Newmarket Era, 14 Jun 1907, p. 4

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A Progressive fnr iciMKA 1 m efieT JTgi i A TRIUMPH PILLS FORIPAIiB i IS iauner Europe early in and is also announced that tle Reform Club of Montreal is not- to be wondered that the- efforts of those who are simply first the time for what domi ion J par will bring J to them have much difficulty in the electorate generally to an ac tive opposition The limited number so It is the of Tartar Baking Powder ihat Science can make Send for our free CooVBook full of choice new recipes of policy tie w atOttawa for the of banquet soon after his tirrrak varied interests and vast it Prove the Value of lMt Pijls in the Case of Mr in yjs Government at the snowcapped mountains i at Hamiitoii I among which we to say tie jsees nothing quite so Foster the Star We were pleased to see Sir Harris the wellknown Government of the free and independent who gathered at the Conservative rally in Newmarket on Saturday last to make nomination of a candidate to Hoe last time l j IT i- as A cablegram from Rev land has received in an- Inspector of Elevators of Hamilton in te union of the three Dundas the other day greatly VT since Methodist of Canada the As is Methodise Episcopal in the ilium I IV differ any other remedy the world the Star readers United States and the- Methodist- oppose the present member of the k J recovered from long Church South into the aQd Japanese Methodist Church able to attend his usual duties is made that all From this long illness many predicted Protest Cheches doing would never recover and are work in China a fact that he is once more able to The Presbyterian churches go around very nearly as spry as tojhjwr all united Church China This means They Stomach k a a comfortable feeling know that the carriage you a Because you get the guarantee And the guarantee is backed by a firm that has been making carriages in Canada Let us show you the new seasons styles in CARRIAGES BUZZARD Riding in the Commons Hon A Minister of Justice at the next general- election furnishes unmistakable evidence of fact that the country is largely in accord with the policy of the Federal Government and fully appreciate the wonderful de velopment which Canada everywhere presents unmistakable evidence On this point the Expositor briefly summarizes as follows The deepening of our canals the construc tion of elevators at tidewater the providing of adequate facilities on Atlantic steamers the assistance given to the to se cure the construction ol ihe rows Nest Pass road on terms which jened the freight rates to settlors the construction of the National Transcontinental railroad pre ference to British goods arc alt an integral part of one great In addition to the foregoing we have the intimation from that did before he was attacked is little less than them an reply to our reporter Mr Harris related the stages of the attack and subsequent which he ex perienced and while he did not court decided that in the public interest he would relate the circum stances of this wonderful cure About fourteen months ago Mr Har ris woke up one morning with a neck try as he would And after ap plying all the remedies externally that he could hear or think of be was unable to get rid of it stiffness moved to the spine and shoulders then to his hips until it made almost a cripple or him and it was with ex treme difficulty that he could get out bed at all As or walking it was out of the question with htm- attack became so bad that he was un able hat a large in missionary work both in Japan and China Mr has been dismissed from the Governorship of Toronto jail to take effect on the The spoils system is being contin ued by the Ontario Government a day of reckoning is coming Rev Dr Chambers has been appointed as Mr VanZants successor He leaves the pulpit to- become governor of a jail A salary with free house and fuel this is better pay than preaching He has been a Methodist minister ever since and has occupied the position of President of Commerce He will find bis transference from preaching to governance of a public institution something of a change to say the to uut on cither vest coat or least and along with it will go his From time to time he cabled in chance lor superannuation allowance Because none of the usual era have given you relief is no reason why you should not Fmkaeyi Fresh fruit acts- directly ok Kidneys and Slqni But fruit contains only a minute quantity of the to receive any marked benefit fruit one be to eat than could be assimilated by the system ajntaia ihe curative virtues of fryit in a form In muting Fraitative the of figa and are and a wonderful discovery of a physician a chemical change take place in the which the medimhil action times increased Then tonics areadded and cohtainno Calomeino Cascara no Senna no Morphine no only fruit juices and tonics act directly on the Bowels Kidneys and Skin them and arbtuing to vigorous action With the Kidneys healthy the Bowels moving regularly every day the vex and the pores of the skin full share towards ridding the system of can be mean health for every member of the fa family a boxes for Sent to any address on receipt of price if ybur druggist does not handle them OTTAWA I the final report on the cost and route various medical men The Telegram speaks right out of the Georgian Bay Canal which will were able to give meeting respecting the action of almost imp Ontario Government in dismiss al is a very good salary tor young person under to re ceive Several of our Shorthand graduates of last year are now enjoying this salary Perhaps we can help you to receive this amount Our new catalogue explains Clip out this card sign it and send to Shaw Central Busi ness