Newmarket Era, 8 Jan 1909, p. 8

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a r J j i rf I IB I w FRIDAY JANUARY KKSWIUK Ail Women Many arc away spending the to days Miss AHte Pressor has returned to Toronto alter spending Christinas at home Mr Dick Morton is spending his holidays with his parents here A number from here attended Mrs- Weir and son of Ashtabula Oyster Supper at Mount Pleasant If I Fill l J I I I j- I fl i I Are you piker a your cake and by your friend- If not whose fault is it your miilcrs If you arc i in other lines your reputation ft cook is vindicated and it the fault of the Hour Look up the good bread nd pastry maker of your acquaintance get their flour experience You will find that most of them we wing Household Floor paying a little more per barrel or it and getting for that extra coit purer better Hour For bread or it has no equal Royal Household the name your grocer Hoar Mills Co VA Ohio and Mr and Mrs benefit Snow- don of Ottawa spent their holidays with Mr Robert Weir of the of King HOLLAND LANDING Mrs McrriU Darker and Harry Marker of Holland Landing have re- turned home after spending their Christmas- holidays In the City with IV Barker and her sister Mrs Dr Mr Carman Merritt spent a few days in Toronto Mr and Mrs Isaac Miss Bessie also Mrs Winch spent New at tfr near Mr and Mrs and family spent Years at Mr should assist Nature at those times when the system is upset the nerv ous tone low and a feeling of or languor exists An ex perience of over years warrants the statement that no medicine gives Mich prompt relief as Sold Everywhere violin selection by Geo Amb ler recitation by Miss Flora man song by by Brown The rest of evening was spent in all kinds till the small hours in the I morning we departed extending our thanks to Mr and Mrs for the enjoyable evening also wishing them a happy and prosperous New Year In boxes cento Bars Abolished School Closing Christmas Tree The annual school closing and entertainment of Kim Grove o j j The flvomlle running race on Fri day morning had only throe and Wilson ol Newmarket ami J Bowser of this place The race was won by in Si minutes with Wilson a second PINE ORCHARD i3 Shop to Eaqulro at Era Office Acpthor acre farm A W evangelist ol the Church of Christ disciples will be gin a series of gospel meetings in the Temperance Hall on Jan at am pm and pm Meet ings continued each evening during the following Week except Saturday at oclock Inquire Wow for Sale or Rent Apply to ficott The Cedar Newmarket For Sale Brick House domestic mater and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket Farm or Sale His many friends were grieved to hear of the death of William Gordon here on Wednesday last Mr Gor don who kept the hotel here many years and previously had the planing mill business was in failing health for some time Ho was in his year Mrs Gordon his faithful Help mate survives him A very successful entertainment was held in the school house at on Tuesday evening last Dec in acres being cast halves when a crowded house listen to a Of lota and con 4 Whitchurch very entertaining and lengthy pro- or to the pupils of the school Mr and Mrs Will have returned after a two weeks visit with friends in Michigan Miss Maw of Newmarket spent part her vacation with Miss Mary Main Mrs 1 Hirst Is visiting her sister in Toronto Mr and Mrs Ernest Morton spent Day with her parents at Hol land Landing Mrs Main has relumed after a weeks visit in Toronto Mrs of Mt Albert and sis ter are visiting at Mr Will Miss Alice of Toronto spent and the week end with her pa rents Mr and Mrs Isaac grosser Mr and Mrs spent Christ mas in Mt Albert A surprise party headed by Mr spent a pleasant ev ening last week at Mr Win Mr Walter of Minn is visiting his brother Mr Win Glad trco entertainment or Kim Twenty Municipalities Carry Local Swamp Option Defeat While North took on Byhaw is Sustained in Seventeen CARRIED I Tweed Wellington Boone Township Wyoming Iroquois Seneca Township Sydney Township Thurlow Township Athens Caradoc Township Township Licenses 3 I i I I 4 fit 3 2 2 2 3 1 Total i I J hear Mr Harvey McCor- SUSTAINED dick is improving slowly Mr and Mrs Robert Graves of spent the New Year hol idays at Mr Win Mr Tom sons new rink is well patronised The Misses of Toronto have returned after their vacation al so the Misses Morton of Morton Park Opportunities for Young Women Markham Tp Pickering Amabel Thornburv Whitchurch Bcamsvillc Vaugban Richmond Hill Grimsby North Oxford Hope Peel LOST i I Apply on the premises or to NELSON MAY Pine Orchard and the home talent of the Whitby Town Woodstock The Philadelphia School for Nurses 2210 Street Philadelphia Pa offers Free Scholarships in Trained Nursing to young women in Point Edward every State in Union and Forest The Scholarships cover the Brand ford Two Years Course with room board Oso Two Building Lots For sale One on Main St and fronting on Church St Terms Apply to JACKSON Newmarket SluST tap and songs with a Christmas tree and light refreshments in connection Were well pleas ed having spent an enjoyed an enjoy able evening o BRADFORD For Sale Good roughcast house