i j IB- I Art I i THE ERA FRIDAY JANUARY 1 Weeks what is in form Contest The Contest Hot the Jar of Beans nod Toothpicks at Mr Hatchs Green House closed on Eve Mr A Williams was the of first prize and Mr the prize The number being toothpicks the Jar Methodist S S The quarterly review Sun day was recognized by an open meet ing In the room In ab sence of the Superintendent Mr Coombs told too story of Oliver He then drew some morals from the story Rev also made a few The attendance was good ft r I I Methodist Church Ail services on Sunday were largely attended and were lull life and enthusiasm The of thc choir was good and the by and Mr Eugene Darker were very fine The pastors subject la he morn- I Correction An item in weeka paper stat ed Mr Mrs Schmidt had given a Chris ing was Things the Old Have to poor Taken and Things the New Years van an It should have read Bring It was a strong And some of per- thoughtful pica for reconciliation tonal friends Who spent a delightful evening together Cattle Poisoned with the proper estimate of the- value and use of time and a choice of the things Who evening sermon Have Can- Commercialized Christinas On of last week Mr created a good deal of interest and H Dally of Holland Landing had discussion By way of introduction three cows poiconcd One died the Mr said the subject has been next Afternoon another succumbed suggested by a newspaper advertise ment offering lend money on fur niture pianos etc for Christmas shopping All salaried people have money on lowest terms and Business strictly private Continuing the preacher said I make no plea for stinginess nor even economy Personally I like a little extravagance along these days But to borrow money to buy Christmas presents in order to keep up appear ances is humbug and lunacy I hate I believe in Tiny Tim and his gospel J sympathize with the hoy who told his mother he care what she got him for Christmas so long as she did not got him anything useful J believe in candy the reddest and yellowest kinds in chocolate horses and in lead soldiers and in mechanical Friday night and third is In a precarious condition Mr Dally is quite at a loss bow to ac count for the mishap not knowing it was accidental or by de- Ho had ten head of cattle all In the same Friends Church The YFCA are planning for a fine entertainment on Now Tears night The Rev Jos Cornell brother of the pastor will recite a number of Dr poems and the pastor will give lecture Southern California Silver collection Children admitted when accompanied by parents Doors Pictures at The pastors brother will preach at both services next Sunday keys and mice and in Noah A Toe following arc Bain Treas Traviss Gee J I SWA Coring JW p Smith Traviss J TrusteesJ Collins W J Smith Auditors A J A Gibson A Medical Officer Dr Webb s Arks in Mother and in the children aid Goose and Santa Clause officers for that has ever flush- led the horizon of childhood I be lieve in presents for grown people too hut I am utterly opposed to the miserable sentiment that would har ness the ChristChild to the rattling I wagon of our sordid pride ami iness and drive with him furiously through the holly fl lanes cheer just to keep up of Christmas appearances Every Christmas girt which is not the expression of real love and es teem is a wicked thing A Christ mas gift made with the hope of an other in return is a mockery Every gift buy when we have to go into debt to buy it is worse than sin it is sheer idiocy We arc promised forgiveness for our sins but for hold blazing stupidity there is no forgive ness promised in the Bible or out of it Hunger and rags- are not plea- Happy New Veer We extend a cordial Happy New Years greeting on behalf of the edi tor who is now visiting in Montreal to all Era readers and in connection therewith take occasion to express hearty and sincere wishes that it may things but Infinitely better than indeed prove as prosperous and joyous debt said Debt is hell as they fondly anticipate I it wrong then to give presents On behalf of the publisher we also Christmas Not at all It is extend the compliments of the season it is and beautiful and to all local correspondents and there- with express the hope that they will j But the moral value of any act lies continue to lend their friendly assist- a the motive that prompts it in helping to make the Era jand its power to give joy lies all in the year upon which we arc now the way it is done Jiving a hand- entering- the very best of all its past f may he a crime as for history of more than hall century instance when it is a bribe and giving a cup of water may be an Police Court a angels Henry Racine was up before Col self that his comrade may coo his Lloyd Police Magistrate on Hon- j fever from the little water left in the on a charge of assault occasion- canteen ing bodily harm to James Owen As Extravagance and sin are two cry- tie latter was unable to appear the ing sins of modern society Let us trial was adjourned till next Monday have the courage to strip this dear at 10 am Defendant gave bail to festival of all its abnormalities aid to appear to answer to the j foolish customs Let us keep it as charge was intended to be an occasion for Some young men were up on family love and cheer with special day for using blasphemous and emphasis on the childs joy disgraceful language upon the public In the absence of the superintendent streets This will he a warning that Mr A Coombs A had charge this sort of thing will hot be of the Sunday School and to the here delight of all told the story of case of Mr Leonard of Holland Landing who was summoned by the