tf I J L r I J I f THE NEWMABKET FRIDAY APRIL i Smith DENTIST fr Graduate Toronto College A bt If Si Four Albert Albert I For Sale I good brick houses in Mount For further Information JONES Mount Albert MANAGER r j of visit lo his pa- Lost Between Mount Albert and on March lGtlt the sum of J3500 in bills two teas and one five Kinder will be suitably rewarded on leaving same at the Printing Mount Albert inery AT TH RELIABLE STORE On Tuesday and Wednesday April and 7Ui there will the greatest display of Fine Spring Millinery ever soon in a country store Miss While is again in and her name is sufficient guaran tee of Style and Quality to those who know her work The public arc cordially Other in the store are sold at closer prices than ever GALL AND SEE- COL PERSONAL Terry Quo is in town on a rents Mr Win of the Toronto was in town on Monday on a visit to his parents Messrs and Win Arnold who have been spending the winter in town and vicinity returned to the North West last week Dr spent the week end at his old home in Bramp ton THOMPSONS CORNERS I WOMENS INSTITUTE The regular monthly meeting of the Mount Albert branch of the North York Womens Institute be held at the residence Mrs J Row land on Thursday April 8th Pa pers jbearing on interesting subjects will read and discussed including demonstration Decorating a lied room by Mrs Rowland and Miss All ladies are cordially in vito In attend these meetings which cannot prove otherwise than interest ing and instructive The Sabbath school is progressing favorably as usual The report for the quarter was Teachers present every Sunday Average attendance for quarter Total number of verses by the different classes I wonder if the trapper who goes out on Sunday to examine his traps secured any game Mrs John Dunn left last Friday for the City she and her son House at store and great fa vorite with our young people has to her home in Mrs B lias vis iting In Baldwin for few days A blacksmith and also a wood worker- were here on Sat trying to secure old Terry property and op en up business here Mr Archie Pollock intends leaving here on Wednesday for T Mr Ernes has moved in his new i3RlEFLETS will be Church of England service in the Lodge Room on Sun day next at am Smith dentist will be in Sut ton on Monday next and in Mount Albert on Tuesday Inst See his card in another column- I lis many friends in this vicinity will be pleased to learn that the doctor has sufficiently recovered from his long illness as to he able to re sume his practice Owing to Illness in her family Mrs was unable to fulfil her en- John intend to run their new farm Mr Geo Thompson accompanied them and intends staying for the summer They will be greatly miss ed by all the people in Ibis commu nity Grandma Smith has been on the sick list for the past two weeks She lias lived to tie ripe oil age of nine tytwo and we hope she will soon re cover Who is the lucky young gentleman who received such lovely birthday cards It seems lo make him wear ft smile Miss Mary Hay ward intends coming home from Toronto in about two weeks Everybody will be glad to see her back again as she is a great favorite Mrs J intends to return to the city week aftci about three and friends in the community PUSSY o o Do not fail to read Coles ad in this issue A ALU WIN BREEZES Father Bill Crittenden of was back around his old friends here last week on business in connection with his property here We were pleased to see he is enjoying Mueko- kas healthy atmosphere and he gives us assurance that V he will in due course of time be a resident amongst us again lie and his esti mable partner have hosts ol friends here Your humble servant amongst the number Mrs Crittenden otherwise I lovingly known as Aunt Margaret celebrated Iter seventyfourth natal comin name to foe land of Maple Leal and genuine freedom Thomas thus Market is flourishing Yes like Ls hopes for reelection in 1912 Like the lofty pine blasted by the lightnings stroke April will have an abundance yes a superabundance of showers It promises to fee wet wet wet Considerable changes of Property going on just now Particulars lat er Some of our rural correspondents need a pin stuck into them to arouse them from their lethargy Is the Egypt spinster scribe dreaming and what about sure a man Oh ho ho In In loving memory of Ruby beloved wife of Frank Torrriison Baldwin who entered into rest March Deceased was beloved by all was a model for our rising young women Deeply af fectionate in disposition and as near perfection as humanity ever good qualities are held in sacred remembrance We trust some sweet day by aitf by On the far off golden shore To meet again the loved one Where parting is no more Vie hate decided give you chance to buy at Prices should interest you and quote you the following for week If you it is Good Value you will go and no doubt fare worse Syrup Home Made 30c per Imperial Jars extra Canned Peas No Quality cans for Canned Corn No Quality cans for Canned Tomatoes No Quality cans for Our Special Tea Black fit Green per lb regular for Mens Heavy Rubbers regular for J140 Mens Low regular fox Mens Heavy Cloth Caps regular for Mens Heavy Cloth Caps with Pur Flaps reg for 50c Mens Felt Slippers regular for Mens Underwear regular for for 50c for 50 for Floor Matting regular for 30c 25c for Soap Chips lbs for 25c 20 discount on any Mitts or Gloves in the Store We invite you to compare the Quality and Price of our Floor Oilcloth with that found any other place It interest you We are agents for Plymouth Twine We sell Return Railway Tickets to any point Metropolitan GIVE US A CALL SMITH The Leading Merchant TTTn on Saturday This wiU let distant relatives and months with her parents I know that she is reasonably well and affectionate as ever Wednesday Miss Mabel Crit tenden celebrates her seventeenth birthday by a party to her young DOMINION K 1 friends Tom Thumb isnt included Rev Messrs J in the invitations Mabel is making and Hill are In To- sail preparations and ronto attending tlic Laymens Mis- aided She makes the birthday cake Congress land extra She is a 000 Many were disappoint- had his annual implements on i PRACTICAL EDUCATION gives you an uplift You can beat get it at our large upto date school Central Business College Toronto Write SHAW in the Presbyterian church last Sunday Mr J of Tuesday Prices on our market are showing an upward tendency Prices on Tuesday were I butter eggs Edwards is able to be out again after being confined to his use with a severe attack of la smart little woman When dolls of do- were 1 The Bible Class of the church are holding a banquet in the other girls were playing with basement on Tuesday evening April she was studying the mysteries when they expect to have a most meslie duties pleasant time each member having The Smart set last week the privilege of inviting a friend running the rig on the Owl rcsfyect The meeting in the interests of ojing a certain little hay speculation option on Tuesday evening Mar We bore their jokes with meek re- was fairly well attended Rev j meek as Moses and patient talk on Temperance as Job We quietly bided our time and Moral Reform was very good and Retribution came swiftly as you will anxious that discover in a twinkle the eminent HOLT Mr Kay has purchased driver from Mr W has an eye for the fast ones CAPITAL RESERVE 530000000 TOTAL ASSETS ASSETS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Branches and agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current rates of interest allowed MOUNT ALBERT J TORRANCE Manager a fine Bert It on the his the community seems the Local Option ByLaw should be Mortgage Sale of a IN EAST Under of sale contained in a mortgage will be produced at time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Royal Hotel Newmarket on SATURDAY the 3rd day of APRIL at oclock p by Frank Duncan- Auctioneer the following freehold land viz The SouthWest J of lot 27 in the concession of the Township of East containing acres more or less There is a cement block house on the said farm The soil is a sandy loam and it is most all cleared and workable It is particularly good for pasture Terms per cent on day oi sale and the balance in days thereafter or onehalf may remain on mort gage with interest at per cent per annum For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to W C Vendors Sol Newmarket Dated Mar 3w9 house grippe Mr Terry was able to report for duty at the Bank on Wednesday after being confined to his home for a week with neuralgia The Ep worth League of the Metho dist church will hold a novel enter- iainment in the church on Monlay evening It will be a National So cial and will be given entirely by the young lalies of the League Mr little boy Har old was taken ill with diphtheria on Tuesday and the house placed under quarantine by the board of health Miss Irvine is the new milliner McDonald Sloans Neat folders have been issued announcing the spring opening on April Those who have been oblige1 to re main at home on account of the re cent smallpox scane are glad to be out of quarantine Mrs Kaiser and Master of Sutton spent Sunday in the vil lage Mrs Link lias returned home alter spending some days in Toronto with her daughter Mrs A Doane Mr Halbert will take Mr Wil sons work Sunday commences writing on American philosopher and scientist when a youth was given a handful of coin by a friend He immediately wended his way down town gazing at the shop windows lie spied a tin whistle He immediately offered all his money for it and on reaching his home filled the house with melody On learning what he had given for it I he was tod He had given too much for his whistle The application of considered the best stepper line Mr Harvey has sold black driver to Mr Craig Mr and Mrs Norman Kay spent Sunday at Mr Thos Mr Willmott Thompson has hired for the summer to Mr Thos Blizzard of Newmarket Mrs Thos returned home after spending a week with friends at Keswick Mr Richard Rye is moving into Mr John Mains house of our young lads had better away from ttie sugar bush on Sunday or they will get into trouble Some ELM GROVE We the Largest Stock of Leather and Rubber Footwear of any Store in the country and sell all lines at least 15 per cent cheaper than other Stores sell them week this story you will soon discover as the latter el youre not clever his Are ye sick Ye poor and needy Weak and wounded sick and sore Mr Crittenden has returned to his home in after spending a couple of weeks with friends here A most interesting meeting of the Come to Baldwin visited Womens Institute was held at the I Mere is medicine galore- friends in Kim Grove last week home of Mrs on Wednesday balm for every ill without money- Miss Jessie Thompson was a guest ternoon Mrs ideas on J without price free as the air we of Mrs W Merchant of Sutton over ways of preparing Potatoes 1 breathe Many of our most promi- the bachelors hall were splendid and Mrs Milnes an- citizens have laid in an Sorrv to hear Mrs to the questions asked were i EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta APRIL HAY JUNE JULY AUG 10 SEPT SI Oct trio to LOW ROUNDTRIP RATES TOURIST SLEEPING CARS CoafcuUc equipped it can be it Earl Application be made ASK FOR PAMPHLET PR A cant AtiTofio DIRECT LIME at 4 uri to ia CHANGE OF CARS ATKINSON Agent Newmarket A bill by the Minister Iducatiou covering pages anil embracing is now going through the House IT Shllohs Cure will ilwiiv a cure my coughs and colds PICKUP Mr 1 Rowland paid a business visit the city on Thursday last Mr A of Union Street visited at Mr French over Sun day Mr Thos Moore of was a at Mr Vandewaters on Saturday last Miss A French of Main St spent a few days in Toronto this week Thos Allison of Keswick was in town over Sunday Mrs Sloan and spent a few days in the city last week Mr Paisley has taken the posi tion of clerk at J I Rowland Mr Rosamond has returned to his home in the North West alter an extended visit among friends in the vicinity Mrs paid a visit to city on Monday We are pleased to see Mr Terry renewing old acquaintances in town Mr P Mills of King has engaged for the summer with Mrs J Miss Dougherty of and Miss Vandewater of King St spent Friday afternoon and evening with Mrs Hunter of Centre St with pleasure that Master Forrest Ross is on the rapid road to recovery after his late illness Owing to the illness of Rev Thos Edwards Mr J Hopkins took tre service in the Methodist church here on Sunday morning Mr Love in the evening Mr Edwards is able to be about Miss Nellie Shields of King St had a number of her little friends in on her birthday on Friday last Miss Irwin milliner for Messrs McDonald Sloan will have her opening on Tuesday next A fine dis play is promised Tho young ladies of the Methodist church are giving a National Concert on Monday evening Extra Correspondent most satisfactory continue to grow in These meetings number and Program for the League April mous slock The Great Concert and Medicine Co have been there Veni vidi vici they came they saw they conquered Some months ago was turned topsyturvy by this concern hut the insides have all been torn out of our burg Some of our most astute and long headed dads bit as viciously as a hungry lunge grasps at the gilded know all about Modern has been confined to the house with You Consecration Meeting Life les sons from Proverbs Prov Reader Willie Hill Speaker Miss Emma Literary Meeting Risen with trawling Laii Christ Col id ReaderMiss Shanks lhe a big grab game SpeakerMr Wilson Meeting Why we ob- young lady contests serve the Lords the audience ihe Acts 207 I Cor Rev Reader Mr Thos Speaker Miss Mary Missionary Meeting French ami Missions Reader Miss Lewis Speaker Mr A Smith razlcdazzlcd can read human nature and sized them up fat One of our town fathers laid in a Grippe Quite a large number from here at tended the ball given by the bachelors of Sutton and report a splendid time Miss spent Sunday with the Misses Ella and Myrtle of We are glad to hear little Miss Thompson daughter of Mr Thompson is recovering after a se ver attack of bronchitis RED WING stock free Oh He Joyful to corrupt and independent electorate Miss J Guerre oots of All We carry large stock of English Kip Leather for Men Roys and Youths OUR FINE SHOES are made by the Best Manufacturers ia Canada We sell Fine Shoes fully per ceot cheaper than others do DONT BE DECEIVED COME AND YOU WILL GET VALUE We buy Potatoes Apples Honey Bees Wax Wool Hides Skins Raw Furs etc for- which we pay Highest Cash Prices WOLF son over them as a stepmother eldest entered a vigorous- protest to that time said he had intentions of matrimony denied emphatically thai he had The that promised to make her his Up wife but failed to make his pledge good Though toe lovemaking tended over two years never ever presented Miss Herbison with an en- made a proposal He communicated ring which was made a to the plaintiff the objections of his strong point of by the defence children for his own and their Chief Justice was out- happiness decided that he never could J spoken in bis charge against the de- be nothing more than a friend to Miss fendant and submitted a series of After that his visits to I questions for the jury to answer became five hours deliberation a verdict of SI for the plaintiff was return ed the Merchant intend takii a KESWICK Mr wears a smile that wont come off The cause is a new daugh ter J has been out of school for a week laid up with quinsy The Met car is running nearer schedule time this week The Baldwin Several who sampled it broadly and smacked their lips So its said It must abeen good The tawdry prizes gave great tude for the to literally scoop in money Some big bugs bio wed in thirty twelve sis four etc It is said the Hermit j contributed his mite and dropped pile nickels in the slot yea even so much as live dollah A great deal of so grapes are being eaten now and Im sorry to know old friends are now at to swords point Jim and ran a close and hotly contested race for Mr last week yarner Jim Mr Perry Graves was visiting at champion for Robert a cake of soap at biz the polite term secured the prize Theyre ex- Such was the show music inter- it Ottawa March post in- is now up at to open post ofce there this week and to close the one at South CEDAR spending the winter at Seat tle Wash Mrs Mary L re turned here week It you know a good thing tell your neighbor about it It will help him about his work and it surely can J not do you any harm goodness soon turns sour and spoils We welcome Mr and Mrs Glover to our village They Mr Halites house which has dished up with execrable been vacant for a year Mr Carman has had a very Rumor says the poker and euchre serious time lately having had in- club have awfully pleasant times flammation of the eyes the club rooms in the little Several farmers are taking The po voting lady where of the fine by getting is she Cards are the devils play their wood sawn with the buzz saw things Awfully late hours kept Mr Lloyd Pofloek left for the west there Pull down the blinds last week Re the popular young ladies con- The missionary meeting last Friday test Most popular young lady does night gave the people an insight in- not necessarily imply the greatest the work on the mission fields It Some years ago in a ni ls not very often that the have ral village riot so very far distant a chance of hearing real missionaries two blaze swamp angels were ri- from here attended the in such a contest A certain and Miss Eva in the concert Sutton West on Wednesday evening Mr J J has traded his horse and has got a No A I with a white face Mrs R Traviss and Miss Eve lyn Traviss from Zephyr were call ing on their friends here last week Mr P Crittenden had Hell last week ami got a of wood cut Mr P Smith started to work on his summers home The Dolittle and Co are very busy cutting out their stock A bull terrier in church on Sunday night caused a great deal of excite ment Mr Leslie has got promot ed from to The church at H on Sunday was well attended The Y P had a pretty big turn out last week OOQ and far between Finally he married in January last a girl of the neighborhood The action for damages to the amount of was then commenced j Life is too by Miss Herbison who maintained push on throughout a severe cross examination short to a To dwell on fail- new success La- JOHNSTON face at Roachs Point on Tuesday of men went half crazy over the twecn Archie and Lady Keswick affair squandering their money and The of T intend having a illustrated magic lantern views given by Mr A Coombs arid Rev T of Newmarket Ten Nights in a Bar- Room and Canada Friday April is date Miss Lottie Riddel our genial clerk- borrowing all they could lay hold of The showman raked fortune and left his poor dupes almost penniless Re spectable young women should shun these humbugs as they would a viper Dakota blizzards waft us a news titbit Mr Ed has sold out his Dakota farm And are ye Awarded 1250 Ont March When the jury in the breach of promise suit brought by Miss Grace of lunetown against Charles merchant of retired late this afternoon to consider their ver dict they carried off the bundle of love letters numbering seventyfive exchanged by the parties during their courtship of two years The letters had an important bearing on the case Not a singleone contained any direct reference to a marriage contract but the inference might be drawn that both Miss and Qui no were in love with each other i The hitch occurred when who is a widower consulted his two daughters about placing Over 50 Pieces ol New Spring Suitings just to hand in Ven etians Satin Cloths San Toys Panamas Prunellas and Serges Tho New Prunella Suiting is just out this Spring and is especially adaptable for Ladies Fine Costumes These beautiful goods come all the fashionable shades price Self Stripe and we have it in in Plain Colors and in a yard A Splendid Variety of Satin Cloths 50c yard in Panamas guaranteed All Wool yd for VENETIANS A Bargain in this Splendid Fabric Our regular goods every wanted shade Very Special for one month yard SAN TOYS Same exactly as is sold In City stores at a yard Our Special Bargain on this Beautiful Fabric yard MEW WASH A Over Pieces just to hand of New Wash Suitings including Plain and Striped Repps Crepe Cloths Linen Suitings Suitings Fine Ginghams Zephyrs and Chambrays are show ing an Endless Variety of the Very Latest Stripes in these Hand some Goods as well as the Plain Dont forget that we art Headquarters for any quantity of Tim othy Alsike Alfalfa and Clover also any other kind Field or Garden Seed PaperiKw Fresh Seed Guaranteed Full Weight for Johnstons Cash Store Sutton J 1 A 7 t I J A 1 1 i ARCHIVES Of TflRHNTO