Newmarket Era, 15 Jan 1909, p. 4

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hi- a L i i THE onsumDlion Your doctor will tell you that fresh air and good foodare real cures for consumption But often the cough hard Hence we suggest that you ask your doctor about you taking Ay Cherry Pectoral It controls the tick ling quiets the cough our your doctor One of Fills at bedtime will cause an Increased flow of bile and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following Formula on box it to your doctor He will at a one pill at bedtime by ib a i Good Bread A good and loaf Breed Is the Friend Against a poor and tasteltaa ar ticle Everyone uses bread WHY NOT USE SIMPSONS Which ia always light and mdlt PRICE IS FORGOTTEN WHEN QUALITY IS RETAINED South End Bakery Phone 1- a CfiollcU the of Manufacturers tut other realise the having their business transacted to New uit U 4i Canadas Immense Territory Winter Term Opens Jan Arrange To Attend Famous ELLIOTT fc TORONTO This with a Nearly all colleges to be beet but Nor Get our Catalogue Head it from cover to cover See for yourself what this college la and ad vantage It V J ELLIOTT Principal Took and Alexander Vpr Canadians comparative ly have concoptjpn ot vastnyss this Dominion Un der the heading Prince Alberts the Toronto of Saturday has the following Is a fiig back country north Edmonton thatv1ll some day be filled As yet howev er few people outside Saskatche wan are aware ot the immense terri tory north Prince Albert This past autumn the had a party making Indian treaty payments throughout this district the discoveries they made are Start ling Prince Albert Is- as tar the international boundary Co balt is north of Toronto The farth est point northward touched by this party was at the north of Lake This is about four hundred miles north ol Albert and seven miles north of the international boundary Were Mr J McLean of Winnipeg the head of the party was surprised to find potatoes growing Lac D rochet is lour hundred miles north of Prince Albert Four hundred miles North of Cobalt land the trav eller in tin middle of James Hay At Pelican Narrows two hundred miles further south Mr McLean found a garden tilled with corn carrots beets onions cabbage and Still further south at Cumberland House and the Pas gardens were a matter of course Farms were found at a distance of seventy miles north of Prince while the country is rich in minerals Mr McLean noted Indications copper silver iron and mica At la there have been recent discoveries of gold and a rush is expected next Spring Water powers were passed which would sup ply a great city with power and lor a good part of the way the journey was through spruce umber It is evi dent that north Prince Albert there is a country second only to the and Peace River Valleys Something for Nothing Its coining to it the penny bank- enterprise of half a dozen cities and towns at first promoted as a stimu lant to children to bo economical now appears to have got on the sick list and the people who prophesied the large things it- would accomplish already want to turn it over to the keeping of the Government Some people talk loud start some scheme or association in the name of philanthropy and after their enthusiasm burns awhile they wend tiheir way hat in hand and with rueful countenance to a paternal or municipal government for help to get their special fad out of the woods Finding the genera do not go half crazy over their pet schemes they seek to give life there to by compelling the general public to sustain the same through aid from the public treasury We have men in almost every municipality in the their children If depositors Pen ny Hanks draw as much Interest as other people using the institution it in have the right to expect or Receive without a Government bo nus ooq THIRD PHIZIO ESSAY AT NEWMARKET SCHOOL WRIT TEN BY ANNIE DROWN International Peace There never was a good war Arbitration a had peace nor A press rumor comes from Ottawa to the that Win Sloan P subject of International Peace will be call- Arbitration is one which is prim ed to the and that Hon Win i before the world today Time Minister of Jniand when Might was Right and venub who was defeated at late trained for the army general election in Victoria will con- Nations were only emerging from test the constit at a byelection heathendom and as civilization vanced a belter maxim was adopted Perhaps all the wives of farmers arc tangible expression of arbi- aware that it is illegal to label as creamery aware their marketable butter butter unless it is manufactured at a creamery factory handling the milk of fifty cows or more Persons re presenting that their butter is creamery make manufactured on a smaller scale arc liable to penal- tics A dealer near was heavily fined recently for labelling and j selling ordinary butter as creamery make being adopted for the settle ment of disputes among nations back only a few years The Czar of Russia called a Peace Conference at the Hague in 1898 This conference was for the purpose lessening standing armies and thus In a meas ure disarming Europe Hut the other distrusted the Czar because attitude towards China and Japan Therefore very little was ac complished and although the confer- are the greatest stomach medicine human skill ever compounded Dont attempt to cure yourstbmach by dieting You will half will clear the face plump out while people will remark How well youre looking These arc facts not Prove it yourself Prepared only by Thaa St Sfttd by fill DruzSlt At boxC3 Now that the Provincial Auditor demands that officials must show re ceipts for hotel bills Pullman car meals and similar expenses civil servants are making a lot of kicking jealousies prevented a large fulfilment Who can hut say that arbitration Is better than war Are we not more civilized than our ancestors Should v- then follow the methods of our I Nicy their word should he a en grafters think the same and if Mr Clancy insists that fcW servants shall produce vouchers for ex- nalJons the public the cost of many an luxury We find many examples of the good frequently causes stomach troubles but careful will never right them When your stomach is out of condition it needs help that no food supply It must be thoroughly cleansed settled and strengthened rood never docs this wound- A life is spared but tho soldier is disabled When the meth ods- warfare arc changing and age is changing who will not say that arbitration is the best method Then too the cost ot maintaining a war is enormous The financial as well as humane must be considered During the war with Japan three Russian vessels costing each were destroyed The torpedo boats cost each also Even if Russia had the wealth of Croesus it would take her three years to a firstclass fleet Mr says that no foreign power could attempt to invade England with less than one hundred thousand men The national dcllt England the housing of swine becomes more sloping and feed- was fifty million pounds at the close or less difficult problem This is For young litters coming of war of thc Spanish more particularly true in regard to co weather a warm pen is This large sum was increased the housing of sows due to farrow in and rather close are to eight hundred million by the war the spring It is chiefly on the also conducive to the most profitable ana aTmod at l that the vigor of spring litters 6 during a hogs final fattening been increased by other wars Might depends The revised edition of period but at no other time in a not this vast sum have been turned No of the Live Stock life is close housing For the Era Exercise is one ess Winter Housing of Swine if hograts is to be made a success and it is It is at this season of the year that providing tins that the warm The fact is those vouchers are need watching who the tick very at men who paradoxes are to be scon in the papers sometimes A newspaper up tells in last weeks paper In one column that the editor had just received a branch of lilacs on which the leaves are just bursting in to bloom In another column we read A cold wave struct this sec tion Wednesday night During the night the thermometer dropped to degrees that lilac must have been protected from lack Frost or his breath gave it a scorching on that Wednesday night It is announced that Ontario Government has appointed Mr Snider Provincial Inspector hotel accommodation He a special commission to enforce the law villi regard to public accommodation san itation fire escapes etc of licensed houses He will have charge of cu rving through improvements which may be suggested by travellers and guests result of Mondays vote in regard to local option shows the trend of public sentiment as setting in strongly against hotels run chiefly as barrooms instead of houses of pub lic entertainment effects of arid tration Tin boundary line between Maine and New- 1 wick was decided by arbitration in in 12 A war was avoided The question of the Alaskan boundary was also settled by arbitration And again war with all its attending hor rors was averted Nations are re alizing that the most unjust peace is better than the jus test war Personal and private influences may be said to be the true cause of wais Crimean war was due to the influence of Louis Napoleon was tho result of the ambitions of Napoleon I The war with Japan is Said to be due to the fact that the Czar and Grand Dukes had money in vested in Manchuria When war is declared the feelings ol nations ore hurt the national pride is aroused and as as result war follows j War is a curse and militarism should be avoided The loss of life and the property which is destroyed ought to prevent war After the battle of Alma in the Crimean war it is said that five hundred Russians had only one attendant There extended lor about a mile a sheet 0 human bodies the greater part dead others dying Six thou- corpses would be enough to strip of all into more useful channels Were half the wealth bestowed on camps and courts Given to redeem the human mind from err There were no need arsenals and forts Again A targe army is maintain ed in England Might not these sol diers have a more useful occupation Does not the world require trained business men mechanics and farm ers Often the habits formed by the soldiers prevent them from he- coming useful members society Look at the habits of drinking and gambling Remember the vices I learned Then tll me why we should support tramps and vaga bonds War keeps alive the maxim that Branch Ottawa treats this question in a very practical manner It says Much of the success of hograisin depends upon suitable housing Suit able housing does not howfjver de mand expensively built houses and pens designed so as to provide sum mer temperature during the winter bedded four season In an ambitious desire to treat swine with due consideration for their comfort many progressive raisers have during the past few years practically wasted large sums of money in building elaborate warm houses for their herds Having win- teted their stock of all ages and con ditions in these structures for one or two seasons the mistake made became apparent bv For brood sows due to farrow in the late winter or early spring months there is no better shelter than the moveable cabin A number of these can be ranged side by side n or rear the barn yard If kept or five large sows will lie very comfortably in a cabin con structed according to directions given further on The old style of rail creep beneath a straw stack so long as it is closed on three sides affords a fine bed for breeding sows or even growing pigs On some of the most extensive hog breeding establishments the only shelter given the sows in they had winter is an old barn or shed lined reason of up to keep the draughts out and ha fact that the swine instead of a constantly open door which greater vigor exhibited signs fords free and unlimited access to the of illhealth in the form of coughing open air The feeding is done in the open which compels the herd to take a good amount of daily exercise upon which good health so much depends Sows thus Soused and fed on composed of pulped roots and chop ped grain bran etc given in a rather dry consistency will maintain a fine condition for successful mother Might is Right but only the thirsty love war Any trueminded lameness of skin and other and intelligent person believes that evidences of lack of thrift The chief arbitration and peace is best difficulty from these close houses is The changed spirit of the age demands due to the lack of exercise taken by this reform and tin- time Is ad vane- the swine kept in them After ris ing when Right not Might be from their comfortable beds to the lord and method of take their food which is usually pro- bringing this about is arbitration regularly near at hand and in Canadian difficulties have always palatable condition the pigs fill them- hood been settled by arbitration and Can- selves anfyaain return to their rest- The bulletin then goes on to is more prosperous than she places This mode of living scribe in detail the plan erwise would have been One listens lowed for weeks and months at a sea- tion and management of various stylC3 and son of year when outdoor life is of houses that are in successful opera- the dark future tl rough long inviting oven should pen door be tion in different parts of Canada left open is attended with indigos- Copies of this excellent bulletin which The echoing sounds grow fainter and constipation and other forms of should be in the hands of every swine then cease sluggishness causing weak litters raiser may be secured free by making And like a hell with solemn sweet lack of good milk flow in dams application to J Rutherford Live vibrations stunted weanlings and slow gains in Stock Commissioner Ottawa country who talk benevolently of en terprises calculated to stimulate the rising generation along certain praise worthy lines like this Penny Bank conception but they generally fall back for sustaining power to the pub lic treasury or die of inanition Why should the general public he asked to contribute through the Treasury towards making uKinterest to school childrens deposits Child ren of parents quite to support them respectable would taking the taxes ol those far below them in all that goes to make life comfortable The deputation which waited on the Provincial Treasurer the other day asked tor assistance towards this Penny Hank scheme is asking for money that belongs to the people all over the Province to help children get spending mohey in the dozen places where these Fenny have been established The proposition is one that cannot he justified on public grounds and should he turned down by the Government Why not with equal propriety ask the Government to advance this half per cent the de putation asked for as the difference between the per cent which it gets from the Post Office with which the Penny Hanks make deposits and 3 per cent which it pays its de positors say why not ask the Government to do the same thing place similar amounts to credit of the poor widows and orphans of the country who have their little all at interest in regular char tered Banks of the country need the money more than many of the children who make deposits Penny Banks The whole thing is an old game something for nothing out of public funds very closely bor dering on graft in the name of char ity- -i- Of course we do not wish for one moment to condemn the Penny Bank I project far from It but wc do ob- Tbi man who does his best aid if little about It Is the man to be friends with Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General will be re ceived at Ottawa until Noon on Friday of Feb for the conveyance of His Majestys on a proposed