Newmarket Era, 14 Jun 1907, p. 8

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3 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAt JUNE 14 T te kite around Hie Hot i Extra L Peed your nourish live It something to live on Then It stop filling will grow long and heavy Htir Vigor Is the only hairfood you can buy For 60 years it has been doing Just what we claim It will do It will not disappoint you MrhaJr to Bet A7r Vlzcr than to It u mq Inch tile Ajtr Vlzcr than nrl Sprit Colo J SAKStfAttLU J RTDEAWASE RECORD John Saunders left last week for an extended trip to England David removed yesterday from to Toronto where he proposes in future to live Mr has been a public spirited citizen and a tower of strength to the cause of music should assist Nature at those times when the system is upset the nerv ous tone low and a feeling of de pression or languor exists An ex perience of over years warrants the statement that no medicine gives such prompt relief as The annual garden party in connec tion with St Altons Church will be held on Tuesday June 25th There wilt be a tennis tournament in the af ternoon and a football match in the evening Sold Everywhere In boxes cents School Reports for May- Average order of merit IV Berne Ramsey Willie Lake J III Kali Evelyn Rifle match at on ion For Sale shed connected with the Baptist Corner lot suitable for building- was utilized for a market place Convenient to tannery Apply to tat week owing to the removal of C hall The Anglican Young Peoples Asso ciation will hold a monster picmcat TO Morton Park Lake on Friday Large front rooms suitable for light housekeeping Also two la- old agricultural hall has been dies can get breakfast or dinner moved and the grounds cleared at Era Office paratory to the erection of the new market building The Erectors of Fall bale Fair have decide upon Thursday and Friday October and as the Tea Good Building Lots on Andrew date for the holding of the exhibition this year A quiet wedding took place on Sat urday at St Ave To ronto when Miss Grace eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Doyle was married to Mr Harry Proc tor of Apply to J PARTRIDGE If Newmarket fhrilie Corner III Geo Bntcp David A lire Harry Cockburo Comer Evelyn Jardine Jr At- Ira Archie Smith Smith Ptv Majiory Eva Taylor Eva Greenwood I Part I Myrtle Foster Vera I Wilmot Kutcb Lilian A Class Chapraao Gladys Everett Taylor Comer Hurst teacher For Sale HoJse and Lot Good Locality Apply on premises MRS MILLER Street for The comfortable Brick- on street occupied J A EGYPT Miss Clara Cameron is her friend Miss in Brick House for Misses Katie and Sadie Smith On Victoria Ave New the guests of Ella electric lights etc Every- j Sunday In good repair Apply to Mr Samuel one our WINANS popular young men was down viewing Newmarket flowing wells of last Sunday evening but he says he- I FOR SALE ers a fountain Aoumber- from this locality are A roomed house Good cement Niagara as volunteers Barn Domestic water- Mr- Wesley Riddel is working with Good Garden and rait trees Op- carpenter at barn posite Hlh School Apply to reports a good time around the MRS J SPRING shore No will have a high time as he is a great talker rings are coming closer HOUSe for Sale Or Reilt A fair damsel in town is now sporting one That house and premises belonging what happened the Owl last week to Frank Doyle on Street him I wouldnt let titter to Aunt Mary or a Cat Owl crowd iiiy Barrister Newmarket Tlie through Baldwin he did fly Hunting news upon the sly Farm for Sale When to Maple Grove he did trot I And but little news yet had got Acres on 2nd Concession Governor was busy entertaining Kirfc owned by late lames Bolton men Address- J BOLTON the Owl was welcomed back Brunswick Avenue again iw For Sale Toronto- is a jletcrmiiAid youn fellow Last Tuesday he drove quite a distance through the rain for some reason back alone j Quite- a number of old arid No North for May Delia Mary Main Laurel Ursula Cole 240 Erne 205 Clarence WUHe 164 Mitchell Norm at CO Frank Marrifc 20 Wesley McDonald Jr George Archie Pollock 50 Mod a Ernes Ill Flossie Inter Ill Bessie Mitchell 250 Ross 210 110 Henry Jr Ulric Melbourne Pollock Sr Rick man Sanderson Wellington Wilson Sanderson Giles Tab tiny Cole Martha Sanderson Hazel Purely Elsie Nelson Mitchell Joy Squire M Williams teacher That house with good took the opportunity of vislt- lots situate on the North of Parry SoundOn- Wednesday fc Street next to Niagara St the excursion held under the In order of merit Newmarket owned by Mr Kurd auspices the The scenery 8 Murtlia Bun own Ever- for Sale at a bargain For but the unfavorable ion Kenneth