Newmarket Era, 1 Jan 1909, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKET BRA 4 a JANtrARY C Smith DENTIST- r i JVna and Toronto Un At Mount AHcrr K4r the of each oontb I- e ft T ALBERT DRUG STORE Ha carry full PATENT MEDICINES then RHEUMATIC CURE i MANAGER OF ENGLAND Service was held in the Lodge on Sunday tost by Mr Taylor There will he service next am reaches for tho broom Miss Jessie and Miss Cora pussy but ma spending with and Scat not because shes their grandparents Mr and Mrs J Illnatured for isnt but she con- Receipts attcattoa day LLOYD Chemltond Druaolot TELEGRAPHY will win for you a good salary You can learn it quickly under superior condi- Wons at our school Cata logue- free Write CENTRAL TELEGRAPH SCHOOL To ronto H SHAW J JOHNSTON For Sale Head yearling and twoyearold Cattle Spring Calves Short Horn Bull yrs ThoroBrcd Short Horn Cow Twoyearold Colts purpose Mare do do This surplus stock must be sold P THANHS thank the Liverpool A London Insurance Co and Da vidson their agent for prompt set tlement of ire loss on dwelling In full to my entire satisfaction LEWIS TOOLE Anniversary services will he in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday Jan 3rd Rev Prof K float rick I of Toronto will preach at both sen ices METHODIST An Interesting entertainment was held in the church on ev ening of of the Moving traction last week in the interests School Laings Picture Show was Terry of Centre Street Sorry to report that Miss Olive Ross is ill wHh scarlet fever Seems to be quite a bit of it around now Mr Wilson paid a few days visit to his friends hero last week Mr and Mrs and foully spent with her parents Mr and Mrs Quite a number from here in the Oyster Supper at Pleasant and report a good time We extend our congratulations to the young couple from who were buckled up in our town on Aloft afternoon Dont fail to hear Rev Kilpa trick who preaches in the Presbyterian church next Sunday both morning and evening as he is a great speak er Mrs J of Alice St had a very successful party on Christmas in honor of Mrs A French formerly Miss A Walton 1 BALDWIN BREEZES CROWDED OUT A letter headed Our First Christ mas in Canada came to hand yes terdaytoo late for this week as we go to press early on account of New Year next holiday week It will keep til fecial Values AT The Reliable Store COME AND SEE THEM In order that we have no goods over for another season we are ottering the entire stock Mil linery at greatly reduced prices Dress Hats sale price Dress Hats sale price Ready to wear reg for SI and GROCERY SPECIALS Us Best Rolled Oats lbs Best Raisins 25c lbs Best Currants lbs Lemon or Orange Peel 25c lbs Figs 1 lb Good Tea 25c lbs Gran Sugar JO lbs Bright Yellow Good American Oil The report that our popular Dr is leaving town is incor rect No place like Mount Albert for Doc Complaints have readied us of pet ty thefts of candies nuts etc fitm rigs in front of stores on Christmas Eve An example will likely be made of some of them A concert tinder the auspices of the Public Library will be held on Tues day Jan Particulars later PERSONALS Mr Lloyd of Aurora spent Christmas at the home of his son Mr Win TJ Lloyd Messrs florid and Walter were at the home of their parents for Christmas Mrs Petrie of Toronto spent a few with her parents Mr and Mrs F Marr Mr spent the hol idays at his home in town The days begin to lengthen at both ends now Thank goodness I would not care to be an Eskimo passed here in a Quaker like quietness Our Geo spent the day in drawing wood al most as bad as the citizen who re cently butchered Ms pigs on Sunday That was a case of necessity as he was too busy during week days Therefore be needs must do it on the Good Day Perhaps some at least of my read ers have heard of Mrs cake famed in song One of my juvenile lady Miss Myrtle their proper sphere labor is at the barn earning their- grub by the sweat of the brow Mrs Stevenson drew a prize of dollars in given by a paper manufacturing Co for the best taste in the selection of wail pa per Thursday of last week She relvod her prize of yellow coin per letter She is correspondingly delighted John Hopkins little son 5 years succumbed to the typhoid fever on Friday at four Burial on Sunday He survived his mother Just two weeks both passing away just at four Who ditched traction en gine You pin you dad It must a been a jolly bit of fun prying her out of black muck and on road way again One such experience is enough for lifetime Its jolly try ing to run the show when the boss is away Lyman Miller to be the only one who can handle the old critter Hes a cracker jack engin eer I was almost struck speechless with surprise Our young friend erst while Era Newsman of Egypt He is nursing and sporting a dainty downy little musnt touch it just beneath point of his proboscis It very materially adds to his ap pearance Of course is in thet in finitesimal stages of growth rather abbreviated but all must have a beginning and I guess it kin grow Perhaps some day it may be a mous- tachio ends curling about his cars Miss Vera Pringle is quite clever at making fancy cream candies awfully Mary Elizabeth Foster Christmas KESWICK Mr J Terry of Cobalt spent Christmas at the home of his mother in town Dr and Mrs Forrest spent at Port Hope Mrs and children moved to the city this week J Rosamond who has been in Saskatchewan for the past few years was town last week looking up many old friends Mr and Mrs French left for their home in Ottawa this week Mr M J Torrance spent his hol iday at his old home in Clinton Dr spent a few days visit ing his parents in Brampton Mrs Evans of was a visitor at home of Mr Thomas Mrs J Paisley of St Paul Minn is visiting at the home of her sister Mrs Eugene of age manufactured the Owls cake and it was right royal good one Mrs was nowhere in my estimation Then my friend Miss Mossio made my heart glad by a sam ple of their cheer The only possible fault one could find it was too good is a in sweetmeats She has the best that money will buy Shes gener ous hearted soul The sleek coats of the dog and eat bear silent witness to the fact The Egypt young peoples enter tainment ami box social Monday eve last week was a tremendous success The school house was jammed and crammed with a surgkig mass of anx ious spectators By the way I as a ratepayer enquire who foots the bill for damages to school property Lieutenant Ingles class in fancy drill elicited loud applause The box part of program was greatly en joyed by those lucky enough to cap ture a fair young lady Some of our lassies went to considerable pains to fix up nice boxes The proceeds were I very large and I guess now serve as spending change for some wideawake enterprising chumps Mr and Mrs spent with his sister Mrs John Kay Holland Landing Mr Ernie Riddel who is spending the winter at Elk Lake New Onta rio was home at Peter Riddels for a few days Sinclair -Jr- Province of Saskatchewan is with his parents Mr and Mrs Chas Sinclair for the winter a she little finds sweetmeats Shes like mouse nibbling round till something good Major Elliott Toronto expresses his intention to be present at the an nual shoot here on New Years Day THE OWL of danger and on the way towards recovery An advance agent was in town on Monday arranging with the Ladies Aid of the Christian Church here for an entertainment by a Company of Seven Jubilee Singers We under stand that the arrangements were made but arc unable to give the date at present We are pleased to hear that there Is not to be an election in this Town ship this year As our old Council lors arc OK why go to the ex pense of another election We might say that since such a successful attempt was made to have cement walks in the village and since everybody going to and from the trolly find what a convenience they really arc that if would take a moment and consider the cost they should have principle enough to put their hand in their pocket and give anywhere from one to five dollars to committee that provided such a convenience as there is a balance yet due Either the Chairman Mr or the Secretary- Treasurer Mr A will be pleased to receive any such contri butions be it large or small Why let other people pay for your conven ience and comfort Even citizens who have property hero and use the walk every day refuse to pay any thing but are glad to make use of other peoples efforts Mr and Mrs are spending a couple of weeks visiting relatives in Mulligan What is that Pleasant sound we hear on our way to the Christian Church Why yes I know now it is lovely strains of Uncle Eds new piano Who says our village is not progressing We are pleased to see Miss Williams our exteacher in our burg on Monday ca- I The Cold Weather Has is in a We bare rubbers for men women and children and all I 1 A Few Grocery Specials ft for 25c 3 Kelloggs Toasted Corn Fifties for lis Roll Oats for 25c lbs Roll Wheat for lbs Lemon or Orange Peel for lbs Cleaned Currents for Fine Selected Raisins per Davie3 Lard