-rr- the if NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL 9 Alcohol co A Strong Tonic A Body Builder I Without Alcohol if 1 A Blood Purifier A Great Alterative A Doctors Medicin Without Alcohol Vf our formal alcohol y Pills arc liver pills They act directly on the liver make more bile accreted This Is why they are so valu able In constipation biliousness dys pepsia aickheadachc Ask your doctor if lie knows a better laxative pill J Ay Co Low a New House for Sale or Rent Apply to Mrs C The Cedars Newmarket House for Sale Conveniences Two lots and barn Apply at ERA OFFICE Good Building Lots For Sale In Apply to J PARTRIDGE For Sale Brick House rooms domestic waiter and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket Idle around Hie Hob fclAT AND COR- WORTHY TO After a protracted illness Joseph of the End passed away on Wednesday March in his 7th year Deceased was wellknown and most highly esteemed in Where he resided for Iho past forty years 0OO BRADFORD Harry New- ft Il I For Sale Monthly Real Mounted df fcS A STROUT CO Book Two Building Lots For sale One on Main St and fronting on Church St Terms Apply to JACKSON Newmarket Houses for Sale Frame House on good lot Double Frame House Solid Brick House with stable Apply K ROBERTSON Court Office For Sale on Good rough cast house seven rooms Good Soft water large lot For particulars apply to John Prospect Ave or to Mrs Kelly Park Ave Ont mos7 House for Sale Twostorey roomed Frame House on Oak Street Newmarket Nearly new good condition cement good cellar and i acre garden A bargain- For particulars enquire HUGHES Real Estate and Insurance Agent For Sale r IPI TWO BRICK HOUSES One on Corner of Millard Ave a Joseph Ave and the other on Joseph Ave Owner going to Toronto and wishes to dispose of them right away Enquire of M HUGHES Real Estate and Insurance Agent J fc I I For Sale ON PROSPECT AVENUE Opposite the New College that wellknown and desirable resi dence of the late Joseph an1 Jane Taylor There are lots with a frontage of 212 ft depth ft with Barn hard and soft water good garden and orchard For particulars apply to W Executor iflw10 Box Newmarket Mrs Charles and son spent Sunday and Monday in market The many friends of Mr and Mr George with them in the death their child The funeral took place to Newmarket Cemetery IV Quarterly Board of the Metho dist church met on Thursday evening last anVI unanimously extended an in vitation to Rev Win Buchanan of as pastor of Bradford Methodist church tor the ensuing term fO STRANGE About fifty of the members of St Andrews Church met at the residence of Rutherford on Friday even ing to show their appreciation the services of his laughter Beatrice as organist during the last few years During the evening a most enjoyable program was given consisting of games music and addrcsscfe Alex McMurohy reeve of King was chairman Mis read an address and Miss Katie Ross made the presentation to Miss Ruth erford of a wellfilled purse Re freshments were served during the evening Miss Rutherford has been most un tiring in her efforts to aid in the mu sical services of St Andrews and the presentation was a slight manifestation of the love and esteem in which she is held A pleasant house party was held at the home of Mr John Sharp King on Friday evening Quite a number from Schomberg took it in ftlr Caster has sold his gen eral store in Schomberg to Mr Gor don of London Mr A Weaver has moved the drug and stationery stock of Mr J Wright into his own store Mr Nelson Scott is suffering from a severe accident to a which was nearly taken oft in a horsepow er Mr Thomas Clark left for his farm in the West on Thursday His fam ily will follow in about three weeks or a month Rev Mr Lane preached his first sermon to the Presbyterian congrega tion here on Sunday last To honor the occasion the Methodist service was withdrawn Mr James has sold his premises in Schomberg to Mr Wil liam Leonard Mr J Wright has sold his en tire business in to Mr A Weaver who lias been in town for three years enjoys the confidence and custom of a large number in the surrounding country The Methodist church choir gave a delightful little box so cial in the basement of tide church on Friday night There was good program and everyone spent a plea sant time The were about They intend purchasing new an- them books The Anglican Young Peoples Asso ciation of St Mary Magdalene church are preparing a play to be given in the market hall Schom on Friday evening 23rd The play is entitled Valley Farm and consists of foul acts with a caste of twelve characters and brings out strongly contrast between city and country life For Four Long Ho Then Brought Stratford Centre Wolfe Co Que- May llth I have been completely cured of a frightful condition of my stomach through this wonderful medicine I suffered our long years with this toube My head ached Incessantly I could not eat anything but what I sufferer pains from I used every known treated by physicians but Iho dyspepsia ant head aches persisted In spite of the treat ment 11 a SOME GLAD DAY our cause has vic- Old Black Joe Arranged by Mrs Dolly Howard All round our town the temperance combined A 1 round our town the glorious light will shine All round the town right of way Well raise the anthem swell of Some glad day Chorus Its coining Upcoming The time for which we pray Well take the for Local Option ere next May All round our town where sounds the note of woe There in strength cause shall go Love joy and peace bright ray Well save the town for Local Option Soma glad day our temper- and puritys All All round the town yet shall ring folk are bound the temperance praise to sing No jarring note shall mar that rap turous lay Twill rise from all the chainbound people Some glad day TEMPERANCE REFORM IN RUS SIA I- I was told to try and I sent for six boxes and this was only that did mo any good I am now entirely well I can eat or dinary food and I never have a head ache and for his relief I thank this wonderful remedy Frultatlvcs My case is well known In this vielnrty and you may publish this statement a box If for does not handle they will be sent postpaid on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa spirits by increasing of the smallest measure that can be The Council of Ministers St Petersburg has recently sanctioned the introduction of Bill in the Duma for or trial amending the regulations for the sale am- reoson your dealer receipt or the consumption the capacity sold to onefortieth of kilderkin had hud one of We most pleasant JZ iaf and by of and goodwill the number of places where spirits ever had in this neighbor- hought The inhabitants of I villages are further given the right they have hood A surprise party was given at home of Mr and Mrs the on to close existing public houses to prohibit the opening of new ones and evening March 5th iOU Of sale by resolu- For Sale That House and Lot situate on South side of Wellington St New market generally known as the Dud ley House There is a furnace in house and good well and cistern water There is a little over half in acre of land The property makes a desirable residence For particu lars apply at once to Mrs Matthias or at Allan Howards Prospect St or to Vendors Solicitor about fifty of the members of the Sunday School assembled Mr Brown was called upon to read an address when Mr Roy Legge and Mr Ross Stephenson presented Miss Jennie with a lovely glass fruit dish on a silver stand and a I beautiful jewel case to which Miss who was much taken by surprise replied expressing her re gret at being able to no longer he connected with the Sunday School of which she las been one of the teach ers for the past seven years and thanking her many friends for their kind remembrance The evening was then spent in games amusements and refreshments King Council John bartender of is serving a term of four months in the jail for illegally sell ing liquor Council met at Lloyds Hotel King City on Saturday March 27th Members all present Reeve Mc in the chair Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Council in Committee of the Whole W J Wells in the chair when the following bills were passeI and order ed to be paid Jos Billings months pay Isaac McBride keep of indigents Forbes Lloyd repairs to Lloyd VanAlstyne of indigents 8 Jos Billings stone Michael Cain gravel grant Mrs- yds gravel re day labor in gravel pit RESOLUTIONS That the following sheep claims he paid Icing value of same Ed ward Goodwin Henry Graham W Curtis That John be appointed Op tion of tiie local council The bill also provides for the prosecution in tho criminal courts of habitual drun kards and imposes penalties for the illicit spirits 60 O TIIE TRADE MUST IMPROVE The Wellington Dominion To the onlooker who concerns him self with neither party and who in consequence does not bind himself to the weaknesses of either it must he apparent that the liquor interest has itself mainly to blame for the posi tion which is developing a which threatens to eventually close the whole of the licensed houses of the country The trade is handicapped by the association it of a class of persons who are continually offend ing the public sense of propriety by the manner in which they disregard the obligations placed upon them by virtue of the privileges granted under their licenses No doubt there has been improvement