Contract for lour years six times per week each between Kesfck and Roches Point from tie 1st April next printed notices containing further ik to conditions of pro posed may be and forms of Vender may be obtain ed at tie Post Office of Keswick Roches Point and Orchard Beach and at the Office of the Post Office Inspec tor at Toronto ANDEKSpN Superintendent Post Office Department Mall Service Branch Ottawa December GO Murks u Ac a description i- tot fteo flWlmcrlcat 07 tocuTiiL Terras for war all its pomp and reveal all its Many of our readers will remember barbarism Often before life is the circumstance of the abduction of men have been buried Think- little Charlie Ross when only four Should not civilized Chris- years old from Leamington Penn nations hang their heads July by two men in a buggy The recent death of one of the abduct ors has revived the painful incident Little Charlie Ross was the son of a welltodo manufacturer named Chris tian K Ross More than 50000 was spent in vain attempts to find him Two burglars were shot while entering a house in Long Island one died instantly the other said they were abductors of the child but that the dead man alone know where he was I hear once more say Peace voice of Christ in shame when the horrors of war could be avoided by arbitration Peace is watchword of Chris tian nations If wish convince the heathen that our religion is true we must practice what wo preach In every war one or the other must suffer very much The war with China in was not righteous Was it not wrong for intelligent people to force the to trade in opium Peace It is Christians idea But is it peace to try to force another to do wrong and then shoot him because he will not Look too at the ruined homes Where once stood a flourishing town now stands blackened ruins of houses See the happy country home surrounded by the fields of grain and the majestic trees whose branches- toss proudly in the breeze and at whose feet nestle the woodland flowers comes and the scene is changed Where once the happy home stood ruins remain Everything wears devastated look A small party is standing at door of their home Eager anxious faces are watching for postman Grave and silently he comes up and hands tho father a letter Stillness like that of death reigns The seal In the Grocers Guild case last week the two loading counsel strong views in their closing argu ments For prosecution Mr characterized the Guild as iron heel on Wio necks of the people against their wish or will an intolerable tyranny crushing out courage capacity and competi tion He further stated trade is honeycombed with all kinds of underground methods and in public interest he that the or ganization be dug out and broken up On thc side of the defence Mr John ston K contended that the was not organized to boost prices but to regulate them to keep down Its only error was in being foolish enough to believe it could dis- broken and in a broken tone the honest tradesmen honest in the matter father communicates the sad message Inoculation of Seed The Ontario Agricultural College has in press a bulletin from the terological Laboratory giving the re sults of work on the inoculation oi seed with bacteria to increase the chances of the This work has been in progress since and has increased in amount each year It has been known for many years that tho nodules or tubercles on the roots of alfalfa clovers peas beans etc are inhabited by bacteria that have the power of taking nitrogen from the vast amount in atmosphere and storing up this most valuable ferti lizing element in the plants thus en riching soil when plants are plowed under In thc- college labora tory these bacteria are cultivated un der artificial Conditions full power of nitrogen accumulation being conserved and these cultures as they are called may be applied to the seed to be sown On old established fields where clovers or alfalfa have been previously grown the soil is well supplied with these desirable bacteria and the use of artificial in oculation would bo of benefit On new ground however or where the crop to be sown has not been success fully grown before the inoculation of the seed usually helps to secure a bet ter stand During over 2l00of are just good fop the Bladder as they are for the Kidneys If there trouble in retaining urine you have to get up three or four times or during the night is hot and scalding Gin Pills will quickly relievo txoobla euro tho kidneys and heal irritated bladder box for At all dealers or sent on price A KAT10RAI DRUG CO LIMITED JX Simple free if mention this piper r Driven Crazy with Fear Dec The wounded re fugees from Messina who have reach ed here present a sickening sight Some appear hardly human others among the fugitives have no apparent injuries but are in a deplorable men tal condition The horror of that tragic minute is ineradically fixed up on their faces On the relief ships they were heaped everywhere Some of them appear to be stricken with a kind of idiocy looking aimlessly be fore them others completely mad howl wildly Emptiness and Ruin The commander of the Therapic said that from the water front Messina ap peared to be intact as tho facades of of prices at which goods should sold thc story of a change in the Liberal leadership in the Ontario Leg islature forecasted by the Thc cruel war has destroyed the pride and hope of that home Who will not say as he looks on that scene that arbitration should take the place of war Azain See the wounded brought wish expressive from the field of battle That poor 11 pi those who patronize thorn at tho expense of whole people by tap ping the Provincial puree to say thing in regard to the opportunity it would afford some people to Increase their Income by operations through press is only of thc thought When the House fellow has an eye hanging out the meets Mr McKay will be on hand all lower jaw shot away and arms In this connection we see it en His Comrade is being brought stated in the party papers that the on another stretcher He is shot honor of moving the Address in reply through the heart Are these the to Speech from the Throne is to strong men who marched proudly be given to Mr p from homo station Do the for Kingston and will be second- pictures of war illustrate that peace by Mr W Hearst M P P carta goodwill to men has who carried the The most If war is preferable to ar- feature of coming legislation on the Government program will be Hon Mr measure of Law fine buildings along that line of these cultures were sent to farmers streets still were standing but be- all over the Dominion and to five emptiness and ruin The foreign countries The results as re- 1 principal square by the farmers and compiled inspiring aspect Everywhere were in the forthcoming bulletin showed enormous cracks into which the sea that inoculation of the seed was whence clouds of steam add beneficial in per cent of cases sulphurous vapors arose tried Many farmers tried the cul- 1 landed but the work of on old established fields and as rescue was most difficult The ruins was to expected the results here formed hillocks thirty feet high showed no increase in the crop from which thousands were buried iT SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN LAND form and changes in detective and system of the Province The legal fraternity are now wondering whether the proposed measure will Go where scattered lie the bones of one In somo forgotten battle slain And bleached by drifting wind and rain And though there is something of take the lines of the recent ri I Kill Hall suggestions or be a drastic hill cutting out a lot of decayed branches and sources of piling up legal fees TU KM Yea When all is past lb is humbling to tread Oer the weltering field Of the countless dead Thq warloving nations altered their method of battle bullets do not kill have The but using the cultures During the coming spring the col lege will send similar cultures for al falfa red white and clover peas beans and sweet peas the on ly cost to the farmer being nominal charp of cents for each culture sufficient for GO pounds or less of seed The cultures of which there is but one size are sent in glass bot tles with full directions on their use Applications should be addressed to the Bacteriological Laboratory A and should ho sent at once so that ample provision may he made by tho College to supply all de mands The kind and amount of seed to be and approximate date of seeding should also bo stated in the application REPEAT IT Shllohs Cure will always cure my coughs and colds The steamer was soon loaded down to NY perron who is the sole bead of family or any male over or available Dominion land in Manitoba Bafkatchpwiin or The Applicant must appear in 1 ergon Dominion or for Entry by proxy on c tain conditions by rather mother son daughter brother or Meter Intending Duties months upon cultivation of the land In each of A homesteader may live within nine miles of bU on a farm of least acred solely owned and occupied by or by father mother son daughter brother or sister In crrtaiP districts a homesteader In may a alongside Price per acre Duties Must reside six each of six years date of homestead entry Includ ing time required to earn patent and cultivate flriy acres extra who ba exhausted right and cannot obtain a may take a purchased homestead In districts Price per Must six months in each three years culti vate acres and erect a house worth CORY Deputy Minister of the Interior publication of this ad vertisement will not be paid for Q Time Card its utmost capacity with survivors and then steamed to Naples sure Electricity is slowly making its way into the households lAUandale ed and the food is then slowly cook- cooker is provided- with steatite radiators that are electrically heat ed and the food is then slowly coov- by the stored- heat In this con nection electricity can compete with gas coal or oil because practically all the heat generated by the current Is absorbed by the radiator I GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto Newmarket ar 1025 340 GOING SOUTH Leave a p Newmarket 553 Toronto 715 A For Infants and Children I Port Arthur Jan 8 While out hunting Archie of aged nineteen got his feet wet and both were frozen before he reached J J i Of A At tin TIB N bit Royal la Hoc Cons tar the J Try home He was brought to St Jo seph Hospital and will lose both his Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the it OF

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