THE FRIDAY MAY 1908 Smith DENTIST I We carry full line of PATENT MEDICINES REMEDIES RHEUMATIC CURE Prescription family Receipts receive day or T LLOYD THE MARKET There was the usual large crowd in attendance at the market on Tuesday four buyers were present Butter to eggs to chickens 20c BIG SALE KESWICK Already out sale Easter Hats much greater than previous years but there are some left others W COLE KESWICK Albert Branch MANAGER prizes on his inly a good record excellent exhibits Meeting missionary service Miss I Mo BALDWIN BREEZES John Wesley was summoned before Tomilson J P for using profane and inflammatory language towards Thos Carberrv at our Settled the boys inability to for practice this in played first at Monday score of t 10 supporters LIBERAL MEETING A meeting in the interests of H Johnston the Literal date for North York was held in ti n iiali on Tuesday night a large attendance including of ladies Mr Dewart Toronto and Mr H Johnston the meeting and listened to THE HOLIDAY Monday being Victoria rved as a holiday b being closed by Metropolitan Railway May Metropolis Cars will leave North Toronto lor Jacksons Point at and 11 am Leave Newmarket or the North at am and pm Cars leave Jacksons Point for To ronto at 745 and 1145 am 245 and pm of whom accompanied the base ball team to and a number to the fair at The majority took advantage of the day to their gardening or do odd jobs auoil their homes The town presented usual deserted holiday appearance There may at one time have been do ings in Mount Albert on holiday only a few of old residents PERSONAL Miss of spending a few days with Oft F T V spent at his old home in Brampton Mr Hammett and family left of under the D who is doing all his skill can Possibly he may lose both as there is great sympathy in such On Monday evening last week the local did not reach Baldwin un til one oclock at night They a crippled and crazy engine which delayed them at Mt Albert dont imagine the train crew worr so very much as had the Miss Thomas to help wile the fleeting hours She pronounces them fine fellows Richard Young and family part them spent Saturday accord ing to their accustomed habit with his soninlaw Ben They always bring a big grist a and strange to say Miss eral heart sees that I have a Mr Ross OBrien has built a fine boat for its class and put commission on our river lor the of his friends A large number friends visited local households on the holiday like to see the memory of perpetuated She was the noblest yueen tfiat ever graced Britains throne My sweet little friend Jennie Fos ter had a blowout on Saturday it btiig her Natal day Shes one the Owls sweetest juvenile friends I promised to put her in Era Another equally sweet little pet is Pearl Miller Natal day was the a Victorian lassie Her mother Victoria Millet is also a product Our boys have been in clover The elegant Miss Thomas honored our burg with a visit She bestowed her smiles with a lavish profusion and 1 has a nioit winning way for some for Saskatchewan on Monday where and 1 exceedingly popular Our lads by will make their home for the seem to have lost their heads What re if Id put a few names of dr A Miller of Oxbridge and loved and lost is Lillian Miller of New The new Egypt scribe is re visitors at home of Mr 11 un on Saturday j dr Richard Morton of words so sweet is visiting at the home of Ins wis- would be so nice and quiet Mr Ira Morton last week bear our hear Oaf Top onto The little tots at the Sick Child- ns Hospital were removed to the Island Hospital on Wednesday at Lakeside Mrs Henrietta pleaded guilty in the Sessions this morning to a charge of stealing a table cloth valued at from Eatons and was remanded lor sentence till Saturday Dr Graham testified that he had treating the woman for nervousness and it would be hard to say what ef fect it would have on her life to send her to Jail a sort of backhanded apology to let- the woman go People are wondering these what bis become of Dr Beattie Guess that Globe libel suit has taken all tie starch out of him Has Mr Whitney got another job for him or is he out in Hie cold with both political parties It seems The GovernorGeneral and Lady Grey gave a dinner at Llawdine on Tuesday evening LieubGovernor and Lady Clark were among the took in the Woodbine races To some persons the day just past meant a da works Others meaning a day of fii throat that had not been moistened since a year previous felt the sensation of cooling liquids Iron- bound resolutions were cast and scruples with them As each jag blossomed forth ami then wilted he was gathered up by the po lice and deposited in the station- house to dryout Tuesday Morning the harvest was gone over the po lice and such as were sufficiently evaporated to permit their being set at large were liberated at the various station houses Even alter