Canal Construction Co for remov ing wood from the has been dismissed for want of evidence We now understand the case will form the subject for a civil action Professionalism at Shows Agricultural Associations Town ship and County will soon be holding their annual meetings and the newly Directors will he planning for the work of another year How to increase interest in fall shows will no engage special attention For a few years past we have heard frequent complaints against profes sional exhibitors who gather in the prizes in- the Ladies work classes They go from show to show several trunks full of exhibits and clean out all the cream of the premiums offered to the discourage ment of farmers wives and daughters who are in the amateur class What Is the use of our competing they ask The professionals sometimes with borrowed or articles sweep the decks Wo used to have a dozen or more pieecwork quilts crochet counterpanes etc at every exhibition here but now they are seldom seen By cutting three out farmers wives and daughters have dropped the domestic exhibits etc and now the department is largely professional fancy and needlework It is time for a change Cut out the professionals or place them in a sep arate class will cure the cause of complaint iver Twist Both services next Sunday will be conducted by the pastor Sunday evening the monthly- service for men All men not attending other churches are cordially invited Regular monthly fellowship meet ing on Sunday Morning at am FOR GO Jewelers and Opticians Get your Railway and Ocean Steamship Tickets from Atkinson Agent and Issuer of Marriage Licenses I NEWMARKET Candidates P Pearson Seconder i Keith A Cody Robertson Nominator FOR MAYOR FOR Jackson K FOR CONCILLQRS Lundy Irwin to Cane Robertson Dr Scott Vale K Robertson R Schmidt A Proctor i y S J A A Coombs Eves J Rondhouse A Coombs F A McKay J Woodcock Rogers Branson A S- J Cane K Robertson I FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE Ross Manning J I McKay Dr Cody J Woodcock Irwin Coombs Lyons Morrison Dr ficotit I a Cody Broughton J Tench J A Cody A Cody A Irwin FOR COMMISSIONERS Jno p K Eves Hunter Lundy Irwin B- F Irwin A Coombs ED Those marked declined to be candidates Newmarket Municipal nomination meeting was held pursuant to stat ute in the Town Hall on evening last Mr 1 Re turning Officer presiding when the above candidates for the respective offices were duly placed in nomina tion This part of Hie business be ing concluded Hon E J Davis was voted to the chair when the various gentlemen delivered addresses touch ing the issues each deemed in the varied interests of the We took lengthy notes of speeches hut as the meeting con tinued till past oclock in the ev ening and as most of the speakers dwelt largely upon the water and plant question giving details It is on both sides of the question now left for the people to decide by their votes on Monday next On the whole the meeting was good and most of the speakers receiv ed the plaudits of the meeting on the conclusion of their remarks Some misunderstandings were cleared up and altogether the nomination may bo said to have been more helpful than otherwise Judging from the tone of the meeting by the demon strations given the electors appear to be pretty well satisfied that the Council of last year done fairly well in the management of the Town fairs The Council is elected by acclama tion the bylav four give rue attendance jScoU and Trench during the hour of nomination was not large but by the time speaking jj dropping commenced nearly two hundred from the the electorate foregathered to hear TS ill There are u i and also the Commissi one of figures thai would require being case thc reported in in order to be Scho wanted tlie addresses The respective chair men of various committees of Coun cil last year entered somewhat into detail respecting what the Council of had done for the welfare and progress of the Town Most of the discussion however had relation to the management of the waterworks and electric light plant and in offer ing suggestions respecting the future policy which should obtain Reasons were advanced for and against as signing the management of the wa ter and light plant to a Commission outside of the Council Several of the speakers held pretty strong views out of Mr J Mo municipal arena is the singular circumstance of the whole procedure and the unexpected rumor had previously he purposed opposing led A prevailed that Mayor Pearson for the civic chair and fun over the contest was antici pated hut the hour for nomination passed with his name entered Council only Refusing to next day left him nut of the ree al together Mr Hunter with others named having decided not t be a candidate resulted in the whole- Council being elected acclamation It is now up to these gentlemen not to disappoint the electors in the confidence reposed For Council Geo Ceo Morrison Ed Kirk Andrew Wide- man Mayes Thos R and- IV Local Option is also up in this is therefore for Reeve AURORA For Mayor J Baldwin and Mr For J Knowles by ac clamation For Council John Bond J James Stephenson EAST Browning J Bassett James Reeve John Smith Frank Knowles Hastings Linton Osjley and Kennedy For School Trustees Dr J Stephenson has Webster James A A Taylor and A Atkinson RICHMOND HILL Reeve Pugslcy jaiccL Council Barker J Palmer J Sloan J Sander son H Hopper T Trench School Trustees McDonald W A Wright and Mackie acci NORTH Reeve and Council elected by ac clamation- viz Reeve James Ander son Councillors Henry Robert Davidson Henry Clover and William KING In this Township Reeve Armstrong