TEE MAY Wanted senant girl Apply to Mrs Caster Aurora Shop of Sale ottered lot sale The late ccjied this stand for over years worked up connection It Is ottered sale in order to wind up tie Estate Apply to JOHN MILLER twenty t Ont tourist Tickets River Georgian Bay etc now on sale Tickets to Karwartba on sale June 1st good all season Grand Ticket Agent Newmarket d Mcdonald p a Union Station Tourist Tickets Full informatk Nomination Day The nomination a candidate to represent the Rising North York the nest Legislative Assembly will e place at the Town Hall New market on Monday next the hours of noon and two oclock If than one candidate is nominated I will be demanded and the vot ing will take place a week June from a m till 5 at each of the polling places constituency In the case of North York two can didates will be nominated Mr T H Lennox and Mr W Johnston The Conservatives have engaged the Town Hall for a public meeting im mediately at the close of the proceedings hut they have that Mr Johnston shall have the opportunity of speaking an equal length of time to that taken Mr Lennox and only the candi dates will be allowed to speak A large attendance is anticipated Pseudo Criticism KindlingWood It long which we will to any part ol Town AT orders with Terms Cash regard to for the reformation of the con- injury which both labor and Capital would certainly suffer from the unfair competition to which they be subjected by this most contract Prior to the advent pi upon the scene prison had been valued at cents per day and it was hied by him in the binder twine act Yet the face a rising labor market and without tender a contract was made in which prison labor was sold at cents a day The farmers of Ontario dont know enough to run their own schools says Hon Mr Whitneys Minister of Ed ucation Government supporters fall into line including Mr T H Lennox and say well make Mr Farmer do tine way we think is right That the Whitney method letter Speaker Mr Kosraack says To show how necessary it Was for me to write the qualifying sentence as I did I will relate to you what happened in The Hon Cochrane R and Lennox P a political meeting Mr Lennox said in substance If this district sends an opponent of the Government Parliament it needs not to look for the Government So the candidate or the opposition the whole district Grits Tories alike must he punishe Thanks Mr Cochrane for allowing to be stated so plainly publicly and by what think the should be I think all that this looks for is justice no favors calculation before readers A townslip here has sections The Government price is per quarter section per township townships bring pioi to work hard for many ye many hardships before land is their own are given to few already wealthy mine-own- is Miss Clark spent Victoria Day fa Mr and Mrs Elliott tools a trip to the old home in the Mrs C Dicks and family spent the in Oxbridge with relatives Mrs of the holiday with Mrs Mr Martin went to Co balt last Saturday for a weeks it Mrs Harry spent a ft this week with her parent a Sidney Morning wife an sited relatives in Toronto Day J R Mrs O Clay of Be Toronto spent over Sunday v friends in town Mr is spending week with his brother Mr- of Mr Robt Meads spent Day holidays with 1 Meads at Uxbridge Mr Ed Gould and lady friend was home or the visiting his parents on St Mr and Mrs Ed Brammer were the guests of her father Mr Charles during the Mr and Mrs and Miss Bessie Mitchell of Gienville spent the holiday in town Mr and wife of Wind sor arrived on Saturday and spent the holiday at his old home Mr and Mrs L Lehman Jmvc re turned home alter a visit his grandson at Green River Ont Mr Henry and family of Toronto spent the weekend with bis brother Mr Geo Mrs Ri hard the guest of ring the stroke of tfce it will be the settlers it Such measures convert Liberals into bad company corrupts House and Lot for Sale H Toole CO faults the Go that the Office Specialty Co contract over all rig to many thousands lars The money is kept in the IN Tilt 1 of citizens who will the good fortunes of the Co In this contract and when opportunity those most inter ested we made no doubt will mark appreciation of the Govern ments policy in this regard Mr House rooms a fine location Apply to A WILLIAMS Notice to Poultry Empire Poultry Dust great lice exterminator lice or anything Guaranteed rid your flock lice or money will be refunded To Ask a dealer about it GENTS try Mfg WHS PACKAGE by Empire Pout- Airship with Sixteen Oakland May A mam moth airship on its trial trip in Berkley yesterday rose 300 feet from the earth in view of spec tators tilted burst and dropped to the ground with a crew of men one of whom was injured With the possible exception of L engineer injured internally to a a Cobalt that Ik shipping Paying good dtndE is a pretty fair Inveitflwnt with certain rinks attached which are asiiiBlly incident to all under- takings with future Prison Labor Contract In his ninth letter to the people Ontario full Interest to labor employed In factories Hon A clearly shows the attitude and policy Liberals aid tlves In regard thereto After mak ing reference to the fact that he hat previously quoted the resolution pack ed at the Provincial Liberal Conven tion of in which among other things the abolition of the contract In connection with prison la bor was called for Mr that direction after the the Special on Prison La bor pointed by the rnent which report had been followed up by the abandonment the system in the woodenware de partment of the Central Prison the giving of notice the contractors for that contract be renewed In there was ho actual contract In at the time of tta change of Government although a con tract had been drawn up for binder but had not been ratified Mr might have stopped entire contract business when he en tered upon office had be been so dis posed but Instead while permitting the contract to be as the late Government had en notice of doing he the tract system In the wooden Mr John Brim Mrs D left on Monday or Ottawa to visit her daughter Mrs Lehman for two or three Mrs Grose Idle Mr Eden of and the Misses of Toronto spent the holiday urn friends in Town The many friends of Mr awl Mr Wright Fogg will be pleased to he d their safe arrival at Togo North Portal Sask Mr Van editor he Busy Mans Magazine was a welcome caller at the Eras sanctum on Wednesday morning Mrs Edward with Miss Lillian and of Toronto spent the with her sister Mrs Frank Playter at Pine The accident was spectacular great- concourse of men women children from Berkeley and Oakland gathered around a field wherein the great air craft had been filled with illuminating gas After much walt- which made the onlookers ious the stay ropes were cut am slowly from earth It tilted downward until tood at an angle of degrees- Then the rush of gas to the stern of the gas bag caused the burst with a loud ripping noise The release of a gnat 1 the airship to settle rtli heir head before the ship could alight ant jumped Buffeting broken limbs Robert fell off at Rainy River and was Charles Hennessey a burning tree falling fighting a forest fire ina But the to the Is the that had better be left with tW I in ti Canadian Uttod pEjjiOiied ture of binder twine the name of a of the Govern- raeht for the contractor who had elected by the What is more he boasted of the mon ey he going to make for the Pro- the to from THE CRADLE HAYES In Mount Albert on day May to Mr and iirs Wrn Hayes daughter GREENWOOD In East Gwillin bury on April 1908 to Mi and Mrs Geo Greenwood HALL At Pine Orchard May 19th to Mr and Mrs Walter a daughter Town on 24th to Mr and Mrs Joln daughter Tuesday Ma ltfth at Hamilton to Mr and Mrs J a In Sharon May to Mr and Mrs a daughter NEW CORSETS to per pail The Overalls Rip I a Button HUNTER BROS NEWMARKET and A it Dress Goods You will find this department re plete with the most desirable goods at popular prices Our motto Value Quality Style the markets of the world to pick from we choose only quick- selling popular and fashionable goods We rely upon intrinsic merit and our smallprofit method to win lis trade In Staple Lines particularly our range Broadcloths Venetians Etcil French Chiffon Broadcloths Ama zons and Venetians are without a parallel for their lightness of weight softness to handle and their bril liant and permanent finish Our cloths are from the best French mak ers of worldrenowned reputation and the goods we believe are un equalled by any other dealer See the New Voiles Crepe de Chenes Batiste Satin Cloths Silk Glorias Poplins and Wool Ou- dulene in colors of myrtle wine browns navy and black Some two dozen young ladies at tended handkerchief shower at Mrs tons one evening last week in honor of Miss Lelia Ross Mr and Mrs and baby Byron of Toronto spent the holiday visiting their parents at New market and Holland Landing Mrs Rev of Gorrle and her mother Mrs Ward of Toron to were visiting their old friend McManus Prospect Ave Mr Bruce who was Manager of the Sovereign In Newmarket has been appointed the Home Bank at if was Toronto last week health f Of tin duties ol his pari Mr Geo Buskl teur In wan OR bis round in Newmarket this week and reports that the donations in Town to the work are slightly in advance of last year Pen legates to Conference at spent two or three town the guests of Mr Alfred I rliimi Eaat May PfNROSETn Whitchurch May to Mr and Mrs Oscar rose a daughter Ill Mrs Parliament and Misses For and of Toronto spent Victoria Day Town with Mr and Mrs Sahlr They returned the same evening alio having spent a pleasant time Owing to poor health Mr Fred Dennis lias disposed of his drug hunt his family to where with perfect rest for a few be hopes to be restored to his former strength THE LEADING FurnituFe Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash I b EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night cIts ttcjided to at John Millard Phones and HUNTER Newmarket and Mr Albert Lloyd of Toronto spent or three days in Newmarket with father Mr William Lloyd and friends completely enveloped In that all air is shut out will a longer time than under any other condition THE ALTAR KING ROGERS At the Methodist Parsonage Newmarket on May 1808 by Rev T Mr Samuel King to Miss Mary Rogers both of JACKSON At St Pauls Church Newmarket on Mav by Canon Cody as sisted by Rev 1 Marcus Jackson of Rainy River to Miss Jessie Inez of Newmarket ROIUNKON After Him at her late realdenoe St Toronto Mary Martin widow of Alfred Robin son L of Aurora In her year POTTAGE At her late residence on St Lucy Sarah Pottage aged 73 years wife of Henry Pot- At the Industrial Home on May Wilson aged years North on Monday May 18 1008 the Infant child of Mr Walter In North on Monday May Mm Nancy aged 2 years At Man May of typhoid fever Reston brotherinlaw of Mr of aged about yeara The remains are expected to arrive in Aurora this afternoon at oclock FttrnitoeDndertakiiig MAIM ST NORTH low is the time to secure AT LOW PRICES For Quality see those at Also a Good Variety of House and Bedding Plants to Select from IPCAullY FARMERS EMPORIUM MORRIS Has opened New Sample Rooms in tbo Sovereign Bank Building Where he to call and see the latest devices Sole FROST WOOD IMPLEMENTS WILKINSON PLOWS AND REPAIRS NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES AND LAVAL SEPARATORS WWpi Harriets Bought Right and will be Sold Right and Organ fcSsMaw ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO