Newmarket Era, 14 Jun 1907, p. 3

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Weeks WAX IS Garden Party Under auspices the Willing of the Presbyterian Church be held on the Public School of the date hi to and Lake Joseph June CanioiNottheni Rail way The iare fiotu Richmond Hill is for Tfc MSrQplHaii car Newmarket at am will connect train Rich mond HSU oclock- I- 1 Of- Mr who bad contract for cutting lumber in West finished last wee sold his entire outfit to a man li Quebec It was loaded on toe on Thursday of last week finger Jammed A young man named Dan Turner baa the index finger of bis left band caught in a stamping press in tool department at the Office Special ty factory one day last week and the ell was so badly jammed that it jiid to be amputated at the first joint it w purely accid Fishing Season Opens on All kinds Fishing Tackle cheap at A Pretty Model A very ingenious piece of is on exhibition in the win dow of Wrights shoe store It is a odd of a duubledeck street car in style and is a credit to its fciener Mr Robert of The workmanship great care and skill Court of Revision The Court appointed by tbe Council to hear appeals regarding tbe met on Friday and made two reductions was taken oft the If Mr las Bond and tbe of York Rail- Kay was reduced Court ad journed till next Monday evening to make some changes in tenancy on ac count of recent removals in town be fore confirming Roll A Bargain Small Oak Sideboard with bevel plate glass and high shelf See it at Hardware More Expense After Queen St had been closed for two months on account the in the Metropolitan route was thrown open for travel a cave-in- occurred on tide of the steel bridge crossing the creek revealed fact that tbe log abutment bad rot ted away and the street bad to be closed pending repairs Ten ders have been asked lor a cement and the Road and Bridge Committee find that it is going to cost over to make the necessary repair The probabilities are that it will another month or six weeks Wore the street will be open for traffic Unavoidable Much complaint is made by citizens at North End about tbe way Metropolitan track has been left for tie two weeks- The cause baa unavoidable The Metropolitan By to Intended to remove the rails ad the street when they starts A lb but the water supply at tie Power House suddenly gave out and the Co saw that the way for the future was to US the Lake a distance of of a mile One hundred tot to work on the job and it cm completed yet though tyey base beer employed on It day tot wvrv two weeks In one place tie feet deep The reduced the power sup- fly the cars on the Srncoe been Kim very irregular hope the job this It does look well to say least to number young girls Ae boys to get in Jim tor Post Office every evening If the young ladies would defer visit about ten minutes the crowd would be served by that time crowding of gentler be avoided Parents might do a good deal ieratdy condition of by giving a word of caution daughters Who frequent the post about hour Tpwse of Eversleyspent Rev Dr is the General Assembly at Montreal- Miss of Toronto is itiog at Ross pulpit in St Andrews Church on Sunday Miss Geary or is a guest at Maple line week St here Intend to bold their annual Garden Party Von Tuesday June on the grounds A lei The committee have spared no pains securing firstclass talent for the entertainment The Mower to Buy- Is the Mower It keeps sharp longer and cuts easier than others only at Hard ware A Public Presentation On this Friday evening our citizens one and all are Invited to attend a public function in honor of our well- known public spirited and popular townsman Rev Frank Cornell who leaves Tuesday morning next for Los California At pm the KeKmarket Military Band will render a concert on the lawn of Friends Church to which all out citizens are invited Short addresses by the- Mayor the chair man of the evening Hon J Da vis and prominent members of the Friends Society from Toronto will occupy the hour between and A followed by a continuance of the musical program by the band Police Court About a week ago a farmer I King Township drove into Town and a dog belonging to Mr Jiremner ran out at the horse barking and at its mouth It managed to get a good bold on the mouth of horse ana tore flesh Word was sent to the owner that it the dog destroyed nothing further would be done Mr tied the dog up and arranged with a man to come and take the dog away The man did not come and on Tuesday the dog broke loose and did same trick again The result was an in terview with Col Lloyd next day when owner bad to pay and promised destroy- thedog twentyfour boots There ate some other dogs around Town that need a dose of the same medicine Rev Leonard is attending con ference in Toronto this A dumber from here attended Wardens excursion to tbe Falls Tuesday Tbe Ladies Aid held monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Gideon Baker last afternoon Miss Laura Stiver of visited with friends here last Sunday Our League members journeyed to last Tuesday evening- and took charge of the meeting thefe Mr and Mrs of Bal timore are visiting brothers here- Miss of Toronto is the guest Miss Theresa Mr and Allan returned- last Saturday from visiting Whitby friends Clifford has secured a position in Bradford Mr and Mrs- John Brown visited friends at last Sunday Mr has had bis house painted which adds much to the the north end of the town Mr Richmond Hill was guest of Mies on Sunday Mr Leo lb tie of visited at Hall fl il Saturday derpa was the successful candidate Church and the Synod of the Diocese are both In session In the titty this week In the five ween Longboat the Onondaga Indian and FrarNebjicbof a the Silk and Kraiyl are very scarce good and Christian Church Childrens Day services last Sun day a great The church was very decorated for the occasion with plants ftowers and birds and was filled to over flowing both morning and The Mr Jos Ste phens took charge of the program and the children did their parts well The singing the school was as sisted by the Orchestra Be sides a number of recitations there Mr John Phillips- seems to he the busiest man on the carpet just bow Fencing seems to he order the day I One hundred years ago last Friday June the was born Sarah Rog ers of lot in the Concession of the Township of King She mar ried on May 3rd Vim who was born Sept loth and died May the 1861 Mrs has a widow years- ami possibly may yet years of widowhood Her sight at is sufficient to notice a vehicle pass ing along the highway theorne Is about that far the road In Hon Frank Cochrane Minister of Lands and Mines leaves the first of the month for New Ontario to ascertain for the nature and- extent of the grievances behind the secession talk Albert Jennings of to Windsor on a car on the- and was arrested He was fined for forgetting to pur chase a ticket a colored man- who kept a restaurant at York street was shot and killed in bis own room by another named John Boyd The latter was arrested The two men bad a bitter re cently A deckhand on the named Sullivan fell from the steamer to tbe wharf on Tuesday His wounds were dressed at the Hospital The Township Councils of North and Whitchurch have forwarded resolutions opposing proposal for a county road sys tem King Council recommends a plebiscite Markbam the pro ject J- Premier Whitney purposes faking a holiday next month In all he will visit England for a rest Prince cousin of the Mika do of Japan arrived in the city on Wednesday and was given a right roy al reception Tbe city authorities gave him a drive Queens and A garden party was given in his honor by the Lieut- Governor in the afternoon and a Our Stock is Complete in In Blacky White and Tan I in Cotton and Cashmere I Sires and Qualities One Womens Heavy Black Cotton Hose at being a Special Bargain i any foot lopk neat and Every pair We everything I in Show In White and i f i all Shajies These aw the Most Wash Goods worn this season and the price is only aOc per yard Red Salmon lbs tins for lor Mustard and Horseradish In glass jar with patent stopper All kids W A BRUNTON I THE BEST- RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Live Stock Market I Tbeisales it exporters in Toronto continue small at prices ranging from to There is a better demand for eirs ana feeders Good sold from to Heavy feed- to 450 Light stockers to 4 Butchers cattle reached to top notch on Tuesday when was paid for a choice lot Usual price from Medium at Government House In the 50 and bulls evening Both unctions were of a cows vary from 35 to decidedly popular character Govern- 1 y from to House being transformed Into a Japanese fairyland The trade continues steady Clip- Prince proceeded west yesterday from to 525 The latest sensation in Toronto is dipped from to 560 to spring lambs from to each Decline in the hog market From to paid lor hogs off cars at Toronto fed and watered and located at llanlans Point and is known as the It is an aerial railway nearly hall a mile in length upon which its passengers are carried at a speed of oyer a mile a minute I quoted at country points The route of the parade of the Open r Air Horse Show on dominion was decided upon at a meeting of tbe association Tuesday night on Centre Toronto Conservatives Tuesday night renominated Mr Bristol to Division next general election to the Commons Lf I Newmarket Markets I Wheat June bush i Newmarkets Leading Dry Goods w A Bargain in Wash Goods i J White Lawn fine quality for yard White Vesting Spots and Stripes from 10c to 35c UNDERWEAR CHANCES FOR MEN Fine Summer Merino Undershirts Drawers soft finish shade each 5 We are ready to Suit you well today in a Summer Suit Fashionable Tailor Work and prices right The Leading Tailor Shop LADIES LONG SILK GLOVES IN ALL O J 1 A f JV in ftti Spring Wheat per bush J of her birthday about 200 Ibis opponent being Mr Wheat friends and neighbors convened at the borne to celebrate Wonderful longevity- Roliinson of Newmarket a sis ter some 20 years her junior was present and partook of the enjoy ment The Miss Rogers of Town Line- North and Mr Win Rog ers of Mr and Mrs Julius cite iRve per bush A workman was crushed to death at the corner of Victoria and nc streets on Wednesday morning by a large concrete beam falling upon him Hon Geo K Foster was unani mously chosen by the Conservative Convention to run in North Toronto at next election Peas per bush Oats per bush Buckwheat Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton fl 20 10 CO Potatoes Rogers and Miss A Rogers New- The Oram Trunk roller lb IV- J market Mrs Walter Rogers To- Railways and the of Pine Mr J Spink of To ronto Mr and Mrs of Brampton Mr Henry and were several very pretty exercises Fletcher of Drayton Fresh Bouquet for Childrens Day by five girls trained by Mrs Kvesj was of these Another dy Yule of Aurora and Mrs of were among those from a distance many Cut wood- Pui Food Chopper will cut mi vegetable meat Free Sold at wax a Song Drill by ten girls others present were descendants of old trained by Mrs Morris Then there of hers who have long since about twenty boys and girls away many not reaching the a piece entitled The Harbor Mis- allotted three score and ten Mrs under the guidance of Elder has been a woman sterling We must not omit to men- worth an well as vitality Only a the exercise by train- few yearn have elapsed since in- the by Mr