per 20 lb pail Salmon from up Try our Special 25c Tea We cell Return Railway Ticket to point on Toronto and York Radial CASH OR TRADE FOR AND EGGS EVERY DAY IS MARKET DAY QrJIITH Loading Merchant I to THE reserve TOTAL ASSETS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Branches throughout atd Unite States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current rates allowed and paid four a MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH J TORRANCE TO THE ELECTORS OP are ringing and I EAST FRANKLIN down to the city House and Lot For Sale at Keswick just west of the one occupied by the late J Pollock Good cellar hard water and property enclosed by a good wire fence immediate sale GEO CAMERON Swat Pine Plank for Sale It long ROBT Zephyr P Ir Sinclair was for a few days Mrs Cook has been in poor health for a lew days this week Mrs was visiting at Mis on Christmas Mr and Mrs Merry weather were home for Miss Martha has home for a week past Mrs Geo Hammett is visiting friends at Holt for a few days Mr Brooks was visiting friends in town on Sunday Mr Cook and Miss M Cook were visiting friends in last week Nothing like being on time getting the brush out ol your orchards and the useless trees cut down Wonder what Mr Park went out to the Christmas market for THE RIDGE Ha Ha Our new neighbors son is buzzing the queen of the seventh Mr and Mrs Taylor took a trip to Toronto lor a few days Mr Taylor will start for Cobalt this HOLLAND LANDING Happy New Year to all Com mence the year by turning over a new leal Christmas passed quietly The following visitors spent their holiday here Mr Frank and Elmer Owen Miss Ida Mr John Miss Ethel Grantham Mr and Mrs Walter Evans Mr and Mrs Stanley Mr and Mrs Asa Stephenson and several others The funeral of the late Chap man took place on Saturday after noon last to Christ Church Cemetery and was largely attended The cas ket was covered with beautiful wreaths Revs Mr Morley of Brad- ford and Rev Taylor officiating Nomination took place on Monday at oclock The following nom inations were received Reeve S Goodwin Late and B Thompson elected by acclamation- McDonald Madill D Pegg and Tate School Trustees Tate and elected by acclamation Election for the Reeve will he held on Monday Lane and G Thompson are the candidates S Goodwin retiring from the fight Who is going to get the plum QUEENS V I Your Vote Influence respectfully solicited for Frank Ostler FOR REEVE OF THE TOWN SHIP OF EAST FOR Our good friend Mrs Donald Cam- Milch Gov For Sale Due to calve about middle of Jan uary Apply to Mr James Henry ftueens ville 2w50 Cemetery The aittual meeting the Cemetery Company will be held at shop on Monday evening Jan at hour of pm A full at tendance requested JOHN A WRIGHT President WRIGHT Secretary Rupert Dec 29 The old mission house at Port Simpson was destroyed by fire last Monday morning and with it was what was recognized as the finest collection of Indian curios to Been anywhere on the coast one of the mission being up lor that purpose on PICKUP ITEMS Mr Merle Jennings is home on his holidays visiting his grandparents here MrsL McKay of St Catharines is spending a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs Van Water of King St Dr J and Mrs Forrest spent the holiday in Port Hope Miss Jessie returned to her home on Thursday morning Messrs Norman and Percy Jen nings spent with their parents Mr and Mrs Jennings of Notre Dame St Mrs A Theaker gave the annual dinner on Friday last Mr and Mrs Jones of Main Street ate their turkey at her sisters Mrs Winterstcins at Stoudville Pleased to see Mr J Terry around these parts again Mr and Mrs M spent at Mr Merritt and family of To ronto spent a few days with her pa rents Mr and Mrs Waijacc here Mr French of Toronto spent a couple of days with relatives in town- Mrs S Jones left 0 Sunday f a weeks visit to her mother in King City Yes Mr Brooks you make a fine Santa I knew you though Mr P Mills of Aurora spent Sun day and Monday visiting relatives in and around Mount Albert Mr Dlceman spent Christmas at Mr Geo Jr Mr and Mrs Rowland spent with Mr and Mrs Jno French Messrs Harry and Ross Shields are spending a few days with rela tives here They have both been in the West and think it fine coin- Mr Cole is holidays visiting Centre Street at home on his parents his on eron got a big big surprise a few days prior to She heard a footstep in the hall She raised her eyes and there before her stood a giant great and tall Her heart al most