Newmarket Era, 8 Jan 1909, p. 5

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K I TUB NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JANUARY 81900 J Public Street to loan on good prank AUCTIONEER Collected Street Robertson DIVISION COURT for Insurance also Accident and flint Insurance Insurance a 1 1 Oar Toronto ioiTORlfili I cos to Bolton limn and Op Clark DENTIST St Dr Wilkinson Deo in Block Newmarket Every Wednesday I bytnatt of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At tie Office Newmarket at residence if Clubbing Rates for Era and Toronto Weekly Sun U80 Era and Montreal Wcelcly Star Era and Toronto Weekly Globe- Era and Toronto Weekly Mall without premium Era and Era and Toronto Daily Globe North York only Era and Toronto World Era and Toronto Dally Star 1 morning mail only The Era and Tiie Home Journal a fine Canadian Magazine for Dec subscribers only extra on each paper to United States f postage Death of Mrs Long We clip the following from the Stonewall Man Gazette Dec 30 After a somewhat prolong illness I Mrs Long wife of Clerk of the County Court here last Sunday afternoon about oclock I the family residence in Stonewall The deceased was born in the County York Ont years ago and last A pretty authenticated rumor pre- el opened at the vails in political circles having a near- t Years to the Ontario cheque for J l rises to re- will be submitted at the J as ft Ontario school children have session of the Legislature ask- Y to the Institution ft or-la- for construction a to the a measure next another wing to the the fossil In the education depart- on Saturday The Street Hallway Co applied to cl1 K the court power to coach and the tallow a damages secured by V CCOnJ the lather a boy who met his death SSL Italian rho rince Albert Herald beneath the Wheels Companys entries lor last cars Chief Justice Moss granted a a than at the Dominion Lands in mice Albert number one hundred It is like the stage the privilege but ordered that Co Wlpus races oyer this distance should pay the costs win or lose falter was When doors of the T Eaton Co Si2 charge of at pm the employees f ft itilc of store and manufacturing depart- l been drinking meats proceeded to the Armories a where they presented Mr J planet hag been discovered ton President the Company with It is said to be twelve an illuminated address It was a if old earth and seventy as tytwo for the of last year an per cent compared with nine- corresponding month increase of over 84j It able of IN Monuments and Head Stones I Furnace Work avetroughin Our See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS it OSBORNE SONS to Dp s J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also of the Royal College of Physicians andraem- of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant In Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England OfficeCor Main and Timothy Newmarket Residence above the office Telephone No Consultation Hours services may be had at any hour the day or night by calling at the or phone fall she paid a visit to her old home thinking to recuperate her health but apparently without the result hoped for Twenty years ago she came to Winnipeg she and Mr Long were married after which they lived on a farm in Brant not far from Stonewall till within a few years back when they disposed of their farm and moved into town Mrs was kindhearted and amiable and esteemed by those who knew her but her delicate state of health has been against for some years She was member in full communion of the Presbyterian church and was willing worker in the La dies Aid The funeral took place from the house yesterday afternoon and there was a large attendance of sympathet ic friends Hie floral tributes were Deceased leaves husband one daughter and one son to la ment her going They have the sym pathy a large circle of friends one would not care Commissioners decreeing the of a fourtrack railway l habit viaduct along the The JJ got after the of fashion in society clr- problem is solved at last An order has been made by the Board of Railway I fco warm climate A York Passed Away One of the oldest of the first sot- tiers of Old York passed away last Friday in the person of Alexander grandfather of Mr Walter of this place The deceasiU was well known many Old people in this district Alexander was born in Peebles Scotland in came to Canada with his parents in IKS and settled in York County where he lias resided continuously ever Al though only a boy of seven a Hie time of the Rebellion of he had a clear recollection of the events of that troublous time in Canadian his tory and personally knew the chiefs of the movement more particularly Samuel Lount who was a resident of Aurora and he had a fund of anec dotes of the lime when it meant some thing to take sides In these days York was in its earliest stages of settlement and there was much order requires tho railway companies to submit to the Hoard within days a plan showing at least four tracks ol railway elevated and over the streets now open be tween York and Cherry streets at a height giving feet headway from present level streets onethird of the cost is to be borne by the by the City and twothirds railway companies New Years Day was municipal election day in the City Happy New Year was the passing greeting of voters as they hustled along the streets It was a busy day for a good many people till the polls clos ed By order of the Provincial Secretary the ale and spirituous liquors seized recently by the license officers of the City instead of being poured out in the gutter were handed over for use at the House of Providence the Old Mens Home and the Home for In curables Vita statistics of the City show a decrease of marriages compared with the year previous but the birth rate shows an increase in over of The deaths in totalled and in increased to corner stone for the new Meth odist Home at Avenue Road and St Clair Ave was laid on New Years Day by Rev Dr Car man General of Methodist Church The building will be five stories high feet frontage by in depth A Pole named John Kanaeliin by jumping through a window twelve to the ground gave a slip to the West Toronto Police on New Years Day He was arrested for robber v from Morrisons tailor shop are York now in I A lot of admission tickets to the race at Buffalo on Saturday were sent to this city for sale A genius with an eye to busi ness bought them all up and then sold at an advance on the ears while on the way to the Bison City Dorando will not tackle Longboat again Longboats next race is on Man 2 with of New The Indian and his wife the latter city I About members the local Italian colony attended mass on Mon day at St Patricks church Near ly everyone in attendance has rela tives in the stricken district Southern Italy It was mass service I A cold wave was predicted about the 1st of January and about odd defeats candidates in this City now say it arrived on schedule time- Brewers and hotelmen say the thing now begins to look with degree of certainty that the ae roplane has come to stay Wilbur last demonstration ranee cut Saturday four different the Aero Club of is preparing to here lie will re main a month giving instructions as to the handling or his machine He will then proceed to America By the use of his new motors he expects to fly from 125 to miles in four hours I a of requiem slates in the election contest last Friday in Toronto and how near they hit the mark is thus summarized the Telegram Some of the scribes do not appear to he much on the guess Of thirty candi dates endorsed by the Telegram were elected The News supported candidates and 21 were returned The Star favored candidates and were elected The Globe support- candidates and were success ful The Mail supported 28 candi dates and were elected Accord ing to this schedule the News and Mail calculations were tho farthest from realization There same A Surprised Minister For many years I have been a suf ferer from bronchial catarrh and had despaired of anything like cure Judge to my pleasant surprise when I first used Hyomei which brought complete relief Hyomei has been a veritable godsend Rev Charles Hartley Sardinia Ohio Thousands of catarrh sufferers have given up in despair They have tried stomach dosing sprays and douches without success and now catarrh to be incurable But J Y the drug- gist out hope to all distressed He sells a remedy called are now four vacancies in the Dominion Senate in Nova Scotia one in Ontario and one in Manitoba It is not likely that these vacancies will be until just be fore the opening of next session of Parliament So far as Ontario is concerned two names are prominently mentioned viz Adam Zimmerman P for Hamilton and Hon las Young of Gait The latter a num ber of years ago was member of the Ontario Government and is an old newspaper man whom we should like to sec nominated we recollect rightly Mr Young is in favor of making the Senate elective a change we should like make to see the Government I Referring to hie mining wealth the district in Temiskam- ing the Speaker remarks has been a great source of wealth to many of the young men who were fortunate enough to have NEW ARK I OUR I f- You Can Save Money By Buying From Us f 4 I f Full Line of- I Paints Oils Glaus Etc Jo A a 17 M A It vU I Our White Goods Sale T ARTS SHEETINGS PILLOW COTTONS LAWNS LACES EMBROIDERIES ETC At Reduced Prices Toronto Jobbing House gin forest Deceased On account of the recent death is guaranteed for son LieutOov Gibson and s bronchitis asthma and croup t Amo Gibson did not receive New pronounced is those who Amongst was married in to people Martha and raised a family at Government House and left twelve children eight bovsi or signed the visitors 111 I A medicated air full of