Newmarket Era, 14 Jun 1907, p. 7

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J the rfl a A V J I 9 CHINA ALL Weeks fibeal Hems Finger Off After Comfort On Sunday evening Mr Messrs Sons have just eldest boy got the end of completed- outfits in bis little finger pinched Town and taken off He was sitting on a tracts to install six new furnaces in camp stool with his hand oh the Town frame work when his Tittle brother came up behind him and lowered the frame with the above result ALL GOODS SOLD ON THEIR MERIT ONLY JUNE Another rate Mr J Woodcock received tie appointment Police Magistrate tor the North Riding York ex clusive of and Aurora Mr Woodcock is in muni cipal law and will be a good man for the position Old Land Mark Gone The old Mills which were a hire of industry when the editor was a small bay are to he seen no more The walls were razed to the ground this week and the materials are being used for the erection of a comfortable dwelling a little to of front of the old site That parto s street will hardly Qarden Party The Garden Party under the au spices of the ladies the Methodist I I A Tea Will be given at the residence of Mrs Forrest Town Line West on Sunday Cars Friday afternoon the in Rev A Moore of Alliance connection with the Presbyterian Mis- can find cause for a charge of viola- sion work ladies will be tion of the Lards Day Act by the welcomed York Radial Railway Co if he will School that is if the Co toot the machine and speed the cars as they did last A Sunday The quiet of the Sabbath fit I was disturbed and the ex- marched out Model Softool in pressed desire of many people is that seconds The drill is a month AGENTS FOR J lesions Shoes And Century Mens Fine Tailor Garments AGENTS FOR ENGLISH GOODS Colemans NORTH YORKS GREATEST STORE Canned Goods Special We never sold half the quantity In the same length of time You can know why We sell lor small profit and quick return Our price till holds the same and quality as good as the best tan Com Peas Beans and or cans for Fancy Biscuits We have a large stock of the wt Toilet Soaps Babys Own 10c cake Infants Delight Witch Hazel Silk All Fine Milled Soaps and Extra Quality Cakes for Pure Castile in or Bar for Castile Imported tor Bar of about HouseCleaning Star Ammonia Handy Ammonia Dutch Cleaner Monkey Brand Soap Powder Gold Oast etc in fact all the best clean ers In the market we have miliar any more Tidy Up It would add very materially to tie impression that strangers get of our town if the people who own premises through which the Metropolitan now would tidy up their back yards It is quite different from the view formerly obtained on Main St and a great many more passengers are now passing through the town every day who never were here before North York Teachers The officers elected by the Convoca in Newmarket a couple of weeks ago were President Lamon of Rich mond Hill VicePres J McDonald of Maple Secretary J Power of SATURDAY Boots 95c BARGAINS OaSale Saturday Jane Prints a Yard yds Prints big variety of pat terns and coloring on sale on Saturday yd Ladies Spring Something New Dusters for Paris Green or any dry money Sold church will take place on the Model School Grounds on Friday the at Hardware grounds will be beautiful ly illuminated with electricity The Newmarket Military will be in attendance and a delightful evening may be anticipated Strawberries will be with the refreshments ice cream and fruit extra See hangers for further particulars in a few days We Run the Risk When you buy a Razor Free trial given Hardware June Bride on New Directory The Bell Telephone Co distributed a new directory among their patrons in yesterday There are now 124 phones connected with the New market exchange and with the con tinuous service at the Central it is a growing convenience that people would not like to be without The Excursion There were tickets sold here yesterday morning for the Ex cursion and nearly as many other peo ple got left They came on the Me tropolitan from the North but the Fancy AUWool Tweeds Grey and Fawn Checks and trimmed with strap and buttons Velvet Collars loose Box Pairs Mens Black Harvesting Boots good light weight work- boots just the thing for hot weather On sale Saturday at 1116 pair Insertion trimmed threequartet sleeves a splendid summer Jiouse Uwpi waist Special each An auspicious event took place j v Wednesday afternoon at the resident gone the ear China Toilet Sets to choose from Price from up Leader 10 Piece Set for in colors Our Stock Patterns of Dinner Ware you the opportunity to buy just what yon want add more as you