YOUR TO homo two other in York combined and is acknowledged to bo Loading Paper NORTH YORK INTELklmOR AND ADVERTISER Qlo m to to bo otto IKrft Ho t onto o North York Newmarket Friday Sept gear Sir at Jacksons Pi Monday per aster DOORS DUSTERS CARTS AND WHEELBARROWS TANGLE FOOT FLY PAPERS FOR A Lacrosse Goods To Be Cleared at Cost Toronto Vfien of the I when Snow who had made good his titape from the prison returned carrying a parcel containing clothes ho had worn when lit- abscond ed Governor of the jail when lie heard ol return felt envious to think that his six missing birds had not come back to their cage overlooking the Don The death of a baby on the Grand Trunk train en route to Toronto one- day last week caused somewhat of a sensation among the passengers who when realized that the was dead in their pow er for the alllicted mother The little one was the Infant child of Mr and Mrs Livingston who was returning from the funeral of her mother Mrs Avers of and the train had just passed when tie child became ill and died The fruit traffic was very heavy last week and also this week On one day recently 18000 baskets handled by rail and arrived by think of it bas- For Domestic Wheels CANNED FOR HOME USB Cook fish well for if at all under done It is not only Unpalatable hut water directly after meals A good beefsteak however well cooked will not be at its best on- less served directly it is cooked Mite object to camphor which if put in places frequented by them will drive them away completely Preserve parsley for winter dry ing It in a coo oven and then keep ing it in airtight tins or boxes When nailing the cover of a box slant the nails a trifle they will hold much better than if put straight A dainty way to eat peaches is to cut them In two and eat each peach with a spoon you do an orange To use up cold pork cut tin in into neat slices sprinkle it with pepper and salt fry on both sides ami sauce When without a or sieve a perforated pie plate makes a good training gravy and laundry starch STOVES PUTTY PAINTS OILS AND PLUMBING AND PHONE NEWMARKET ONT The Value of a Account la BACK NEVER DEPRECIATES JOINT Deposits may or withdrawn either the of a household form of account is specially suitable for those living In the country as either member can attend to banking account when in town In of death the money may to withdrawn by the WITHOUT DELAY OR COST Write or call tor further particulars Interest Added Four Times a Year CAPITAL RESERVE ASSETS BRANCH your FIELD Lager son of J will contest Central Toronto with Mr E till Opposition to sitting mem bers will he given in the other of the funds of the I National Exhibition of which he treasurer Magistrate tint that Mrs Leslie was squeezed properly by tie police force and the idea ol a theft being changed in by the aid relations not good la ens and Lizzie Davis all colored were rounded up in a Richmond street house three are believed to j he part of a gang of negro crooks who have come to Canada from the other side There seems lo be some doubt now 1 that Mr A fl U Dcputv Minister of Education will he the When the average man fails make good he begins to look around for one to blame it on When oils close on the prox the To with c one hour then brbsh starch off For stings or bites of any kind of insect apply dampened salt bound tightly over the spot will relieve and usual cure quickly Place eggs on table With the fin ger or thumb try to spin them A good egg will only twirl a little while a bad one will spin like a top To put low shoes on witiiout a horn put part of a handkerchief in the shoe before pulling on then pull ami it wilt slip on Good rice puddings may be without eggs using to the rice and milk a small pi of Cook the pudding for them without it Clean your stained glass globes thus Dip a wet flannel into powder- til pumice stone and with it rub the stained parts When quite clean wash the globes in clear water and dry witi a soft cloth Cure for felon Take a tablespoonful of butter just from the churn with out salt Stir enough calomel in the butter to make a stiff paste Spread doth Citron which stands awhile is diffi- to cut as it gets extremely lard If taken and placed in a col- while it will freshness and is To effectually il a box of close tin laps ones and over these the second in side flap pushing a common pin in to hold in place Encourage children to eat porridge for oatmeal contains lime which for hardening their bones also is excellent food for containing the salts keep the blood healthy St allround fruit is the Letter By special correspondent of the Era Winnipeg Sept The total entries up to date acreage totals at Winnipeg of land taken in Manitoba since the odd numbered sections were thrown open In Sas katchewan and Alberta there has been an enormous demand for lands over one million acres having been taken up by homesteaders since September 1 Among the applicants were men of almost every nationality strong bo the Western association hen that practically teres from the Great Lakes to the- Heal Estate organisation the realty in- A the to an American Hell who Alt Syndicate hotel a sold by Mr A the property than ago for Edmonton feet near Edmonton Club sold for and in Winnipeg an 80foot frontage on Donald street has been night in a large numb be lirst to obtain entrance choicest parcels of the fertile prairie lands While yet there is a steady it parties entering lor lands pen the big rush may now post office opens to be i freely of To utilize the cob then chop very the fire in a milk to moisten slightly good ripe me low iw- or baked and with arc free from va- liver Railway Development President William of the Canadian Northern now the west has stated that the new line to Calgary from will he pushed ahead at once The early con st ruction of this new branch feed er will open a good lot or good farm ing lauds much which is already settled The ReginaBrandon line of is practically regular passenger and the many offices throughout the seven floors show scenes of great in the marketing of the half- million bushels of wheat that are i fill tut Iron Jim Old tablecloths or dinner napkins should not be thrown away they make nice soft dusters for china j lures and other ornaments Pieces I which