J 1 J T mm 1 I Idle Hub AND COR- TO Whether your bread is good or bad the cost of baking is the same i You pay more for a few ceiffs I it Royal Household Flour but those few cents sure good results every time It is the finest whitest purest flour thats milled Its the flour that is always good near Mills Co VX A search among socio old papers by lady living In this vicinity revealed a number of old Ontario Hank Bills amounting to about They re presented some personal fully put years The bills were musty and millvvcd hut will he redeemable J Alfred f the Mills has bought large tim ber from Mr r Tortured by Rheumatism Will Give Rase U 1 FRUITATIVES Thcs Fruit Juice- Winning on Evry8ld Shop to Rent Enquire at Era Office New House for Sale or Rent Apply to Mrs The Cedars Newmarket For Sale Brick House rooms domestic and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket Two Building Lots For One on Main St and fronting on St Terms Apply to JACKSON Newmarket I Blacksmith Shop At Keswick for Sale or To Kent Bellows anvil etc Easy terms and Stable a quarter acre garden in connection with the hop Apply to RICHARD POLLOCK Keswick For Sale That Lot with Brick Building sta ble and premises thereon known as the Hotel A firstclass building for a store or other place Of business Apply to Mrs McQuillan on premises or to her so licitor Newmarket- You can make a shade for the gas Jet in a sick room by punching a hole the centre of a common pie tin and slipping the tin right side up over the Parents should be cautious about giving their children permission of the PublicSchool RICHMOND HILL- members of the Hill council and board of education called at home of L A few evenings ago and presented Mm with a congratulatory address a goldheaded cane in recognition of 30 years service as secretarytreasurer of board Richmond 1111 Hockey a large number of their friends admirers in the rink last ice was in fine condi tion and skating was indulged in till about oclock A detachment of the Newmarket Hand was present and gave a program of selections which delighted everybody and made the stating easy and enjoyable Bonnie Orange the homo of Mrs in England of the On- John Miller was the scene of a very pretty event on Wednesday March when her youngest daughter was united in wedlock to Mr P Harper East ceremony was performed by Rev Edwards of Mt Albert the presence of about fifty guests Miss Ada of Toronto niece the bride played the wedding march The bride who was given away by her brother Mr J Miller of and silk trimming She wore a gown of cream veiling witlf net and silk trimming She wore a bridal veil of net and wreath of orange blossoms The presents Were both numerous and costly in cluding a gold watch the gift of the groom After the cere mony the guests entered ihc tuning- room where the wedding breakfast was served The happy couple left on the four oclock train for Niagara Kalis and Buffalo the bride travelling in a suit of brown with hat and furs to match AURORA Mr James Brothers lias purchased Mr Albert farm of fifty acres on the second con of Whitchurch and will take possession in April The many friends of Mr Gra ham who met with an accident at the Agricultural Works here three or four weeks ago by falling down elevator shaft will be pleased to learn lie is recovering as rapidly as could be expected Several of our citizens have been confined to their homes this week with la grippe Among the number Mr M Thompson principal and Mr Lancaster Ont Sept I was a martyr for many years to complaint chronic Constipation I tried many kinds of pills and medicines without benefit and consulted physicians but nothing did me any real good Then I began to take and won derful Utile fruit tablets entirely cured me At first I took five tablets a day but now I take only one tablet every two day- I am now entirely well and thanks to Frultallye I give you permission to publish Mils Madame Bonneville Is only one more link In the chain of proof that never fail to cure Constipation or non action of the bowel- toe a box or for or trial box At dealers or sent on receipt price by Limited Ottawa gentleman forfeited per lb proceeds amounted to aboul School Reports The following is the report of iubllc school the month of February Some to absence a lower per centage than uaual Harry Hutchinson Fa wen Beatrice Hurst 7a Leslie Har per Joseph Andrews 50 Hurst Pear son Wells Jr lit Flossie Wade Helen Deacon Hi Jessie Si Joan Wolfs 71 Har per Wells JO Florence Ferguson Willie Lloyd Fred Hope Norman Lloyd Fred Tennyson Wilson Charlie I Walter Lloyd Jr Ada Wilson Lindsay Ferguson Lloyd Wells Har old Hutchinson Porter Wilson Wells Just at this season when the cold dry winter is giving way to a milder yet more humid season the germs of rheumatism sciatica and allied ail ments come upon their victims will renewed force As soon as you feel any deepseated pain in the joints back wrists or elsewhere place a liberal supply of on the fingers or on the palm the hand and rub it well in to the part affected The penetrat ing power of this is exceedingly great and once having reached the seat of the pain it re moves it speedily It also ends stiffness which is so unpleasant rubbings of the afflicted parts- with will not only drive out all pain reduce swelling etc but will Strengthen the skin and tissues- and enable them to resist cold and damp The following case will show how brings ease to tortured by rheumatism Mr P Wells of St Fort William says Follow ing my duties in attending to pass enger trahw often get wet through with rain and steam the latter in winter This with hours of duty in icehouses in summer was no doubt cause of my contracting rheuma tism in both knees left arm and shoulder This got so bad that I could no longer work and was laid oft on three different occasions for seven I weeks during which I was un der treatment of my doctor I seemed to get little if any better no matter what I tried and this was my state when was recom mended to me I laid in a supply and to my very great joy it be gan cure me nilbed it in well every night and when a few boxes been used found was free again from the pain and stiffness of rheu matism have bad more trouble from the disease and unhesitatingly recommend ZamHuk to all who suffer from rheumatism muscular stiffness f is also a sure cure for eczema ringworm ulcers abscesses piles bad leg suppurating wounds cuts bruises chapped hands cold cracks and all skin injuries an diseases All druggists and stores sell at per box or post free from Co Toronto upon re ceipt of price TOME OFF THE FENCE The home and the saloon are out I Theres bound to be a fight And are for the wrong And some are for the right And some are neither wet nor dry spite of common sense Hut try to find an easy seat A on the fence t f I v I rather be a A lizard or a snail Than wear a double face and sit A roostin on a rail Id rather join the whiskey side And take the consequence Than be a dummy with straw of the fence Id rather be a jelly fish The tide has washed ashore Than have to make apologies When all the wit Is oer Id rather take my chances now Than make a false pretence And bye and bye when truth has won Come sneaking oil the fence 80 GOD IS GOOD TO ME I lift my heart today in praise To Him who loves me so- Whose mercy all my days And makes my cup oerlow I have not loved Him as I should Yet pitiful is And God who naught but good Oh lie is good to me I thank Him for unclouded skies For love beyond my ken- That when my path in shadow lies The sunshine comes I thank Him for the hopes fulfilled For every answered plea That tho life was not all I willed My God is good to me 1 thank Him for the lifted load And for the doubts dispelled I thank Him for the gift bestowed And for the gift withheld In all the joys of time and sense In largess grand and free In sorrows pitying recompense My is good to me I go to meet another year With faith no doubt shall dim God reigneth and will not fear Hut trust my way with Him Then if that way be bright or dark Let peace unshaken be And let me like the soaring lark Sing God is good to me v DBADLY to POISON There la Bleed and if commences a enough a 1Mb which and ttdia wound is lanced In nine cue out of fen Ma to Qecesuy In order of Toronto flnKr I ecidenui blood nelwn I tried lot of of did th wae nicely nd ww A cot or eore fee treated at Healing and it peeped rear A you can gel best for SAMPLE FREE Bend with nd fcddrtca Cnrol Co Toronto who ttIII UleirtTV end all or open i POWER OF LOVE What the Old Man Says Jesus lived in constant sympathy those about Him He entered into their life As He walked among the incurables His soul was moved When He looked upon the multitude vho had waited on Him all the day He was moved with compassion When He mot the funeral company at the gate of His heart went out to the weeping mother He lived in took a leech out of a glass jar Let me show you something he said Bare your arm The cigarette fiend bared his pale arm and the other laid the lean black leech upon it The leech fell to work busily Its body began to swell Then all of a sudden a of shudder convulsed it and it fell to the floor dead That is what your blood did to that leech said the He took up the little corpse between iis finger and thumb Look at it he said Quite dead you see poisoned it I guess it wasnt a healthy leech In the first place said the smoker sullenly Wasnt healthy eh Well well try again And the physician clap ped two leeches on the young mans thin arm If thev both die said the patient Til swear at least Ill cut my daily allowance from thirty cigar ettes to ten Even as he spoke the smaller leech shivered and dropped on his knee dead a moment later larger one beside it This is ghastly said the young SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN LAND REGULATIONS who the cole head of or any male over vcaraold may borne- A of available Dominion land in Manitoba Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant mustappear in at the or Agency tor the district Entry by proxy may be made at any on certain conditions by father mother eon daughter brother or slater of Six residence upon and cultivation of the land In each of three rears A homesteader may live within nine miles of 1 homestead on at acres solely owned and occupied by or by father mother eon brother or sister in certain districts a homesteader in good tiilnj may preempt a alongside homestead Price per Duties Must reside six months in each of years from riate of homestead entry time required to earn