on Street Storey and a half Apply to John Prospect Ave or to MRS KELLY Park Ave Farm for Sale Being comprised of Lot No Concession Township of North and containing flve acres more or less known as Cedar Brae Jacksons Point and la a short distance from the Terminus of the Lake Junction and Me tropolitan Railways Tile soil is good clay loam Bank barn and two wells There is also a large brick residence surrounded by well kept grounds and orchard also forty rods of cedar grove along the beach Will sell with or without house and grounds For price terms and further particulars address P O BOX Seattle Wash The south half of the new bridge on the Holland near Bradford took a tumble on Sunday On Friday the scow that was used as a support be tween the two piers on the north half of the bridge was cut loose from the School Reports Liberals carried all four of the byeelections for the Quebec Legisla ture Trenton Jngersoll Tillsonhurg Caledonia Alnwick Elzln Kennebec and railroad fare paid to home town j One of the most general campaigns or district upon the completion of the under the Ontario local option law course was held throughout the province on The Institution is approved and en- Monday Ninety bylaws were by leading physicians as will I bo seen by the catalogue which will Definite returns from sixtyope be sent to any one who writes to the showed that local option School for it carried in places with 15 licenses ooo It was sustained against repeal votes in Wi and defeated in places In ten of these there was a majority for the bylaw but not necessary Report of SS No North threefifths for the month of December notable contest that Class Mary Carson at Owen Sound both sides regarding ice and placed for the same purpose Norman Carman it as the key to the situation on the south end of the bridge The I Lulu Shcppard Ella Morton bylaw carried three years ago by a ice was not sufficiently frozen about Francis Florence Sweet majority of The effort to scow When the heavy bridge Class III Willie King Squire cure its repeal cut down the previous wgs placed upon it it gradually sank York majority to 193 As the repeal votes beneath the burden and finally the King Lottie Thompson fare on a simple majority local option Class III Jr Per- was sustained Winch Ada Sweet Isaac king- At Woodstock local option was de- Gerald Sedore most emphatically Every Class Broils Everett ward went against it there were Frank Edwin votes for and against a Sweet Stella jority against of Sweet and Roy all even At Premier Whitneys Laura Freeman former home option was fc7 Class HMunroc Mann by a majority against of At Grimsby local option was I Sr Blanche tained in the repeal contest by 31 Christie Nelson and- Elgin Sweet majority Out of names on the even Wesley Sweet George Stick- voters list votes were polled land Ella and Dorothy Catharines electors gave Staplcy even Thompson of in favor of a bylaw to Part Jr Johnny Winch Maggie reduce the number of hotel licenses by King Alma Winch Elja seven Josephine Wilmot Thomp- A referendum at Smiths Falls was son adopted in favor of cutting of two M MORRISON Teacher- licenses and raising the license fee structure collapsed Fortunately little damage was done but it will take some lime to readjust the bridge ooo SUTTON Coo for last week The death occurred last week of an old resident of the Lake Shore in the person of Mr Hugh He I a In addition to the usual program and distribution of prizes the read- ling of selections by between twenty and thirty pupils of the school were given by request and was kindly re ferred to by the chairman Jas An derson Esq of Ainsley Hill Reeve of North as unequalled by any school in the County of York the reading of the little tots of seven years of age being equally intelligible and the as good as those in the Fourth Form However their teacher was for fear tit might prove wearisome to those Who might not take interest in tine pro gress of the children and therefore curtailed the numbers on the program Amongst the items- of interest most appreciated seemed to be the piano and violin duetts by Mrs and Mr many and varied selections by the orchestra which were enthusiastically encored The songs with piano accompaniment of Master Kiser and Miss Laveliott of Sutton West An in strumental solo on the piano by Miss Maggie and recitations by Miss Maud who was given her first fee for public recitation by the teacher who is watching Miss progress with great inter est and bespeaks for her a successful career in elocution Miss Eflie was also well received in her rendering of The Negro in the Melon Pitch Many and most favorable were trie comments upon tlui production a drama entitled The Making of Our National Flag which was compile and arranged by Mrs McDonald in grateful recognition of the gift of Our National Flag to the various schools of North York by the Govern ment and respectfully dedicated to Dr Minister of Education of Ontario- The characters in the play were Scotland represented by Miss Florence Stiles in Highland costume England Miss Beryl Stiles in white costume with red ribbon of Order crossing from shoulder to with glistening