Hi THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH J I LEGAL 1 Public o Or neeMain Street to on good Farm AUCTIONEER Hows Collected jU8iDtoi23 felts Accident On Thursday evening ol last week Eagle St slipped on the in her back yard and fell both small hones in her an kle will laid up lor some DIVISION COURT for Mr alio Accident and Bolton Corner Street Millard Lane and Presbyterian Church Missionary Society held their regular meeting on Thursday after- noun of last week anl at the close had a social tea in the school room Although it was a very stormy af ternoon there were over present ye next R- DENTIST Si Wilkinson DEWTIST in Newmarket let and 3rd Wed in each month Icauor of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At Bra Private Issued at private If NEWMARKET X4EBLSJ70RE8 DESIGNS IN and Head Stones liT Call Furnace Work IPIurnfoin Our Specialties Bathroom at Shop LEADING mm sons Next to Grocery J Boyd IV in of Toronto Uoenciate the Royal College of and mem- tor of the Royal College of Surgeons England Former clinical asswtarit Id Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Main and Timothy Newmarket above the Telephone No 110 Consultation Ely services may be Bad at any hour J the day or night by calling at the or phone The New Grocery la the place to find everything Fresh and UptoDate Confectionery Best Made by all the leading houses FOREIGN AND LOCAL FRUITS OF ALL KINDS SELECT OYSTERS By the quart or served to suit your teste 11 Have you tried our Bread Cakes Buns etc If not you dont know what you have miss ed for the baking is simply de licious Try it COOKED HAM SLICED TO SUIT guarantee satisfaction or money refunded Joseph Perkins Old Stand Phone 128 IThc top the to Wednesday of Ireland East Council meets at Sharon today The Industrial Homo is being Mr ill is superintending the Job Methodist Church Good congregations last Sunday Good sermons as usual by pastor In the it was a plea or Can adian young men to enter the minis try and moot the demands in the North West In the evening it was strong for the abolition of bar Being the monthly Mens meet ing the singing was led by a male choir Master Johnny sang a splendid solo Ho Cares and the male chorus was very- good In the morning Miss Ada sang her initial solo Jlti quaint ins full of wisdom one Tho I iho I a good of i aro worth moru than a pood ret of Color rood bowels Weill Ends Indigestion In Five Minutes Every family here ought to keep in the house as any one of you may have an attack of In digestion or Stomach trouble at any time day or night This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overcome stomach five minutes atter- sour i Wards If your For Era An of Fire By a Banker Amongst the most aweinspiring spectacles ever witnessed upon this earth a great forest or heath fire takes a foremost place- Originating perhaps from a carelessly thrown lighted match a strong wind fans the flame and in an incredibly short space of time a broad stretch of heath is blazing furiously Ever broaden ing out the conflagration is soon a very deluge of fire curling billows of wildfire savagely leaping and bound ing onwards now as a wide breadth of is reached with a fierce roar tho livid flames mounting high in air forked bloodred tongues of palpitat ing fire quivering and vibrating half concealed amidst the rolling gyrating wreaths of blinding smoke now as clump of tall firs is gripped by the devouring torrent very inferno a whirlwind of eddying flames surging madly in a frenzied spasm of lurid rage with a hoarse stridor as though it were the blast of a wild infuriate I hurricane and now the gale rte This Winter The Metropolitan has had an easy though still a hissing sea of time keeping he road open win- tossing fiery rollers until length and first accident of any kind the destroying blast subsides the con- through the snow occurred about three roar is Stilled and the wild oclock on Friday morning of last raging orgasm is quelled week As it was snowing and blow- Rut a terrible metamorphosis pretty strong through night Where once was a smiling landscape is a snow plow left the city about one but a black ruin ravaged to keep lino clear It wilderness Where once all came through all right until it reach- was gay in floral beauty tufts of the switch turning from the pond bell heather all aglow in a brilliant to the depot here when the hind axle pink tassels and broke It took all morn- verv your meals dont tempt you or what little you do eat seems to fill you or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach or if you have heart burn that is a sign of Indigestion Ask your Pharmacist for 50ccnt of and take one trfangule after supper tonfght I There will he no sour risings no belching of undigested food mixed with acid no stomach gas or heart burn fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach Nausea Debilitating Head aches Dizziness or Intestinal griping This all go and besides ihcre will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath nauseous odors Papes Diapepsin is a certain cure for all stomach misery because It will take hold of your food and di gest it just the same as if your stom ach wasnt there Actual prompt relief from all your stomach misery is at your Pharma cist waiting for you These large cases contain more tham sufficient to cure a case of Dyspepsia or Indigestion of the car to make repairs and the had to transfer cars passcn- of Dr Dick The following is from a Vancouver paper Richard Irvine of Poet Moody passed away at the General Hospital on Saturday after a lingering illness He wass years of age and leaves a widow a daugh ter of the late Archbishop Woods an1 three children Leonard Eleanor ami Mrs to mourn his body will he taken from Center chapel tonight to St James Church and the funeral will take place Monday at oclock from there Dr was well known and respected throughout the Pro vince Two sisters and one brother sur vive him Mrs and Mrs Frank of Vancouver The Week of Probation BY MARTHA to as to he Obituary After being confined to his bed tor seven years by a complication of j and in diseases Mr Unas Heather Tench of Millwood Manitoba passed away on Feb in his year Deceased was born in the historic yeae of on the con of King Township As a young man he was principally engaged in running but wjth the improv ed farm machinery he entered that field in which he spent the greater part of his life Deceased was a cousin of Mr Oliver Tench of this town and he resided in Newmarket and vicinity for many years where he was widely and fa vorably known He was a lifelong member of the Methodist church and took an active interest in the man agement of its spiritual and affairs In he visited the Great West and he was so impressed with its future that he removed his family from Sharon to Manitoba the follow ing year locating on a homestead near Millwood where lie has contin ued farming operations with much sua ess Deceased is survived by his widow who was Miss Ellen J of Thompson villc and his eiit child ren all of whom are over years of age His remains were laid to rest in Silver Creek Cemetery Man on of Feb v The pallbearers were his six sons of of Winnipeg Man Stanley of Montreal Que Graham of Man Oli ver of Man and Julius of Man Besides the six sons above named there are left to mourn tne loss of an affectionate husband and father his wife to whom he was married in his eldest son Al bert and IBs only daughter now Mrs J Calvert of garlands of travel lers joy hanging in luxuriant prolu sion from the houghs of a tall thorn or hazel erect spikes of purple fox glove or pendant drupes of the grace ful bittersweet all now are swept away and reduced to ashes and in their place is but a desolated waste the lark carolled forth on high or the yellow- hammer warbled its harmonious chant or the blackcap trilled out its melo dious strophes all is now silent as the grave not a songster of the wood ventures near charred and grue some desolation nor enlivens its dis mal melancholy with its tuneful har mony not a squirrel will caper on those lifeless blackened trees not an animal will gambol on that stricken waste now the blithesome sceno is hut a dreary lugubrious wreck the gay flowery prospect a lifeless withered ruin And we too if the taint of sin in herited or committed is washed away and blot tod out from the record thru jit- faith in the atonement made for us doubt by the Saviour of the world is our lot in this life an existence en livened with buoyant exultant joys the world to come an inherit ance of ecstatic gladness and of ra vishing if we for get out Creator and reject His plan of salvatAon their the fires of retri bution pass over us our heart he- comes but a seared and aching void and the world to come but dread vi sion of blackness and ruin o Dorothys love affairs had come a crisis Three proposals in many weeks put literally a stop her coquetry A decision had to made So she composed a form of letter brief and noncommittal and mailed a copy to each of the three anxious aspirants It read as follows My Dear Mr Please do not come to see me again lor week or until I give you permission I am thinking tilings over Very cordially yours Dorothy Brett Not that Dorothy seriously meant to do any tall amount of thinking The week of probation would save her all that trouble The test would be simple enough 01 the one whose absence should make her heart grow fonder of that one Dorothy would feel sure She wondered why girls did not resort to a solution so automatic- It was so silly to allow oneself to be consumed for a prolonged period with nerve- racking doubts and feverish fantasies All one had to do was to assume a passive frame of mind and wait When Reginald Warren received Dorothys laconic instructions he laughed long and confidently So Dorothy actually believes its necessary to think it over he com mented Bless her heart she shall he allowed that privilege if she wants there could be the least When man has something to sell that another man wants to buy the easiest quickest and most inex pensive way to bring together tho buyer and seller is through newspaper publicity o Man After the church service the New York Newspaper Prints Prescription A well known