In a piece summer time she could be seen in her entitled Clods Treasures where garden the rake hoc and each drew from boxes in the spade in a manner that was well form shield propriate texts The vayjhome ban been the home that in the evening The strangers The orphan child lions for Home Missions amounted to or one never a spurn- over or left her door ties were held criminally negligent last night In connection with the death of Francis the victims of the fatalities at the toot of Bay the night of Victo ria Bay- The two companies were held responsible for not carrying out an order of the Railway Committee Eggs per Chickens per lb Turkeys 0 0 16 i BANK OF MONTREAL 1817 Toronto Markets June Wheat per bush of the Privy Council providing for the wr falrf me council Wheat per bush Wf per bush Wheat Barley per bush Take Peas pnr bush Rye per nil of large bibles the sword ttejworthy imitation Her vegetable in conjunction with flower garden was her pride Her Rev Fletcher will preach here Sunday morning and even- fa Liberal from- the man ner iu the Libera hi Aurora are prosecuting for the on Friday will be a huge le iWito will he in the Town Aurora and Committee have appropriated PM tot music game decorations and other farriiers families and fcafceto are asked leave home- so ay to arrive at the grounds about when music will be supplied lie Military Band and water and all conveniences will The games commence about one and a leading feature will be a TygofWar pull between id Farmers The will commence at oclock sharp in the drill fcbed and a fine talent has been expected that special special cars will be provided the Metropolitan A good will go down from to enjoy the picnic MARRIAGE RINGS proper the city officials for not seeing the order was enforced CAPITAL ALL PAID UP nn UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS if Branches at all important centres In Canada and In London Eng New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted- INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of Ontario Bank Branch wilt be as heretofore Branches at and ROSS The King is natur ally one that invites much 1 Interest Growing is tte Thick Narrow Style- called tbe Tinany Ve have them In lfcK- all varying in Price from to Wide Styles and Medium Widths Our Is Complete In Wedding Rings Birthday Rings Rings Rings jewelers and mercy formed her code She her- trust in heaven Her prayer is that if the heart mean- well may all else be forgiven King Christian Church Is announc ing again their annual meeting and Monday evening Garden Party to take place the firnt week hi Jul Special meetings on Thursday and Friday evening and afternoon On Sunday July there will be three services and the Parly the following Monday evening Kettleby Cemetery Company have wet apart Saturday June aw Arbor Day hoping ttil year to as many plot holders as pres ent The directors be present to assist and any suggestions that might tend to improve these sacred grounds r A A gentlenan passed through our village on Tuesday last who seemed much Interested about different fam ilies who formerly lived In this and your scribe gleaned from him that a Methodist minister who bad preached first wrmorf in the Temperance Hall here years ago the of April the being The Prodigal Son It was the Rev formerly of Tottenham but recently of C5sreroont Millers only 1 cents for 50 doses Sold by The Rogers Well people do not worry Millers Compound and be well doses for a quarter Sold by The Norman Rogers Co J Sale Register- SATURDAY fftfin Cor nell will sell all his household fects on the premises Queen street Newmarket commencing at p sharp Terms cash Dun can SATURDAY June The residence of the late Cody will be by auction at the Royal Hotel at am See ad and posters WEDNESDAY June A easterly one-third- lot con Whit church head cows coming In 1st July milk cows brood sow pig small pigs Terms months credit on furnishing ap proved joint notes per cent dis count for cash Sale at pm Smith auctioneer Millers Worm Powders cure all ail ments children like magic Sold by The Norman hi Co They who know the truth are not equal those wholove it and they who love it are not equal to those who And delight in Aurora June By the vote of the delegates to the annual meeting of Toronto Association of Churches which opened- here this morning of Toronto was unanimously chosen as moderator tor the ensiling succession Thomas Mcr for the jut- secriUrv V ft- Oats per hush 0 Hay per ton Potatoes per bag Butter roll per lb per Dressed Hogs per Chickens per lb- IS- Turkeys 0 la- IS Dr Dean Specialist PRIVATE of Men and Women 39 Carlton street Toronto ICECREAM and Parties SPOONS AND DISHES With Any Order SIMPSONS Farm Laborers and Domestics 1 ii J have been appointed by the Dominion Government to Immigrants from the United Kingdom In positions as Una labourers or domestic servants In this vicinity Any person requiring such help should notify mo by letter stating filly the kind of help required when wanted and wages offered The numbers arriving may not he sufficient to supply all requests hut every effort will be made to provide each applicant with help required ANGUS WILLIAMS I Barrister and Solioltor NEWMARKET OFFICE OVER TORONTO JOBBING LAND PLASTER Although the growth fate you can Increase- your by low land plaster We have It at per ton r A full assortment of Turnip Seed all Irlnds also Millet and Hungarian Grass and Rape Seed Place your order now lor your seasons coal Pea coal It the best summer fuel We have dry slabs at pet cord also ell kinds of dry wood You get prices and results dealing with North End Flour and Feed Store At EVES f

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