this process there were exactly seven ty the fragrant ones who were obliged to come the Magis trate The City Council decided unanimous ly on Tuesday to submit to the rate payers on June two bylaws one lor the raising for a trunk sewer and sewage disposal plant and the other for raising jumping the fence had to day in the police court a people rode on the street cars on the holiday and every- the Street Railway Companys office from the Manager down feels rather tickled aver tie way things ere handled In all the Roman Catholic churches of the Toronto diocese on Sunday a circular was read by direction of his Grace Archbishop OConnor officially announcing his retirement It alio contained a on of he pointment of Bishop McEvay as his The registration of voters Ditto closed on Saturday They This is the largest the history of the One thousand feet the Bay have yet to be Monday night Ambrose Cunning of Tottenham who came to the city Monday to the holiday v as sandbagged on Yonge St near Tiin- Square and robbed of jn mon ey and a silver watch Gunnings face was badly cut bis nose Injured and eyes blackened He bad to be sent to the Hospital The Premier was the only member of the Cabinet who celebrated the Queens birthday by working the Parliament Buildings HOLLAND LANDING ed announcing a pub- PAINTS The Old Reliable SandersonPearcy Also BrandrahmHenderson THESE ARE THE BEST M R MOUNT ALBERT PHONE E SMITH SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS We have good supply Mangel Sugar Beet Turnip a Garden Seeds GROCERIES Homemade Maple Syrup in quart jars including Canned Peas tins for for Family Bar Soap 10c bar June 3rd to be addressed by Messrs Johnston C L dy Cane J M Walton A big meeting is pected KESWICK Mr Mrs J A Rose of Kes wick spent the at Mr J Hamilton Ont Mr J was shot in the hip on Monday but is improving nicely Miss Bessie Prosser is spending a couple of weeks with her sister in Toronto Last Sund by Mr Willi of to NOTICE is hereby given that Annie Louisa nee Warwick now be Town of Buckingham In the Province Quebec will apply to the Parliament Canada at the next Session thereof lor a Bill of Divorce from husband Milton Colfc- the City Toronto in the J BROOKE Solicitor lor Applicant A New Cottle rooms pantry and woodshed good cellar good stable and one third acre of garden In ply to or Davidson for a water filtration plantv Lynch went into the Clyde The Hotel waBhroom on Tuesday and aTter washing himself appropriated the all the towels in sight He will do I his ablutions under prison regulations J beat ice I fell She Miss at Mr of Mr A Son Sutton West at Mary add Dr Geo at his home very kindly bang Church both morning tiling on Sunday and ever as much pleased with her The food Shepherd and With Me Wilson ol a Wilson Is spending a eks town the guest of Mr Vote lor victor Fry years was Tuesday the steps of the a few days ago stumbled van taken to the Hos- found she had con- young English lad of not until The Pedestrian ight Ray Wight y in ball the afternoon young people from here enjoyable picnic at ou Monday afternoon The was perfect and the extra the Metropolitan Railway a comfortable journey both Wight has closed her the summer and will visit jn Mrs Harry Wight were the faithful daughter thr life It her father has for her she could ask any favor he grant it were in his proves herself worthy A sweet woman like good proves with age Ask An shake up One week whilst lying snoozing stall watching his brood nae was rudely awakened by lh animal walking over him a luud whoa but fortunately he wa not tramped Look lor gray hair in Ernies wig Carpenter Geo Rev arm an General Methodist Church Vancouver on Monday night for id the Montreal and Minnie Eva Tuesday on charges They went thru the fo A Very enthusiastic meeting wan eld in the Presbyterian Hall last AednKday night in the interest of Johnston our Candidate I a Uwk of ft The very beat of attention was given 4 by the that more than filled I the given WiddMeld Fred J J Walton Johnston If Lib- M Riding A I it aly Mm ntt AiA J nxutir l M it there is no doubt but lu mi but it m a York will le redeemed tut M WllVllg kuuuk North tU tare for 0gs of the Heart ft nam In Brock Township met at Baldwin on the Trees leaved out on the last The Owls maple that leaved hour ly April got frost bitten Leaven all killed However nature is her sway again The growth of vegetation truly wonderful You almost see it Those lucky last year nai hay I think It about time some mill ionaire or billionaire New Yorker deck to see it there would he in Egypt this year looked brighter did they Beau ty Clark went off On a lark Geo opened the summer season at Point last Friday night by tak ing the pretty beauty for a drive In his coupe pronounce that who can The decease of Pearson M removes one more highly friend The lereavwl have the sympathy