authority on Rheu matism gives the following valuable though simple and harmless prescrip tion which any one can easily pre pare at home Fluid Extract Dandelion oncrhalf ounce Compound one ounce Compound Syrup three ounces Mix by shaking well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime He states that the ingredients can be obtained from any good prescrip tion pharmacy at small cost and vegetable extraction are harm less to take This pleasant mixture if taken reg ularly for a few days is said to over come almost any case of Rheumatism The pain and swelling if any dimin ishes with each dose until perma nent results are obtained and out injuring the stomach While there are many socalled Rheumatism Lodge A A M remedies patent medicines etc which the deceased was member which do few held their impressive beautiful burial service The many friends of- family in this vicinity will deeply regret to learn of his death Mr Tench was a man of good judgment and honor able In every respect REPEAT IT Sbllohs Cure will always core my coughs and colds really give permanent results and the above will no doubt be greatly ap preciated by many suflerers here at lids time Inquiry at the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the information that these drugs are harmless and can be nought separately or the druggists hero mix the prescription for our readers If asked to Right here Reginald broke oft his soliloquy and whistled for in sorting over his mail he had come upon an other envelope in Dorothys hand writing It bore name of Mr Robert Butler but was addressed by accident to Reginalds street and number Reginald balanced the letter tenta tively in his hand How many more I wonder he asked himself Shall I forward it to Butler or re turn it to Dorothy In a misguid ed moment he decided upon the lat ter alternative Dorothy was furious when the letter came back to her She recognized Reginalds handwriting and imme diately consigned him to the oblivion ho deserved How did he dare treat her slip of the pen humorously for that was what he had done of course 1 She could teV it from the rollicking style of the penmanship Had he been a gentleman he would have forwarded it to Robert and spared her the humiliation of knowing what telltale blunder she had made Robert of course profited by bis rivals hasty faux pas tempora rily that is for receiving ho warning to the contrary he continued to call A Shining Mark What Parisian Sage did for Baker it will do for you Read the following I was so bald and such a shining mark for my friends that I as a resort tried your Parisian Sage after trying several bottles of the highly advertised and high priced so- called restorers and I am glad to Bay I now have a heavy of new hair I am now years old and I have a heavy growth of new hair after carrying my shining mark for more than seven years I gladly recommend Parisian Sage to all ed with baldness Baker 401 Main St East Rochester Parisian Sago the only natural hair restorer guaranteed by tons Drug Store to cure dandruff stop falling hair and cure itching of the scalp money back It Is the ladles favorite hair dressing because it adds charm and luxuriance to the hair cente bottle Ask J about it upon Dorothy and found her so en gagingly gracious that his emotions soared once more to the point of a proposal Simultaneously Dorothys hospitality to the freezing point and following morning mailed Robert his delayed ultimatum The week of probation went by with no word or sign from the third handle of Dorothys overfull loving cup This unpardonable negligence piqued her not a little Ned might have at least taken trouble to find out if J really meant it she argued with proverbially feminine logic Its positive proof that hes indifferent Well hell find lout that J can be indifferent too write to Ill write to Reginald this very night and tell him I She took up her pen with an air of determination One beginning alter another was dashed boldly off read with misgivings and finally 1 carded 1 Reginald himself interrupted these spasmodic outbursts Oil I was just writing to you Mr Warren was Dorothys more or less flattering welcome Dorothy my own Reginald ex claimed jubilantly She saw the gleam of happiness that lighted his eyes and quickly drew her hand away from his ardent clasp did you dare to come before had written to tell you she ask ed defensively Reginald laughed easily Because I knew what youywould write dearest and the week of my enforced absence is up tonight you The amazing assurance of this lover struck Dorothy dumb for moment It was as though the mans real character had revealed itself in a flash lie bad taken her answer for granted Dorothys vacillating little heart grew hot with rebellion and prompted her to take recourse in very daring strategy I was writing to tell you that I am engaged to someone she an nounced bravely Reginald stared at her Slowly the situation dawned upon him So Mr Butler is the lucky man then he answered I did not realize that he was a rival until I his letter by mistake Doubtless that was your acceptance of him Miss Brett that I to you- I shall certainly take pleasure in congratulating him at my first op portunity Good night No no wait called Dorothy as soon as she could recover from the shock of this mans anger But it was too late Heavens she gasped Suppose he announces my engagement to Ro bert Butler She rushed to the telephone and waited impatiently for central to get the number- Is this Mr Butler This is Dorothy Brett What You recog- my voice the very first word You were expecting me to call up Dorothy made a little face Well I just wanted to tell you that I am engaged to Ned Hamilton What you say he denied it this afternoon Well you see I wanted to tell you about it myself Why thank you Mr Butler I am sure we shall be Come to sec me Night Again Dorothy waited with the re ceiver close to her little pink ear This time with almost dancing anti cipation Oh Ned is this really you where have you been all week It seems a month Its my own fault Well Ned could you possibly come over this evening You cant Got to take whom to the theatre Oh your sister Goodness I thought you said Leicester somebody Well do find someone else to take her You see I just telephoned Mr that you and I are engaged and Thats what I said engaged I had to Urnhum Now hurry Ned put on his sevenleague boots and hurried Dorothy he gasped when he reached her breathless but happy l you really mean that Im the lucky dog Of course she answered laugh ing at his boyish incredulity Who else do you spose Why I know dearest I guess I was a bit shaky about Butler and that Warren fellow Warrens been boasting in fact that youd an nounce your engagement to him The little beast exclaimed Dor othy flushing But her anger died down as suddenly as it came Oh Ned Im so happy she whispered for by this time Ned had her in his arms and was making up or lost time It was awful risky of you leaving me alone for a whole week she I came very near accepting Reginald Warren not more than an hour ago Ned loosened his hold of her slight ly Out of spite Dorothy added rogu ishly cause you didnt care enough to come for your answer But you asked me not to come till you gave me permission he Didnt you see the special post script on the inside of the envelope on the flap Ned drew the envelope from his pocket It had been cut open at the top He folded back tho flap If you get very anxious he read you neednt wait Dorothy he exclaimed kissing her rapturously If I had only known Men have no curiosity she sigh ed happily and no Imagination- They lose a lot of fun i NEWMARKET HARDWARE ST 1 A I You Can Gave Money Buying From Uo I I i Full Line- of Paints- Gils Glass Etc A ALUM Our White Goods Sale STARTS- Jan tO o SHEETINGS PILLOW COTTONS LAWNS LACES EMBROIDERIES ETC At Reduced Price Toronto Jobbing House J GET THE HABIT J OF USING OUR OIL RFC ORDER CARDS WE SELL A Wonderful Lamp AT We Sell the Best Pennsylvania American Oil that is shipped into Canada at 25c or in gal lots at or at headquarters at We Will Sell Water White Ohio American at Prime do do do the Best Canadian Oil Lloyd Prospect Ave near Timothy St PO Box NEWMARKET PHOTOS Call end see us for your text Photo We are certain you will be pleased with the results All work guaranty E ZURBRIGG Artistic Photographer Newmarket Opposite Post Office Finger spots and all grease and dirt can be removed from windows and mirrors by putting a few drops of ammonia on a piece of paper and rub bing To remove the odor ol fish or onions from pans wash in good suds then place pan inverted over flame of gas range or put in hot oven lor a feu- minutes To make squash pie without take 1J cups dry mealy squash 1 cup boiling milk cup sugar 1 cracker rolled fine teaspoonful each salt and cinnamon TILERS STRAINS TO MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN By Canadian Pacific direct Per with lirIcJc effects Special Trains will Torcnlo TUESDAY la MARCH at without should use ltarlr Tercets Cart COLONIST CARS ON TRAINS No for Birth a Low Colonist Rifles Only Through to licit to nearest for u4 free of Setters or CPR ATKINSON Agent A girl who is brought up to earn her own living never will Just set tle down to nothing She will un derstand the value of money having earned It and can give her husband wise counsel and sympathy in nil business difficulties She can entire charge of the money expended for house and do it in such a business like way that it will her husband infinite satisfaction She can earn a something for Iself perhaps and at least have the comfort of knowing that I whatever happens she will fall on her If her dies she will be able to do something toward the support of herself and children And we think a woman who has sense and intelligence enough to be selfsupport ing is always more respected by her and everyone Sidneys I no risk In baying GIN are sold on a positive guarantee the coxo ell Kidney Troubles and Sciatica Fain In Back etc If after taking boxes you can honestly eay Gin have not cured yon take the empty boxes to your dealer and he will refund the money That shows how certain wo are that Gin will euro box for Bent on receipt price your dealer cant supply you A CO LIMITED