patent and cultivate fifty acres extra A homes who baa exhausted bis home stead right and cannot obtain a preemption may take a purchased homestead In certain districts Price per acre Duties Must reside six months In each three years culti vate fifty aeres and erect a bouse worth couy Deputy Minister of the Interior Unauthorized publication of tblaad- will not be paid for man I am worse than the pesti- out of school Every day is a day lost to the school work illness the principals cannot make it up They will Public has been goon be and want to stop find fault with the teacher say she is partial etc when all the time parent is to blame tiw parent is to Owing to Mr Thompsons room at the closed this week assisting in cutting ice at Wilcox Lake two weeks ago a young man by name of Arthur caught cold He was taken to the General Hospital Toronto where it was he was suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia possible was done for WILL NOT RESIST THE PULLING Mm he died on Friday last The DOWN INFLUENCE OF A remains were brought here and in terred in Aurora Cemetery Banner the down separate by caste order Sampsons Strength KIDNEY ACHING HACK The first question a man asks when he sees a girl flirting is whether she is respectable or not it raises a I Clifford Lloyd Leslie tIie awa Hope afiord Albert in the pastime When 42 Harry Wilson George Hut- brushed from a peach its beauty is character beyond His outgoing Aubrey marred that it can never be Hence He could speak to men- hen a young girl throws He could speak to them in their own that sweet and modest heart language and His word was becoming to a maiden and with power Wells Lloyd Welle Port Weils Clifford J ooo-i- a rather cheap and common to usenojHis love will flow through us upon rash terms Flirting may seem to the lives immediately about- us If Before taking nauseous mddicmc nd girl won- 1 we uplift Christ within our heart such as COd liver OJl or i ii with a strong to these leeches It is the oil blood the medical man cigarette fiends have it in vour All rfd Aubrey Wade ax Her- so marred t ben stored and Present every dayArthur asid vair Hurst so School ooo Journal A PARENTS PLEA reserve so to a ana elevates her and enables her Love is the secret of power If we My little command the respect of all she are living in close and constant He goes Teacher Moses the great charm and becomes lowship with the Heavenly Friend He oil or anything amusing and she may get the He will he gloriously exalted without ie chew a piece of is fascinating but it is and draw others to Himself by His Mrs John on the Feb Monday evening Feb 22nd wit- Wilson died at her home line King on Sunday The strongest man or woman with a back constantly aching find a daily a struggle Its the same way with urinary troubles Booths Kidney Pills cure these ailments Newmarket people prove this state- jncssed another very successful At Home in the Market Hall Schom- The affair was held under the patronage of J J A Armstrong and J Wright Mr Geo who has been lemon peel and the disagreeable taste will not he noticed When short of laf corks to fit cat sup bottles cut cardboard to fit in side of bottle pour hot scaling wax quickly This excludes all air and catsup keeps perfectly A restless patient is made much more comfortable if the corners of the under sheet are carefully to the under side of the mattress with safety pins Draw the sheet tightly and pin it securely J Partridge of Prospect Ave Newmarket says There may be a more effective on the market for trouble that tt had than Booths Kidney Pills hut making his home at Mr John to hear of it I procured monds 11th line of King met with Booths Kidney Pills which I praise a painful accident On Saturday of so highly at the J It last week while carrying a sharp axe Store For months I have in his hand he slipped and fell i thy bad severe pains and distress in my blade and Inflicted an ugly gash A and there was much gas and doctor was called and put in nine fermentation of my foods The pains in the injured mans lug were more acute in the morning and The box social held under the me much annoyance I used spices of the ladies auxiliary of tlie Booths Kidney Pills for a short time Church of England mid they certainly did me worlds of j home of Mr and Mrs John good topping the stomach annoy- on Tuesday evening Feb was t and pain making me much better and healthier than prior to using Bold by dealers Price SO Cents Fort Ont Sole Canadian Do You Suffer from HEADACHE LOSS OF SLEEP TORPID LIVER BILIOUSNESS boy is eight years old to scftoo each day mind the tasks they They seem to him but play He heads his class at raffia work And also takes the lead At making dinky paper boats But I wish that he could read degrading thing and she allconstraining love working by us be frowned upon by every and in us- And if I be lifted up a most should be young lady who has an ambition to will draw all become worthy and charming young woman Fathers Here men unto me THE CHRISTIAN LIFE They teach him physiology And it chills our hearts To hear our prattling innocent Mix up his inward parts He also learns astronomy And names the stars nigh J PROMPTL SECURED the business of Manufacturer others who having their Patent business transacted Experts Preliminary advice federate Our Inventors Montreal and Washington Make Money Selling Peerless Fruit aad Ornamental trees shrubs etc dur ing the winter months We offer and profitable employment la your own district at good pay WE HAVE OVER COO ACRES of Choice nursery stock which you will sell direct to your customers No diseased or dried out American stock supplied Established over years Write now for particulars NURSERY CO Toronto Ont Wm was inaugurated President United States on Thursday of last week with civic play at Washington A A very successful Although tho night was wet a good crowd was in at- tendance An excellent program wast feature of was manner in which the boxes were disposed of All the were laid on a table each had a string at tached to it and the whole table was with the ends of strings projecting The gentlemen present a string and drew the box the owner of which was to be his partner for Upon discov ering his partner the gentleman pro- coeded with her to tje weigh scales Upon computing the ladys weight the will quickly remove the of these complaints and restore healthy to every organ You like a new person after taking a few doses of Pills They the system of Impurities Improve the digestion banish and Give Positive Relief In all cases of Biliousness Indigestion and Disordered vex The excellent results obtained by the of Pi lb proved them worthy of the confi dence they enjoy They have helped thousands and recommend themselves Sold In boxes cents Let me offer two or three practical Verv PtHlate suggestions to those who are seeking could Dont lock tho door my fathers true Christian life The first one The teach him things botanical here Never seek easy paths places tench Cried childish voice so sweet and Peace of conscience usefulness mv clear growth and the joy of victory law And it fell on my ear like a Christ- are never found there Never choose Thus sciences discoveries any path in which you cannot are cover the footprints of Christ and of They tell mo hes a clever boy all heroic men and women To such But I wish that he could add a man as Paul the roar of lions be came music to his ear they proved mas bell the dear old days that I loved so For it told of the trust in that heart That no danger feared and no sound could start For she knew she was safe though the night was drear With an open door because Fathers here I And why cannot we with that faith sublime Reaching far out oer the sea of time Arching our lives like the rainbow span Trust in our Fathers love to man Pressing still forward though blasts sweep by Onward and upward with steadfast eye Aiding each other with words of cheer Never despairing for Fathers here O A Womans Sympathy Are you discouraged Is your doctors bill a heavy financial load la your pain a heavy burden I know what these mean to delicate womenI have been discouraged too but learned how to euro myself I want to relieve your bur dens Why not end the pain and stop the doctors bill I can do this lor you and will if you will assist me All you need do Is to write for a box of the remedy which has been placed in my hands to bo given away- Perhaps this one box will cure you it has done so for others you will be to him that he was in the Kings highway of holiness Every victory you win makes A correspondent in Connecticut says In the issue of the Sunday Times for Oct I find the stronger The strength of thei of what power the Spirit flashed this thought into my mind that I must give up this habit if would be a Christian which I had determined by Gods help to be and for an in stant it stood like a dead wall be- and mi but then as I be lieve he spoke to me AH things whatsoever ye ask in faith believ ing And I did believe and I said to Him Thy will not mine be done and pitched toy tobacco out of the window and went on with my work and when I went home did the same with the store of tobacco there and Ive never had any craving for it since conquered foe enters into your own lS l And if any one will put 7 The vanquisher of Satans Uon ft becomes more lionhearted Faith same as a mere opinion is only a straw JShEF stran but faith exercised links you to any one should doubt it for is that duty For every fight He fur nishes the weapons His mastery of you will give you mastery of self and of sin Faith will fire the last shot and when the life battle ends you will stand among the crowned con querors in heaven Rev Cuy- EFFECT OF CIGARETTE SMOK ING the torments of hell trying to off this habit without any suc cess at all each successive effort on ly binding me more firmly in the promoter of health and of heart give imperceptible strokes to those delicate fibres of which the vital parts are composed You day smoke thirty cigarettes in a Yes on the average You dont blame them for your rundown condition Not In the least blame my to ho given away- will cure you It has If so I shall bo happy work SiSShid The physician shook his head Ho VCXed chains of habit So you can imagine wear out the machine RAOt a- 10 the fever in hours If you feel taking cold sjet a box your dealers send direct if your dealer does not Keep them COLEMAN MEDICINE CO TORONTO rajr ji St i On The P THE BO THE TOE THE HC THE THE PHONE C I More of th com Ices aria entire out j ii r ARCHIVES OF TORONTO