College Toronto Name Address none of whom much relief give Canada a waterway ItiO miles I It was long from the Georgian Hay to raise his feet from the via French River Lake pronounced his a caseo Toronto jail It pissing and the Ottawa Hirer has says VanZant dismissal is a been completed and will be submitted encouragement as 10 specimen peanut politics unworthy next session Add to this the covery I low on rial project proposed by Sir gentleman finally for a vacancy in the for a fast mail and express- baths and as V ship of the Toronto Jail could bo freight service between the Mother Iris decided- to follow nis an sources not from Country Australia New Zealand and went to Mount creators of the agitation which the Orient making this Dominion the is customary with all highway of travel between the Old Harris had to Undergo a lhoro ft license World and the Far East thereby amination in to Mlm f verting the immense volume com of the northern hall this treatment continent to the ocean ports of fan- tions had been verted a jailer in Rev Dr the Chambers is to takeover the job of A r T John had an amusing ihorouriiw drive SLSS i the English expression which his v J Little Break to commission out of office The the system successor is treatment Alter Telegram and Silas Then rc- con- was not suffering all in York County The velopment of the land of the maple from muscular ism M is one of the but inexcusable brutalities nerves and m that can fairly be charged to the the would do him little or no good that The appoint- lev Dr Chambers appoint is a Parity Hair Tonic GUESSING CONTEST James Golden wins Ills Guess was time 45 fa Dear Sirs After being almost bald for the last ten years four Bottles your Purity Hair Tonic has made my hair as thick as It ever was Thomas Green per or bottles for Madam Colgate Box 287 and we are enabled to some conception of the growing national decided that he from muscular sal ofG is one the leaf With such of pro- but that his since the Liberal party power we doubt the wouw mm v Whitney electorate of this Dominion will e be required altogether mcnt s a to it that the present Government Mr Harris placed of principle tbat would be will be given both time and the hands of one of the chr to complete the work they have there and what seemed quite strange church The projected The signs ol tin times to him they did nothing for him but violation of such principles ought to are too pregnant of grand results to administer medicine in the shape of be just as earnestly when be rudely shocked by political changes pills Shortly after he commenced the beneficiary is a cleric of the Met fa in the Administration treatment he began to improve or any other church perccptably and his appetite greatly improved He began to walk aroumf fir was able to on his coat and vest and began to A theson like his sell rapid and peropt ua nunc is spreading in the Rainy was so River district and a big meeting will able not only to himself but to at Fort Frances In the that he was plied with all sorts A number of local men will attend it I near future to consider this question questions as to his wonderful re covery The medical attendant was questioned as to the nature of thc medicine which was being administer ed Much to the surprise of Mr Harris and other- patients there he EXCURSIONS MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA KkiIm itftmTxottV IS Ml IS Szrt fttft frm frtza to W2W In all la will I run for loU ii own fit la of Ad full Information ft Art for a Put- VJL Tnn Grand Trunk Railway LEAVE South and am pm Going and and pm LEAVE TORONTO pm Going West and am and pm Kast and am 160 Church socials in the Old Country are keeping pace with managers of similar events in Colonic A recent church notice In Manchester England reads as follows A pie supper will be held on Sat urday evening To cap the climax was- the announcement of the subject for Sunday evening following A Night of Agony Dear pie to be followed by a night of agony was told that it wa a wellknown Canadian remedy Dr Williams fills and was advised to continue their use for a time on Eiis return home Mr Harris is loud in his praise of the wonderful curative qualities of Dr Williams Pink and consented lo Ills case in the hope that he might benefit others similarly amicted Mr liar- r4 spent the first- yea the has long been a resident of Ham- being a wellknown builder of So long as the Tories were in ascendant at Ottawa word was mum respecting the Senate and elevators as well as Government functions but now that ta- of the same so that his arc turned the party press con- and wellknown integrity Is factor are beginning to squint in evidence that he sincere in the the direction opposite to other- days statements he made A recent issue of the Orange Sentinel has the following which reads very like the views some radical editor during the heydays of Howell or Tap per An appointed Senate In a country is church Toronto has been appointed to fill bis position The clergy must be growing in Premier Whitneys fa vor and the clergy must be hanker ing alter the and fishes Rev Chambers was stationed In Newmarket the first year after the separation of the Newmarket ami Au rora Circuit ami the church here be came a station with attach ed This was in the- good old days when Methodist people worship ped in the old church which stood on the corner of the present public school grounds a twostory rough cast building The church here as well as Dr Chambers have seen great changes since that time The of bin married life hero the now occupied by Mrs street being rented by the church as his parsonage The Dr will now have a different kind of congregation topivaeh to In his new position over Hon English expression