Cherry Peroral Is a regular cough medicine strong medicine a doctors nwdicine Good for ctrtfehs coughs desper ate coughs If your doctor endorses it for your take Never to bis advice TiitdMeof Ayes Pill we at bedtime bcttthincrbait of last under the population changes wet Terr good lor a to re ceive Several of r Shorthand graduate last are now enjoying salary can yon to receive this amount Oar new explains Clip out this card sign it and send to H Shaw But- College Toronto Address I a little In your self end a RAZOR will cell having rohlem Self Shaving be a pleasure It with a WAYS FOR USB A A The Ontario Gerrymander Hon A MacKays fourth letter to the People Province relates to the unfairness of the gerrymander a He points out that of equalizing the the constituencies made in and the difference in popula- than and yet East and West with a dif ference of in population is left untouched Mr then con cludes as follows The Middlesexes maybe taken as specimen of the value of the statement that he was honest ly endeavoring to equalize the popu- Governments East West and North Middlesex have been untouched Confederation As Fathers of- Confederation divided that county so they remained until Mr Whitney applied the knife East Middlesex has 20228 West 18079 North He does not take from the greatest and add to the least The East Riding allowed to remain because represent ed by a Conservative whose seat was supposed to be sate North was also represented by a whose seat was nob considered safe and therefore a shuffle is made be tween the North and the West ridings so as to add to the Conservative ma jority in the Worth and to make the West a Liberal hive Whether Mr D Ross language was parliamen tary or not all fairminded men will agree that as to the Premiers deal ing with Middlesex there was provo cation for the statement that instead of being honest enough to he bold bold enough to be honest he cowardly enough In a Breath Theres Rest BREATHE AND BE CURED OF CATARRH BRONCHITIS ASTHMA Nature has a remedy for catarrh epidemic colds and bronchitis that is far better than dosing the stomach with medicine and drugs It is the healing oils of which you breathe reaching the acts like a curative inter nal air bath and has the same heal ing and antiseptic effect as the aii where the Pine and for ests give oft their fragrant and heal healing and how quickly you will get relief from Catarrh and head cold not help you there will expense as J R to refund the money complete outfit costs only Youre all wrong a free and independent attended the beersmoker in th Court House last week Youre This moist atmosphere i caused by the tears of the Returning Officer more this week that he is waiting tor dictionary to catch up with him the matter of words Notwithstanding the Mess despatch a South states that the of Mr the of Shoe Polish Dont be deceived by imita tions It means long life to your shoes to be sure of in I ugh Trust the People a scries of short letters to Hon A MacKay Li leader in Ontario is people of this Province on the lea of campaign and especially relation of Liberalism as a political principal to- these issues following extract touches the age between Liberals and Con- itives as voiced by actions in the Legislature touching question of teachers salaries in our public schools After pointing out the line of divergence between the If it does Dominion Parliament The Senate Railway during the past week rejected ti and Thompson Boo bill by a vote of to the ground that it was mi of Provincial rights the Public Accounts Committee other day Mr J W former inspector of dredging Bay denied the st gerrymander itched the Towns Mr Essex thus bou majority man who holds the stop watch the election in North York will ave the pleasure of remarking after he ballots are counted that the Lennox HoldUp at Temigami lost the Conservative race in the Riding and spoiled the opportunity for a po litical homily to the Grit hosts things twist round at feature of that last awful to which the Whitney may be drawn has that gift of from to the La- rose Mining Co of which a brother- inlaw the Minister Mines a member ft has yet to be made public so far as we know what Province has been advantaged by payment of this to the Company Cavendish Square There is a certain known to grandmothers of which modem probably never heard them give grandmother a line from it and see she cannot tap- the- quotation It figures in one delight- incident given by Prof Simon in his Reminiscences of an Astronomer When he started for his first visit to Europe his foremost thought was No- shall see Greenwich He had been working with the ob servations made at Greenwich Ob servatory for years and there was no other institution in the world which inspired him with such deep interest as that famous place On his arrival in London he wrote to Professor Airy and received invitation to spend the observatory and while he was shown afternoon at building by an assistant Mrs Airy entertained his wif daughters inside the dwelling relatioi the Provinci the head of t Mm Department about being able to look after Mr Fowler outside When a Tory P gets up against thing he cant control like ordinary mortals he lets his dander rise At the closing session of last week Hon Mr worth introduced a bill prohibiting the use of cigarettes by hoys throughout the Dominion It read a first The Pro vincial Legislation since the Whitney Government came to power clearly demonstrating the desire and deter mination of Liberals to trust the people while at the same time the aversion of their oppon ents to any such