crown surrounding her flowing fair hair Ireland Miss Taylor in white costume with white veil covering from head to foot with crown of shamrocks Master Lloyd recited Edin burgh after with good ef fect Miss Dora Stiles reading the explanations and dates of the various circumstances which led up to the union the different flags Miss Mildred Rose explained the meaning of the colors used Red White and Blue Master Stewart Stiles deliv ered an on Our Countrys will be missed for while in good health he seldom missed a day without being in the village and al ways had a kindly greeting for every one Miss Gertrude Summerfeldt of Ham ilton spent Christmas with her father Mr Ben Summerfeldt The new teacher for the primary department of- the public school is Miss Earle She will commence her duties on Monday next The public library is now open to subscribers The tickets are only If you wish your children to be have respectful to you then you should lst on hem Mr and Mrs J of respectful to them The- boys and girls who are spoken to in a harsh tough tone of voice naturally fall in to the habit of responding in the name way dignity and authority may he asserted with the utmost firmness and yet without ar rogance or coarseness In fact it cannot be well asserted in any other Way A rude father or mother is likely to have rude sons and daugh ters Great Year Ahead Brighton are visiting relatives here during the holidays Mr and Mrs Moore and family of Mount Albert spent Christmas Day with Mr Alfred Shaw The Christmas Tree at the Metho dist Church was well patronized and a good program given The little ones thoroughly enjoy having Santa appear Mr Thomas of Winnipeg is on a visit to his parents Mr and Mrs John Lyall here Mr and Mrs Wm Crocker of To ronto are spending a weeks holidays with friends of The Cross in the Hea vens until the union in of Ire land with Scotland and England which formed the Union of Our Na tional Flag as we now have it Miss ted the Cross of music for the play was furnished by the orchestra whose rendering of the various patriotic airs required in the drama won great praise as did also the concluding song with salute of Flag of Brf- A Good Stomach from to Tie Bowman local option by law was carried by I threefifths vote the 106 over the women voting Means Good Health Cheerfulness Ambition Persistency Success r is promised for read- J The Sabbath School of Knox church Herald and Weekly Sutton held their annual entertain ment and tree in the Town Hall Tuesday Dec 22nd The hall was filled to the door with a most appreciative audience who en joyed to the full the excellent pro gram provided Choruses solos re- A great yea ere of the Fa m of Montreal Already the ac knowledged best family and farm pa per printed the publishers are out with the announcement that it is to bo vastly improved during in appreciation of the enormous number Of subscriptions received The paper citations readings drills dialogues Is to be enlarged their news service and tableaux were most cleverly Improved more stories of a en and the work throughout reflected order of merit are promised great credit on the teachers of the contributors of great literary Sabbath and their helpers lame will contribute and many new The young men of Egypt who so features absorbing interest are to kindly assisted deserve great praise be introduced Evidently Family for their fine work in their Military Herald and Weekly Star during At the close the program going to be greater value than ever pronounced one of the best ever given In Sutton strongly for the bylaw The local option vote stood for the bylaw against thus being defeated by I The majority against local option Mfo will cute your dyspepsia or ftt was any other stomach trouble building J up the flabby walls and making the stomach so strong that it win digest Xmas at Orbindale Alta food without pepsin or other artificial I aid I In otier words cures the by removing the cause My first Christmas that I spent in J is the agent Alberta was at Mr Thos Coult- Miona in Newmarket and he mans where some twenty gathered says to every reader of the Era whose at their home to partake of the Hot stomach is weak who has indigestion Fowl Supper which was served at or dyspepsia Miona is oclock The was most deli- teed to cure or money back spread with luxurious thirds The price is only cents a large which were heartily enjoyed all box and one box is all you need to After supper we all gathered in the prove that you arc on the right road sitting room which was beautifully to health and happiness decorated for the occasion The Mr Geo of corner Mill and Christmas tree was laden ina- Streets Elmira says meats of every description A pro- For about ten years I have been followed in Which Mr Pitt vcrely troubled with stomach trouble as chairman The program indigestion so had that I could by singing The Maple- Leaf For- nob retain my food after eating ever followed in quick succession by could not eat meat or scarcely any- violin selection by Geo Ambler and had headaches and by A Barker recitation by Miss P I secured package of accordion selection with the result that now after