i i THE NEWMARKET ERA- FRIDAY APRIL I I CHINA Weeks lioeal Hems ill on in A i Mrohit HALL April Music Lessons Until after Easter week My time will be given to piano tuning Send in your orders early A Short fours Good Friday being a holiday the Post Office will be at a Those having lock boxes will have access to them from am but tho general delivery will bo open on ly from to am The Leading Grocery Spring is almost with us Garden ing will soon bo in then you will want Get the Best to be suro of good gults Wo had good success last sea- eon with our Seeds and look for doubling our Sales this year You lave your choice BULK or PACK AGE from such reliable Seed mer chants as Steele J A Sim mers and W Ferry Your our interests We want your trade and rely on quality of our Seeds for it Grocery EVAPORATED PEACHES Fine Quality 10c lb EVAPORATED APPLES Choice Quality lb EVAPORATED APRICOTS Very Fine 15c lb COMB HONEY and a Section VALENCIA RAISINS Only a few Boxes at Box Local Option Meeting A meeting will be hold in he Tem perance Hall Newmarket on Friday evening April commencing at oclock to which all persons in fa vor of adopting Local Option in Newmarket are cordially invited Steps will be taken to organize for the coming campaign Easier Monday is a bank holiday The Primary School was closed on Tuesday morning on account of scar let fever developing in two children in the one family but one being in each Division Leave your order for Hot Cross Buns at Simpsons Bakery Judging by the rush for Spring mil linery there will be a profuse bloom on Easier Sunday Era till Christmas to new subscribers China Sensible Act On Tuesday under the direction of the Fire Light Committee a change was made at the Water Works which Will effect a saving of about gallons of domestic water every hours Instead of using the domes tic water for producing steam in the boilers the water for tliat purpose is now being taken from the pond This should improve the situation mate rially ONE OF HUNTER BROS LTD UNSHRINKABLE SHOWERPROOF COATS Regular meeting Monday evening All members present except Council lors Cane and Schmidt Following bills passed Mrs A Nelson charity 5 Win Gray snow cleaning etc Eves charity Can Oil Co engine oil 1645 Stringer shovelling coal 100 Jas Robertson Co pipe York Radial on pipe Packard Electric Co meters Can Express Co United Factories pulleys Pittsburg Coal Co car coal York Radial on same A Yule duty on same 1309 5270 no 2101 I AGENTS FOR CENTURY CLOTHING AND DRESS GOODS NORTH YORK Adjourned Scslons The annual meeting of the Justices of the Peace for the County of York including Toronto will take place deputation from the Town Band Win Stringer unloading same 380 Pittsburg Coal Co car coal York Radial on same A duty on same Stringer unloading same 277 Account of A re ferred to P J Anderson to be paid if found correct Application of Wm for water granted Applications of Mrs J Will son T W and Moore for electric light granted Communication read from Co En gineer regarding Reservoir and bill for services referred to Fire Light Com Demands Something New to Wear Were Ready to Supply Your Needs Weve never before had such big stocks for you to choose from never such Perfect Assortments and you have never been offered better Values NEW SPRING SUITS OVERCOATS CENTURY CLOTHING The demand for this Brand Clothing this Spring has been unpre cedented in the five or six we have been the agents proving that Quality will tell and that our customers recognize that they every pennys worth of value and style that they pay for These cuts show one each of the New Style Overcoats Suite in the New Court House Toronto at oclock pm on the for the purpose of receiving the annual report of the High Constable revis ing the roll of County Constables and for such other matters as may be in troduced Can wo sell you a DINNER SET or TOILET SET if we give you a Bargain Come and see what we to offer Ad ffl Leading Reliable Phone Fill Ladies are cordially invited to call and inspect my stock of Artistic Millinery In rooms over Roches North Mrs C M Hughes PHOTOS Call and nee ua for your next Photo We are certain you will be pleased with the results All work guaranteed Artistic Photographer Newmarket Opposite Post Office Greenhouses Call and Easter see the Flowers and order your Lilies CARNATIONS DAFFODILS I from ua In pots we have some alee and Primulas lust right Cor table LETTUCE FOR ALL FUNERAL WEDDING Work given special attention at Rea sonable Prices We are Grow ers Greenhouses on St iPhone Industrial Home The Commissioners met at the Home last Friday and passed ac counts amounting to alwut which sum includes the quarterly sal aries of all officials Tenders were opened for the yearly supplies and contracts wore as follows Dry Goods Messrs Mar tin Co Groceries Mr Aurora Bread Mr T Simpson Newmarket The contract for meat was not awarded Womens Institute The monthly meeting of the New market Womens Institute was held the home of Mrs Cane on Sat urday April 3rd The weather mil itated against the attendance Mrs C Lewis gave a splendid paper on What dishes to prepare when the ap petite requires coaxing giving many good ideas Owing to illness the pa per on Sunday Dinners and Hospi tality was not given but instead a paper on Scarlet Fever with many good suggestions in it Mrs A E Starr read the paper All enjoyed a meeting St Pauls Church Sunday next being Easter Day There will be two celebrations of the Holy Communion at and 11 a and all communicants of this parish are reminded that Easter is a lime of obligation when all who have been confirmed are expected to receive the Holy Sacrament All are there fore most earnestly invited At the oclock service and also at pm- there will be special Easter music when the choir under able direction of Mr Mather will render beautiful an then God so loved the world etc The Chancel and Altar will he appropriately deco rated Good Friday there will be service at am and pm OddFellows Day Good Friday will be OddFellows Day in Newmarket Many dele gates to Lodge of Instruction will arrive by both the and Metro politan Railways On the arrival of special cars from Toronto by the electric road about oclock an Ad dress of Welcome will be presented His Worship the Mayor and Town Council which will be followed by a Parade headed by the Newmarket Mil itary Hand Dinner will be served to visiting brethren in the Market Building at oclock At the Lodge of Instruction will begin its session in the Town Hall which has been secured for this purpose as the wellappointed Lodge Rooms are too small accommodate the large num ber of Oddfellows who will be in at tendance- The Initiatory 1st 2nd and 3rd Degrees of the order will be by G Brother Malcolm Sinclair assisted by several of ftrand Lodge Officers and the Team of Toron to This will be a Red Letter Day In the Wstory of the Order in New market Pyramid Lodge is to be congratulated on the effort it is mak ing to Improve the working of the Order in this District Era till Christinas 60c to new subscribers St Johns Church The special services during Lent have been very well attended espe cially on Friday evenings Sta tions of the Cross this evening On Saturday all the emblems of mourn ing will he replaced with Easter dec orations and special illumination of church and altars on Sunday evening Services on Sunday as follows am am Vespers at pm Honesty In Sports The Weston Times has a paragraph touching honesty and fair play in the realm of sports which we heartily en dorse It says The fair play principle must be made dominant in our Canadian life It must rule in our schoolyards Our hoys must he taught to regard the unfair as the contemptible We must teach them to cherish and develop the spirit of fair play that should our heritage as a child of the British Empire It should rule in our sports as it does in those of the motherland Tne player who takes a mean advantage should be hissed off the field Un fairness should be classed with horse- drugging diceloading or was heard Tiereport of the Finance Com was adopted and the clerk instructed to have the Auditors Report published as usual The Chairman of the Fire Light Com brought in a report on electric light also report of expert which was satisfactory to the Council The ByLaw Com was instructed to amend the Water Works ByLaw giving the Council power to place any or all watertakers on meter A resolution of sympathy was passed to the Town Clerk on the loss by death of his mother A grant of for the current year was passed in favor of the Town Band on condition that a competent teacher is engaged and weekly con certs are provided throughout the summer as heretofore Council adjourned Sale Register SATURDAY April Mr Geo Barker will have a sale on the premises Bolton St Newmarket north of the Town Line Horses vehicles harness etc Sale at one sharp mos credit W Kavanagh Auct For the Era Chimeras and Phantasms By a Banker In former days when drainage ol the land was less universally in vogue Methodist Church than at the present time and vast Largo congregations last Sunday J both morning and evening In the and derelict the decompo- Rev Frank Cornell gave an sli ol vegetable matter caused the excellent and profitable discourse in evolution of inflammable gases subject which he contended that the words of immediately Solomon are still trueBetter is he contact with the atmosphere in that his own spirit than he forD oC that taketh a city Many were no fire J tew doubt disappointed in the evening as the these Im i f a QUALITY t EASTER MILLINERY Every Hat we show bears Char acter Hats that you may feel perfectly safe in Wearing with full assurance that there is nothing amateurish about them and best of all the prices are about one quarter the price of the models from which they were copied SEED TIME IS HERE NEW SEEDS Ramies Seeds papers for Steele Seeds Ferry Seeds Dutch Sets quart Potato Onions quart Bulk Seeds in Peas Corn Beans Sweet Peas etc MENS NEW EASTER FURNISHINGS NEW SPRING UNDERWEAR NEW SHIRTS NEW TIES NEW COLLARS NEW SOX NEW SUSPENDERS NEW GLOVES r V LADIES NEW SPRING GARMENTS New Spring Coats to 1 New Spring Suits New Spring Silk Coats New Spring Dress Skirts to New Spring Waists in AllOver Lace Nets Silk Lawns etc New Underskirts New Corset Covers Night Dresses Skirts Drawers New Rain Coats and Umbrellas New Corsets New Kid and Fabric Gloves New Hosiery New Belts New Neckwear New Ribbons Ladies New Easter Shoes MENS NEW SPRING HATS Made of Fine English Fur Felt on American Blocks in the Very Latest Style Colors Browns Greens Taupe Fawn and Blacks All im ported direct for ourselves MENS EASTER WEAR Mens Fine Boots and Oxfords in Wines Tans Patent Calf and Kid Sox to match all colors NEW HOUSE FURNISHINGS PAPERS CARPETS SQUARES RUGS CURTAINS MATTING LINOLEUMS OILCLOTHS the pastor was prepared to preach on the subject announced ow ing to illness but he promised to give it on Wednesday evening The sermon he gave however was a good one evangelical in tone and followed by a special prayer service The choir gave two good anthems in the morning Miss Marion Fisher taking the in a very graceful man ner In the evening about young men led the singing and Messrs Wil liams White Barker and Man ning contributed an unaccompanied quartette The meeting on Sunday evening was the last of a series of eight Mens Meetings- which have been well sus tained throughout and a deep inter est manifested It is to be hoped that Mr Neal will continue the good work next Fall Special devotional meetings are be- educated and superstitious times these will the wisp as they were call ed naturally excited considerable and alarm the amongst many of the more ignorant being that they were evil spirits who had tern- sion porarily escaped from a fiery inferno in order perhaps to slay and carry of their human prey Especially were these ignis prevalent in churchyards in marshy districts and the fright and awe in spired by one of these ghostly appa ritions hovering about the tombs can readily be imagined On a still dark night a timid youth perhaps has oc casion to pass through the church yard on his way home Tremulously he enters the in direst ap prehension lest a disembodied spirit should spring up from the nether re gions and bear him away in its cold grip Suddenly in front of him the ghastly thing rises from the sod now held every evening this week cept Saturday and so far have been g onl refcurDi aQd well attended disordered ima The World Continued to Exist Next Sunday there will I special Easter decorations Easter sermons and Easter music POTS WITH 3 4 Lilies Only Cents Lilies Only 50 Cents Lilies Only Cents DRUG STORE Cm Ex Co Phone Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch grinning at him with evil eye as if about to pounce upon him and enfold him in its leathern caw-tip- wings Almost dead with terror with throbbing heart he seeks safe ty in flight but only perhaps to find that his progress is barred by another ghoulish spectre hovering over an op en grave or prowling about amongst the And then the poor blenched craven quivering in every limb and expecting every moment to feel the evil spirits talons struck in to him sinks down In mortal terror until a breeze springs up and the harmless marshgas flame is extin guished But though these dreaded appari tions were but natural phenomena yet if our mortal eyes were but gift ed with the power to see the spirit world around us what a spectacle would be presented Here a guar dian angel preserving a child of God from harm here a whispering evil spirit tempting some weakling to of fend bis Creator or here the souls of the departed convoyed away some alas to the of darkness some who in their earthlife have served their God and whose sins hay been blotted out thru the Saviours Atonement to the bright realms glory and of ever varying joys Send the ERA to absent friends life At the time of the Milleiite delu- in 1843 when many people be lieved that the end of the world would come on a certain day in April and many others who did not really be lieve were yet moved to superstitious uneasiness by fervor of the Miller- there were a number of eager watchers for the appointed day in an old New England town It was a late spring and there was a light fall of snow on the ground On the night before the dreadful date there flamed in the sky a magnificent crimson aurora and the red light in the heavens with its red reflection on the snow terrified many nervous per sons to the verge of distraction they thought it signified the beginning of universal destruction One woman who lived alone with the back of her house close to a cem etery waked near midnight and was overcome with horror Without stop ping to dress she ran out ol her house and along close beside the bury ing ground boundary toward the house of her next neighbor Her bore feet slipped in the snow and once she fell but rose immediately and ran on Her neighbors also were awake the wife lying quaking in bed the band at the window He looked out just as the frantic figure in white sprang up from her fall the drifted snow emerging as it appeared from the graveyard and bathed In a blood- red light Turning his head he shouted back hastily into the dark chamber Its true wife the end of the world has come The dead are ris ing from their graves Ive just seen the first one The supposed corpse however pres ently took refuge in house and when morning dawned and the world still existed the trio were no doubt reassured Boys brought up in a town and some boys brought up in the country are not taught the duty early ris ing To be able to get up early Is worth a good deal to a man both in money and pleasure parents should see that their boys are able to get all that is coming to them out of 1 NT HIGHGRADE PORTLAND fa The First Rock Cement made In Canada For Sale by 1 Phone 42 We have some very choice Fruit in pint and quart Made at home absolutely pure Raspberry and Also pure Marmalade wo are selling at prices below what It would cost you to preserve and we throw the labor in and wo are emphatic about the quality a a Canned Red Raspberries Hears Pitted Cherries Tin Canned Plums Tin Pure Clover Honey and sealer Pure Maple Syrup We lrge rang of California Seedless Sweety and 40c doz FISH SPECIAL 1000 lbs Pickled Trout and White Fish lb 200 Sea Salmon lb W C HOWARD f ARHIVESDF onto TORONTO