V V v l THE APRIL 1909 felts Pews IB CI arc closed dona Monday pending important changes- Frank Duncan will hold an auction of attractive furniture at the Hall Newmarket Saturday evening at oclock League At tile meeting Monday even ing Miss Nellie Hollftday gave an interesting report or the League held in Toronto last week meeting next Monday evening take the form of a Social under auspices of the League and Class combined Police Court Nothing pleases the Col better than to be busy in the Police Court un less it is steering his Cooks Hay On Monday morn ing a who had been begging from door to door was brought before him on Ihc of vagrancy and he him down for clays Con Duncan escorted Mm to Toronto TrapShooting The Mayor Injector and Police Magistrate should see to it that the bylaw the Corporation in regard to the discharge of fire arms is not openly and defiant disregarded Re peal the law or make people live up to corporation enactments The en forcement of law makes all the dif ference between liberty and license which was sweetly reiidercd by tie Misses Bessie Robs Florence Thomas and Violet Robin son A Serious Charge ALDERMAN DOYLE Elected President of L A in Toronto last Friday friends Church The services were exceptionally In teresting last Sunday and the con gregations large the pastor being as sisted by Rev John Doyle who de livered two very applicable sermons following the thought that great revival was abroad manifested by the great movements that are agitata jug the people at the present day The speaker dwelt forcibly on the Laymens Missionary Movement the Peace question and Local Option giving great earnest to the latter for the coming campaign ox t Sun day the pastor will preach at both services the thought for morn ing being the observance of the Lords Day and in the evening A Look Backward and a Look Forward The decorations were worthy of special notice flowers mostly of lilies with palms and ferns filling the space around the pulpit The Willing Helpers are to be con gratulated on the very successful so cial held in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday evening The was par excel and thanks are due the following who so graci ously assisted in a good program Miss Pearson Miss Lucy Kelly Miss Mable and Miss Elsie Phillips Messrs Barker and Cody and speeches by Mayor Mr McKay and the Chairman Mr Cornell On Wednesday afternoon the child ren of the Sunshine Sewing Class their appreciation of work of Miss Margaret Lambie by present ing her with an appropriate address and Silver Cake Knife Miss was completely surprised and the little ones very heartily for their kindness Orchard Beach A meeting of campers of Orchard Peach will be held at oclock on Wednesday next for the election of- officers for and general busi ness Coming Athletes A mile race was held from Livery on Wednesday night in which five promising runners com peted viz George George Soulcs Clarence Thompson and Merle Johnson The prize was a box of Doyles Talagoos and was won Geo Soules Time 358 with Thompson a close 2nd and Johnson 3rd dropping out at 2nd mile Johnson better known as Longboat will make them all step in i couple of weeks training In the above contest Todd Mosler was starter and timer St Pauls Church The annual vestry meeting was held last Monday evening The wardens report showed a balance of The offertory and envelope collections were far ahead of previous years and also donations towards missions Mr J Collie and Mr Stallard were elected church wardens Clark was elected vestry clerk The organists salary was increased by twentyfive dollars The vestry decided that the organ should be rebuilt and it will he at tended to very soon The Sudbury Star of Sat urday presents a strong Indictment against the AttorneyGenerals at Toronto for the miscar riage of justice in the case of John Convicted it says on a charge of stealing electric current be was sentenced to six months with hard labor in the Central Prison Since his conviction month ago the Provincial officer has come for and gone with a batch of prisoners for conveyance to the grim walls of Hie Toronto prison Seven were token and one was left The one was John The Star then proceeds to show how justice is meted out It says With a month of his sentence Letter Winnipeg April The spring rush of settlers to the West is on Trains from tie East are crowded with im migrants going to homesteads or pur- chased farm lunch From the south other train loads arc coming into Western Canada and men who are with rush of from the United States place the fi gures of immigrants who will cross the international boundary find homes in Canada during theseason of at or more All who take up land arc welcome in Western Canada but thy farmers who come in from the United States arc generally equipped as to money machinery and knowledge of grain growing and are therefore list ed among the very best settlers that come to country This years in flux from the United States so great that- immigration officers have been to the regular force at Emerson and North Portal prin cipal ports of entry into Western Can ada from the States Spring Business Good Reports from various of the West indicate excellent business In tins new country the Activity or dull ness of the building trades is looked upon as one of the best of the general business Measured by this standard the year has started out for a record The building permits in Winnipeg for March fixed the value of the build ings to be erected at a sum which exceeds tiie for any pre- March and the indications are that the total for April will be of exceptionally large proportions since it will include permits for some of largest new structures of this year An encouraging sign of trade acti vity lies in the exceptionally sharp demand for agricultural implements Trade in tins line has increased per cent of late among the Winnipeg dealers who complain that the East ern factories do not supply the goods as fast as the trade demands The big crop and good prices of last year has created a boom of extra large proportions in farming operations and the spring has opened up in good sea son for pushing them forward I James J Will has begun active postcards handling contraband goods line from Michel British perjury felony and wiretapping BAKING POWDER Absalutely Pure Ml PATTERNS and NONE HIGHER J i r lie lingers on in sweet Content behind the bars of Sudbury gaol with which he is so familiar Nor is he asked to perform any manual labor More than this his digestion and bodily comforts are all ministered Prison fare is not for him delicacies are passed in to him and his meals are with unfailing regularity to him from the outside This seems to imply laxity that cannot be tolerate Why should be treated in this petted way As the Star says Here is a new phase of Miss Justice We are bound to believe that the respon sibility Of the Judge ends with his doling out a sentence Who then is attending to its enforcement Evi dently from Stars standpoint this case has an ugly look It goes on to tell its readers that when John stood in the dock a month since he bore a very dogeared bill of moral health lie was label led with the guilt of selling obscene DRESS GOODS This store is famed for its display of Fine Dress Goods Everything the heart may desire is sfcowji here and at prices In the reach of every One Special this week is Cottoa Cashmere 36 inches wide in different colorings at per yard 1H9 yards of Embroidery horn three to eight inches insertions to match all at per yard This is a better shoe store than many think We carry tea host assorted stock of all latest styles for men women and children and make a distinct Specialty of MCPHERSONS SHOES They fit all over in spots Always a pleasure to show them groceries Boxed Natural Figs lb Dried Poaches 10c lb Fancy Seeded Raisins Full lb Package Pink Salmon tin Methodist Church Both congregations on Sunday were exceptionally large The pastors sermon in the morning was on the Christians hope delivered in a beau tifully sympathetic manner and was received most acceptably The choir did splendid work on Sunday and Miss Campbell is to be congratulated on the dexterous manner in which she manipulated the pipe organ Besides several Easter anthems in one of which Mr distinguished him self in a tenor solo there were solos by Mrs McCIellan of and Mr jesting Eugene Barker and duet by Mr a White and Miss Stephens The even ing service was largely musical Next Sunday Rev Dr Long of Bradford will preach both morning and evening the pastor having con sented to assist the work at Brad ford and A formidable indictment truly and attention is then drawn to the fact that a person was sent to prison for almost two years by the Police Magistrate of Toronto only a few days previous to trial on the one charge alone of trading in filthy pictures The further intima tion in then given thai word was con veyed to the authorities at Sudbury that was to remain un claimed by the Central until he had Columbia to Calgary Alberta This line will be a part of the J trunk line which will connect Winnipeg with the Pacific coast by a third or fourth iiid line of railway communication it may be completed by New Factories for Winnipeg No less than twelve Important have been received by Winnipeg Development and Industrial Bureau recently from manufacturers who seek to in this city These Prison include a large machinery firm of closed his Johnstown Pa an Iowa firm that estate But says the Star Bid- makes agricultural machinery and arc- that goods affairs mean this to close out As narrative of events in with Low Rates fof Settlers To certain points in Saskatchewan and Alberta each Tuesday during April Full information and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent no secret Wei tools a leading iron works of the he has no estate Stale of Wisconsin one of the old j and reliable manufacturing concerns proceeds the of Glasgow Scotland Montreal connection here- firm that makes architectural and in- becomes more and more inter- iron work and brass fixtures a The whole article reads like big hardware making house of lo say nothing of the apburg Pa and a large shirt making imaginary it is impossible to say Whose constellation is alluded to by that ancient writer Job himself all there with many others form a me morial written in glittering letters fire in the skies of heaven of the achievements some real some doubt less fabulous and legendary of the heroes of old When we look upwards towards the domed canopy of the midnight skies scintillating and flashing in all its glory the innumerable serried array of starry orbs transplendent in many- fires some gleaming in effulgent splendour some plunged deep in the illimitable abysm of space less vivid in their coruscating lustre and some sunk even further in the profundity of I that mysterious infinity but mere points of light we note that the brighter of these glittering suns are arranged in fantastic designs which by the exercise of a little imagina tion may in some cases he resolved into the constellations figured on our celestial globes But there is one gorgeous constel lation perhaps more brilliant and more magnificent than any other in the entire expanse of the universe a constellation out of the range of vi sion of those ancient pioneers of as tronomy for it is far down in the Southern Hemisphere the Southern Cross which commemorates not the real or fancied achievements of poor mortals but the wondrous sacrifice of the Son of God who on the Cross of shame made expiation for the sins of all believers by Himself suffering the punishment due to them And all who would gain a certain inheritance in the Realms of Glory have but to plead that propitiation before the Throne of the Almighty conforming their lives of course to His laws O O A CORSETS FOR THE SPRING COSTUMES SEE OUR DISPLAY OF SPRING SUMMER MILLINERY Leading Millinery Dry Goods and Tailoring House i In Fancy Satin Stripe in Brown Green Navy Black Taupe Late arriving for yd ASK TO SEE THE GOODS Fancy Stripe Mohair Colors Brown Navy Gendarme for 35c v 1 Ml Fine Weave Voile All Wool Colors Brown Grey Navy Co penhagen Rajah for yd For Satisfaction and wear fit perfection try us and see Prices as low as the lowest W t 1 Phono Established Floral Decorations Never in the history of the Town was there such attention paid to the floral decorations of the churches as on Easter Sunday The beautiful flowers were fitting emblems of the first Easter morning betokening the resurrection of life from the tomb and fragrance emblematic of the life of Saviour of the world The decorations in St Johns church were principally geraniums in bloom interspersed with primulas and Easter In St Pauls church the altar was with a living vine and with bouquets of cut flowers white carnations and cream roses The front of the Choir Chancel was filled with Easter white and pink geraniums and other plants In the Methodist Church altar was filled with a bank of pure white Easter lillies in full bloom The arrangement in the church though scattered around the choir platform was very pretty comprised Easter lillies and three large of pink and white carnations At the Christian church the flowers filled the front table and circled the preachers platform There were Hasten lillies and 10 cinerarias in full bloom There were over Easter palms ferns and geraniums used in decorating the platform and organ at I the Friends church A idea was carried out in the Methodist Christian and Friends Churches A number of Wie Sunday School classes provided one more for the church decora tion and at the conclusion of the ser vice the classes distributed the among sick members or among the sic of the congregations Presbyterian Church Easter Sunday in the Presbyterian church will long be rememberer by those who were able to attend The minister Rev Thomas render ed able sermons from John 2029 and Acts The music under the lead ership of Mrs was ac knowledged by everyone to be ex ceptionally line The numerous plants and cut flowers used to decorate church were provided by the different classes the Sunday School and afterwards distributed to the sick and shut in of the congrega tion In the Sunday School special mu sic was provided by Miss the chief feature being a lovely hymn entitle are the skies I YOUR NEED HELP We cannot furnish NEW EYE exactly but in most cases we can make the OLD as good as new with a pair of properly adjusted Glasses 6 6 K is parent travisty justice Possibly the case may capable of explana tion and it is due to the public that the explanation should not be long delayed Meanwhile the pertinent question asked by the Star in the following extract leave room I for drawing conclusions not calculated to exalt the dignity of the Ontario De partment of Justice It says It seems a jarring reflection upon the power of our judiciary that a so richly de served as was slur Id Ik so outrageously overridden by some higher authority which in habits the sequestered paths of political expediency It is not meeting the ends of justice to maintain in this commu nity a parlorboarder in the jail with day after day of his sen tence slipping by It is meeting no doubt the ends of something else What is it Is our Pro vincial Department of Justice be holden for anything to Mr Bid- good Has it consorted with him Does it stand in fear of him Is it forccd any motive to dole out favors to him and tacitly allow his sentence to be converted into a travesty It places our judges and crownat torneys in a laughable position to have their zealous work so