in the conduct of the betterclass houses but the No- License Party will continue to grow in long as the abuses which exist in connection with trade remain tin A BRIGHT IDEA That was a bright idea of Chairmans to have sherry cobblers at the shoemakers banquet last year and of those present became a heeler is on his uppers and a third Most his fit Always leave the teapot or coffee pot IW open a crack to admit the air prevent when not In A piece of paper slipped is sufficient to keep it open one hundred of the friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs John assembled at thier residence hero on Monday evening last to bid them farewell previous to up their residence in Aurora During the evening a most enjoyable pro gram was indulged in consisting of games music addresses etc during which Rev Mr Amos who acted as spokesman in his usual genial manner called upon Miss Alice Ferguson who responded with an address while Mr Ferguson and Mr M presented Mr and Mrs and family with two richly upholstered Morris chairs a slight token of goodwill and appreciation of the community in which- they have re sided for the past years Although taken entirely by surprise Mr Folli on behalf of the family made a feeling and appropriate reply in which he thanked the many friends and neighbors for their remembrance and assured them he would never for get the happy days of life spent in this community At this point re freshments were served and having done ample Justice to the same the assembly resolved to have the balance of the program of the evening After this was disposed of they dispersed their several homes feeling tbat they orator for the road machine for the north half of the township and that Luke Lyons furnish team That Frank be appointed road overseer in Lloyd town in lieu of Lodge removed That be appointed R O in lieu of Gallagher That the Reeve be empowered to see the County Clerk and arrange as he sees best in regard to the County Bridge on Town Line between King and ByLaw No 215 amending ByLaw No re local Board of ap pointing Dr O Joel Edwards I for North half of the township and Dr Lookhart H 0 and J I for the South half of the townsrip ByLaw No 216 appointing Frank Barber township engineer under the Ditches Watercourses Act and By- Law No 217 authorizing the Union Telephone Co Ltd of Vaughan soul The Catholic o is a The mission of the T holy farreaching service it goes out to all those who have heard the cry of the world and joins with them in seeking to bring peace and joy in plate of strife and sorrow Mrs Stevens Prepare the Mixture Yourself as Advised Mix following by shaking well in a bottle and take in doses after meals and at bedtime Fluid Extract Dandelion onehalf ounce Compound one ounce Compound Syrup three ounces A local druggaist is the au thority that these simple harmless ingredients can be obtained at nom inal cost from our home druggist The mixture is said to cleanse and strengthen the clogged and inactive KUtneys overcoming Backache Blad der weakness and Urinary trouble of j all kinds if taken before the of to erect and maintain poles and wires disease on the public highways of the Tp of King Said received their several readings and passed When wanted t use as weakness Those who have tried this say it positively overcomes pain In the back clears the urine of sediment and reg ulates urination especially at night I curing even the worst forms of blad- carbolic acid will mix readily with water it too latter is boiled A glaziers will be found an excellent thing with which to scrape and clean the lottorns of pans and Every man or woman here who feels that the Kidneys are not strong or acting in a healthy manner should prescription at home and give it a trial as it Is said to do wonders for many persons HE Allpurpose Flour and superior for every purpose Highest grade in the world Puriiy label guarantees success or your money back More bread and better bread WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO Limited i WINNIPEG BRANDON i AN INTERESTING PAGE FROM THE COUNTY MINUTES STATEMENT OF AMOUNTS PAID DURING TO Members of the County Council of FOR ATTENDANCE AT COUNTY COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS York For the three Sew Ions of Council Committee Meetings NAM- Anderson James Armstrong John 99 Barker Brown K j Bull J 5 i Isaac 72 Evans J I John 4 Win C 5 Harris J 00 Henry Geo 5 Hinds Jos 50 Hill G 5o Keith Win WJ Lapp W H T A Moore John Nelson J Nigh John Patterson H PuKsley A SmithJohn Speight T H 66 Thompson John T 21 65 65 00 co so 5o 5 50 CO 27 50 00 5o 3 27 22 22 21 21 21 I I CO 66 66 50 68 go 68 63 79 7ico 50 5j 50 74 so 8300 2 11 20 63 63 63 63 63 63 co 6 10 50 50 12 11 4 1 11 5 5 2 1 18 36 CO 3 43 5o co 60 J 50 S 3 6 CO 54 60 3 co 6 72 6 6 So 30 A A Lines Composed for Baby Rose Oh where is our dear little baby to night Hes gone with the angels where all is so bright We know we shall miss him where- we look Hut his name it is written in that precious boo We- know that we loved him more than tongues could tell But Jesus has called him and all will he well He has gone with the angels to be evermore Moody Bible Institute OF CHICAGO The Moody Institute is plan ning a special Course Study in the Bible and Methods of Christian Work Special attention is also to be given to instruction in Gospel music and evangelistic singing Dr Towner assisted by Sellers J Trowbridge Coffin Gilpin and Geo Anions those who are to lecture on the Bible are Dr A Torrey Dr James Gray Dr C I Scofield Dr William Evans Rev George tau Rev George O The Rev A Marshall who has twice beautiful shore of that dear OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY person who is the head of family or any male over IP may home- stead a of available and in Manitoba or Albert applicant must appear In person at the Dominion or SubAgency for Entry proxy may be at any agency on tain conditions by father mother eon daughter brother or of Intending Duties Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land In each of three rear A homesteader may live within nine miles of Ms homestead on a at least acres owned and occupied by or by bis mother ton daughter brother or In certain districts is homesteader in good standing may preempt Ms stead Price per acre Duties Must reside six months In each of six face But we hope soon to meet on made a tour of the world in behalf of foreign missions will have charge of entry ng time required td earn homestead patent me and cultivate extra Special attention will be given to A who has exhausted his home- various phases Of practical Christian and cannot obtain preemption work under the direction of Rev Open air tent and dear little tie tot Wo know the sweet of him can neer be forgot But Jesus is looking right down from And offering pardon aid peace and love Now papa and mamma we want you to come And dwell with your children in that heavenly home Where sins and where sorrows are brought to an end the rest of the time with Jesus well spend BY A FRIEND STUMPING wagon meetings will be held daily An opportunity is thus afforded worth CORY Minister of the Interior of this And The champion orator stepped from the train and bowed to the ruralities congregated about the station I have come he said solemnly to stump the State By hack we welcome you with op en arms said Farmer We have been trying to get rid ol the stumps in this State or last ten years tors and theological students to get a thorough training in practical me- ffi Application for a Divorce SI Men Institute Place or Miss Toronto in A Gary of Women La J l Ontario Merchant will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Sessions thereof for bill divorce from his wife Emma Shea married woman on the ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto In the of Ontario the 5th day of January Roblnette Godfrey Phelan Toronto St Toronto Solicitors for Applicant Salle Avenue Chicago Not Before Time A Womans Sympathy Are you discouraged Is your doctors bill a heavy financial load la your pain a heavy physical burden I know what these mean to delicate women I have A bashful Chicago man had courted a girl for years without daring to propose Finally visiting St Louis he decided to propose by let ter He sent the letter and for two hours was one of the happiest men in Missouri Then he began to wonder if it had been precipitate That night he did not sleep He thought all sorts of things and vain ly wished he could intercept the let- ter before it reached his beloved one but that was manifestly impossible It was not- until noon the next day that he received an inspiration as was passing a telegraph office in he seized the telegrgph YEARS been discouraged too but learned how to nervously penned the follow rase want to relieve your bur- ana stop the for you and cure dens Why not end pal doctors I can do this will If you will assist roe All you need do la to write for a free box of the remedy which has been placed In my hands to ho away- Perhaps this one box will cure you It has done for others If so I shall be happy and you will be cured for the cost of a Your letters held Miss Mary you wrong letter yesterday do not open and deliver to me ray return After that he breathed more freely That evening a tele gram was awaiting him at the hotel It John St Louis I ri8M leU j A J I J I J i I TORONTO