but you can get nice set of pieces for We have some odd Seta which we trill sell Dir price was but yon can them now for only you taut come Save Your Cash Checks It will pay yon and be sure jon thee Visit With the Odd on June by the Canadian Northern Methodist Conference The following changes are made in ttie first draft of the Stationing Com mittee J Vroomanton Percy Peacock Sutton Madden A J Thos Leonard J Brooks Farm Produce Fair market last Saturday Prices as follows Butter to lb Eggs to per Apples basket Rhubarb Onions radish bunch Celery and Tomato plants box Flower plants box Potatoes to 160 per bag Spring Chickens to per pair very reasonable to clear oid Hens to lb Turkeys toQp live weight Hides No ft to Hides No 2 Calf skins to cents per lb Sheepskins to Horse Hides each Tallow of Mrs Prospect Ave when daughter Miss Myrtle became the bride of Mr Ran dolph Pindar of the Concession of East Rev performing the ceremony ia the presence of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties The parlor was profusely decorated with flowvrs for the occasion and the bride looked charming in navy blue silk She was attended by Miss Jes sie Pindar sister of the groom and Mr Barber of Toronto was groomsman The bride was very kindly remembered by a large num ber of friends Mr and Mrs and family of Toronto attended the wedding The happy couple left on the even ing train for Thorold and Niagara Falls where they will spend their honeymoon On their return they will reside on the farm The trolley got a blessing in conse quence Brief lets There was a runaway on Prospect avenue last Friday evening Mr John has commenced extensive improvements at his resi dence Promotion exams at the High School next week I The Junior Talagoos play at Au rora tomorrow afternoon The Commissioners have consented to the transfer of the license for the Roachs PL hotel to Mr Loader Trent and he is getting ready to move The Specialty Works have three carloads of goods ready to ship to the NorthWest Mens Shirts for Mens Negligee Shirts of good English Cambric neat patterns in light colors regular to on sale Saturday Embroideries and Insertions yard yds Swiss Cambric Embroi deries and Insertions several widths in a big variety of pat- j terns regular 7 and yd On sale Saturday Be i Ladies Summer only Ladjes White Knitted Cotton Sleeveless Vesta on Sale Saturday Oxford yds only Oxford Shirting sev eral patterns and colorings on sale Saturday yd I- E Pine Apples We advise buying now for preserving Qualities and the prices are now at their best get our quotations by the case and in dozen lots Ladies Print Wrappers A variety of patterns in Reds and Grey deep flower on sate Saturday each Sift Only three of them Black Silk Underskirts regular price On sale Saturday BoysTweed Caps for Boys Fancy Tweed Caps On sale Saturday Pairs Mens Wool Sox for 25c Bananas are cheap to Have you tried Colemans Meats Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs Doz only Mens Grey Wool Sox worth pr on sale Saturday pairs for We are- Agents for MARTIN COMPANY gp iv 1 York County Council WEDNESDAY This was somewhat of an for the county fathers and lilKc was done in the way of practical business In the forenoon Warden Baker and a majority of the members went up to the parliament buildings with the hope of furthering the establishment Apply market Cook Wanted at Eagle Hotel TENDERS Will be received by the undersigned until Monday June nth for the fol lowing desirable properties in the of the National Dairy Show In the Town of Newmarket League afternoon the various comrnlttts were not sufficiently advanced with The meeting Monday evening t tlc pr proved rifely profitable Print- Lji 1 was RASMITH The Leading The Newmarket Canal The following press dispatch sent from Ottawa on Wednesday The Department of Hallways and Tomorrow they Canals is soon to awrd answers m iook business and expecting soon awura the examination and though two the fender for the canal from New- three of the questions were rather market to Holland Landing and difficult as high as per cent was u Li m hopes to have the work commenced 0 The papers weiv exchang- J this summer lhc correcfc the first taken up PARCEL NO I The substantial Brick Residence with grounds now occupied by Mr proven now the members absolutely and j the urn- y Roche and formerly known her of were circulated and iniM the Cawthra Residence and the candidates were Riven minutes Bank property The Reliable Store KESWICK P New Prints English and Canadian The newest patterns and the best shades arrived PHONE BRQUGHTONS When this fourmile canal