contro verted If the AttorneyGenerals Department owes Mr anything for political service let them foot the bill in the plain light of public scrutiny Wonder is their real foundation for this scathing article The Star adds that has been skating on thin ice for years and his influence has been predatory Once caught with the goods he has been treated with undeserved consideration and appears to much more influence as a prisoner than he did as a free man He has friends at court much to our surprise CQO firm from Troy President Duval of the Manitoba Amateur Athletic Association an nounces that the Dominion Canada amateur athletic championships will be held in the and 17 Did I ever tell about our cow said a citizen the other even ing- as a crowd was seated in a store Well when I was a boy my father pastured the animal in a lot our home and one summer night I was making my way up there to lead bossy home to mill when I ran across a friend of mine the name CAPITAL ALL PAID UP J J UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 15d832 00 City of Winnipeg Bill and he proposed riding the in conjunction with critter home instead of leading her the Winnipeg Industrial exhibition Eight hundred of new l phone lines in the province of Al- jberta is the probable estimate of what the telephone of the Al berta public works department will construct this year The mileage for last year was miles but the demands this year are greatly in excess of anything the tel ephone superintendent lias known If the demands from the four quar ters of the province were granted there would be be between and miles constructed instead O O For the Era Idylls of the Stars By a Banker of Branches at all important centres in Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodate as heretofore as it was raining and the roads were very muddy So I led her up to the rail fence and we took our seats on her back The minute we sat down she was off and it was the roughest ride I ever took excepting tie time I joined the lodge Bill fell over board just as we passed the quarter live stock market- this week post and I became so sea sick that I Exporters sold from to fell over the stern soon after getting for the choicest and as low as BRANCH AT NEWMARKET ROSS Manager Live Stock Market Very little change on the Toronto myself all covered with mud but that was nothing in comparison to what I received when I reached home I Oats per bush I Peas per bush l Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per Potatoes per bag ATKINSON CO end Get your Railway and Ocean Steamship Tickets from Atkinson Agent and Issuer of Marriage Licenses These constellations or were with a few exceptions named by the earliest civilized nations of the earth Chaldeans and early Greeks especially in honor of myth ological or real personages whose deeds valour and heroism they sircii to commemorate Thus the strange fable of the birth of the beautiful wife of Aga memnon whose death mask of solid gold found in her sarcophagus to gether with that of Agamemnon him self may now be seen in the line mu seum at Athens is commemorated by the constellation of the Swan the mixture of fable and fact in the le gend of the rescue of the fair Andro meda the daughter of a King of by an imaginary being Per seus who slew the seamonster who was about to devour her has been TELEGRAPHY will win for you a good salary You can learn it quickly under superior condi tions at our school Cata logue free Write CENTRAL TELEGRAPH SCHOOL To ronto SHAW Pres T J JOHNSTON Prin Butcher cattle were active Ani mals of lbs sold readily from Chickens per lb 5175 to Medium quality from iTurkeys per lb to Good demand for veal From 350 to paid according to quality Export ewes from to Top price for lambs and for barn yard lambs Live hogs ofi cars in Toronto 22 26 00 la oo o 25 Toronto Markets April Fail Wheat per bush Goose Wheat per bush from to quoted at try places GO Newmarket Markets April Fall Wheat per bush per bush 55 58 I per bush Peas per bush Kay per ton Eggs per Butter per lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb 0 Turkeys per lb 25 1 15- 0 12 21- 0 00 In hard and Soft English a American goods 6 ft handed down from age to age ever As a result of Inspector Greers since that dim epoch in tiie report there will be no inquest into history of the world in the constella- The Latest Styles in Black Brown and Pearl Grey at the Very Lowest Cut Prices for Ready Money a MENS SUITS 600 1100 1200 The Suits we have at figures are the very best value in Canada bought under their regular prices and offered the same way the buyer saving his good money by buying from us We are the largest Boot and Shoe dealers in Newmarket and there is a reason why fire at Au- the alleged Black Hand Mrs Mary Montgomery who made a fortune in real estate speculation died at Prince Albert Happy is that man whose calling is groat and spirit themes which bear their names and al so those of and Andromedas parents or the achievements of Auriga said to be the inventor of chariots of Ophiucus Aesculapius reputed to be the originator of the- bealfng art or of Orion a mighty hunter real or Corner of Main Timothy next to Hotel ARCHIV TORONTO