Newmarket Era, 15 Jan 1909, p. 6

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Debt Toronto Gold Crown a Specialty IMccn Chicago Collie putt on on Mot Konlb on Mondavi At Mount Albert every lay the of each ALBERT DRUG STORE carry lull lino of PATENT MEDICINES Aeon them REMEDIES and RHEUMATIC CURE and family Receipts day or night IV LLOYD PUBLIC LIBRARY CONCERT A concert in the Interests of Public Library will be in toe Methodist Tuesday Ian The have secured the services Southland Sextette highclass Jubilee Singers and an excellent entertainment may be ex pected Reserved seat tickets may be obtained from Mr M bills for particulars Of the Old a company of Dauphin this Our Pino Catalogue Is mailed free on request Write for It if you have any notion of an excellent course Central Business College To ronto SHAW SHAW Sec PERSONAL Mr Alex Wallace of is visiting friends in Mr Brooks of Newmarket was in town on Friday and Saturday Messrs Frank McDonald and J visited over Sunday with friends in King City A number of our local spurts are taking in the show at To ronto this week Miss Olive Shields of Toronto is visiting at the home of her brother Mr Shields Mr Richard of Alberta is visiting relatives in this vicinity prepared and circulated asking for the formation of Mount Albert into a police village The following com mittee were voted to prepare and cir culate same Messrs Davidson Sloan and There has been more Interest and dis cussion on this question in Mount Al bert than there has been on any issue presented for a long lime It Is a move in the right direction as it al lows for matters of improvement which have been lacking here and which can be inaugurated as fast as the ratepayers may be pleased to avail themselves of the advantages of fered to them under the statutes In that behalf improving premises and street by tidy fencing And now they are agitating filling in the con line across the pond with logs stumps and earth- Theyre bound to get the yawning gulf bridged if possible Go it boys- Ill stand to your back till you know the rest eh Our lalies arc great hands to have me sample their Sunday dainties I guess Ive a very good idea of all our womens capabilities in that line I am willing for it as long as health and strength holds out think I am bo Prof Pic now Ive got my bill ready for a couple of pieces of brides cake Ill no he disappointed oh Our popular Mr Emory is looking rather sedate I might say solemn these I presume it is occa sioned by the very near approach of the middle of only a few days to the border week to provide Beginning with the Issue of this paper on Jan we decided to give a big Reduction Sale Just bow it will not know so we would advise you to take advantage of it at first opportunity Below- we give y a few special prices the meeting closed with prayer The regular monthly meeting the Ladies Aid of the Church was held at the homo on Wednesday Jan It being the annual election of officers the following were elected Pros Mrs Robert Brlggs Miss Jean Secretary Mrs SecretaryMiss A Wright Treasurer Mrs A Tomorrow night the sunny South land Sextette which comes here high- 1 Red Cross Cough Cure for 19c recommended will give a concert Electric reg for 19c Horse Balls reg for Buckwheat Flour reduced to Epsom Salts 5c per lb reduced to Cheese only per lb Lantern Glasses reduced to Lamp Glasses Urge Size reg reduced to Lamp Glasses Medium Size red reduced to Glass Tumblers reduced to for Chamberlains Cough Cure 25c size for Chamberlains Cough Cure size for r itVf AT ill I The rp PUBLIC LIBRARY The annual meeting of the Public Library was held in the Town Hall on Monday evening and was as usual attended Owing to the una voidable absence of the Treasurer and Librarian no reports were presented The following were elected a Board of Directors for the coming year It Ed Hansford W Davidson I I PICKUP ITEMS Mr J L Edwards returned on Monday to Albert College Belleville Miss Essie Jewell of New is visiting her uncle Mr Parish Steeper Mrs of Bradford was the guest of Mr and Mrs John Moore a couple of days this week Joe Bent we are Mr J resumed his J Wesley Ernie Jim and the twa studies at Toronto University on Jocks and think there are piles of Monday last lovely lassies here Mr Curilic of Elgin Man is visiU Thomas Smith has purchased Frank ing at the home of Mr Geo rhinoceros enormous hog Mr Leslie Brooks of Liberty one year and months it weighs left on Monday to commence course probably eight hundredweight Thos in the Presbyterian Church Mr John Boag took seven fine horses to Toronto on Tuesday to show at the Ontario Horse Breeders Show this week Miss Emma is in Toronto for a two weeks visit with friends All the posts have been taken out- the skating rink this have something everyone with horse should for I more room and to land of Old The list aid the team in their lengthening Under our command- or to win the tricounty champion ship is right uptodate The Grand March was instituted at the rink last Saturday and will proba bly in future be skated every Satur day night at COME AND SEE THE M In order that we have no goods carried over for another season we are offering the entire stock of Mil linery at greatly reduced prices Dress Hats sale price Dress Hats sale price Ready to wear reg for and GROCERY SPECIALS lbs Best Rolled Oats lbs Best Rai6lns lbs Best Currants lbs Lemon or Orange Peel 25c lbs Figs lb Good Tea 25c lbs Gran Sugar lbs Bright Yellow flood American Oil 20c W COLE KESWICK Albert Cemetery The annual meeting of the Mount Albert Cemetery Company will be held in the Town Hall Mount Albert on Monday January 1909 at oclock pm for the Election of a Board of Directors for the ensuing year the reception reports and other business Lloyd and Melville Sis- future At a meeting of the newly- elected Directors held subsequently the following officers were elected President Secretary H Treasurer D Librarian T at Albert College Belleville The children Mr are se riously ill with scarlet fever other wise the outbreak of the disease in our village has about subsided After many vicissitudes of fortune Mr J Cook has at last succeeded in opening the rink We hope Mr Cook nay have better success in the than he has something worse than a white elephant upon his hands and some day may hear excuse haste and a HOLLAND LANDING The toll gatebouse on the Holland Wonders never cease is sure to return MISS MARTIN DEAD Rainy River Out Jan per Stray Ewe death occurred on Thursday evening at the home of her brother Arnold Martin near Rainy River of Miss Mary Ann Martin a lady well known in Winnipeg Auntie Martin as the decease was popularly known to the college students kept a boarding house on St for several years and there many young fellows from the colleges made their home The deceased was born in York County years ago and came to Winnipeg in the early In 1903 she in Rainy River Dis trict but subsequently returned to Winnipeg She was well known to attendants at the Winnipeg Industrial i managing- a dining hall there for many years For some time past she had been suffering from heart trouble and coming down to spend the Christmas holidays with Iter brother near Rainy River her condition became critical and she expired on Thursday evening The interment took place at the Rainy River Cemetery on Sunday ternoon The deceased lady has a sister living in Winnipeg Mrs Kee of Arnold Ave arid another Mrs R Hayes lives at Mount Al bert Besides Arnold Martin she has another brother James living in British Columbia A bad pen The little Thomas through the vicisi- of fortune are located in their lias had in the past old cosy quarters at Mrs Some of the young gentlemen men- 1 The little shavers are tickled last week proved to be but They hate awfully to be torn casual visitors at pur school fromhome It is rough I place was loo did not seem J know on those who have been about lo offer sufficient opportunities for ad- wound up by such usage vancemenl lo young men of such ex- The cuddle at intelligence and attain- taught and din meats Oh try to sleep ye waukrifc rogues Miss J Edmunds entertained a Granny is com in in few friends on Tuesday evening t Our Miss Let tie Riddel is spending A number tended the churc had nim as he the pignot torn is River road two miles west of here I breaker I was totally destroyed by fire at8 of our young people at- some time with her sister Mrs Roy oyster supper at the Chris- Keswick Shes a win- 1 an it Franklin on Wed even- some lassie and we expect the young Bath the program and the sun- gents out there will make many ex- proved entirely satisfactory EXTRA CORRESPONDENT 0 BALDWIN BREEZES It is reported that our Vet Pettypicoe through his solicitor has issued a writ demanding damages from one of our merchants A tramp graced a Vacant castle by his presence cone night last week His accom modations were rather cold for solid comfort He got a good square meal at Johnson next morn ing and despatched all set before him avidity His appetite was No There are few of his fraternity left in the country thanks to cuses to call on Roy A Sweeping Challenge Our hockey Club is well organized and send out their defiance to the world Brown- hill preferred as a starter THE OWL o Oclock on Saturday moraine me house was occupied by Mr Cooper and all the contents were consumed The fire was caused by a lamp explod ing Loss There is some in surance on the house On Tuesday evening the members of Christ Church choir and a few friends the number of twentytwo entertained at the rectory on in vitation of Rev Edgar and Mrs Tay lor The time passed pleasantly social intercourse Christmas games and singing The party broke up a late hour amidst manv expressions of appreciation of an enjoyable time d hearty wishes for the New Year On Saturday afternoon the members Of the Bible Class and teachers were Similarly entertained and all thoroly enjoyed themselves for either Wool or Cotton any Color reg Dyola Laundry Blue In Sheets for Granite Tea Pots reg 50c for Granite Wash Basins for for Granite Dish Pans reg for Papetries reg 20 to lor Tin Pails reg for Womens and Misses Ribbed Worsted Hose reg for Heavy Twilled Shaker Sheeting 66 in wide re for yard Only Boys Suits 3 pieces sizes 29 32 33 for Blankets Grey or White reg for Floor Matting 25c for Table Oilcloth reg for Gents Tics 25c for Set Single Harness Nickel Trimmed 2300 for 1800 Whips at about Half Price Horse Collars reg 250 to for 175 Horse Blankets reg for Horse Blankets 100 for Also many other lines that will not permit Please note that the above Prices are for CASH Any will be charged at Regular Price WE SELL RETURN RAILWAY TICKETS TO ANY POINT ON ME TROPOLITAN SMITH The Leading Merchant Successor to Wish ft Box mi Came on the premises of the under signed on or about the month of Owner can have same by paying expenses P KEIR Baldwin For Sale Head of yearling and twoyearold Cattle Spring Calves Short Horn Bull ThoroBred Short Horn Twoyearold Colts purpose Mare do do This surplus stock must be sold V7M fc P O POLICE VILLAGE A meeting of the the proposed police village of Mount Al bert was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening and was tended as all the people of the place have great interest in the question which is of vital importance to the welfare of the community After Mr Tinsdale was voted to the chair the meeting was addressed at some length by the following gentle men John Moore Ramsden Dr W Forrest W Davidson Sloan R John Steeper Wm and Frank McDonald After a full and general discussion a resolution was moved by Mr Shields seconded in several places that a petition The Oyster Supper at Mr Dan was a decided success The music by the Orchestra was first- class and ever body spent a most I enjoyable evening Mr Ferguson and Mr have made arrangements to hold a union I prayer meeting every Wednesday veiling in the two churches week about The first one was held in the Presbyterian Church Wednesday when the Sunday- School lesson was discussed These meetings should grove very helpful and it is to he hoped the members and friends of both churches will show their Wilfrid Morton of West is suing the Toronto and York Ra dial Railway Co to recover for damages negligence in setting ion fire and burning the plaintiffs The fire occurred the company was clearing its rightofway and burning up the brush The At Home given by the St James Guild on Thursday evening was a grand success The main hall was very tastefully decorated with evergreens flags and red and white bunting In the two- south corners were prettily decorated cosy seals fox those who would rather chat than dance The stage by means of well arranged scenery and spruce trees was made to look pretty forest CAPITAL RESERVE TOTAL ASSETS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Branches and agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS Current interest allowed MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH M J TORRANCE Manager Mr J building Sweet is very busy with East Council Canal by the improvement of ths River as a part of the Trent Valley Canal System The Mt Albert Telephone Co were empowered to trim off the of the trees on the highway that in terfere with the satisfactory worldnr their line and directed to remove cuttings from the said and the R corporation The young folks are enjoying skating our large rink The boys deserve a word of for their labors in keeping the ice clear I from which Moated the music Aimer ffl Miss out in large numbed Orchestra The doors of were the beau belles Newmarket on the ice his Three Nights in a When the Yankee schoolman became Jar in the Methodist Church a citizen of this place she began to j Tuesday evening under the auspices show in various ways her generous- the Mens Adult Bible Class The hearted and frank American Church was filled and the large and attentive audience listened with be Days a For the Next Were having a lot of fun with the balance of WINTER- STOCKS Not making much money at present but making a good the store What were doing now Is- what a sensible should docrowding prices down in order to crowd goods out is part of the programme for the next two weeks Pr Mens Sox All Wool worth 35c for name for merchant 35 do do Cashmere Ribbed worth for Ladles Puritan Drawers worth for 39 11 Pr Ladles Puritan Vests worth for 44c A Lot of Childrens Vests and Drawers for Half Price Indies Cashmere Hose Ribbed for 25c TO THE FARMERS Dont place your order too soon for BINDER TWINE We are Headquarters for PLYMOUTH Twine and Prices promise to be better for you this year than last year We will give you them after the 1st FEB J But she soon found she had located right in the midst of a hive of the most generoushearted women in America I could quote cases by the score of their generous nature Let it suffice for me to say I never met their superiors in this respect If a real nice young man desiring a wife happens along theyll give him the last chuck they have left Our esteemed friends Mcsdames Lake and Draper- have been pile- nominally gracious in this respect Eleven young men have been blessed with the sweetest of rural belles and still theres corn in Egypt Bad whiskey and bad women are two of the Evil Spirits most potent Weve seen- a great dea about hereof late strongly corroberating our state ment It makes one mad to see men led captive by such snares I wish they could be scourged out the land The naughty- widow is up to her old bad ways yet She is setting a shameful example before the rising young woman I rather like to see a young woman duly cautious about being out alone after dark There are enemies on the watch and they cannot guard their honor and fair name too carefully Remember that my lassie Several responsible and reliable cit izens have reported seeing a robin in Baldwin and vicinity One robin doesnt make forget it Wood wood wood Thats what that long line of sleighs per ambulating towards the bush these days Its cheap now so everyones getting a plenty Our vets sight not likely to be restored Blood cysts almost pre clude the possibility of recovery Tbo eye is a wonderfully constructed or gan See it dissected thats statement We compliment the residents Ave on the way they my are very very great deal of pleasure to the lecture illustrated by limelight views and to the story of Josephs life so clearly told by Mr A Coombs of Newmarket S also illustrated Mr Harry Wright sang in his usual pleasing styh and Master Willie Lewis gave a splendid temperance song most appropriate to the The young men of the class are to congratulated on the suc cess of the evenings entertainment and many thanks are due Mr Neal and Mr Coombs for their great kind ness in furnishing such an even ings enjoyment Mrs I McDonald and her son of Tyvan are visiting friends in and around Queensville The annual Congregational meeting of the Presbyterian Church was held in their Hail last Monday evening The opening part consisted of a sup per and social reunion which was much enjoyed Then Mr J being appointed to the chair and Miss Jean BricHon secreary of the meeting the business The reports for the year were called in order and showed that a good years work had been done The managers report was considered very satisfac tory The Ladies Aid Sunday School Young Peoples Guild also re ceived worthy mention The of Management were unanimously re elected They are as follows Young Miller R Phillips W A Watson the last named being of the congregation The election of S S officers followed these being appoint ed Mr J McFarland Mr R Sec Clarke L Young A number of speeches were then made expressive of good feeling and full of confidence in the outlook and the supper room were thrown open at twelve oclock The young ladies of the Guild had spared neither time nor expense to make this success indeed in the praise given them their work is not in vain Everything was decorated in red and white the colors of the Guild There were about people present among others notic ed Mr and Mrs Evans Mr and satisfactory Mrs Dr Lavery Mr and Mrs W Evans Rev and Mrs Dean Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Dolby Mr and Mrs Kay Mr and Mrs Osborne for three years Mr and Mrs Culverweli Mr and Mrs K Greenwood Mr and Mrs A Miss Armstrong Misses Anderson Misses A and S Mossington Miss Hawker Misses Josephine and Margaret Miss Howard Miss Sheppard Miss A Misses Greenwood Miss V Dean Misses Osborne Miss Lake Misses Caroline Miss O Brooks Miss Miss M Souks Miss Ernes Miss Mil lard Miss Tremayne Miss M Miss Reid Mr J Doyle Mr Millard Mr Mr Millard J Taylor H Ames R Bean Sib- Sharon Jan 1909 First meeting of Council for present year the said Council composed as follows John Smith Reeve Hill The reeve and deputy reeve were deputy Reeve Tim Kelly Fair- Pointed to arrange a settlement with barn councillors Conroy re cement and The several members made the re- J timber re 2nd Bradford road qirired declaration of qualifications of was directed to and took their seats at the material for the foundation and Council board improvements to Township Hall Minutes of last meeting of Dec 28 j The Clerk was directed to have the 1908 read and ByLaw agreement re the trans- Communications received A fe of Temperance to Township re appointment as assessor registered W Davidson do re I Payments were ordered as follows cement- I re printing James Knott sheep claim 2GG8 for year Fred Murray R Osborne Osborne Sons stove pipe 160 A Sons J Power re Albert Library Library Jas Knott re sheep claim Library 2500 Maries re work lots Sick Childrens Hospital 1000 Sub to Municipal World Maries re bridge con lots and Ed Andrews do Win Maries remaking ap proaches Ed Andrews dof Council adjourned to meet at Sha ron on Friday Feb at am 0O0 keswick Mr and Mrs J of also Mrs I Morton of Mt spent Thursday last at the home of Mrs S York it being- her seventieth birthday Most of us talk better when wo are complaining than when we praising anything and If Ed Andrews do Messrs and Davidson were heard before Council re Mt Albert Telephone Co The Reeve submitted securities of treasurer for examination by Council on motion same were accepted as The Council by ByLaws and mo tions made appointments and enact ments as follows Board of Health John Crone mem- Board of Health Sanitary Inspec tors For one year John A Jas Merchant and P Steeper Medical Health Officers For one year E Graham and J Wes ley M Auditors Abb and Eugene Assessor A Collector L The printing advertising station ery and election supplies were award ed to Tinsdale at years requirements Council meetings fixed for 2nd Fri day of months of Feb to Nov in- bald Howard Treloar Car- elusive and Dec oline A Ego Road and Bridge Committee Thayer Wallace pointed consisting of the five mern- P Osborne J jbers of Council Laviolette Miss Laidlaw is to be congratulat ed on the success of her pupil Miss E Love of Mount Albert who has passed with firstclass honors the Toronto University Junior Theory of Music Examination Miss Garrett of Toronto will preach in the Methodist church at a and pm on Sunday COO The Reeve and Councillor Thirsk appointed a special committee to meet a like committee from Scott Township re maintenance of East Town line The Reeve and Councillor Thirsk as a subcommittee of Road and Bridge Committee were directed to purchase cedar for Township use as follows NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the Mount Albert Telephone Company Limited will be held at the Town Hall Mt Albert on Friday January at pm to receive the annual report elect directors and transact general business DAVIDSON Secretary Public Notice NOTICE is hereby given that it is the intention of the Council of the Township of East at its session to be held in Temperance Hall Sharon on Friday ft bridge covering ft in at am to pass a The Young Peoples Guild is having good success The sleighing is very good again Mr Is very poorly Mr Phil Hamilton was working in the bush and almost his foot Hallo Tim Where is your skat ing rink s PI Quit I Wit mis Ext v length ft bridge covering closing that portion of the find con- m ft in length sticks of round cession line of the said TownsIp at J ft in length or near lots and occupied by the The clerk was instructed to have construction of a Canal lor required legal notice given that by the Dominion Government it is the intention of the Council at Of the above proposed action all regular meeting to be held on persons will take notice and govern day Feb at am to themselves accordingly pass a ByLaw closing that portion Township Office East of the 2nd Concession Line opposite January part of lot con now tying A J HUGHES the construction of the Township Clerk ARCHIVES

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