jumped into her mouth and she gasped for breath It was her first- horn son who had come with his family from the NorthWest to spend the winter at home Wo are pleased to see that Will keeps his hold on mannys apron strings Shes a mother worthy of a sons truest and best love I lay emphasis on this fact I know whereof I speak Our local trappers have caught a deal of fur this season Prin bought a hale from one of them for which he paid considerably over sixty dollars Thieves are busy they have an eye for furs Wolfe had a pack stol en and Chas a skunk skin The thief is no better than a skunk himself They had old time bust up at on Christmas eve Paul La had his usual attractive display Percy Crittenden gave the young folks a dance and the were wild and hearty Perhaps they had moonshine whiskey from down the con One young lassie who attended the dance got a good lesson- May she never forget It A rabble of young chaps sur rounded her as ravenous wolves would a deer at bay and tried to entice her outside Happily Mrs Crittenden came In and bio wed them up and they decamped Girls that value a good name must ever be on the guard A number of cases of theft of robes blankets whips etc were reported last night My young friend Miss Is a great friend almost a lover cats I often see her fondling and nursing Grit her handsome coal black Thomas cat who seems to admire bis fair mistress with real feline devo tion When she wearies of him she quietly says Go away Mr Charlie Crittenden and his lady friend are out driving pretty of ten lately Quite a few of our young chaps were also out handsleighing on A big doing on Christmas eve at Many men were be joyful and there were a large crowd at the dance The Hall was crowd ed and splendid music was given by the Sanderson Bros The revival meetings are still go ing on at Church They seem to have a good attendance The young people are getting quite smart around here with their new cutters specially Eddie of the seventh with his dandy Ono of his lady friends says If Eddie cant get the girl the cutter ought to But do not be discouarged Eddie per haps that young lady would like to take a drive herself There are lots of pebbles on the beach Wishing all a Happy and Prosper ous New Year WHISTLING JACK KESWICK We are sorry to report the illness Mr Elijah He has been quite unwell for sometime but has lately been confined to his bed Wo wish him a speedy recovery Mr Harry McCordick is still on the lame side of life as Ms knee which was broken is now reduced in swelling sufficient to allow it to be set in plaster of Paris we antici pate a speedy recovery Mr has purchased estate of the late J E Pollock on the Lake Shore road kit as an other party had the place rented he will be unable to locate there before Spring Wedding bells are ringing very hard In our village this week Particulars later Mr Henry Leppard who has been very ill at his sons here- is now out Mr and Mrs George Wright of and Mr and Mrs Miner spent the Christmas holiday with Mrs Jno Mr Donald of the Do minion Observatory Ottawa is home for weeks vacation- Mrs and Master Douglas arrived from en Wednesjay night to spend a couple of months down east Messrs Frank and Walter Kaiser are home from Sask for the winter A family reunion took place at Mr Ed Christinas Day some twentyfive being present Mr and Mrs Cole of Toron to were the guests of their daughter Mrs J A Lewis over Sunday Mr and Mrs E Smith are en joying lew holidays at Mrs Smiths home in Utterson A Waring of Toronto spent Christmas Day with her aunt Mrs J J Terry Miss Williams sang a solo which was greatly appreciated In the Methodist church Sunday evening Next Sunday Rev from Sut ton will occupy the pulpit in the morning and Mr Oscar Johnston who is home from Nairn Centre for the holidays will preach in the even ing Mr Wilson being at his home in Brampton for New Year Mr and Mrs Ross of the Christmas holiday with their daughter Mrs J McFar- land Mr and Mrs Esson Bond and two daughters of Toronto were present at a family reunion on Day held this year at Mr T J Powers Mr Henry Leperd has sold his house and lot to Mrs Frank and has gone to Keswick to reside with his on Mr Harry Mr Harry Wright has purchased Mr Fred farm In Sharon and will move there In the spring Mr Join Dunham has bought Mr bouse here in the village PINE ORCHARD Last week our piano agent man Newmarket succeeded in in the home of C of this place one of his best upright pianos He engag ed Miss Elsie Penrose who charmed the