Newmarket Era, 14 Jun 1907, p. 2

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v I Board for month of August for to put Herb under a hill lainily fat on a farm neat market Must have nice grounds Write Box A recent greatest i plan campaign Liberal In option quietly outlined by toe Ontario Hamiltons Orchestra Male and Brass Band fur nish the latest music lor garden parties picnics fairs etc For par ticulars dates testimonials and bottom is feet above the sea lev- flung friend spent Sunday in Newmaricet overt ravine and of Toronto Housed Store Wednesday Jttly and KEEP CORSETS A London cable despatch states that to Sir Wilfrid turn to tkjSX Canada per the Allen liner over Lambert PeitSon has been prices address PH Hamilton Box iSjf WS with pneumonia- the past Toronto Junction intend- supports of the returning bridge from she jumped The and Webster have rt woman about no both been very but are For Sale At the Conservative Convention l nicely North Ontario last week Mr while piling boxes and Mrs A Wells King A House Cement Cellar the present member on a shelf in a store at King and Ontario garden lawn with domestic nominated to the Hiding at streets fell into a show case tefr and in good repair on Timothy the next Provincial general elections and smashed it to smithereens He St NewmarVet Apply to Mrs the party of Toronto spent Wednesday at Mr Thompson 33 Elm St Toronto Mrs Webster Marlborough The woodbine ease A Coombs NEWMARKET arid B IE Farm For Sale- 1 All that part lot twenty In the second concession of the township of East owned by the late J deceased about sixty acres There Is a good bam with underground on said premises and soil good For particulars apply to Mrs on the premises or to Barrister Newmarket 1 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Cheap Rates to Pacific Coast urn Where are you going to spend the summer Heres a few suggestions Vancouver BC Los Ore Spokane Wash Lethbridc AH a BC Cheap rales to all the above places SPECIAL SIDE TRIPS Tickets are now also available via and Navigation Co Tickets are now procurable valid til Oct Call and see Grand Trunk Ticket he will cheerlully give you full particulars J Wllloughby Town Agent m passengers Mrs Sheriff of S WdS ton spent over Sunday with her the charge against 0jdei jUvndU tj was dropped News has been received at Ottawa that the condition Hon Edward Biake is far from satisfactory The attack of paralysis from which he is now suffering is the third of its kind with which lie has heen afflicted There is no disguising the fact that his condition is serious of the biennial in the Temple building last week When premises are quarantined by order of the City Health Officer for any reason the city has to provide the inmates with food In a place recently quarantined the first order the inmates gave was for a leg of lamb a turkey a box of cigars and a quart of ice cream They fancied the city was easy but their was not quite so luxurious when they opened the basket The Mink Ruff Lost On June 1st between Keswick and Orchard Beach going by lake shore and returning by side road past Mrs Maines house Reward lor its re turn to John Brooke Painter Kes- The Toronto Worlds Ottawa spe cial gives currency to a rumor that a general election to the Commons will take plare next autumn The them good plain whole story is based on the fact that these quarantined pen- Hon Hyman who has been ill dually want the earth and the for several months has resigned the portfolio of Public Works The pro- Aid has already announced phets on the Conservative side of candidature for the Mayors chair politics are not all dead yet year Getting ready in time anyway It is estimated that the proposed York County Council Committee Georgian Bay Canal will cost and certain city officials had a face and take about- ten years to to face talk with the Provincial Sec- complete Mr iV on Friday with the object of of London England is now in To- trying to straighten out the difference ronto concerning this work for which between the two municipalities re- in iX Walker Co contractors of the proportion of cost u r which he is the chief member has the court maintenance Time was asked LEAT i0t contract Toronto papers state that and thats the the whole Perks will spend some days in ness hangs from year to year looking over the ground Sir William The Toronto referring to the JgjJ Millet tor dismissal of Jailor makes CQS Spearing three weeks but is pie of weeks or more Miss Hughe who has been laid up for over two weeks with a sore is improving Mr Geo Holmes of the Toronto Police Force was spending a few days with his mother last week Rev Percy Fletcher of Bray ton gave us a call last Saturday while in town on his to preach at Little Britain Mr Edward Duncan youngest son Constable Duncan who has been very low with pneumonia is improv ing Mrs 1 Robertson was the guest of Mrs Bruce in Hamil ton last and also visited at Oak lie on her way home Since the fine weather arrived we are pleased to note that Mr J A is able to he out on the lawn for a few hours every day Mr and Mrs Jackson took in the excursion to yesterday and expect to spend over Sunday with their daughter at Hamilton Mrs spent afew days short visit with friends here Mrs Brock of Winnipeg daughter of Mr Ed Nugent is home on a visit Her father has been to his bed lor over Gentlemen Boarders Gentlemen Boarders wanted Ap ply to MRS H TOOLE Prospect Ave North the methods employed against Thomas VanZant and we have seldom had a at Lee avenue died very more pitiful exhibition of the evils of Friday morning Mr J Inspector the the patronage system as It obtains in hundred little patients of the Industrial Home accompanied by Mrs Canada Altogether it was a raiser- for Sick Children went over Lundy tiie Wardens excursion able killing and the group greedy to The LaVeslde Home tor Little to Niagara on Tuesday and will re- spoilsmen by whom it wasaccom- Saturday morning where main over Sunday with their son at when they all over Jiavc l0 on N Y During of refund Railway on all purchases and on of arid upwards within a distance of make liberal offer to of customers in order thai they shall be placed oh the same tooting patrons W X We Want You to become better acquainted with thia Largest Best Store HOUSE OF QUALITY We know our of Goods Groceries Boots Shoes Clothing Wall Papers and Carpets cannot be surpassed for Variety Quality arid We Want your trade and will dp utmost to serve you well THIS WEEK we have several Special lines worthy of- mention as YDS Regular to reduced to So per yard Vv AT Ladies Taffeta Lace Gloves in White Tan and Black alt sizes regu lar to pair Reduced to per pair AT A Big Range of Silk Ribbons all colors to Cinches wide Also some pretty shot effects regular to cents Reduced to yard si AT 50c Mens Soft Felt Hats Browns and Greys regular to Re- to each AT Ladies Dongola Slippers and Ox fords all sizes regular and Reduced to pair AT 62ic Mens Pants Serviceable Tweed regular and pair Sat- 62 Jo a leg Seats Free GROCERY SPECIALS- Tomato Catsup qt bottles 20c Bottle Family Mixed Biscuits 10c ft 3 lbs for Prime White Beans lbs for Prunes special 31 lbs for Black Tea 20c lb Limit 5 to customers English Mustard Tins 12JO per Tin fC 1 in cold surely can find no real Ontario In the achievement Thompson the socall ed Canadian Rational Sunday League TUB CRADLE 8UMMER July and August Enter the Now and accept a position in the Graduates always successful Catalogue free J and trtt Canadas Heat Business School Murder at Winnipeg Winnipeg June was murdered last Nineteen men are under arrest and no one in particular can be charged with the The row resulted from a- wedding which had been performed that even ing In Nicholas Greek Catholic Church when Ale aged years and a young girl aged had been married by Father Alter the ceremony the couple repaired to the bouse on and there engaged in when another wedding party apparently without any provocation the house The company inside rushed out and was struck down by tome unknown band and carried the bouse Odd Shooting Accident tenor soloist in the Presbyterian church here sang solos both morning By an Act passed last session it is applied to the Mayor foe permission evening In the Street made compulsory to sue farmers for to use the stand in Queens Park on Methodist church Toronto In the overdue accounts for machinery etc Sunday afternoons for the use of a morning he was assisted in violin at the division Court nearest their band consisting of the League who by Air Frank Williams first home and the Act is held to be com- would give their services gratuitous- violinist of the Philharmonic Society even after a farmer waives that the citizens may enjoy good New his right to the benefit of He ferpvU music- His Worship wrote asking j Mr I Shape of this Town the band would play sacred Montreal on Wednesday and sailed entered an action in the Newmarket sic but Thompsons reply was J Liverpool She ex- Division Court against J- Young characteristic He said much of Sects to visit England Ireland Scot- Greenock Township Bruce County the stalled sacred music has nothing and Italy for Fire Extinguishers on the sacred about it but the name and wiU be gone for four strength of an agreement to allow then he took a crack at the Lords five himself to be sued here when he made Day Alliance Very much in accord spend the Sunday last Mr Young Klngi the purchase The matter was car ried to a higher court and the mas ter held that the waiver was mere ly an ingenious device to evade the Act Farmers can now sign an agreement stating I hereby waive my right to the benefit of the Act ana tben ignore that part of the agreement Town Pillaged By Revolutionists with public sentiment Mr Thompson was refused his request the very he displayed in going out of his way to slander the Alliance was enough to settle bis hash A street car collision with mov ing van belonging to the Lester Co Friday resulted in injuring four persons two seriously Trinity Methodist Church last Sun day held a special service conducted by Rev Dr Wilson who gave an ad dress based on Lessons from the lives of hints The In day with her previous to her depart ure Mrs John mother of Mr was In on Mon day visiting at Dr Pattersons The Dr received many congratulations that day when life attained his birthday The event was merrily celebrated by a boating trip Lyon taking the Doctor and a num ber of his friends on a cruise round bay We clip the following from the Chatham Planet June A very fine song service was given in First Presbyterian church last In the absence of the pas tor who is attending the Presbyte rian General Assembly In Montreal itev Timothy of Falls June boys two brothers and a f cousin went bunting for crows yea- Tiring of that they laid the gun on the ground while they engaged in a game of catch with the form of an object lesson Around San Salvador June A force the gallery singing birds were Nicaragua filibusters landed at to their gilded cages altar and at once made their way was banked with flowers and the Town of where blossoms fringed with rows of tbey plundered the customs house and nations roses and other spring fiow- from the local agency ens of the Hank of San Salvador Mr A Proctor while out occupied the pulpit both and Salvadorean troops ttien appeared driving last Saturday near evening At the evening service upon the scene and defeated the in- ton met with an unfortunate who fled precipitately back to being thrown from his buggy where they reembarked up- His horse frightened at a On some vessels flying the passing load trees on a farm wagon flag and made their way out of the Mr Proctor bad bis leg but harbor the lady friend who accompanied him The country Is in was not hurt the government Thousands of vol- York Liberals at their have offered their in vention last Saturday nominated J the fight for Salvador and President Walter Curry an their splendid program of music was given by the choir Besides an excellent anthem a vocal solo was given by Wilfrid a violin selection by the First church male quartet There was a very large congregation and the service was Immensely enjoyed and appreciated Rev Mr is baseball A ball which the failed to atop to have struck the gun lay a abort dis tance away charged with buckshot a young preacher ana is a thoughts and eloquent speaker and ho gave is being acclaimed date for the Ontario House next dec- iwo excellent He has tlon Ttiere is no doubt In the Just graduated and Judging from the a York but that nouses Destroyed Hiding win he redeemed ttfr- VanZant will help the party Quebec June The parish of St next election County of Port thlr- On Saturday evening as car was this city this going east on Queen St just after visited by a conflagration passing Broadview a wee child not which for a time threatened to wipe more than two years old who was it to go off The lout the village A fire started at was playing on the sidewalk ran of widow dangerous- one end of village about pm right in front of the approaching car merit of his he has a brilliant future before him wounded fa the abdomen the leg The Rupert is alto wounded in the wrist two grains fchot having struck him there That trouble will cease If you will take Millers Compound Iron Pills One after each meal For by The Herman Rogers Co when three bouses were destroyed Luckily the car was going very and 21 horses While fire at the time and the fender worked burning another fire started about a all right and caught be youngster half mile further west on the main j Things were to good shape when the street of the village A detachment various regiments arrived as the of the Fire Brigade men the Canadian Army by special train to St Service Corps under Lieut- succeed this evening In controlling to Niagara last the Are but not before private re- Saturday so as to have everything In were completely destroyed order THE Furniture Undertaking You cad buy your Cheap For Cash I AND Night calls Ueadc4 at John Millard Psom Mr and Mrs Fred twin daughters TUB ALTAR the home of the brides mother on June by Rev Mr Randolph Pindar East limbury to Miss Myrtle agh of Newmarket BURTON CARTER On Tuesday June at the residence of Mr Fred Carter by the Rev Gibson A Mr James Frederick Burton of Noble- ton to Miss Maud Carter Middlesex Co June at the residence of the brides mother Lake Wilcox by Rev Amos Rev Angus of Montreal to Jean daughter Mrs Mary Stewart STEPHENSON On Thursday afternoon Juno by Rev Stephenson Czar St Toronto David of to Margaret a Ste phenson of Toronto TUB TOMB In Newmarket on Juno John son of Mr Walter aged and In Mount Albert on Sat June Ell aged life and months Funeral on Tuesday to Mount Al bert Cemetery IN MBMORiAM In loving memory of our darling mother Mary Gould wife of the late Gould who departed life June A precious one from us Is gone The voice we loved Is stilled A place is vacant in our hearts Which never can be filled Daughters The season tor Pine Apple preserving is here and can give you them The price Is a little higher than some years faal the quality Is better We have them from each upwards STRAWBERRIES cheaper this week we have some nice ones Fresh Radish and Rhubarb CURED MEATS We have the of Meat thst is cured Give it a trial I T s Bread Fresh every Day Have a wagon call for your order and have goods delivered the morning PHONE COMB AND GIVE US A CAW ROHDHOUSH Undertaking MAIN ST NORTH All Orders will i- I Plain Serving Wanted and Blouses Mrs P Toole St I Sewing Wanted Quiet fony and Outfit this Persons Wanting loo Will please let me know s I All kinds clothing also the formerly run tf other plain sewing Apply at arid I will be TIMOTHY cool you from almost any too warm food and drink it overheated by hot on application good a can be left at the office of A ft at ft iaiieaii Enquiry a or Phone I BEN J iv rrr

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