is finish- Mr Coombs and the Holland River to Lake Next Monday evening Dr Wilkinson deepened Newmarket will be wilt give the address in communication with the Trent Valley Canal system which this summer will afford navigation from jW of lime Lake to Hastings consider- A new time table goes into effect on ably cast of Grand Trunk Railway next Later when canal is completed day were cutting slabs short to the Georgian On the Northern Division the morn- Bay Newmarket will he in touch lr train will leave Toronto with the Upper Lakes The instead of am except on diate specific advantage lies in the Sunday reaching Newmarket fact that Newmarket now has a large polling wood and all points furniture industry and that a minutes earlier than ularly good supply of hardwood in the l Mangle Sugar Beet Turnips Peas Beans and all- Garden Seeds at BRQUGHTONS Drug Newmarket Lost a Foot A very bad accident occurred at the United Factories on Thursday last week Two or three with a fivefoot circular taw The longest end was passed back to the man operating the saw Mr Sam uel over a small stand A piece slab falling down by the saw it was necessary to re move it Instead of lifting the table back to its place Mr attempt ed to kick it back with his left foot but the foot missed the leg of the ta ble and caw in contact with the re volving saw fearfully lacerating it and knocking it against the tabic with Mich force that two bones were broken near the ankle necessitating the foot to amputated We are pleased to learn that the injured man Is doing nicely i Surprise Party On Monday evening a number of the neighbors and friends of Mr and Mrs Mark Brown assembled at their home In Whitchurch township near Newmarket to express their appre ciation of their friendship and esteem previous to their to New market having sold their farm The following address read by Mr Shanks To Mr and Mrs Brown As you arc about to move from our vicinity Lindsay and could he transported very cheap rates The formal opening the lift take place in the first few days in July With will have water communica tion with Lake Simcoe Muskika Section will start Saturday June having Toronto a in making direct connection for and at Mus Wharf and at with steamers Muskoka Toronto section will start Monday June leaving Toronto 1120 arriving Wharf 255 pm coaches Brief lets and parlor car service Mr Kerr has bought the j Jacksons Point Saturday Special house just vacated by Rev Cor- will leave at pm commencing The Friends are looking around June and oh other week days will for another parsonage leave at pm The A 1 paid Mrs William The night Muskoka service will 12000 week being the commence June amount of her husbands beneficiary certificate The sign in front of the Methodist Church lias been newly lettered and well in its altered position The Newmarket Firemen are com pleting arrangements for an BLOOM INUTOft Mr and Mrs A of were guests of Mr on Saturday to Niagara Falls about the Inst Mr and Mrs Ward and In Juy lly visited at Mr Joseph Burnetts The Garden Party Was on Sunday quite on Monday evening Miss Llhhlc Fairies is spending a midst where you have lived so WJJ I the cool weather Pro- few days with relatives in years in peace and harmony with I Mrs Jar vis Storry and son visited your neighbors have ever been smalley got a relatives at on Sunday ready to give a helping hand to those baseball one day Mr Henry Smith Is working at of who were in and your ft liny Is likely to be a light crop Mr J of Keswick spent a Regular meeting Town of days with his family here next Monday evening j Mm Chase has returned timber The High Baseball team daughters after spending three weeks trimmed the town on Tuesday after- vitli relatives lie Reach York County All Right From Toronto World The members of the York County Council now in session in the city the majority or whom are interested in agriculture are not disconcerted over the outlook for the spring crops I la spile of the fact that the season has on the whole been the most in the history of the oldest members it is said the crops have not suHvred to any great extent only in being backward The grain is well rooted strong and vigorous and well able to withstand a drought Hut warm moist weather just at the present time would wonderful results Hay Is likely to short but there are some fine of the first crop clover rank ant fairly tall which the next fortnight ought bring well forward Fall wheat where it survived the winter is for the most part splendid but is not largely sown Reeve George of York Town ship Reeve Andrew Young Scar and Warden Baker think