Newmarket Era, 15 Jan 1909, p. 2

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I If I I I 1 i I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JANUARY County Wronged Found L I c J order Dominion Railway Commission a very serious injustice bus beta done thin County Golamn I On Main St a Goto Bracelet Own- be correct and we believe lb is reliable when providing for the protection of a railway cross ing on a tfyway Hie Township of York llio Commission ordered that paying for this notice Respectable trustworthy expo- young woman to do general fcoWwork in snxpll private family in be divided between the Hallway Co Town- Wages per month to and the Township of York and also person Address Box made the County liable to the extent Newmarket Ontario Card of Thanks Mrs Jas Duncan desires to thank neighbors and friends for their as- cfutanco and sympathy during the ill ness and death of her husband also to the Sunday School for beautiful flowers sent to adorn casket ICE ICE Having secured the exclusive privi lege of cutting ice on Specialty Pond I am prepared to fill ail orders at the old rate ol per block Cutting will commence next week HERBERT Box Newmarket about per annum as a third party thereto Just why County should be made liable for the or maintenance of a highway or railway crossing when it has no jur- Dr Webb is improving Miss Elsie Ross is visiting in Mrs J P Hunter of Toronto was visiting in Town Ibis week Mr and Mrs J Robertson vls- in the City over Sunday Mr Martin took tun to Cobalt list week for a change Miss of Ottawa lit spend ing alone but was- assisted In the Tea Room by her Bister Mrs Meyers and Miss Helen Robertson Miss of Owen Sound writes We arc having pretty nice weather here now The sleigh ing Is fine j had a time bore oh Monday night over tho elec tion but won could not do without the home paper we would be lost without it Business is pretty slow here at present but we it will pick up after a while have not had cold enough hero yet for ice on the Hay There has only been skating in the rink here twice cant get ice A newspaper despatch from f Isdiction is one of the anomalies that week only a misguided Commission could a week in Town with her brother Mr come Mr Cane came home from p by dog on the sick list on Tuesday train today Ian He reports Alderman Rogers is a but urs scarce thl8l ivas Hudson Hay in November He states that Special on WHITE WEAR IT Ire DEAL AT I of La L meeting of in Warden and Mrs Keith entertain- a number of possibly conceive To add to the In- j justice of the situation wc are in- Warden Keith was in Ottawa a formed that neither the Warden the couple of days this week on County County Engineer or County Clerk I Mrs Willis had a stroke last had knowledge any such proposition Monday speechless heard by the Commission ever since On hearing of the decision of the Mr Wesley Brooks left for Belle- Hallway Commission and of the or- Monday morning to attend Albert College Mrs sisterinlaw of Mrs J is visiting here on her way to Texas Mrs Belfry of St the railway survey is making good friends last Friday Progress says is no cause to be anxious about This is the Government survey party about whom some fears are expressed regarding their Make Money Selling Fruit and Ornamental shrubs etc dur ing winter months We oficr you fftoady profitable employment in your own district at good pay HAVE AC BIOS nursery slock which you will cell direct to your customers No diseased or dried out American stock Established over years Write now for particulars Toronto Out Warden Keith at once took action to redress the grievance A meeting of the County Commissioners was convened and after due delibera tion it was decided to send a deputa tion to Ottawa place before the Hallway Commission the County side of the case In pursuance of this Warden Keith Commis sioner the Ceik and County Solicitor were named Ends Indigestion In Five Minutes Were changing a lot of goods for money these days Weve made a deadset on all Winter Goods No matter what the sacrifice were going to sell them now Wednesday is our reckoning day and wed- rather count than list goods So using the converting process to further this end Every dollars worth of winter goods cut in price from to 50 off regular close prices MP from our January White ale guest over in Toronto Sunday of the was a Mr and daughter Aurora spent over Sunday with daughter Mrs- J Or Muir Mrs Bain was called to Oafe- oi his to com- last week owing to her sister the deputation They proceeded laid up with an accident to Ottawa and appeared before the Mrs W Allan spent a couple Railway Commission on Tuesday and the Warden now informs us they were met by the Railway Commis sion and received a considerate hear- i itig The deputation presented the thai the County officials had not been made aware of the meet inn at Allan spent a of days last week with her sister Mrs Miss Mildred Phillips of Every family here ought to keep some In the house as any one of you may have an attack of In digestion or Stomach trouble at any time day or night This harmless preparation will di gest anything you cat and overcome a sour stomach five minutes after wards I your meals dont tempt you or what little you do eat seems to fill you or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach or if you have heart burn that is a sign of Indigestion Ask your Pharmacist for a of and take over Margaret which the order was lice had served looking to make Of Application for a able for the maintenance of gates he considered week Sunday with Miss lean i Allan Prospect Ave ma Hillock returned home after spending Christmas one triaoguc after supper tonight There will be no sour risings no belching of undigested food mixed with acid no stomach gas or heart- made No no- land New Year holidays in the City burn Fullness or heavy feeling in the NOTICE is hereby given that Ber nard Shea of the City of Toronto in County of York in the Province Ontario Merchant will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next j thereof for hill of divorce York County at any propo- i- Rain has been County to his bed for the past three weeks and his condition is quite crit ical Mr Ernest of Edmonton Alberta gave us a call last Friday while visiting his uncle Mr Mr Freeman of cannot do was to he considered Furthermore the highway in question was not a concession line or sideroad and had never been assumed by any County bylaw nor had any Township bylaw confirmed by a bylaw of the Council and besides writes We from bis wife Emma Shea married this- the road in question was not It is a welcome visitor to our woman on the ground of adultery and leading road from the Township or each week stomach Nausea Debilitating Head aches Dizziness or Intestinal griping This all go and besides there will be no sour food left over in the stomach poison your breath with nauseous odors is a certain cure i for all stomach misery because it will take hold of your food and the it jus the same as if your desertion Dated at Toronto in the Province- of Ontario the 5th day of January Godfrey PheJan Toronto St Toronto Solicitors tor Applicant County Hence for these and other cogent reasons an injustice had been Mr and Mrs Ross celebrated the anniversary of their wedding order of Friday New Years Day About thirty guests were present done to the County by the the Railway Commission We are pleased to learn from the Miss Veda Campbell left for Dyspepsia or Indigestion wasnt there Actual prompt relief from all your stomach misery is at your Pharma cist waiting for you These large cases contain mora than sufficient to cure a case of WANTED A firstclass servant expe rience No washing Highest wages Address Box A Era Office For in Newmarket Hear the High School an eight- roomed House with Concrete Cellar a Concrete Stable and Hen House Driving over them Easy terms GLOVER Holland Landing Warden that the order making Monday where she will take I County liable has been rescinded few weeks rest with her sister on but it was decided to hold a re-hear- the advice of her physician of case and we now learn J Mrs Andy Davis gave a seven- hand on Saturday afternoon in honor Corset Cover Embroider ies 19c yd A big range of Corset Cover Em broideries in wide deep embroid ered good edges on fine cotton mountings regular values sale price 1 9c yard Sheetings and 94 Twill and plain Sheet ings heavy bleached regular value 19c regular 33c value 25c yd Bedroom Towels ISc each These are the biggest snaps we have ever offered in towels Think of a 22x36 in all linen towel fringed and hemstitched ends in crepe huck and damask regular each sale price Inc each 2 for 25c Another lot of Pillow Blips 19c each doz more Hemstitched Pillow Slips 42 44 and 4fi in wide in long regular 25 to sale price 19c each from our Annual tailing Furs Must Go The balance of our Furs must go Now is your chance to buy furs away down and have a lot of use of them this year Besides you will find furs very much higher next year Any piece of fur in the house comprising Fur Coats Fur Caps Muffs Ruffs Stoles and Caperines 20 15 off present close prices Boys Prussian Overcoats Little Boys Overcoats ages 3 to