owners of their new possession by bringing out the best of music The fun did not end there as Mr Harman along with the piano brought roast goose and oysters What better can Pine Orchard people desire than good supplies and music We hope Mr will make this place ring with music as there are several other homes would be pleased to have the same experience On Monday evening last the Young Mens Bible Class of Pine Orchard S spent a sociable and pleasant ev ening at the home of Mr Penrose After games music and refreshments an address was read and a silver Spoon presented to their teach er Miss L Penrose who leaves forj North Dakota the 1st of February Miss Watson of Toronto Xmas at Mr A Lloyds Miss M is visiting her sister Mrs Widdineld Mr who is in his last year- at McMaster University will preaep regularly at this church dur ing the winter and spring He is a very capable and earnest young man and we hope all will avail themselves of this opportunity of hearing the gospel every Sunday night bells from diflerent corners later Mr and Mrs Brown- and family spent Christmas in Stouffville- with Mrs George Lemon From daylight till noon rigs all descriptions could be seen heading for last Tuesday to theXrnci Fair which was a decided success in every way Among the nerp here were Mrs J Brown for butter Mr M Wallace and Mr Taylor for fowl and Mr Harry Gil bert with his driver which is a any man mightbe proud of A good entertainment consisting of readings music and dialogues was given at the Public school by the pu pils which reflected great credit their teacher Santa Claus gave to each pupil a pretty artistic box of nuts and candies The pupils pre sented their teacher Miss E Cook with a handsome writing portfolio with writing material How pleas ant these things make life to child ren Mr Harry is spending tho holidays with Mr and Mrs Gideon Baker Miss Perkins is the guest of her friend Cynthia Cook Mr and Mrs Randall from Michi gan are visiting their friends here and took their Christmas dinner at Mrs Randalls old home with her brother Mr Hamilton Cook and his family Miss Jennie Lemon was married Christinas week to Mr of To ronto Her friends here extend to her their best wishes More wedding bells yet to ring Mr J White and wife spent with his mother All the French connections to number of nineteen dined at the home of Mr French on Christmas Mr and Mrs W Davidson of Brus sels Huron Co is spending their honeymoon with their cousin Mrs French Miss Eva is home with her mother for the holidays We earnestly hope that our Board of Health will be up and busy strict measures as to the spread of smallpox in this Township as there are so many cases developing in Markhara and Township These infectious diseases cannot I looked after too soon or too severely BLOOM IN LEMON VILLE Mr and Mrs John Davis had gath ered round them all their family- children grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren for the Christmas feast Mr Norman Regan is home from Dental for his holidays Mr George Cooks wears a smite another boy Grit not at all has wandered his way Miss May Ricketts Is homo for the holidays Our merchant kindly presented his customers with a very handsome cal ender for which he is to be compli mented Quite a number from here attended the evangelistic service given by the students at the 2nd Bap tist Church The service was quite impressive Miss Mabel Hill of Toronto Is spending her vacation under the parental roof Irwin and Miss Topper of To ronto spent Xmas at the home of their father There was large attendance at the entertainment and Christmas tree which was hel4 in the Christian Church on Wednesday erening of last week Rev C E wife and daughter visited relatives list week Mr Robert War Mount Albert was in town on Sunday Mr and Mrs A spent a couple of days In Toronto Mr and Mrs Rose of Newmarket spent at Mr James Miss Delia Fairies of Toronto Nor mal School is spending the holiday at her home Mr Russei Jordan of Toronto vieiting friends In this locality Mr and Mrs H Clarke of were visiting friends new j this week I I core f 1 the PR As fa a value I Then tier Stand Bets Our First Table Nave Excel Our Elmo to pad PACK fine la as lrhc23 1 Miss the gu Mr last Mrs ronto Mr Mr 1 and their mas Miss mas v Locust Roy main Year Mrs days 1 and M Mr spend here Quit attend Hon and Mr spent The for A New erMi Mis r A No Miss Mrs Miss Mrs class- Milgai son At- was In the archives of mm

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