are not large enough lor this I purpose should he kept rolled up in this Pacific officials A Nation of Braves By a Banker has generally been considered llT I of the time of the earlier must have bean the product 01 a gradual during thou sands years The necessity of this assumption is however definite ly disproved In the extraordinary and anil and W lid and important matters late almost of ivagery to a equal to ilization that of some of he most advanced nations of the earth and in some re spects excelling Even in surgery and medicine science hith erto considered to he the around and completely bury it in To keep poached eggs in shape set withdr turn If the the fluid will e is dipped In and Inane n upright satisfactory floor ring DOORS BASE CASING All Kinds of inside Trim Lath Shingles and Bill Stuff BUY THE BEST IN AG HAS SON Comer Cttci ui Ptot or Cirtin JOS WESLEY or J Tina is the pair of that an odd needed Our Stock is Complete TAILOR ST ill a charge of ab ducting a girl It is that has received conspiracy match the of the dress skirt hi ling the of the open for ilong this new altogether surpass the nations for the percentage of deaths from wounds and disease during the late lent and in v j so far excelling that of their how notably the their moral nobility was const ith of husband he used in a divorce suit A bull along with a herd of cattle being driven westward from Sunn the road last week got obstreperous and ran Into in restaurant smashing it to pieces Seven miles an hour is the limit set for motor boats on the bay will he postponed till after the elections This will af ford an opportunity for defeated llor- to eat crow and turkey at the time Following are the Toronto reluming for the Dominion election North Toronto East Toronto Gavin broker South Toronto thread Stains on flannels m i appUlng equal of egg and a ll Ml ith he Clean your bronze with this solu tion One drachm of sweet oil one ounce each of alcohol water Ap ply this quickly with a soft sponge John ttorne a I ha Whitney in this City the of the Winches IB held int the The County Crown Attorney will re- the City Natural gas has been found in To ronto east of the Don The extent of the find has yet to be determined The application of East Toronto lor annexation to the City will be considered the Municipal Board on Tuesday next Reports from Algonquin Park by forest rangers have been received at the Parliament Buildings of exten sive forest fires in the Park Before scrubbing floors cover grease spots by pouring a little ammonia them Let soak lor a few min- theii set as usual suai while cooking the fruit is kettle and later whole plant mass of flames tongues of Ihe j ing fire leaping from the house to the adjoining building quickly devouring all in their path There had been no fires in the build- the early evening work j shutting down at six oclock Mr hurch this morning said that he as wrolly at a loss to determine Put with a piece of soft ted with common vinegar ih with a clean dry cloth windows will he beautifully broiler pan and set pie in It The pie will bake well and the juice runs out it always does it will not burn Nothing keeps out moths so paper If every when they pasted up in crevices the lid of the waul piLItd Canning Factory Burnt Pit ton fire com factory of the South Day Canning Co at an early hour this morning and I all that is left beside the charred smoking debri to tell the tale of is the office The the Co Winnipeg of be skill the that first Lowei at in the ne- Mills commissioner and sues Hardwell chief traffic officer in attendance and a large list cases will he dealt with week New Hudsons Dai Route often entertains financial heads globe trotters others the crowded centres of the United States and Europe but who fell into their hands the reserve and absolute veracity of contrasted forci bly with the mendacious reports of the Russian genera Is A Japanese despatch was always regarded as a record facts a Russian report neverj until corroborated In fact in almost every respect Great Bli the the Mr Royal Church only left day for Hamilton to purchase a con- i of cans for the rest of that is turning out so well The buildings destroyed were three the large frame buildings of the roper the storehouse and the house Added to the loss of is the almost complete destruction of machinery Work 11 likely have to be entirely susj for the rest of the season mean a big loss in which growers of truck for canning may suffer The loss estimated at ore than will be pretty covered by insurance Norway House in the Hudson district who had the seeing a street car or the first last week He had been stationed in the North for the i years and in his position i of a schooner plying between Ch hill and York factory on Hudsons bay Mr was speak on the He said Navigation is op- le average from June to large steamers that will i straits could reach Fort And their is not confined the science war excel too in many peaceful aits What a thing of beauty for instance is miniature Japanese such as that exhi bited at last Paris inhibition Tiny rills of water pursue wind ing course here falling ifr a little foaming cascade like a diminutive Trolhatten or Niagara here swirling and eddying j rocks and forming a lake its shores all bright and aglow with yiinute flowers and berrycovered plants Scattered about some almost at the edge of a jutting rocky promontory or some growing in the green are a outspreading and forest trees a tew inches only in height healthy and vigorous but evidently the the Hudsons Bay railway was causing much comment in the north country Excellent Prospects The high grade and volume of the crop this year And bounding the whole are the peaks and pyramids and uprearcd domes of a range of snowclad And happily too this great nat just beginning Hot weather further tie number of trades throughout Western from all over the United States Eastern Canada asking for infon i tion in connection with openings its senseless Mote ami to accept the Christian religion which teaches that the Son ul1 expiation on the Cross for all who will humil iate themselves before Him and will cast all their care upon Him for time and for eternity How he avoids f ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO