V sr v V y- v I ft A 1 J f f -V- J- fc I I I Br fe I it a f 7 r m I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL 4 J i Mouse to Rent rooms Mrs Rfglcr For Sale Marc heavy yrs ply J DAWSO To loan oh first mortage on Property at wit Apply at For Sale Heavy Colt rising year Heavy Colt rising years with litter Prices right and them For Sale TWO BRICK HOUSES on of Millar Ave ami Ave and other on Ave Owner to loronio to of away Enquire of KsUte and Insurance ay Real A Rent Old Boys Mr and Mrs 1VftW will bo in Saturday April till Vfd- lion o Roll of Honor Medals aid Certificate of Governor s Birth day April All Old Boys are Tiled Mr Ren der Home Street Toronto Tenders up or Tenders will he to Saturday April IS09 rNlrfnftltaK of St Mm Roman ir particulars apply Chairman The Town Utilities months of now gone by and in view of the report of the Fire Committee last Jan uary it is up to the Council to see that a reduction is made In our Elec tric Light bills The rate should now be watts instead of Alter a careful investigation Into tho water question are convinced that it is impossible to arrive at any adequate estimate of the quantity of water used per What arc you to do with barber shops the rink liveries laundries lawns etc The bylaw governing the use of watT requires revision at once A more equitable adjustment of rates be as follows For every place where water is used for drinking and domestic purposes only a charge of SI per year for each individual domiciled For houses where baths arc used a per year for each in dividual domiciled For houses where water closets ate used a charge of per year or each individual domiciled Every nlaec is provided with hose attachment for sprinkling lawns cleaning windows or sim ilar purposes as well as all kinds of manufacturing uses and build ing purposes shall provide with meters and pay for the water used at the rate Inc per gallons This is the only Satisfactory solu tion and would not bear unjustly on small families or who want pun water drinking purposes on ly The local press kept at the Electric question until a conclusion was reached and now they are after I he pro blem Oaf Soeiety PERGONAL POINTS Tlic Ladles Aid of Christian Church held a delightful tea at the residence Mrs J on Wednesday evening 0 resume pi I over ill not re Dr Webb will here next Monday Mr Eugene Barker Sunday in Toronto Mrs Allan Howard reive again this season Mrs P Pearson will not anv more I his season Mrs Lloyd Water Street will not receive again this season EDITORIflli the Succession Duty paid into Provincial Trea sury of Ontario last year came from estates of residents of re- York County and Toronto NEW RANGE PRINTS SEE THEM The Home of Quality SPRING MILLINERY OPENING FRIDAY SATURDAY leek I Mrs Keith will not receive on Tuesday next the of April Dr las of is visiting his niece Mrs Lothian Mrs Thomas and son of Maple Industrial Home are spending lew days in town Gum Swamp Mrs A St Will not receive Tuesday the- nth April 1st the I rand train leaving Montreal In the supplementary estimates of the Provincial Treasurer we find an Item of to purchase lands and erect buildings for the new Pro vincial but Yorks P P lias not yet announced whether it is to be located near the County or J MP J Miss Crake of Toronto was at IM5 aid Toronto at will guest of Mrs ludd Stephens on T vies- points on the at cents per mile I Davidson is visiting in Parkdale and Richmond House for Sale Twostoivy roomed House on Oak Street Newmarket Nearly new good condition cement founda tion collar and aero garden A bargain Tor particulars enquire of M HUGHES Real and Insurance Agent til An Absurd Farce Ladies arc cordially invited to call and inspect my stock of Artistic Millinery In rooms over Roches North Store Hughes Perrins Greenhouses Call and see the Flowers and order your Easter Lilies CARNATIONS DAFFODILS from us In we have some nice and Primulas just right tor table at LETT FOR ALL FUNERAL WEDDING Work given special attention at Rea sonable Prices We are Grow ers Greenhouses on St Newmarket Potatoes Wanted Any at Cedar Valley Store Canadian Northern Railway Station HENRY Cedar Valley P 0 Mortgage OF FARM IN EAST Under powers of sale contained in two certain mortgages which will be produced at time of sale will be offered for sale by Public Auction by Frank Duncan Auctioneer at- the Royal Hotel Newmarket on SATURDAY the 3rd day of APRIL at the hour of oclock p following freehold property vis The West Half of the East Half of lot No 12 and acres more or less of the East Half of lot No both In the 3rd Concession of said Town- ship of East containing In all acres more or less There is a good house on said farm also a good frame barn and stables me place Is -well- fenced The soil is a clay loam and is situated about a mile from Sharon Terms per cent cash on of sale and balance within 10 days there after For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to Executors Solicitor Newmarket Dated 17th Mar The Sudbury Daily Northern is not spcciallwadmiriug the policy tin- Provincial Government in regard to the North Country It says Another session of the Ontario Leg islature is reaching its inglorious end without anything of a substantial character having been for the North Requests and deputations have simply been turned down this year with a little more arrogant pomposity than usual The deputa tion from Sudbury for instance which went down to try and induce too ministry to either assist C to build in from to or extend the O from Sudbury north were not even asked to sit down They were simp ly herded into reception room and allowed to stand around the wall with their caps in their hands like a lot of Siberian while the Little Father sat in his easy chair and rasped out a few remarks at them that had about as much real bearing upon the particular thing they were asking for as they upon the- price of vodka The whole but an absurd farce The Great White Czar of this Province and his cabinet asked a few questions which meant nothing looked as wise as they were capable of doing and finally dismissed the perspiring bunch of suppliants from the land of the stunted poplar with a somewhat facetious intimation that they were always welcome day Mrs friends Hill Mrs Richardson Prospect avenue will not receive again this season Mrs A and Mrs It Marshall will not receive again this season Roth local editors attended the Canadian Press Meeting in Toronto last week Mrs Toronto was the guest of Mrs Geo for a couple of weeks Mr of was a visitor at the Bowery on Wednesday flight Mr J Hughe Town Clerk is spending this week in mining region if Mrs A Stouner gave a thimble lea last Friday afternoon to num ber of lady friends Mr J Jackson attended the Meeting of Ihe Ontario Association on Wednesday Mrs Taylor spent over Sunday with her uncle Jackson on her way to Miss Florence Thomas lias none to the City to spend at the home of her uncle Mr Geo Shields Mrs Thomas and daughter went to Toronto on Tuesday morning former to attend a thus bringing into practical effect recent decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council The member for Mast York can take a large share of the credit of this re duced rate Fancies Lightly- Turn to Thoughtsof figures from the North west show that in grain production Manitoba has to give preeminence to Saskatchewan In the latter Province produced 195500000 bushels of wheat oats barley and from less than acres It is also estimated in there will he an increase 20 per cent in the acre age under cultivation as compared with last year no doubt with increase A lure Mr Toronto member of the Vermont Legisla tes introduced a bill lo punish newspaper correspondent fakers and protect publishers This bill makes the giving of false news lo a news paper with intent to deceive pun ishable by fine ranging from to Commenting on this proposed legislation the Boston Transcript remarks We hope that the Vermont lawmakers will lose no time in making the hill a statute Its enactments will fill a long felt want of Vermont editors and blaze the to relieve those of other Stales of week Ontario Legislature Mr lias a bill to amend the Assessment Act which means pipes poles wires etc on town lines shall be assessed at onehalt value in each municipality on town line boundaries Hon Mr Duff has introduced a bill to amend the Act respecting Agricul tural It gives power up on the recommendation of the of Societies to the Minister of Agriculture to authorize the election of sir directors in to the nine now already provided for It also declares Warren and East Mid dlesex Ag Societies to be regularly constituted associations and entitled to share in grants A new form of oath is prescribeifi for treasurers of Ag Societies in making annual re turns defining what is intended as for agricultural purposes Mr Lennox has introduced a bill to amend the Ontario Companies Act Sec enacts that the head office of every mining company shaH be locat ed in Ontario and Sec 2 that where head offices are now located out of this Province the same shall be removed within the Province within six months on pain of corporation forfeiture Mr has a bill respecting un used burying grounds After inter ments cease to be made for twenty years this bill provides for removal of remains of bodies and the sale of the land proceeds of sale to be used in removing oodles etc Balance to go to Church Wardens Trustees etc as the case may be dies and the latter to spend with her uncle Mr los and wife who have been in Chicago all winter spent Monday With Mr and Mrs Al fred McCarty They left next day to visit a son at Mrs C E Cane gave a violet tea last Saturday afternoon to a number of young ladies in honor of Miss Olive Thompson of Toronto who spent ten days or so with Miss Kitsio Cane Miss Lena Moody entertained some of the girls in the Box Factory on Monday evening at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Moody They were accompanied by gentlemen A number of Newmarket people at tended the funeral of the late Jacob Walton in Aurora last Monday in cluding Hon J Davis Mr J Cane Mr David Lloyd Mrs C Cane Mrs Ed Lloyd and others Rev Thomas is represent ing the Presbyterian church at the Missionary Congress Toronto this week Rev T Hon J Dans and Mr John are re presenting the Methodist church Mr Armstrong Ottawa Controller of Railway Mail Service celebrated his birthday on Wed nesday He was born at Lloyd town in the county of York in Mr Armstrong lias a host of friends who will join in wislting him loig life and happiness Mr Herbert Lewis of New York City writes enclose to cov er renewal anotljer year I am al ways glad to receive the Era It is like a letter from home and is now the only medium whereby I am able to keep posted on current events in Newmarket and North York where I spent the first twenty years of my life Rev Cornell Mrs Cornell and Mr Ward Cornell attended the funer al of Mrs Cornells brother in To ronto on Friday last The name of deceased was Mr Phillip Ward His homo was in Kingston where the re mains taken for burial He came to Toronto last July and was taken sick and never recovered suffi ciently to stand the journey home alive Mr Jos Cody was in last week and found that the Collegiate Institute there had the same difficul ty with the Education Department as the Board is experiencing here regard ing the expenditure for drawing mo dels etc the High School Al though all models are procured that are necessary for the examina tions the requires a cer tain sum expended before he will give the school qualified standing Rev Dean Morris of St Cath arines dropped off here on Thursday evening of last week on his way home from Co where ho attended a Silver Jubilee and called on a number of his old friends Fa ther Smith of St Catharines who accompanied him was also a Father Whitney during their stay in Town Superintendent Wilson of tho York Radial Railway when asked if any thing was being done towards obtain ing entrance to the City replied think that the York Radial would iu cars into the City if Council would give us a separate street from any used by the Toronto Railway Co Wo cannot run our tracks on the same stneets as the City cars on as our tracks are of the steam rail way standard Besides one of Our cars could not pass a city car without knocking it off the track Wo handle steam railway cars on our line Last year we moverf of their steam cars Commenting on the action of Pre mier Whitney which resulted in kill ing Mr Downeys bill providing for compulsory notification of disease the World has this to say Sir James will need another years refaction on the subject Dur ing that year people will die of- consumption in Ontario Sir James took the view that nature was su premo and would go on just the same If they did not die of consumption they would die of something else Tho weight of argument was entirely with Mr Downey The weight of au thority however is with Premier Whitney So the bill was killed CRADLE WASLEY At Oat on March to Mr and Mrs a son JARVIS Jn Newmarket on March 26 to Mr and Mrs George Jams a son THE ALTAR McLEOD SMITH At the Methodist parsonage Owen Sound by the Rev J Morris on Wed Mar 24 Eva Maude eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Smith of Zephyr to Mr Fled McLeod of Owen Sound BISHOPFULLER At the Metho dist parsonage Bolton on March by Rev Mr Albert Bishop Albion to Miss Delia daughter of Mr J Fuller of King THE LEADING I Undertaking House Yon can toot Cheap For UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY to at John Millard IT and It OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at this Office There is no season of the year that a lady likes to don her BEST as this Joyous Season NEW NEW HATS NEW SHOES NEW GLOVES are the order of the day Have you made your selections for your attire yet If not may we suggest a visit to this store for your Easter shopping Our stock of DRESS GOODS GLOVES HOSIERY CORSETS and LADIES SHOES is MOST COMPLETE J A I WE HONESTLY BELIEVE that PERRINS DOLLAR GLOVE is the best made most perfect fitting and most durable Glove sold in Canada BLACK and any Shade you want sizes to Ask to see PERRINS DOL LAR GLOVE Every Pair Guaranteed This Week I Do Boxed Frilling 5 Frills to Box in 5 widths worth a Frill ON SALE at box A CLEANUP IN CORSETS all our odd lines that sold at in sizes to reduced to I PI i VICTORIA LAWNS YARD This is the biggest snap we have ever offered in Lawns in wide good cloth worth yd On Sale yd DRESS GOODS 39cg YARD A line of the Burton Dress Goods bought at a price Regular yd On Sale at yard K3E3 St Keep your youthful figure by wearing the right corset We have a complete stock of A LA GRACE and TON CORSETS and are prepared to assist you making the beat selection for your figure THE TOMB TEEFY At Richmond Hill on Mar 30 Betsy wife of Matthew Esq in the 86th year of her age in pace I WRIGHT On March at her re sidence OBrien Ave StouQviile Mrs Li Wright in her- year MILLS At the residence of his bro therinlaw Mr Richard son Dovercourt Road Toron to on Sunday March 21 James Mills aged years Interment took place at Schomberg At North Dakota on March of apoplexy Thomas late of King Township Funeral on March at King City Cemetery At Richmond Hill on Mar Jacob in his year Interred at Hill Cemetery on March ROSE In Newmarket on March William Karl son of Mr Wm Rose aged 3 mos DOUGHTY In Corona Y on Sunday March 28th Eliza beth daughter of Dr and Mrs I L Doughty and granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Asa Phillips aged year months TERRY At Queensville on March 1909 Mrs Stephen Terry aged yrs mos days Funeral at 2 pm on Friday from the residence of her son Mr J J Terry IN TOMLINSONIn loving memory of our dear Ruby beloved wife of Frank Tomlinson Baldwin at rest March 30th Sad and- sudden was the call Of Ruby- so dearly loved by all Her memory still is ever dear For oft is shed the silent tear Time cannot alter love so deep and true One year brings back our grief anew MOTHER SISTER BROTHER We have a great variety of Fruits in Fresh Dried or Canned Our Canned Fruits are ail canned at home and every jar guaranteed The season for Marmalade Oranges will soon be over Better Buy Now In foreign and Native Grown Tomatoes Celery Cabbage Onions and Carrots S J ROADHOUSB Undertaking main All AtteattM r We have Fresh Smoked and Salt Fish To clear out our stock of salt fish we will sell them from 7c to 9c per lb Ronnies Seeds just arrived 2 for Bread fresh every day 5c Photo I MI TO Lumber Lath Shingles Cement Building Material We the Goods at Right Prices WE SILL GOAL MINED Phono W H EVES Social The Willi on of Supper Program Easter At A specie of in- to lug whid ByLi Schedule vised and changes a A For you Sold only Local On met at tt viewing commit tc all tion for and to a Of The an the Dei holders ficatca final July AppHcat Deputy May 1st of Comph The House store se during Friend The ally terest vice by people Next toe Me pulpit Mr Co come I thought Mures Abes Prcsb As l church down week port Bath Mens 35 51 Bull At held ago Build l end build cony a Br mat I and the Tho Com Imp for the of Is ARCHIVES OF TORONTO