apply to day spoiled the program- Hv Walter would have been a Vendors Solicitor sight to see the Gov Gen Newmarket Guards their train ing at Niagara as a number of our citizens wire among them Tuesday evening of last week being For Sale A solid Brick of the la to Street Newmarket large rooms good cellar and stable new hotair Installed Lot ft by ft or lea Apply on the premises or to A J ROGERS Humbert Street Toronto it quite unfavorable the the property heir garden parly until lh jr fcfSS the people in crowds and land tin J to the Inclement weather they to trie inclement wvaincr they were compelled to show their views In the barn The scenes were interesting Miss Mary Sutton and her brother spent Sunday in Albert We suppose this be Marys No woman J ever wtih well trip to the as July Is fast the way another woman the approaching furniture Mr Carl Anderson who spent day at at ttrt trict Tunny Welling ton Jr Feed Gibson Clarence Tunny Fred 2 Minnie ftlacklnnon Eg- Bur fflulrt Tunny Ami rows Jr Clarence SSelUu every Martha lcg Annie Tunny Lota Walt er Tunny teacher School Report I fettle Mahonoy Winch a- There are many people who have Mrs William visited her Colic Cholera and daughters Mrs Park Diarrhoea splendid re- and Miss Ml Me St who are because Hospital- Toronto a few days have hesitated about a last week testimonial of their experience for Miss Anderson and Mr publication These people however Hurst spent last Saturday afternoon are none lets of tils rem- and evening with Mrs A They have dote toward Baldwin It a household word by tbelr a beardless youth from Hal win is personal recommendation to thinking of learning the Civil Service neighbors It is a good medicine Ms apparently begins by veiling In to have in the home and is widely tfmate with the mall clerk of i known lor cure of diarrhoea and A Mount Pleasant lad is somewhat all forms of bowel trouble tor sale attracted by the smiling countenance hard Thompson by J and all drug- of the teacher Wancho W- Subvriber Anderson teacher Nelson Jr Goodrich Carman Carson Florence Morton Lulu Roadway Her bert Avery Jr Willie York Bennett Ralph Her man Diteam by John In The Mystery of Life and Arts I dreamed I was at a childs May day party in which every means of had been provided for them by- a wise and kind host It was in a stately house with beauti ful gardens attached to it and the children had been set free in the with no care whatever but to pass their afternoon They did not indeed know much about what was to happen next day and some of them I thought were a little frightened be cause there was a chance of there be- to a hew school where there were examinations but they kept the thoughts of that out of their heads as well as they could and solved to enjoy themselves The house I said was in beautiful ear- den and in the garden were all kinds of flowers sweet grassy banks for rest smooth fawns for play and pleasant streams and woods and rocky places for And the children were happy for a little while but presently they separated them- selves into parties and then each party declared it a piece of the garden for its own arid that none of the others have any thing to do with that piece Next they quarreled violently which pieces they would have and at last the the thing up practical ly ana fought in the flower beds till there was hardly a flower left stand ing there they trampled down each others bits of the garden out of spite and the girls cried till they could cry no more And so they all lay down at last breathless in the ruin and waited for the time when they were to be taken home in the evening Meanwhile the children in the house had been making themselves happy also in their manner For them there had been provided every kind of indoors pleasure There was music for them to dance to and the li brary was open with all manner of amusing books and there was a museum full of the most curious shells and animals and birds and there was a workshop with lathes and carpenters ools for the ingen ious boys and there were pretty fantastic dresses for the- girls to dress in and there were microscopes and kaleidoscopes and toys a child could fancy and a ta ble in the dining room loaded with everything nice to eat But in the midst of all this it struck two or three of the more practical children that they would some of brassheaded nails that studded the- chairs and they to work to pull them out S SO Oil I Money Orders Sterling Exchange Letters of Credit Collections Sayings Department General Banking Business- I fc paid times a year on Savings Deposits W PENNINGTON Manager Albert Branch A LISTER Manager Newmarket Queenaville the others who were rending or looking at shells took a fancy to do the like and in a little while all the children nearly were spraining fingers in pulling out brass headed nails With all that they could pull out they were not satisfied and then everybody wanted some of somebody elses And at last the really practical and sensible ones de clared that nothing was of any real consequence that afternoon except to get plenty of brassheaded nails and that the books and the cakes and the microscopes were of no use- at all in themselves but only if they could be exchanged for nailheads And at last they began to fight for nail- heads as the others fought for the bits of garden Only here and there a dispised one shrank away into a corner and tried to get a little quiet with a book in the midst of the noise but all the practical ones thought of nothing else but counting nail- heads all the afternoon even though they knew they would not be allowed to carry so much as one brass knob away with them But no it was Who has most nails I have fifty and you have a hundred or I have two and you- have a thousand I must have as many as you before leave the house or I cannot pos sibly go home in peace At last they made so much noise that I awoke- and thought to myself What a false dream that is of children and was with his ship- sold into slavery in Sign of the Many years ago when Conrad Jonassen was a hoy a stork built its nest on the roof of his house Conrad and his mother fed the bird and so encouraged its return In time the hoy went to sea One day the ship fell into the hands of pirates mates Hardships and indignities of all sorts were heaped upon them for years One day Conrad saw a stork flying about overhead and was filled homesick He whistled to the bird as he to do at home and to his delight the stork came near and finally it alighted as if expecting to be fed He had nothing to give the bird then but the next day he saved a part of his breakfast hoping that the stork would come again It did and for several days it contin ued to come At length it occurred to the home sick slave that the stork would soon be flying north again and like an inspiration came the thought that by means of the bird he could send a message which might possibly fall into the hands of friends He wrote a few lines on a bit of tough paper arid bound it fast to leg A few days Qatar the stork disappeared One Mrs noticed the stork which had returned again to its nest on the roof picking at on its leg Sue fed the bird caught it and removed the bit of paper Fancy the mothers feel ings when she found it to be mes sage from her own son long since given up for lost It would be too long a to tell the interest of the parish of the money raised the- expedition sent to rescue Conrad and his mates All this took place however and Conrad came home In after years he became a rich man and did much for the welfare of his native town The stork was never forgotten and it is small wonder that it became the emblem of the Norwegian town Childs Compan ion i Hollow Ground As Illustrated 200 Double ConcaVe for Extra Heavy Beards 250 Set of Two in Leather Case 450 Carbo Strop THE RAZOR OF PERFECTION Strop Aide 25c -v- J NO MORE RAZOR TROUBLES NO NEW BLADES NO ANNUAL TAX J MAGNETIC have revolutionized arc TEMPERED BY ELECTRICITY which is OUR OWN EXCLUSIVE SECRET used In their manufacture of the finest English And Swedish make This wonderful discovery is the result of years of experiment and study and at hut there has been produced a razor will shave any beard NO MATTER HOW TOUGH ELECTRIC TEMPERING aids CARBON to the steel whereas tempering the other method fcnown for centuries DESTROYS the CARBON which the life of Alt other makes of razors must be HONED AND GROUND often as their blades will NOT an edge any length of time MAGNETIC RAZORS do not require HONING or GRINDING a in private they are all tempered alike every part of their blades being subjected to the same AMPERES OF CARBO MAGNETIC RAZORS ate ground FIVE times by the HAMBURG METHOD the most expensive grinding YOUR DEALER will deliver to you one of these MAGNETIC RAZORS on day trial without obligation your part to purchase advantage of this opportunity Break away from the barber habit You will sare annually Call on our representatives in your and request a copy of Hint On booklet illustrates the correct razor position for shaving every pkri of the face ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN FROM LIFE tells you HOW TO STROP A RAZOR should our be out of them drop a will seW you one by return i Firm of A Broad Y A AB1NNS SOLE AGENT

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