ERA Hgivig a HALL Dec ISO This Is the want the best Spices Er- etc- lor your Cake We want a trial you do not trade us We will sell as cheap Ho I Quality little cheaper you buy Golden Dates finest new lb Seeded Raisins full 16 for better at for quality Cooking Figs Cooking Figs No mind MALAGA GRAPES MEXICAN ORANGES FLORIDA ORANGES CLUSTER TABLE RAISINS FINE TABLE FIGS lb lb boxes VALENCIA COOKING RAISINS to arrive in 10 days lb Cooking Figs No Quality eta per lb EXCELSIOR COFFEE finest Blend of pleases everyone who uses it China Our Christmas lines of Fancy China is nearly all to hand have a very lance assortment of Hand some an1 odd pieces and Bets ill The Leading Reliable The Reliable Store KESWICK Supplies of Fall and Win ter Goods arriving tiling and at Golden Rule Price MILLINERY Mm Hill charge of the Millinery and a ha had much experience in Toronto will e prepared to give the beat and a Fine Dis play on Opening Day Friday Saturday ami Monday Oct and Below AH Others Call arid seo Sand and Gravel For cement by iromntly attended to tor tea them A British American Business College OLDEST Winter Term nun K KivJlrur tutu V The rails are laid and wires placed Council Day All Municipal Councils wind up business for the year hex Sat urday All persons caving accounts against any Corporation send to the proper clerk at once so as to be included ia the Statements Lightning hitch This is the Hockey Boot the boys want and is without doubt best In Canada Made by John Co A sells them AGENTS FOR WESTONS CHILDRENS SHOES on the new radial entrance to New- CENTURY market toe track is not hence passenger cars still the lin S Entertainment A very Interesting Entertainment will be Riven in Friends Church this Friday evening for the the Sunday School It will- com prise a talk on file Life of Christ beautifully illustrated by limelight views It will include scenes in Je rusalem and throughout tbe Holy Land also hymns and solos illustrat ed The public are invited MENS FINE TAILORED GARMENTS- North Yorks Leading Store AGENTS PRIESTLEYS- ENGLISH DRESS GOODS I fit Colemans w r Got Left On Wednesday evening last week the Toronto train was minus a conductor between Newmarket and Aurora Mistaking a siRnal the driver pulled out the conductor was a passenger Aurora some uneasiness was left as it was feared he had met with an accident Tbe train return ed slowly to Newmarket where the conductor was found safe and sound The largest stock York Values better than you have been in the ceiling money bwXffifo entirely satisfied with your purchase It will you to shop Store FOR BABY BRING THE CHILDREN Caps habit of at this Fair Warning Coal ashes make a good roadbed at the proper rime but is not when the snow is on ground A dump on one of the streets frightened a colt when the runners gritted upon it on and caused a runaway The Inspec tor was caUed to task for allowing the ashes to remain on the and complaincnt wanted summonses issued at once The Inspector is to be complimented not taking ac tion without fair Citizens beware Cement Walks Up to the present time Meaford can boast of having no less than feet of cement walks which at an average width of five would extend in length nearly seven miles Sixty per cent of the cost of this work is paid by the owners property immediately benefited while forty per cent is contributed by the town at large Newmarket Council will have to face the sidewalk question before long and it is up to some municipal aspirant to propose a policy that will meet with public favour Oar Toronto tetter President Cockburn and the Di rectors of the Ontario Bank tender ed their resignations to a meeting of shareholders on Tursday The ad dress of the President throws the whole of the Banks collapse on Manager The mewing purring and squalling of hundreds of cats decked with rib bons ami medals is what the feline is like at the King Edward this week One cat owned in Rochester is valued at Representatives of the Methodist Presbyterian and Congregational churches are in session at the Met ropolitan Church to further consider the question of church union- Re port has it that considerable pro- press has been made and representa tives are hopeful of satisfactory re sults McVev who has created quite a sensation among detectives was before the Police Court on Wed nesday charged with the theft of a stole valued at The case was remanded for a week The Government it is said pur pose doing away with the employ ment of temporary detectives and will appoint one permanent con stable for each county to be under the direction of the County Crown Attorney It was given out yesterday that Mr J Mayor of London is to be the Commissioner to inves tigate the charges against Governor VanZant the Toronto jail This is the same Commissioner who Dolls Rag Dolls 20 Rattles and Stuffed Animals 10 J Bear Skin Coats Bear Skin Bonnets Bear Skin Stoles Knitted Wool Bonnets 50 Knitted Woo Clouds 35 Knitted Wool Bootees Knitted Wool Mittens Kid Moccasins Soft Soled Bootees Bibs 25 30c THE FOLKS TOY SUGGESTIONS Games Return Balls Trumpets Rattles Mouth Organs Paper Mache Animals Fur Animals Banks Watches Boats Scales Waggons Noahs Arks Jumping Jacks Acrobats Whistles Bells Pocket Knives Dolls Linen Books Picture Hooks IOC TOY etc etc SUGGESTIONS James Drums Iron Toys Hughes Goods Are lovely and cheap Special Christmas Market Tuesday Dec will Christmas Market in New market All the buyers declare that they will be here prepared to take everything that is offered and will pay better prices than on Sat urday the which Ihy does not give them time to sell Christmas It is much in the interest of the farmers to market all kinds of poul try here on Tuesday the Dec- There will be more competition among the buyers here day than on St Lawrence Market in Toronto vestigated charges against Mr stedo Deputy Commissioner of Pish- 1 Drawing Slates resulting in the Trumpets missal Brooms The Ontario Railway and Municipal Mouth Organs Board are scarcely filling expect a- Unbreakable Horses They have ruled this week Cats that a steam railway company is not Picture liable for a business tax Bells I Owing largely to the CobajU boom he the the Temiskaming and Northern On tario Railway is immensely success ful and will prove a bonanza for the Province j Toys Great Variety Another runaway collision with a Decorated Tin Tea Sets milk van last Friday scattered a Dolls large number of bottles of milk on Auto Horns before the street at and College Roys Tool Sets Iron Banks Beads etc 15C etc TOY SUGGESTIONS Ontario College You Never Know How handy a Fountain Pen vou use one From ud at Watsons Store is till Wiit Left no Francis- Nolan of Virginia Township died intestate I Its estate is worth It con sists of in household goods 1200 in farming impliments in horses in cattle in securities for money in cash 1425 in farm produce Part of lot con worth parts of lots and con 13000 lots in Sutton No Queen St west Division St North Lisgar street and North St 1250 The beneficia ries are his widow Sarah and one daughter Mary and three sons J J Michael I and Francis all of Virginia Jos Corner The council of the of Pharmacy has raised the fees of that institution for the junior term from to and for the senior term from SCO to 590 There are students in attendance o Mechanical Toys Auto Cars Tin Stoves and Furniture Iron Banks Picture etc etc 25C TOY SUGGESTIONS Climbing Miller Musical Tops Improving County Roads In Four Years Has Been Spent in This Work A consultation in regard to Ihc proportion of the expenditure or the payment of the County of work done during the past season lor the improvement of the municipal itys system of roads was held last week between Warden J Whiteside County Engineer of and Mr A Campbell Deputy Minister of Public Works The countys plans call for miles of highways in all to ost in the neighborhood of Already about miles have been completed with an expenditure of 070U0 Ac cording to good roads legislation the Government meets onethird of ihc expense and Counties were among the first of those which took advantage of that measure after its passage some four ago Since that time have joined in the movement In favor main highways and in all about 000- has been spent in such enterprises To carry out the extensive works which such a disbursement has en tailed payments by the totalled only The Good Roads Act Is- only applicable to the imaln roads belonging to counties about onetenth of the whole mileage in each such municipality No deal companiiaent with the less important highways mention Everybody is pleased have improv ed many roads and it is estimated that In addition to tile work done by Methodist Church Both services last Sunday largely attended Church crowded in the ev ening many persona present from the country Excellent ser mons by ths pastor and splendid mu sic In the morning Mr Barker of New York sang with acceptance also his brother in the evening the duet by Miss Maud Richardson and Mr Stephens with choir acj animent was worthy of sPwith the less Furniture Sets Rubber Dolls Enamel Dish Sets Mouth Organs Stuffed Animals Nickel Tea Sets Mechanical Toys Pocket Knives Tin KitdKns Drums Horses 1iumiKts Pi lure Blocks Carpet Sweepers Tub and Wash Boards Wooden Carts KM Dolls Dressed Dolls Cloth Cover Books Picture Books Linen Books Rubber Balls China Dolls 15 23c Rag Dolls Dressed Jointed Dolls Bisque Heads Baby Dolls Long Dresses Kid Baby Dolls 25 Dressed Dolls 35 the way Campbell the new or- J ganist performs her of the Mr a great many good ihlwv last Sunday about the young woman next Sunday tint is What a woman experts in a young man Seal and every body welcome At a mating on Monday evening made to Toys At in is Variety to 120 SUGGESTIONS OF THINGS Grey Lainb Muffs Grey Lamb Storm Collars 5600 Imitation Lamb Grey and Black Gauntlets Imitation Lamb Tarns and Caps Gloves 25c Woollen Mittens Buster Brown Belts 2ads Purses Colored Picture and in Fancy Boxes Childrens to L0o Childrens Boots in fine ami Box Good School and Skating Boots and for Better Wear All Weights Styles Price 00 SI Hosiery from to 35c Cloth Covered Books I handkerchief Boxes Clove Boxes Work Boxes Post Card Albums 35 50 Co Photo Albums 03c Gloves Beads is Perfumery Ho Writing Portfolios Si 25 Fancy Linen and Lawn 5c to each Bracelets Warranted for Five years SI to Slippers to Si per pair Girls Boots The largest stock in North York to choose from from SI to Fur Caps Stoics Muffs Collars Gauntlets A variety of kinds Prices FOR BOYS Sleighs 05 Football Tumblinc 125 Hockey Boots 200 Boys Box Calf and Patent Leather Boots 125 Gloves Boys Suspenders 20c Boys Caps Boys Sweaters CO Boys Ties 15 Boys Mufflers 25c Boys Fur Caps to Boys Imitation Lamb Caps 50c Bovs Suits and Overcoats Si Handkerchiefs to Boys Wool Gloves Ladies Silk Mufflers the newest We cannot suggest anything nicer thing tbls season and Lace Ties 25 Chiffon Ties Dresden 25 Black Dress Goods Nothing is more suitable than than a Century Fine Tailored Suit or Overcoat Mens Fur Caps 250 Men s Overcoats We have a a nice Dress Length MM big range of all the wanted Fabrics at these Prices 30 yd Colored Dress Goods all the popular Colorings 30 125 per yard Fancy Waist Opera 10 Plaid Dress Goods for Blouses find Costumes 25 Fancy and Plain Silks for Blouses tHe Horns 5C What about a Black Silk Dress for Mother We have Bonnets guaranteed Silk at per that we would recommend there nothing better Umbrellas Si Si 25 Ladies House Slippers from I5e to Ladies Pebble Leather Boots Solid Leather all sizes Special at Si Ladies Heavy Kid Lace Boots a- splendid walking boot Medium heel extension sole sizes to Worth special at Ladies Genuine Box Calf Boots solid leather a splendid skating or general wear boot sizes to worth special u Silk in Cream Black Navy and Wine and Fop wife Sistep op Swiss Applique Pillow Shams Swiss Applique Stand Covers 50c Swiss Applique Dresser Covers Linen Stand and Dresser Covers 25 Linen Tray Cloths 50c Linen or Fringed 5 20 and each Table Linens 35 Table Nankins SI 250 per Linen Towels 17 anil 50c each White Quilts SI i200 S225 250 Bed Comforters Eider Down Bed Comforters nothing nicer for a present and each Feather Pillows and pair White Wool Blankets Grey Wool Blankets Tapes Table Covers 5500 3KheniUe Table Covers i r I j a Lustre Blouses in Cream Navy Black SI 115 Sateen Lustre Blouses clearing at reg Blouses clearing at regular 75c Dressing 150 and Knitted Wool Shawls Knitted Wool Fascinators Silk Mix ed Fancy Handkerchiefs in Linen and Lawn and Hemstitched- 5 Handkerchiefs In Fancy Fancy Collars Embroidery Colors and 30c Kid Gloves Colored Black Fatuous French and 125 Kid Gloves Undressed 22inoh Gloves Fancy and Black Cashmere Silk Gloves Cashmere Lined Mocha Gloves 100i Black Wool Mitts 25 Imitation Gauntlets Hose Fine Cashmere and Wool in Bib and Plain 25 40 Silk Belts 50c leather Belts 25 50c Gold Silver Belts Pelting by yard Kirk Belting per yd Belt Buckles 30 Fancy Pins 75 Blouse Sets Fancy Back Combs Side Combs Hair Comb ami Sets Metal Handle and Frame Perfume In Fancy Boxes 25 35 Ladies Hand Bags Beaded Hand Bags Purse 123 arrangements Mr Barker soloist at were man whose far John a both morning and evening June it hlm This a statute labor the townships have spent about lnftO000 in he fit year on feuch improvements A deputation of shipbuilders wait ed on the Government to for a bounty on CiniidIailuBt ships SanSTigit a Montreal motor- man vliosr far John Morrison six and Sash Bear Skin Tama Knitted Wool Toques Knitted Wool Toque SI Knitted Wool Buster Brown -ai- Writing Portfolios 150 Postal Albums 25 35 Tapestry and Lithographed Cushion Tops 25 IA Cushion Girdles 25 and Fancy Pin Cushions Knitted Word Golf Jackets with Without belt 100 and Ladies Outside Skirts to Ladies Rain Coats to Ladies Winter Coats Clearing prices to every coat new This season every coat reduced in price Ladies Cloth Capes Fancy Braid Trimmed for Ladies Fur Jackets in Persian Lamb and Near Seal at 0150 Ladies Fur Stoles BoaS Scarfs Collarettes Caps Muffs in a great variety of Furs such as Mink Isabella Fox Japanese Marten Must Rat Sable Texas Mink Lamb Electric Seal Bl Brown and Blue Hair Coon etc etc piece is new tins season Styles A Qualities to be depended on Chenille Curtains Crimson or Green Tapestry Curtains Lace Curtains to per Smyrna Hearth Rugs Reversible various designs and Smyrna Door Mats 100 and Japanese Hearth Rugs I Japanese Door Mats and and Tapestry and Jute Hearth Rugs Velvet Jute Hearth Plush rapes try from 700 to Velvet Squares 1950 Jute Hearth Rugs I Door Mohair Door Mats Squarea 3x31 Candies Fruits Special Mixture lb Mixture Cut Rock Mixture Chocolate Mixture lb Chocolate to 40c lb Cream Candies lb Gum Drops lb Humbugs 15c lb Mints lb Conversation Lozenges lb Cream Walnuts lb BonRons lb Prices range for Stoles from 20c lb Marsh Mallows lb Brilliants lb i Jelly Squares lb to We monev on Furs can save Husband Mens Mens Tics all styles Mens Silk and Linen 15 75c Mcits Linen in Fancy boxes Mens Suspenders 50 Mens- Kid Mocha and Buck Gloves and Mens Wool Gloves 25 Mens Sweaters Filberts lb and I Peanuts lb v Cream Dates 20c lb Burnt Almonds lb Candies in Packages at Scotch Salted Peanuts Cough Drops Swiss Milk Chocolate Candles in Packages at Chocolate Caramels Molasses Tally Chocolate Marshmallows Maple Delicacies Chocolate Creams Newport Chocolate Fine Chocolates and in Fancy Boxes J 5 25 JO and each Walnuts lb Almonds lb Mens Cardigan Jackets Shelled Walnuts and Almonds Ik 150 and Oranges Mexican Florida Mens Cloth Caps 26 30 and doz Mens hard soft felt Hats Lemons doz j Cranberries per Malaga Grapes 20c lb Mens Hockey Boots Mcphersons Grape Fruit Large each Lightning Hitch and Kings Pa tent Ancle protector Pine Apples each Table Figs lb Figs In boxen lb Dates Choice lb Bananas and Table Raisins and 30c lb Table Raisins in Boxes Choice Cooking Raisins selected 10c lb 75 Seeled Raisins A 5oi Cleaned Currants Choice Mens Suits and Overcoats Oysters 50c of lb 30c doz Mens Patent Leather and Mens Fine and Box Boots 150 Calf WATCH SANTA