declined being a candidate for and the following were nominated For Reeve Alex For Deputy Reeve Phillips For A Carley W A T Ellison Simeon Lem on James Malloy James Ross for For Deputy Reeve- Hill and Amos Lapp For CouncilFrank Kelly Benj Fairbam Thirsk by accla mation Thc contest and deputy SUTTON WEST For Reeve A Pugsley For CouneilDr A Greenwood A Burrows Comer and J A Lake STOUFFVILLE There is a contest in this village For Reeve R P and W ASanyster For Council W P La F Wilson J S Eli Hoover St John A Lehman For- and School trustees were elected by ac clamation viz H W Sanders T and T In this Township the election is conrlened to tne The re spective candidates are John S Moore and Wm Ego The Coun cillors are Henry John A Watson and W J Wells Now wholl run the Council Wllmot VILLAGE This village elected its Council foe the year by acclamation Reeve J Speight J The many friends of Mr Walter Rogers will no doubt welcome him Crossly and V 11 son in Manitoba of nearlv three years The only change is that Mr MIss Vie Av succeeds Mr J A Wales who hod Ms6 pthel Ham- ed For School TrusteesJ L and Robert White VAUGHAN For Reeve Longhouse Mr and Mrs Crumble of Toronto were guests at Mrs David Dales for Mr John and wife of For Deputy Reeve J attended the family For J Thomas J Mr Alfred on lohn T Peter Henry Ellis and Jacob TOWNSHIP For Reeve Lapp For Deputy Reeve Jonathan Nigh New Years Day Mrs of Toronto spent with her parents Mi and Mrs Black Mr L Rogers Is spending his holidays at Mr Mounts Mrs M Foster of and if- ALL GOOD COOKS USB BAKING POWDER f a r PATTERNS and 15c NONE HIGHER Handkerchief loves Embd and Ladies Hilda Kid Gloves for and Silk reg c now for 25c Other lines of Fancy from to Mens Muffers Cashmere and Silk from 25c to races Mens Silk Braces pair one pair in box every guaranteed for We can save you one dollar on every five you spend on your fur pur chase We have the largest and best assorted stock the trade Imported direct from makers every Fur Garment Warranted I I Royal Mixed Candy lb for Chocolates ft New Dates ft Figs ft Christmas Fruity The best obtain able at the lowest prices i and Shoes Slippers from to inch wide pure Silk Extra heavy Tafieta all shades of colors Bargain Price yard Mens Fancy Ladies Slippers from to Boys and Girls Felt Fancy Slippers from to We sell the Famous Maple Leal Rub bers at as low a price as common and Guarantee Every Pair This store closes every day at oclock pm excepting Saturday Give the working salesmen a daughter Miss and son of Toronto ate their Xmas dinner with their sister Mrs T Mr and Mrs Fred Edwards of To ronto were guests at Mr J for The Misses Waldock of Toronto spent under the parental roof Miss Bertha after speeding a few weeks with friends in the City has returned The Public School Entertain ment here on Wednesday evening of last week by Mr Jus Jenkins teacher was a decided success and well worthy commendation the Temperance Hall being packed to the doors he was presented at the close by two appropriate addresses and presented by the children with a handsome shaving set and by the section with a commodious easy chair The weather continues moderate and the sleighing not very good in fact a few are using wheels Mr Mrs Geo Blackburn no doubt enjoyed their immensely this year owing to the fact that all their children dined with them ex cept John in Pcterboro Mr Geo Blackburn jr who has spent the past wo years in the West returned for the holidays also Mr and Mrs Blackburn of To ronto Mr and Mrs Ed Blackburn of Newmarket and Mr Mrs Thos Blackburn Mr Barton of Toronto is spending his holidays with friends and relatives Owing to disappointments the reg ular meeting of the will take- place on Wednesday evening of next week Election of officers and other annual business Mr and Mrs Norman Curtis of Toronto were at the parental table on Christmas and Millinery Dry Good Mouse In extending the ID fee to our numerous friends and patrons it gives us great pleasure to say in making comparisons with former years we find the past twelve months have formed a BANNER YEAR We are grateful to our patrons for the general support and are encouraged to lay ourselves out to serve their interest in every possible way We hope to merit the continued goodwill and increased favor of our Customers in serving them faithfully and well ask all to watch our future announcements and wish you all A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Phone 17 Toronto Markets December Fall Wheat per bush V 96 Goose Wheat per bush 0 Barley per bush 52 Oats per bush Peas per bush 0 0 Hay per ton Beef hind qrs 00 NEWMARKET To our Friends and Customers WE WISH HA Butter per ft Eggs per doz Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Ducks per lb Geese per lb Turkeys per lb 28 32 0 1G INNS Newmarket Newmarket Markets December Fall Wheat per bush Barley per bush 0 0 Oats per bush 0 Peas per bush Bran per ton per ton 0 Hay per ton Potatoes per bag 0 CO Chickens per lb 0 Ducks per lb- 0 13 Geese per lb Turkoys per lb MM Pi Established 1817 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST CO UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS CO Branches at all important centres in Canada and in London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every of a Banking tranicted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Branch will be as heretofore Branches a Newmarket and C ROSS A I Overalls Odd all at close cut each prices Boots and Shoes Undnrcar Hosiery Collar UmbreUat Fancy Vesta Sweaters Cardigan Jteketa etc i Coeujr of Timothy next to Forsyth Hotel if J ARCHIVE OF ONTARIO