policy Mr proceeds to illustrate thusly The basing of salaries of teachers in rural not upon experience hut upon the a the school sections was The to rural and not to was illogical and was tion to say nothing requiring of the township and not the i in Bel- Antwerp May road catastrophe ever records took place near miles southeast Antwerp this morning When because of a misplaced switch tie Antwerp Express running at an hour crashed Into a train faffed with pilgrims on a Biding Every car of she pilgrim train ex cepting the foremost one was teles coped The car a were literally ground to pieces and practically all the were either killed or badly Injured About SO dead people al ready have been removed from the wreck and succour Is being extended to more than 100 injured A Doctors 1st Pad ifc f A Omul Oat I a wish a I fa than school class legisla- act that the i direct insult to tNan whom exist clai of our people more willing bo educate their children to the full and complete limit of their ability Lib eral opposed this measure sug gested that instead the general Gov ernment grant should go to all school but that to those sections which em ployed an experienced as well as Inexperienced or a as against a junior teacher small extra grant should be made by the Department would the Department at once trust and cooperate with the Trus tees This suggestion was refuse and finally Hon Mr pkad- with the Minister of pas all the Will savetht salary clause to allow this until its prac bearing could he discussed fully understood But because after was adopted It geated that it va unfair to penalize the teacher who to break the it Is at Liberals favored it 44M It the f it wl IT TmkAs Is 18 Two Opposition meinhers had a face face talk to each other during Fri days session about the Ross rifle Mr Fowler M P said it was no good but it appears Col Hughes P who winks on the same side of the House Hon Foster was nan who had much do in se curing this very rifle lor tije Canadian Thus- do great men differ but tbe Ministerial side of the House had a enjoyment over the wordy con- Col also figured in the debate- cured by Halls Catarrh J CHENEY Co Toledo the undersigned have known Cheney for the past years believe him perfectly honorable II business transactions and fi ally able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood F- J Testimonials per bottle Take Hall of the syetei sent free Price 75c Sold by all Druggists Family Pills for con bio I Ml long Tbe poorest policy and the worst economy Is to keep the children out school Every day lost has its effort the knowledge galn- on that day missed pupil Is behind becomes as a had on the the habit Is to be avoided Dallas Texas May arc a using Four inches Solid Silver Cobalt May 21 What was consid ered the foremost discovery in the township James was made last week In lot I ton by Messrs EI lis and The find was made on the side of a hill and by trench ing it down an eleveninch vein con taining lour inches of solid silver running In a copper lead was Messrs Ellis and worked the vein for a few days and besides stripping for some distance they dug out a couple sacks of the ore and brought them to Elk Lake This find coupled with others of a nature In that district and recent exploits in ha fed some what of a stir among tin specters and it is likely that there will be the outcome n Id die I today i AGQKY Hemlock or Pine Lumber All to Suit the Building Trade British Colombia or New Shingles FLOORING AND MATERIAL QQQQ FRESH Standard RED CLOVER LEUCERNE CLOVER TURNIP MANGLE MILLET TIMOTHY SEED SUGAR BEET RAPE SEED These Seeds are and pure Prices Right and Feed Coal and Wood H EVES What place in London interested most asked Professor Airy of Mrs The first pi Cavendish King Tp S S Convention at was there to interest you When I was a little girl my mo- her once gave me as a birthday pre sent a small volume of peoms The stanza in the book was Little Ann and her mother were walking one day Thru Londons wide city so fair business obliged them to go by the i Thai led thei of a lord thei The Court of Appeal is to decide the Dok Lake Act interferes ith the former Act The Attorney General has secured leave to test it ilidity by the submission of a tcs By the Water Power Act the HydroElectric was given authority to de- flop power by a dam on the Kamin- tiqui River near the outlet of Dog Lake The works were to cost The question is whether the au thority thus conferred Interferes with rights conferred on one Jennison In connection with the Kakabeka Falls an earlier act Money more plentiful and should crops prove as good as they now promise in east and west it is thought that a full tide of prosperity will set in promptly But things are different from what year ago Many still of work Great corporations rt of orders Dividends are large Capital is difficult t The business spirit is ind timid Liquidation is a Most families money bylaw up to and the validation of y and Municipal validating i lee will for bylaws of over in value up to this fie will he and for those of over It will be specially fixed by the Board For con firmation of an annexation bylaw will he charged a similar amount for the approval of byla ws for the extension waterworks the Increase of hie rate of interest on municipal debentures Railway will have to pay In case for privilege getting their tariff ami rules approved for the ap proval of their examiner of motor- iiut attvi Hiding was a party in the Is giving him much uneasiness days Commenting on Mr A MacKays sixth letter the Globe oh serves No one who reads Mr A MacKays sixth letter to the electors of Ontario will hav the doubt that for some reason the Whit ney Government resorted to sharp the proposal to add 2500000 to the liability Province has al ready incurred on account of the Ca nadian Northern Hallway Company Though the Government had long be fore determined to grant this add- the hill embodying pro was not Introduced till Thurs day evening of the last week of the Ion and then It not printed Hold by J J v tie hers having had portunlty to see Its text and note provisions The explanations to the Assembly were misleading and were apparently intended to mislead The additional amount was given Instead first mortgage was alleged to he de fective when It perfectly correct Send the Era to absent friends Thursday Evening June 730 Song Service Opening and Devotional Exercises Address Announcements Collection and Closing Friday Morning June 930 Devotional Exercises Reading Minutes Address How to Study the Lesson Rev A Bedford fgl To take some most elegant ladies a- Who straightway got into the same was impossible to say who wen the more surprised the English fain at finding an American cousin familiar with their childhoods te ballad or the Americans whiii realized that the had room for it in his ever stocked brain But over Cavendish Square they laughed and became friends Spare the Birds and rats are two of worst pests- we have in Canada They are unqualified nuisances for whom not a word can be said Hawk are usually considered more harmful than sparrows but as a family they are not objectionable only few of them being poultry On the contrary most of the prey on mice and other vermin that might otherwise do much damage the farmers crops Into the clafJs of birds whose preservation is able may lie put and blue jays The former often damage to ornamental trees so does the woodpecker while the blue jay least these birds make some return to their unwilling hosts by delighting the eye Robins too have a taste for cherries hut most or the time they arc busy bunting insects and worms Insect Exterminators In his article on quail preservation Mr Edward Harris showed how use ful these birds were In ridding the country of insects As long as ft is these vigilant hunters are eating slugs and grubs most arc harmful to the crops Scores of other birds well known In Canada do useful work In proportion to their size kinglets chickadees nuthatches war blers kingfishers blackbirds owls and even humming birds arc extremely fond of cutwoms canker- worms locusts and grasshoppers Some ol our birds hunt through leaves and branches others eat larvae In the bark others scratch on the ground and still others dart thru the air taking their prey on tbe wing Especially useful are the chickadees and the chipping sparrow which is a sort of respectable bo our lit tle brown blackguard A brood three young chipping sparrows under took food times in one day In the stomach of a single night hawk were found mosqui toes proving the contention that all hawks are not mans enemies Cruel Slaughter To sum up then it Is not too much to say that 11 the farmers were assisted in beeping down Insects- by thy birds agriculture would become Impossible In many districts and ex tremely difficult In others The Discussion Address Duties of Superintendent 1105 Discussion Conference on S work Appointment of Committees Announcements and Closing Rev Mr Friday Afternoon Devotional Exercises Reading Minutes Address of Welcome Response by President Address Discussion Study of the Lesson for June Jesus appears to the Apostles John Rev Leonard Rev Mr Vail MassMeeting of S 150 Our Finances Collection and Music Announcements and Closing Led by Mr Jackson addressed by Rev Me Thomas The Treasurer Friday Evening 730 Song Service Reading Minutes Address The Emphasis in S S Work Collection and Report of Resolution Committee God be with us till we meet again A DROP IN COAL 650 PER TON H EVE8 suit would he sudden and almost ruinous advance in the price of food- stuffs It is plain therefore that we all have a good deal at stake in the preservation these birds London dealer receives single merits of dead humming birds to adorn ladies- hats A rail and bobolink were killed in one month An ar tide in Forest and Stream says that one little village supplies dead birds to New York that the women of the United States require birds a year to decorate hats while are used annually in Europe This Is espec ially when we reflect that those re sponsible for the slaughter are gen tle women and not male savages What the Old Man Says class of people meet criticism teachers Much of this criticism is unjust and exists solely because parents and others listen to unveri fied reports and do nothing to ac quaint themselves with the real Inner workings the room Any person experienced with child ren knows that these reports even when absolutely truthful from their point of view cannot bo relied upon Again anyone who bus the training children has experienced the mortification that other children mothers will not tolerate any of their childrens man- by the teacher taking it Good Bread WHY NOT USE SIMPSONS Home Made South End Bakery Persons wanting night soli removed can have their wants promptly at tended to by dropping a post card to BOX MS Newmarket Boarders Wanted At Cedata Mrs Scott Pre Boarders Wanted Apply to Mrs J Readhead cor se Pearson and Court near High School he steamer Calvin carried away three gates In the canal and traffic was suspended for repairs CASTOR I A For and Children Ik Kind You Have Always Bought ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO