Newmarket Era, 15 Jan 1909, p. 7

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I ri THE NEWMABKET ERA FRIDAY JANUARY 15 i raw la on ft I The Leading Grocery FANCY CHINA PRICE WE HAVE PUT AWAY To Every our usual custom every season special tables at and loaded the beat for the price SEE THEM Then we have Special Value in Din- Sots Tea Sets Parlor LampB Lamps Hall Lamps China Tea Gets China Dinnor Sets all at away prices Annual meeting the Newmarket Ag Society today Annual mooting of the Newmarket Cemetery Co next Monday night No More Delay Parties still in arrears for Water Electric Light or Taxes will kindly call at thc Clerks and settle at once ox costs may be incurred Jan i Hockey Some thief two wool blankets of the at Mr during Monday night If there was any possibility of Adding out who it was be would pay for i RICHMOND HILL Kev I Our Juniors put up a fine game her on Wednesday night defeating Mealord by a score of to but the at tendance was small and the receipts were short of paying expenses Bpworth League The mooting on Monday evening was largely attended and the con views of the Joseph wore splendid In the hands the pastor the lantern is giving excellent service Next Monday evening the Young people purpose- to have an Autograph Social something new All young people invited of who has accepted the call to the Richmond Hill and Presbyterian churches will inducted about the middle of February The vote on the local option repeal question in this The officers teachers and scholars the Methodist Sunday School met at the home of the Misses Fairies on Thursday- evening for the purpose of distributing books awarded to the scholars as prizes also treating them A social evening was spent and refreshments served Mr of Toronto accompanied MLss of called at Mr If Tranmers Miss Ada Smith is spending a time in Mr spent the with bis sister at Mi ihirsk of Pine Orchard was a was the largest ever polled guest at Mr Philip Lemons one village Altogether there Mast week and of these I Mr and Mrs Joseph Burnett for the measure of were votes cast The vote for repeal daughter Vela Whitby College a Majority ited relatives in this place on Sun day Sirs Grace Burnett Is quite We wish her speedy recovery Mrs Dames has returned hum Toronto Mrs Walker has been spending a couple weeks with relatives in Mr and Mrs I Simpson daugh ter aid Mr Pickering spent New Years at Mr i agents for 20TH CENTURY CLOTHING AND DRESS GOODS AGENTS FOR NORTH YORK III Grocery I TY reasonable pos- Our ttotto Is QUA First the price as Table Raisins Cooking Raisins Seedless Vaentta Raisins RaWins Grenoble Walnuts Soft Shell Almonds Table Figs Cooking Figs I Navel Oranges Mexican Oranges Malaga Grapes etc Excelsior Coffee has no Superior Our Bulk Teas are far better at the price than you can possibly get In packages Did it ever occur to you that you have to pay FOR THE PACKAGE Our Japan at 25c Is and our Ceylon at la as as any package tea nn Loading UplflDatfl if ft jnmmsim and Return Newmarket With twentyfive cents added for ad- to Ontario Horse Breeders Exhibition Good Going Jan 13 Return limit Jan 16 CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA Round trip tourist tickets now on to all principal Winter Resorts Grand Trunk Agents for pertaining to above Depot Agent Go Hockey Excursion The Newmarket Hockey Club will play the return match with the To ronto Canoe Club in the Mutual St Rink tins evening The boys have ar ranged for a special car to leave here at and returning leave onto at pm The fare for the round trip is only and it is expected that a number will go along to cheer the Black and Yellow to victory Moving Picture Show A travelling company the Roller Rink lor four nights this week to exhibit Moving Pictures Il lustrated Songs Etc There is a great fascination about these pictures that are full life and everywhere crowds are going to see them The admission being only 5c it is a great temptation to see what is going on Change of Pictures tonight and also night The price on Sat urday night Is A Terrible Accident The first accident in connection with erection of the Friends jogo in Newmarket occurred about on Wednesday afternoon by which two men lost their lives Hoy of Toronto Junction and John of Toronto two metal workers who have been employed on the building for the past month by Mr Matthews of Toronto were com pleting some work on the cupola from a scaffold erected by the slaters and left for that purpose From some unknown cause the plank upon which they wore standing gave way and both men slid feet on roof and dropped over It from the edge of the roof to the hard ground Other workmen heard the noise and went to assistance at once Both men were conscious but every one knew they were badly hurt They were taken to the office in the build ing and medical assistance telephoned Both men suffered terribly Hoys ribs were broken and Trempe had a thigh and arm broken Ar rangements were made to take the men to Toronto Hospital by the even ing train but Hoy died before reach ing Toronto and Trempe died at yesterday morning Hoy leaves a widow and one little girl Trempe was a bachelor- An inquest will be held We hear of one who is about to married It sounds strange having been bachelor so long Mr Arthur Arnold had sad loss house and furniture also in cash was consumed Congratulations for Mr T Colt- man Pleased to hear of his suc cesses obtaining parlor sitting and dining room out of a house he took away 10x20 and foot studding Mr Everett Jones has been With rheumatics for over months Wo would like to hear of his recovery Mr Win Coles sickness is severe but we hope he will around alright again very come THE RIDGE LEMON V1LLE Christmas is past the New Year is with us the election is over and everybody has got down to an every day pace again We rejoice over the fact that local option has again been carried and by such a large majority There is a side to the question Let the temperance people who have won the The treat the hotelkeepers as on flJfM Should be treated that if we want ledge It Si our reputation clean We need houses ri2 Miss accommodation then let us help sthS Sf nr i corner or to some other shed the house and pay for it Do ail wish them a happy and prosperous others as Miss Faulkner of Elgin Mills re- l turned home last Saturday after weeks visit with friends of this vic inity The new teacher has and is doing nicely The children seem to like her She will make them mind better than the last one It is snowing so we all hope soon to be able have a sleigh ride It looks as if wedding bells will soon ring again for the side road gets of i Per Cent we would want others the use to to m The League here is im proving in attendance Good meet ings reported A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs on Dee when their eldest daughter Miss Eva was united in marriage to Mr Wells of Saskatch ewan Rev Toye conducted the ceremony in presence of relatives and near friends Another pretty wedding took place Mr and Mrs Vlda marriage to getting a number rfljp out I Mr Mitchell of They tend taking up their home in the NorthWest in the spring at Mer- rington Mrs Davis of Oak Lake Manitoba Mr P was in town on Wed Present the guest ol Mrs R calling on friends Lemon Mr Madden and Mr Dobsbn A Big Variety of Furs to select from in Stoles Throws Scarfs Storm Collars Caperines Muffs Caps Fur Coats etc The Goods MUST be Cleared Out no matter what we loee Pairs- liens Pairs Mens Pants The overstock of a large Wholesale House bought at our own price We pass the Saving on to you in this way Pairs Mens Good Working Pants Sale Price 89 145 do Pairs do do do do do do do do ens Tweed and Worsted Pants do do do do do do do do do Sale Price do do do 106 Pairs Mens Extra Fine Worsted Pants Sale Price do do do do do do do do do do do do 119 135 168 195 288 111 Prices Clear Our Entire Stock KEITLKUY At the regulat meeting of the Ket- to college on Monday Mrs Coulter of is visiting friends in town the coming year by Court Deputy R fcftfjff Burling Mis Pt Chid Mrs Mr v Newmarket t of Toronto spent Treasurer T T Watson Sunday at the home of Mr A l Willis Black and Brown Chesterfield and College Ulsters worn so much this season the lots Lot Mens Overcoats Prices up to 1 1 do do do do do do up to for do 1250 do do I to bis work splendid gifts funded dog las as dog died last June Chap Hughey Annual Meeting of tiio Cemetery Company will be held VIPE HALL NEWMARKET sSfiSi Christian Church annual business meeting was held on Jan and was a thoroly enjoyable one account ot the celloit reports given by all the soci eties in connection with the church as well as the good financial condij tion in connection therewith a sub stantial balance being carried forward after indebtedness for the past year had been met in full The elec tion officers for resulted as follows Chairman Mr Morrison Clerk Mr G Lowe Mr J W Stephens Trustees J A Collins W Kel ly and Eves The church feels under renewed was very cold skating a the Sen WoodWalter Dunning on Friday evening Several Mount Sen Beadle A Stephenson It had their ears frozen Miss Jennie Smith of Toronto has been visiting her parents here Mr and Mrs Smith Miss McGill of Toronto is visiting at Dr Butlers Miss Campbell of has been engaged as stenographer for J Sons Somebody stole a Saskatchewan Robe belonging to Rev Mad den from the Wesley church shed about four weeks ago and it has not turned up since Mrs Fred Cook who returned a days ago from a Toronto hospi tal where she underwent an tion is very much improved Mrs Jane Duncan of this place re ceives the estate of her husband and it totals all personality Jun Wood Colle Tew which made Mm universally success ful A good preacher superior ex ecutive officer and a gospel singer ol rare sweetness and power He is survived by one sun Mr Parker Crossley merchant of and one daughter Miss Ethel Whitby and his widow who is a sis ter of Col T Lloyd of Newmarket Rev T the famous evangelist is a brother It was remarked at the memorial service that the little Methodist church at King had given to the world an unusual number Chris tian workers of conspicuous ability Among others Revs H T and Moved by Tate seconded by that the collector make a final return on Feb That Sick Hospital be granted 5 and that Clerk ask for tenders for or 100 yds gravel and that this council meet on 1st Saturday of each month at pm On motion council adjourned IV work during the Int are rallying to the support of the cause- A full attendance of lot own era Is requested Lot owners unable to it tend the Annual Meeting may n blanks for proxy voting by to the Secretary OJO WEBB K ROBERTSON President Secretary l i Wanted Sealed Tenders will be received by undersigned to supply the Homo with Twenty Cords of r fourfoot Maple and Beech cord All to be firstrclafes body wat least to be onehalf Maple cut with a saw etaders to be in not later than on Wednesday Jan and not later than March tender necessarily accepted J Inspector Newmarket renewed earnestness for tho work of tho pres ent year The services last Sunday were well attended and the sermons by pis- tor were full of good things ev ery The morning subject was The of power and was listened to with tlie utmost atten tion- point after point being address ed to show the value of the highest form of Christian life The evening sermon was based on The Sunrise and of Life with the Day Be tween and was a forceful presenta tion of the Christian journey all along the pathway from youth to old ago It made a very favorable impression on who were present sing ing was good The is doing ex cellent work under the leadership of Mr Fletcher whose mastery of the organ is thorough land proving to be of excellent service to the church which is well pleaded with his work RUBBER ROBBER And you had better rubber this way If you would secure the gains in medical rubber goods all kinds Here you will find a variety of HOT WATER BAGS AND SYRINGES and the lino of Rubber handled by first class druggists DRUG STORE Can Ex Co Phone Baggage to and from trains handled With despatch Trustees Black and Robinson Auditors Walton Fox Court Delegates Wat son and Frank Curtis It is reported that an oyster supper is on foot in the near future in the Order Mr of Oihov Sask arrived very unexpectedly on New Years eve so that the begin ning of the year proved to bo iuitc an agreeable one for Mrs and family Mr Walter Rogers accompanied by opera- mother and Mr Uoeis spent a couple of days last week with friends in the city Quite a number from section attended the King Tp Conven tion at City last Friday and report a very interesting and profit able convention Mr and Miss spent Sunday the guests of Miss Love of Albert Weather moderately cold Snowed some Tuesday morning and some cutters ate slipping today The skating is good Buried at King Tine remains of the late Rev were interred in the family burying ground at King City on Mon day last Mr death was due to pleuropncumonia brought on by overwork and exposure in the lo cal option campaign at Whitby A memorial service held in the Methodist church King was in charge of the local pastor Rev Geo Walk er and addresses were made by Rev T of Newmarket Rev Dr Hare Whitby and Rev J J of Toronto Members of the official board of Whitby Tabernacle acted as pallbearers and many both ministers and laymen travelled long distances to pay their tribute re spect to the memory of a good man and a faithful minister The late Mr was much be loved in all his fields labor and Looting at Messina The Italia publishes an in terview with Gen dealing with the looting of the earthquake general is quoted as fo- O Crossley J J pt to A P Utter Ajliston A Mc- succession since Kenrie of Cobalt Mr Jeta S Bar- first tf ol the largest Sunday two years was the Bible Class teach- at King and notwithstanding the strenuous life of a Cabinet Minister was never absent from his class Mr Davis took the class when Rev left home to prepare for the ministry In that class scores young men laid the foundations of his religious life There is no great er work 0 Holland Landing Council Council met on Jan at am The following persons elect ed as members made the required de clarations Thompson Reeve McDonald S S and Tate Communications from Sick Child rens Hospital asking for donation and S R Goodwin asking for re bate on taxes re Pond property ByLaws were passed appointing AuditorsF J and S Goodwin to be paid each Treasurer 1 Sheppard to be per annum Board of Health Thompson J Longhurst 3 years Cooper 2 years Sr year Sanitary Inspector John Pound Keeper and Truancy John Sheppard Fence Viewers Jas Cooper Wm Daly Beth Beaton A Morning John Fuller Fence Viewers and pound keeper to be paid as the law directs truancy officer and Inspector Moved by McDonald seconded by that the bill of J Shep pard holding election be paid and that the Clerk ask for tenders for pieces sound cedar in at small end ft long and ft 3 in cedar plank sound ft long Tenders received up to Feb car ried Moved by Tate seconded by that Geo Connor be re- district searching among the ruins for bodies to despoil or treasure to sack The dead have been found with fingers cut to remove rings and with ears torn to remove ear pend ants Many signs of robbery have been discovered in half ruined houses which the thieves penetrated during the days of general fright and disor der The other night a group of peasants who wanted to enter the city for motives of theft fired on three carbineers wounding one se riously All the severity of the mil itary will be invoked against in whose possession are found objects of value or money of which can give no satisfactory account North will bury Council Continued from Page 3 K half for 4O0 Hospital for Sick Children The Reeve save notice that ho at the next meeting of tha Council introduce a bylaw to or rescind By- law highways A Bylaw was passed the Treasurers Salary from to a Bylaw apponib John and John Ham ilton Jr auditors Milton Hamil ton col- lector and Win Morrison mem ber of the Beard of Health a Bylaw empowering the and treasurer to borrow from the Metropolitan Bank funds to expenses are collected Council then adjourned to meet Monday March at oclock- Sale Register WEDNESDAY 20Mr Ste- Winch l will have standing timber on the West part of lot 31 Con East Gwillimbury in acre lots on the premises commencing at oclock- credit 5 casn to be removed by Apl 1st W Kavanagh Auct FRIDAY Jan Mrs Jemima Allen will hold an extensive farm sale one mile south of Ceaar Valley at one oclock Eleven months credit on sums over Smith Auct I If Phone No Select Oysters fro eery Special Prices in Our Provision Department Smoked or Pickled Roll per lb Sugar Cured Hams lb Boned Hams Breakfast Bacon lb Home Made Head Cheese 10c lb o GROCERY New Corn and Peas Can New Tomatoes Can Fancy Biscuits Assorted 3 lb for 25c Our Teas Black Green or Mired at lb are Sterling Value and equal to any 30c Package Tea Mexican Sweet Oranges for Large Navel Very Choice HOWARD ARCHIV TORONTO

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