years in black brown and grey button to neck trimmed with brass buttons and patent leather belt reg ular sale price each All short ends find their way to the remnant table A useful lot too marked at prices away below regular It will pay vou to have a look at our big lot of Remnants i J llewmarket Agricultural PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given ANNUAL MEETING above Society will be held the Fire Newmarket on FRIDAY JANUARY IStfc at one oclock pm lor reception adaption of annual reports election officers etc- A general attendance is requested A President KEITH Secretary PHOTOS Call- tod see us for your next Photo We are certain you will pleated with the All work guaranteed E A Photographer Newmarket Opposite Post Office of the case and now learn the whole question will again come before the Commission at Toronto on the Inst The Warden and County officials deserve credit for the action taken and we trust the result at the rehearing will be This same sort of proposition was made to make the County liable for a portion of the subway at the time of its construction but ex- Warden Jackson and Reeve Richard son of appeared before the Railway Committee of the Privy Council at Ottawa and pointed out that while portion of the Old York Roads formerly belonged to the Coun ty ft had since been ceded to Park- dale and the County had no jurisdic tion On the presentation of these facta the County was relieved of the burden sought to be imposed upon its ratepayers In principle the situa tion is not dissimilar to the one up on the Railway Commission has recently adjudicated upon No doubt the County Council will sus tain the present Warden and Commis sioners in taking action to correct this serious wrong If this prece dent is allowed other eases will fol low as the go by A Pastors Confession A Wonderful Lamp at The Beat Burning Oil at Delivered in less than S gal lots At or in gel lota at gal South Side Entrance i Lloyd Prospect Ave near Timothy St PO Box NEWMARKET Private Funds Draining System For Ontario According to a special in J Mail The Minister of Public Works of Ontario is projecting a scheme for a complete drainage system for the whole Province The despatch says The lrojt will probably be crystal- iM into legislation at the forthcom ing session but its working out will take at least five years Under existing conditions the Gov ernment has been confronted not in frequently with the question of grant ing drainage aid to one portion of the country at expense of another One district secures satisfactory let into a river only to cause over flow and flooding further down the stream Tho Ministers plan contemplates a Government survey of all Ontario rivers and waterways arid a report thereon Upon the report as to carrying capacity of the streams the question of drainage will be tackled from a provincial and not a local standpoint and the land drainage gauged to the capacity of the out lets To loan on First Mortgage tor term of years at per cent interest Enquire Eta Office Constantinople Jan The Tur kish Government the Austro- of indem nity for the annexation of Bosnia and thus removing every possibility ot war of her guests Miss and Miss Preston of Toronto who visited her over Sunday Mr Stiver V writes equally sat- from Elgin Man We are having very cold weather up here at present below zero yesterday and today it is below zero Mrs Seymour will not receive on the 3rd Friday of tins month but will receive on the fourth Friday when Miss Edna will be home from Norwich and will as sist Miss Ironside returned to her duties at the Primary School on Mon day morning She had a most time in the Old Country though quite a rough passage both ways Miss Cane gave a large party last Saturday evening Miss Mr Foster Mr Gordon Mr and Mr Kelly all of Toron to were guests of Mr J Cane over Sunday We that Mr A Steph enson editor of the New Speaker and formerly of King Tp was elected to the Council of that Town by the largest vote given to any member Congratulations Mr John Stuart of Glasgow Scotland brother of Mrs Robert arrived in Town direct from the old sod on Wednesday morning Ho is a practical machinist and ex pects to get a situation in Newmar ket Mr Walter Trivett of Toronto was home over Sunday Mrs W- Trivett and son who have been here nearly a month left this week for their home in Toronto Mrs Geo Trivetit gave a oclock tea last Fri day afternoon in her honor Mr Brown of town P I was in Town on Tuesday and gave us a call He was employed on the Era star years ago and afterwards ran a liv ery stable hero He appears to be