the healthy and four comely daughters of whom with his widow survive him with tho exception of one daughter who died in Victoria that the Ida in some years ago The family resided in Newmarket a number of years then at later for many years at Aurora and for the past twenty or more years in Toronto Gathered at the funeral were in addition to a very large cir cle of friends and relatives seven of the sons three daughters and six grandsons only one of the sons not being able to attend the funeral The family consists of William an officer in the Toronto Customs Jen nie wife of Ireland Customs officer Parry Sound Alexander Aurora Rev Andrew of James of the Michi gan Central St Thomas Thom as of Chicago Minnie wife of Mr tailor Toronto Fred of Toronto Annie wife of R P of- Toronto Lambert of North Sask Arthur of j book The Mail and World conductors near- he returns came in reduction bylaw had been carried by a majority of 1192 news of the defeat of Spence revived them and saved a total col lapse Mayor Olivers majority over Thos was about 19000 while the socialist candidate only polled about votes altogether the other candi date was nowhere in the race The Toronto Canary and Cage Bird Show was held at the King Edward on New Years Day Over birds nearly more than last year were on exhibition The Western Grace and St Mich aels Hospitals and the Home for Incurables found favor last Friday in the sight of the electorate who voted a grant of to each Tho property owners also voted to build the Wilton avenue bridge On New Years Eve Santa ap peared to some hundred and thirty were extremely fortunate Messrs McLaughlin and the mountain nines You a in i Mcintosh These prospectors if dc antiseptic cIail according to alr and as it passes over the in a revenue of some half a million f hold some claims Native silveo has been discovered on claims in various parts rict surrounding the the probability is many valuable producing mines will be in operation by the time that transportation facilities are avail- able Mi Mi ii and germridden it thc and thev and drives out the disense A complete outfit including a hard rubber inhaler costs but Si Of of an extra bottle of if needed costs but cents f See J day Y about it Simcoes New Judge Air Edward Augustus who has been appointed to the junior judgeship of County was horn in Stouffville bounty of York on April and is consequently yearn of age Upon the death of his father he went to Berlin where he matriculated and entered the office of Mr John King KC He was called to thci bar in and at a partnership with Mr A Clarke under the firm name of Clarke Wispier This partnership existed Hamilton Three sonsinlaw live l Mr Clarke was We have everything ready for business in Perkins Old Stand And we shall be pleased to give you prompt service daughtersinlaw and numerous rela tives were in attendance and the Street Mission to unload she presents Attorney of Essex when he moved to Windsor Since that time the new judge has practised in the New Groceries New Canned Goods New Fruits New Nuts from the pretty Christmas trees there were six grandsons of awaiting him ceased There are living 20 grand- of people had their first ride lown of sex being solicitor for the children The services at the house a last Friday It was town as well as for branch of and the graveside were conducted by chooohoo music for them to Imperial Bank situated there and Rev Mcintosh Baptist minister Mr Polls Various other institutions He serv- of the Disciples and Footprints were found in the shale for several years on the Boards Mr Butland of Hall C the tunnel the High School and Public Li gation Toronto vices and addresses and were unusually- numerous and ade by some one trying to get en I country Deceased was a prominent Odd- Are too Fellow and was one of the best- The Mayor and decided majority known of the oldtimers of North of the controllers aldermen are in York In politics he was an accord with the electors on the pendent voting for principle rather cense reduction question The musical from the surface were very touch- Country editors are poking fun at To- riatc The floral of- ronto saying those tracks were Church pendent voting for principle rather reluct on than party One by one the old set- was defeated by the and builders of Canada depart of James Hales w Si old J hopeless Lo also from cause his defeat Hales race All j Onehalf of old Boar1 of tfon was howled out at election and it is to these sturdy old pioneers that- Canada owes her present proud io position her present greatness and I me her civil and religious limits not be forgotten by the present and by the generations yet to I and also as chairman of the of the Presbyterian of which he is a member He was also a member of the License Commissioners and a former secre tary of the Board of Trade He is a Mason being a member of Central Lodge and lias held various offices