hay- Sauer song by Geo Hardy taken two I am per- lion by Miss Dora Brown comic song cured and can eat anything by A Barker duet by Miss Nora and perfectly and am feeling fine Air Martin Brown recitation by Mivjsia also overcame my cons Up a- selection by I only too to publicly song by recitation endorse and recommend Mrs Matthews Black Knight Sieve Polish does away with all the dirty of keeping stoves clea no bird robbing BUek Knight is always to quick at a and v bright that 1 very nt tort good or Grate nd Ironwork td Itc tor full I Doctors had to give Morphine to case the pain im Five boxes df Frultatlvcs Cored Hep Oct For seven I with what Tumor I would so bad A times that I Could in riUy endure the pain I could neither fifand nor down Hypoder mics of Morphia had to be given me or I could never have borne the pain Many rue but my cur teemed and hourly ej when I had nearly two that I commenced to experience up the five lioitS trVet mV friends The life And aeemed hurcihr tine l now I can tad 6 tor tip my death It was wry a tf ffimily friend brought a dm Vox of to rfilflvea They the house After much be in I to bold truly them but I so bad It was iIilnVK Through the whole country OM about this wonderful cure By Kidneys Fruitatives cured Mrs when the doctor could not be operated on and was doomed to die Fruitatives cured Mrs for your trouble and a box at deaden or tfa receipt of price Limited Ottawa 1 wft Pee A Pel Ranges Bull Steel Peerless Peninsular Ranges have Drop Oven and Low Closet which have heretofore been exclusive features of most expensive steel ranges They are also the only ranges made with FireBox on right or left side as may better fit ths kitchen in which the range is to be placed Peerless Peninsular Ranges are splendid cookers are very economical in regard to fuel arc strongly built and will give a lifetime of service Let US show you their many features of superiority a sori IMI CAN SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN LOT And all KiadB of Dressed Lumber Sash Doors Etc Cement Lime Hair Plaster and all of Building Materials Our Co Speaks for itself Never has our past sales equalled the months A LOAD OF OUR DRY SLABS A Full Line of Always in Stock ALL GOODS PROMPTLY DELIVERED Phone W H tain by the school The principal musical selections of the play were Ronnie Boon Rule The Flag that once through Taras Hall St Patricks Day and The Red White and Blue Prizes Awarded in Form I Lloyd First in Read ing grammar spelling nature study and physiology Prize Board Kay 1st in Eric Thompson First in geography III Form Allan First in fie school for physiol ogy nature study and tables Air- Rifle Bruce First in and nature study Air Rifle Annie Kay First in tables and writing La dys Writing Desk man spelling Writing Desk Dors Stiles special for nature study graphy tables reading spelling and arithmetic Writing Desk Mildred Rose reading and nature study Al bum Form Stewart Stiles First reading tables nature study special or declamation Coaster Sleigh Mag gie Taylor First in spaMlng floricul ture and writing Writing Desk Florence Stiles First in reading spelling and singing Dolls Carriage Allan Stiles First in nature study- Checker Hoard and Checkers Bessie Taylor do Work Box Lloyd vftt First in spelling reading and nature study Hockey Skat63 Miles First in tables and read ing Board I ONeil First In and reading Skates Reynolds Thomas First in tables Checker Board Taylor First in Roman notation Dolls cra dle Beryl Stiles First in reading nature study and Roman notation Work Box Peter Taylor reading na ture study and Coaster Sleigh Alice Millar First In were when A Womans Sympathy Are you discouraged la your doctor a financial Is your a heavy Physical I know what to women discouraged but learned how to cure myself want to relieve your lur- Why not end the end atop dcKlorn bill I can do this for- and you will me you need do Is to write tor box of the remedy which has been Jnmy hands to away- euro you it be you will bo for the coat or this box will cur you it wf for others It I an as postage Your letters held Write for toent Windsor j spelling reading and nature study Hand Sleigh I Form Geo First in ta bles reading and spelling Coaster Sleigh Norman Kay dictation Coaster Sleigh Frank Kay reading and tables Myrtle Rose special for good conduct aid First in reading printing spelling and nature study- Work Box Sherman McNeil First in Coaster Sleigh Laura vitt do Doll Marjory Stiles read ing and arithmetic Doll Olive Dea- vitt Toy Automobile Franfort Mich Dec 27 The 15- ton fish tug Rhine was wrecked try ing to make the harbor here last ev ening and her entire crew of four men were drowned The Niagara power bylaw was carried in several municipalities of western Ontario being defeated in and only Sixteen British sailors drowned at Sydney their pinnance was sunk in a don Winnipeg Jan The western prairies were swept by a fierce storm today There was blinding snow and a bitter cold the thermometer registered thirtytwo below at some points a k a A f J r ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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