the prospect generally excellent Straw will probably be short but It Is a well known fact that some of the best years York County farmers have ever experienced have been equally unpromising Root crops like the others are late but never has there been a bet- showing for In York County than at the present Tho gen eral feeling Is one of hopefulness property Good banking office and vault with residence for a banker or very suit able for a lawyer or doctor Electric light Domestic water bath etc Heated with a Pease Combination Hot water and hot air furnace PARCEL NO The property west of the above on Water Street say feet frontage about feet deep Lane entrance on west side upon which Is a sub stantial brick warehouse 22 Inch wall with stone foundation inch wall above 1st floor Can be altered into a desirable dwelling Frame stable This Is one of the best building lo cations in Newmarket with a nice outlook Address J ROCHE Barrister 18 Toronto St Toronto P New Papers See them be fore housecleaning latest designs in the Best Wall Papers P New Paints The Sherman Williams better than ever MISS HILL is prepared to flu all orders for Millinery in the Latest OPENING ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL AND C W COLE Summer Resort Wanted to purchase CotUge ftv Orchard Beach Give particulars and price Taylor Albanjr Avenue Toronto Banc and Gravel delivered by All promptly to tor for tabs ma neighbors we felt we could not let you go from us without showing In tome way the good feeling we hold towards you and while we may feci our we are Mire It will be to others gain Nov we ask you to accept these gifts not for their in- value but in remembrance of us who wish you success In conclusion hope you may live lor many years to your new borne and that those who have charge of you way deem it a pleasure to give you the bent of care Signed Your and Children An honest smile Ik worth ten million sunless sermons IMMENSE CROCKERY SALE On Friday June our Crockery Clearance Sale Our stock Is too heavy by 13000 worth and we determined to de crease it We need the space it occupies and in order to accomplish our object speedily will for ten days discard profits affording you the great est opportunity ever open to purchase crockery at so little cost DINNER Our centre tables contain samples of Dinner Sets complete the very best English Ware painted gilt decorations in Royal Blue Peacock Green and Emerald Green pieces v REGULAR jrOOO SETS FOR only Dinner Sets printed plecces price sale price Toilet Sets from to 125 50 Berry Sets goods pieces all reduced 125 June Lemonade Sets Tray Pitcher Tumblers to 1 the Ore at the Canadian J Hanging Lamps Reg price Sale price Companys plant last night will Parlor Lamps Reg Price Sale price by Companys plant last night probably not exceed or 0- and while there will necessarily by some interference with the work practically no men will thrown out employment through the Arc Mr and Mrs Irwin noon by a score of to Mr opens here on Saturday with Mount Albert and were visitors at the home of Newmarket doing the honors Mr K Barnes on Sunday Mr of St I Mr and Mrs John Paisley of la preparing to build two houses Churchill were guests at Mr Pats- wed lately east of bis residence June appears to be more like than the two months which pre- a few with relatives In her this vicinity Whitchurch If a young man named Palmateer in Mr Brown wade a suitable reply East was accidentally Dally Is not sweet without A few of our citizens took in the Waterloo June even- excursion to Niagara Kails about six oclock a large lynx leys for a day this week Rev Focklcr and a Jolly evening shot last Saturday daily duties was seen In the garden of Mr J Hughes on George street a promi nent residential street After an exciting chase In which half a dozen persons participated it was shot and killed It measured five feet Aye inches stretched out twenty- sight inches high and weighed pounds This is the second one EARLY MORNING that has shot in Waterloo Co DELIVERY within three days the other having been shot in Gait on Sunday Parlor Lamps Reg price Sale price A large variety of fancy China ware all reduced An endless variety of bowls plates platters Jugs etc that got to move and the prices we put on them assures their departure GROCERY SPECIALS do Canned Corn tins 3 Lima Beans Sweet Pickles Pure English Malt Vinegar I Boxes Togo Parlor Matches French Mustard and Horseradish jar Smoked Hams Rolls Breakfast Bacon Pickled Rolls our Specials In Pine Apples Ban anas and Oranges W C HOWARD

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