doing well down by the sea After an absence of three years travelling all through Southern Man itoba and the coast line of British Columbia Mr Cornelius Dyke arrived in Town last week on a visit with his family He intends to re turn to British Columbia shortly Messrs J Hughes R Schmidt Dr Duncan A and W Widdifield are New- marketers who enjoyed the pleasure of listening to Harry Lauder the in imitable Scotch comedian when he was playing return engagements in Toronto last week Between and ladies attend ed Mrs A reception at The Limit on Tuesday afternoon Her new home on Prospect Avenue was fragrant with beautiful flowers everywhere Mrs run ton received HE MURDERED GIDEON BROWN ING Carthage 111 Jan 11 Rev J of Adair County Mich who has been sought by the police as the murderer of Gideon Browning committed suicide at his sisters home at this place at about oclock this morning Just before taking his life he wrote a long confession giving the details of the gruesome crime his escape and the motive for the murder He died two hours after he had slashed his his throat in two places No one but the murderers sister- Mrs Hughes in whose home he died knew the identity of the clergyman until discovery was made of a note giving the mans name and containing in structions for sherifi St Clair County Mich to take charge of the body In the confession said Browning held a peculiar hypno tic power over him and to free him self of this spell he coolly planned to end the mans life and if possible destroy all evidence of the crime A Turin despatch dated Jan states that the subscriptions from rious countries in aid recent earthquake stricken country of South ern Italy totals in addition thereto Italy itself contri buted The United States- sent South America England Spain and France each Canada Balkan States and Switzerland 900000 each other countries make up the balance TUB CRADLB COLLINS In Collingwood on Jan to Mr and Mrs Thos Collins a daughter Whitchurch on Jan 6 to Mr and Mrs F Stephens a daughter THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Cheap For Cash BIG CANOE At Island on Dec 30 to Mr and Mrs A Big Canoe a daughter OSBORNE In Sutton on Jan 1st 1909 to Mr and Mrs Osborne a daughter LAVSON In Mount Albert on Sun day Jan to Mr and Mrs James a daughter In Newmarket on Jan to Mr and Mrs L Held Station at Met a daughter ALTAR WILEY At the residence of the brides parents Toronto on Christmas Day by the Rev Dr German Nellie youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs John to Mr P Ellis Wiley son of Mr Wiley ol New market TUB TOMB King at the residence of Mr Jas on Jan 1909 James Duncan in his year Westmoreland Ave Toronto on Saturday January Helen Bell beloved wife of A Ross and youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Gilbert MacMichael of Sea- Ontario in her year Interred in Queensville Cemetery Monday Jan HALL At Toronto on Jan Bertha May Hall daughter of the late Hall of Newmar ket aged 29 yrs 7 mos 29 days LITTLE In Mount Albert on Tues day Jan Amelia beloved wife of Mat thew Little in her 39th year Funeral to Mount Albert Cemetery on Thursday At Newmarket on Jan Wm in his year Funeral at on Sunday afternoon from the residence of his son Raglan St i UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at John Millard IT and ROADHOUSH 11MN ST WO All will We have finished our annual stocktaking and have found load ed up in some lines and again we have some odd lines with just a few of each which we wish to clear out Tins Coffee regular each for 12ic Bars Castile or Oatmeal Soap for 25c Several kinds Stove Blacking regular 10c for 5c packages Borax Flakes at for Packages Starr Ammonia Jelly reg for 5c Tina Tomatoes at for 25c These are First Class in Quality but the labels are soiled 200 Tins Corn at for 25c 500 Tins Corn at for 10 lb Tins Honey far each Tins Soup at 10c each Try a Jar of our Fruit Canned at Home every Jar Guaranteed PROMPT DELIVERY IS OUR MOTTO I Ik A Proposal to to acceptable to is oca wo now We propcoa to show you the finest selection o now and Cutters Harness Robes for which wo are Bottom Prices Pianos K ffWSS design and finish combined with richness and purity tone will find it in our stock llacoa Rich prices are low for high grade Instruments and terms to you Come and or yourself MB I AGENTS FOR FROST WOOD MACHINERY If A in fl WILKINSON PLOWS WAGONS LAVAL SEPARATORS Rank OXFORD STOVES RANGES NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES I I rfW ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO A f

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