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would help me for a time but after discontinuing the medicines the symptoms would break out again running Before Treatment sores blotches rheumatic pains looseness of the hair swellings the glands palms of the hand scaling Itchiness of the skin stomach etc I had given up in despair when a friend advised me to consult you as you had cured him of a similar disease years ago I had no hope but took his advice three weeks time sores commenced to heal up and I became I continued the New Method Treatment for four and at the end of that time every symptom had disappeared was cured 7 years ago and no of any disease since My boy three years old sound and healthy I cer tainly can recommend your treatment with all my heart You can any person to me privately but you can use this testimonial you ft We treat Debility Varicocele Stricture Vital Blood and Skin disease Urinary Bladder and Kidney complaints of men and women victim Have you lost hope yoi LRU to marry Has your Mood been diseased Have you 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Creator the study con- that ii of firmament la fastened the of Infinity It la not to under their feet by means a from in order to skate along never failed to j- statement is confirmed exercise a fascination men and the pair of skates of ttie period that who by their genius and It is nave moat nearly however that these early olTing Its mysteries have always thft Holland been reverenced and esteemed to be via Lincolnshire where among the wisest men of their day More has been done within the last fifty years tban all the rest of the worlds history toward the piercing of the veil which shuts off from our eyes the beauties and mysteries of realms and doubtless by means of the spectroscope and increased size in the lenses of our telescopes we be enabled before long to unravel still more secrets of universe The question as to whether space flDlte or Infinite can never be argued out or indeed even thought of for the human mind is of grasping the existence of a limit to space even In Its most ab stract form but the question of the In finity of worlds and their distribution In the infinity of space lies more close ly within the scope of human intellect for we have many material facts and calculations to go upon in discovering the probable answer to this most fas- ctnattng question Only a far back as seventeenth century astronomers the num ber of stars in the universe a little over but this was absurd as the real visible to the naked eye Is about and perhaps treble that number can be seen by persons with exceptionally go eyesight When the heavens however are examined through a telescope the number of visi ble stars Is enormously increased In fact it has been calculated that the most powerful reveals many as 100000000 Yet what is that vast number compared with ln6nfty It cannot even be likened to a grain of sand on the seashore and yet If we think tbe matter out carefully we shall see that the number of visible stars cannot really be infinite for If they were the heavens would be a complete blaze of light This of course we know Is far from being tbe case and indeed there cannot be any doubt that In certain parts of the heavens at least the of visible stars is already known for even with the very stron gest telescopes there are spaces which are absolutely devoid of stars below a certain magnitude or even the veriest trace of nebulous light These spaces are known to astrono mers by the name of coal sacks They contain no stars fainter than the twelfth magnitude and in fact appear to mark those parts of the which are comparatively thlu On other baud In other parts of the heav ens we have not by any means reached the limit of telescopic resolvabHUy It Is curious though that these intensely dark holes the bright empyrean are mostly to be found in those parts of the heavens where most stars abound notably In the Milky Way These remarkable blank spots have been a favorite theme of discussion and argument among all for whatever the shape or dla- of that universe may bo they point to almost certain Inference that In a particular direction at least there Is an actual limit to the number of stars and if there Is a limit In one i direction we have every right to pose that such Is the case In others and that we have only to wait for telescopes strong enough to those parts which are still to discover that a point can bo I reached when all the of the verse are unfolded to our gaze If now we admit that the number of visible stars limited the next j question to be asked Is What Is the order or shape of their distribution Various astronomers have had various theories about this matter was Inclined to think the visible universe was the shape of a disk though bis views In this direction were considerably modified during the later part of his life considered that the universe was In the shape of a disk of limited thickness but infinite length a theory which Is hard to support as unless Die ultimate extinction of light In space Is believed In that part of the heavens which lay toward the plane of the disk would necessarily shine with the brightness of the Proctor though finding it Impossible to define any particular shape for the universe as a whole was of the I opinion that the brightest part of it namely the Milky Way was In the I form of This latter theory however has many objections to con- tend with Other astronomers have had different theories on this question but all or nearly all appear to admit an ultimate limit to the size of the visi ble universe or in other words believe that the galaxy of which round us form in fact but an In the vast Infinity of space It would appear at first sight that any attempt to solve the question of the existence of external galaxies and their distance was absolutely futile yet auch is not the case The result of cal culation Is that the nearest external universe Is so far distant that light skates have been used on the frozen from very remote times Canadas forest products total millions yearly SO THIS want a pair of rubbers vj you re tired of GEORGIAN feet bonedry though you wade all snow rubbers that will vyear like flutfdfitlice jfgvER go to a dealers and buy pair stamped BREAK Duck Never Break soles- camps they swear mine wear too So- that will pretty It iouSeo raairulcrt any better Duck New to mix ditto tanther aoy roorc war They re made io and f v I fexVc Vi Double Wear In Every Tell your dealer you want those better rubbers made The Daisy Rubber People At Berlin Ontario wth With heavy duck the rubber uppet awl lough- wade and double- pure gum aoEd lealher o can Have a hoe CHHISTWA BY REV CORNELL PASTOR OF FRIENDS CHURCH NEWMARKET QOO TEXT And the angel said unto them not for behold I bring you tidings of great joy which shall be to all Luke For unto you is born this flay in the city WDavid a Saviour which is Christ the Lord Luke II Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace goodwill towards men Luke Christmas glorious No sooner is the day of December born in the Ian east than Christian children happy in the an ticipation of coming gifts shout to their fellows Merry Christmas And as the awakening rays of morn- dispel the darkness of more western lands arise to greet the day with Merry Christmas Across the eastern continent across Europe across the wide Atlantic has this day travelled to remind us of the greatest event of the worlds history the birth of Christ The fact that shepherds were keep ing watch over their flocks about Bethlehem is proof that the iucar- nation did not take place on the twentyfifth of December But what does it matter We Friends do not believe in observing days Our king was born on the ninth of No vember yet his subjects in Canada by an act of parliament celebrate his birth on the twentyfourth of May and are none the less loyal It is not the day we esteem but the fact that the from on hath visited us- Angels have ever been interested in the welfare of mankind and have often been sent forth to minister to them who shall be heirs of salva tion But before did a heavenly messenger bring such glad tidings Poor lono Jacob wrestled through the darkness of a night with an an gel and received the assurance that he had power with God and man yet his was an individual blessing An angel foun1 a toilworn and dis couraged prophet- asleep beneath a juniper tree and gave him strength ening food one man might be helped to Hotel the mountain of God An angel came to the lions to protect innocent Daniel against the plots of his enemies but the angel of the Lord that spake to the Bethlehem shepherds had a mes sage of joy to nil How assuring the words Fear not to a sincursed world Man feejing the power of sin the weight of guilt feared God He realized that his transgression had made a great gulf between him and the loving Father He saw no way that a holy God and a vilo sinner could brought together but on this first day the chasm was bridged not by man but by God For God so the world that he gave his only begot ten Son that whosoever in him should not perish but have everlasting life For God sent not his son into the vorld to condemn the but that the- world through him might be saved The world could thereafter look upon the man of Nazareth and see in human form the greatest expres sion of Divine love And it was a declaration of love that man could in a measure understand for while In Christ dwelt all the fullneds of the godhead bodily yet he made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was marie in the likeness of men Nearly two thousand years have but look back today to thft in manger and is love not that we from It trayellug at the speed of mile a would take nearly loved God but that ho loved years to reach uaJCbatu and sent his son to be a propitia- Journal for our sins Apd have A- I I known- and believed the love that God had to us Once on earth in Bethlehems lifting As a helpless babe He lay God came down from Heaven to Love to sinners to display It was surely news to all people that a Saviour was born for had sinned and come short of the glory of God God made man in his own image Man was origin ally invested with moral beauty Sin had caused his to with er and so changed his features that the divine image What good news that a Saviour was born who would save his people from their sins- New hope came to man for when saw theincarnate God dwelling in a tabernacle of clay he looked upon himself in a far dif ferent light No longer need he complain My days are swifter- than a weavers shuttle and are spetit without hope for though racked by pain and pierced by sor row this body had for thirtythree years been the tabernacle of the Di vine Word Life had new aims new hopes new aspirations No longer could the selfish doctrine of the Epicur eans satisfy men The true preach er taught that all enjoyment was not to be had in this life for said he to his followers I appoint unto you a kingdom as my Father liMh appointed unto me that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom To the followers of God was a universal fire that would event ually destroy the world and each individuality But the Saviour said to Phillip He that hath seem me hath seen the Father how thou then show us the Hatha Believest thou not that I am in the Father and Father in me The words that speak unto you I speak not of myself but the Fath er that me the works Believe me that I am in the Fath er and the Father in inc What fear was dispelled by this relation of the Divine Being God was not then a consuming lire but mans best friend giving life sup plying every want the very hairs of his head The Suviour too dispelled the fear of the grave For not only did he dignify the human body by veiling himself in a tabcmaclc of clay he hallowed the grave as well by his presence Over every grave in every land there hung a pall of darkness Only the faintest rays of light had shone on the tomb The clear light dawned however when the Saviour said I am the resurrection and the life ho thalt on me though lie were dead yet he live Since that day death has lost its sting and by faith departing ones have been able to say Oh grave where is thy victory Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ But not only would I call atten tion to the announcement of the an- to the song of the heavenly host Peace on earth good wall toward men TJis is a theme dear to every Quaker heart I know that the glories of war have been been lauded by statesmen and by poets But is war glori ous Far from it it is the most hellish demon over loosed on earth This vile destroyer has caused the death of four and one half persons minutely from the creation of man until now It has destroyed happy homes and than wasted r earths millions Is war glorious Go ask the dying soldier on the bat tle field if -he- thinks war is glorious Go ask the suhering Saviour on Cal varys cross mocked and tortured by the Roman soldiers if war be glorious Hear him say to his fol lowers But I say unto you love your enemiesbless them that curse you do good to them that hate you pray for them that despitefully use you arid persecute you That ye may be the children of your Fath er which heaven and say if you can that war is glorious Somewhere I have the des cription of a painting entitled The Angels first visit to Earth In the background are two angels a young one and his guide The first glimpse of earth they catch is a battle field where the contending armies are in deadly conflict There is the smoking cannon around lie dead and dying in all stages of suffering The two gaze upon the scene for a time and the young gel says to his guide Surely you are mistaken this is not earth this is hell and these are devils No replies the guide this is earth and these men devils are too wise for work But the sword shall not devour fc for ever So sure as the Eternal One who sits upon the throne of heaven cannot lie will the time come when men shall beat their swords into and their spears into pruning hooks nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war any more I know we sometimes have high hopes that blessed time is near at hand and then some outburst of carnage like the late war in the East brings us almost to despair Let lose hope but with the of faith peer through the dark ness and catch the gleams of that bright and Morning star whose ris ing splendour shall dispel this mid night of gloom and cause peace to cover this earth as the waters cover the great deep Longfellow has told us in a little poem entitled Christmas Bells how his own high hopes were blast ed by the American Civil War and how faith rose above hope and looking down the centuries yet to come he saw the blessed reign of the Prince of Peace I heard the bells on Christmas dav Their old familiar carols play Awl wild and sweet The words repeat Of peace on earth good will to men Ami thought how as the day had come The Ixjlfries of all Christendom Had rolled along The unbroken song Of pence on earth good will to men Till ringing singing on its way revolved from night to day A voice a chime A chant sublime Of peace on earth good will to men Then from each black accursed mouth cannon thundered in the South And with the sound he carols drowned Of peace on earth good will to men rent The hearthstones ft continent households born Of peace on earth will to men is no peace for earth I And mocks the song Of Peace on earth goodwill to men Then pealed the bells more loud and deep God is not dead I nor doth he sleep I- I ho wrong shall fail prevail on earth good will to men