in the Liberal Association Judge Wismer will he accompanied to Barrle by his wife to whom he was married in of According to reports in the City Press the inaugural meeting of the Initcd Spiritualists Association at the Labor Temple Toronto on Sun day evening last was unsatisfactory in its results Somehow the spirits did not answer the expectations of the man who arranged to deliver spirit messages Say old chap What have I got in my noddle was pert query of a redhaired young man in the audience Nothing whatever retorted the medium Stung old sorreltop stung again yelled a middleaged companion appointed you before we came in that guy running the meeting was a wise duck from the west The medium interposed and the man with the red hair and three or four others retired but insisted on receiving back money before leaving After all it does seem about time that those who profess to have dealings with famil iar spirits should be deprived of a living because they have a I the NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT Confined to Mis Home for Weeks work rtraiDiog and habits in voutli brought a double varicocele- worked hard the would severe and I was often laid up for a week at a time My family told mean operation my only hope but I dreaded it tried specialist but all they wanted was my money I commenced to look upon all doctors a little belter than rogues One day my me I was off work so much I told him mv condition He advised to consult Kennedy Kennedy had taken treatment from tbeui himself knew they were square and skillful 1 wrote them and Trumlvt My progress somewhat slow and during the first months treatment I was somewhat raged However I COB- treatment tor months longer and was rewarded with a complete cure could only earn a In a machine be fore treatment now I am earning and lose a day I wish treatment a LOCUST all sufferers knew of your Tali HA BLOOD are the most prevalent and most serious diseases They sap the life blood of the and unless entirely eradicated from the system will com plica Beware of Mercury- It only the symptoms our NEW METHOD cures all blood YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED acta or later excess hare your system You feel the symptoms stealing orer Mentally cally and you are not the man you used to be or should e WW you need danger signals Hare you lost hope Are you Intending to marry Has your blood been diseased you any weakness Treatment will cur What It has done for It will do for you Coatultaiioa matter who has treated you write for an honest opinion Chart BokFreaThe Golden Monitor Men- NAMES USED WRITTEN CONSENT No names on or Eyerytlunr lilt and cost FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT Qm life Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit Mich ff shingle off Q year have given you of two laughters Miss aged and Miss Jean aged HiGazette vour Rev Hill A pastor come church at Burlington subject to After looking at the elephant ion of the Transfer aril a moment the min said Sure action Committee In resisting arrest on A Year is here It is a time for invoice Business men take an invoice of their stock Wouldnt it he business for you to take one of yourself Life each life is a busi ness Have you lost or gained last Have you used the talents so as to prospect of your being over I cities or cities or one city Have Beckett Hill manager of the declared any dividends in the way Allan of steamers died on loving and helping others and have at Liverpool added anything to the capital An Irishman stood an stock of your character These are I elephant drinking water one day pertinent questions that press us the result tho to us in living the coming year or a cause for great congratulations as we review the past an if I knew which end was go forth to build more in the future Dec 31 Word was received I Mont Dec Another sp here today that Mr W J Atkinson vere earthquake shock at of district manager for the aller did much damage at Singer Sewing Machine Manufacturing Virginia City but no one was Company was burned to death in a w Shocks of more or less severity I fire which completely destroyed occurred daily for more than British Arms Hotel and the Abbot week Block at at oclock this morning When found both the head and legs had been burned of the body Atkinson who was about years leaves a wife and three children had been a resident of for nine months Calgary Jan 4 The Milling elevator ware house with contents were destroyed by fire Saturday night The fire brigade managed to save the mill which was ten feet away The loss is Broadway Tabernacle has accepted a Suddenly the animal spouted his for an answer Let unanimous call to the Methodist trunkful of water all over the Irish- self invoice be spur Years tail Id shlap your face f J j v ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO If

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