to each family Tell your of this Wonderful Offer for fear they will not see this advertisement WHAT IT IS AND WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE IT- CO Ma A I from you found to do great good My to fcid ud it I it to be an remedy for a tad for building a up Ik time In city who ttfor to It I recommended a of to try J SShs WHAT of will to raider It rundown coattitutlon no other It no by only form in b fr It I It In a meaner ulkU- by building up the o will throw off ttonx of by couth nd w art uWari on TUB carta uid La a- n8 transit lea ifit IKelr Sri i thifcteca to the ftlUck up the the end up tho whole of uo foothold It voodorul the to la rem the atUckn of end ere dUpeited the oeaotrue- end WHAT IT V not the tare eeoret MBB There la ealv eae of Uvea Oil and and feel of a thai Pro- Cod liver OU are now remedial for acta lheiruril have known and for many that Benefit of their In that hat at ftilir reaUaed reeolttaf have far moat areata for thetrueriU and for mi hare the hope a of reaiedtea be perfected and the There are combined lo a prepared palatable that nurWna can take even wo thai will It with they In dIrfteUou of Iho food WHAT WtROt a JMplla la Oil and fa ihort a or Co uvait Oil with a rood added and the aw ldieoU The dalot that a no equal la the follewlejf reaaoni Itbotablaea In debtee With Iran the tat the red which it W- with red jhi hat la order to laaare a healthy and loil A 3