failed at first to comprehend New- York Times tells the story A friend sent him message which required an answer Not finding gentleman in the messenger accord ing to instructions waited Tor him When Mr returned he sat down at once and wrote a reply to his friend While be was doing so the messengerboy drummed finger upon the table which stood be side f When he had finished Mr rose and handed the messenger the note saying as he did so Im glad you stopped The boy looking confused said I am sorry I annoy ed you sir with noise I did not hear- you replied Mr Will you tell me sir what I was doing that you are glad that I stop ped he inquired Mr divining the cause of tl boys mystification replied smil ingly I should have said I am glad you remained until my return THE RECORD i J I Pat It Off Longer Get That Indigestion at Once By Using Affairs in Russia are drifting Horn bad to worse from revolution to an- out of joint The peasants demand use and with the whole genius of ownership of land The government Lions ft exists In Canada supposed- seems Incapable maintaining law as a copy of the Mouse of Lords and order and robbery murder and in the Imperial system it is no other acts of violence are dally In- more like the House of Lords in creasing y arbitrary measurea the character than pettifogging politicians government for generations are like statesmen- It is a harbor past sowed needs of on of refuge for wornout hacks belong- and despair which arc now producing Ing to the parly In power As a acts of and anarchy check upon pernicious legislation it Is ft has never been known to Some Men Get Dp Six Time Many people in arc slowly poisoning themselves by chronic Indigestion Their neglect hrmir of the important organs of digestion fills thc system termcnt and decaying food that results in sick headache heart burn bad taste in the mouth and many other symptoms stomach tablets arc tor the relief of such sufferers They quickly cure the worst cases of indi gestion and when used a few the pain and distress often felt after meals will disappear stomach tablets cost but cents a box and dp more good than a dozen boxes the ordinary digestive tablets 1 Y gives an absolute unqualified guarantee to rotund the money If Miona fails to euro Is the improved Record Grate the most perfect fur nace grate on the market Of the four triangular if rate bars each bar is operated by the use of a handle applied to either of the two centre bars To remove this handle after shaking is impossible until the grate bar has been returned to its original position flat and in place without any of cogs up The result is that the are always flit under the fire end that it is impossible or lumps coal to drop through and be wasted The Record Triangular Grate can be en removed from without without lying on stomach or bothering with a light for Capgue THE RECORD FOUNDRY ftV I vvy j check the of its party It upon rare occasions w inflamed political capital was be made for that party which was In the more and lOlfi pm Here and there in the Senate vi are men who have distinguished thern- selves in the public life of the try but they are the exceptions ttrfne delicate which prove the of mediocrity membrane lining lie bladder fa toothed and Incompetence This is one j end the are strengthened and thing Kir that It wilt not retain which had won two first prlea at the than tablespoon I of urine Hill Fair on the of old men especially urinate May jdo of marked or abolish For it tiO expensive Wilfrid faurier has yet to Men that gave the characterhe must re JJ jfc Polish the ftenab box At or from icm e a large I Co CASTOR I A and Children The Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the good we do Is the best anti dote to the 111 we rue Our only victory over tempta tions Is through persisting courage and an Indomitable cheerfulness The bibulous chap who is always loaded isnt one who Insists upon carrying other peoples burdens It Is easier to keep a good-for- nothing dog in the house than it a to keep the wolf from the door Notice to Creditors YEARS STENTS Marks Designs Copyrights Ac a and our fr lit WINnEODK taken A in tliQ Scientific American loiiliaflJoumiL Sari Notice of Application for Ottawa lunc The beautiful Church of the Sacred Heart the pride of the FrenchCanadian Society of Sandy Hill the edifice in which Sir Wilfrid and others of his col leagues worship was totally destroy ed by fire this evening the loss be ing placed at r A Great Bargain Youdk Cattl tot tlto Cm Brood Six LHHb Term Cert Months Credit Lot Vlvlrt PO Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario Chapter Creditors and all other persons having any claims j against estate Benjamin Cody the Town in the County ol do- NOTICE Is hereby given that Mary ceased who died on about Alexander the City Toronto it day ot November- AI 1906 on the County ol York Province On- Dominion to send to the undersigned solid Married Woman will apply to tor lor the said estate their names Parliament Canada at the net and addresses and- lull particulars in Sessions thereof for a bill ot Edward Alexander S and of the City Toronto in the Couo- W Ontario I tho the Dominion of Canada Teamster will after the said date bo ground adultery In County oil York Proving Ontario tall among the parties entitled thereto Thirtieth of Anrll having- regard only to the claims PheUo which Executors shall then Toronto have had notice and tho r shall not be liable lor tho it S 0r any part to any per- son or claimant whose claim the Executors shall not have had notice time of such distribution I Dated at Newmarket this day of June -J- Solicitor for Executors SEDUREOI of or having their Patent Our Inventors

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