of an old De ceased a clever practloner I could give you some special proofs said ilton Dr Lapp of Holland Lauding- stay ing but a few days at the Grodveuor House on Thursday night of last week took shortly alter were tired Mr A IS llWiltt It now loots an 11 tin latter will win the rate Willi How to oho Kings Mr Geo tivbl to get and a situation flUttw At C 1 Gen Ten names were added to the rolls of of Ontario last Friday Including Miss Grace The latter is a daughter of Mr of is the third Lady to the practice of law In this The city sustained a great loss when after a protracted illness Dr Jas Bain Chief librarian of the Toronto Public Library died at da residence Avenue at live oclock Friday afternoon It is reported that carp are driving out or killing the other from the Island lagoons A carp weighing lbs was caught on Monday by Mr Held of Pawnee Avenue and Mr R caught no less than eleven weighing from lbs down Carp are reported to be destroying other fish Holland River and Lake A ire on Tuesday at furniture warehouse did about damage before It wan ol the firecracker on the streets on holiday it Is thought the be asked to prohibit their On Monday Jeff Davis fell i plate window while claimed damage Two young who tried to i night the topic at the very ably introduced Marritt Mr Davis of Keswick gave Ice was delayed some the lightening on Tuesday ts the matter with They dont I very good Come I sec whats doing A Stock Register Tae imported Stallion the property of John A and sons will make the season of Holt Albert and Zephyr etc Alonzo Blizzard Manager The beautiful Imported Peroheron Stallion the property of John Smith will make the season through North and East and Newmarket the John French Mount Albert visit Zephyr Queensville Keswick Mount Albert and other points during the season of IPOS John French Manager BRIGHT STAItThc purebred Cly desdale horse the property will make the season Zephyr Jr of at He wit he i by Wilkes trottfngbred See i lire fompnl the Ham stallion May The Reformer states that Mr Warren the will win sitting close Vancouver BC May A gaso line launch exploded at an early hour yesterday morning on Point Atkinson outside the Narrows The launch hod two occupants A It Ross a merchant and J Wilson insurance agent The boat caught fin- and both men had to jump into the water to save their lives As It was Rons was severely burned on the hands lace and feet They were picked up another boat that was fortunately close at hand Philadelphia May 20 Anthracite miners numbering 140000 men are to be given steady employment and not a day will be lost to them if the rap- Idly maturing plans of the operators are carried out The three year wage agreement i working is the desire of the operators to before that time not less than tons of various coal In anticipation of any prolonged dis agreement over the- terms of the next wage settlement There is very little hard coal in storage now tor the production since the Industrial depression began last October Has greatly restricted Golden Canned Corn 3 tins for Toasted Corn Flakes packages Salmon from up Richards Pure Soap bars for Comfort Soap bars for PLANTS We have on hand a supply Tomato and Celery Plants Garden and Turnip Hoes and Garden Rakes Brooms from 25 to Try us for Harness Halters Whips c BOOTS Boots and Shoes to suit as regards price and quality CASH OR TRADE FOR BUTTER AND EGOS EVERY DAY IS A MARKET DAY WITH US SMITH The Leading Merchant THE DOMINION BANK CAPITAL RESERVE TOTAL ASSETS 148000 1ASSETS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Branches and agencies throughout Canada and the United SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Patents Copyrights Ac A hinder el lUuilntd UhfMt Sold A rock crashed thru the roof of the bunk house at Pearsons camp north of Kenora and fatally injured NOTICE is hereby given that Clan Louise of the City Toron to in the County of York in tea Canada thereof for a Hill Divorce from her husband Clarence of the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario Accountant on the ground of Adultery Godfrey PINE APP Best Granulated per Now that the Rhubarb season Is shipments a week choice Pine Apple SUGAR Dont forget our price on Sugar bag Sugar per bag BACON II CENTS POUND We are selling Fine Salted Bacon at lie pound Smoked 10c lb Finest we can got Smoked Bacon Rolls He lb Smoked Breakfast Bacon lb Towelling Cents per Yard yards Pure Linen Tea Towelling In Blue and Red Checks Good Heavy Goods Close Even Spun Guaranteed Pure Linen A Special Bargain yard DONT FORGET Dont forget that we have the daintiest lot New Organ- dies Muslins Silk Mulls Delaines Zephyrs Ginghams etc ever brought Into Sutton This week we opened another ship ment pieces right up to the minute Johnstons Cash Store Sutton I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO