Newmarket Era, 16 Apr 1909, p. 5

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I i Barrister Notary Public o i Street Newmarket to loan on good Farm Demean Street K I DIVISION COURT W In ftUo Accident and fllelfnesiIoBuranoo Specialty Bolton Practical painter Mlllardi Street- I no and Dp DENTIST St Dp Wilkinson in lock and 3rd Wed in each month of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Kha Now market Pipers Issued at private if NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones- CtUBoforoOrderinifBlBOTrhcro Special Water Rates In last Municipal World the question is Would a bo lor special water rate same Many Newmarket people work every day In some strained unnatural as ho Is for a business tor income Ending- constantly a desk tax cars The following Is the reply i on jolting wagons or As a tenant of tfcc real property if housework ho is liable for the special rate tho real property but not in respect of any business or income with which he may be rated on assessment roll Quite a number of tenants of real property on Main St in this Town have the notion they are not liable lor special water rates as the landlord agrees to pay taxes thereon but this ruling sets the matter at rest When it is remembered that sprinkling is for the special benefit of occu pant the decision is reasonable The North York License Commis sioners meet in Newmarket next Tuesday Main Street looks much better for its Spring scrape Easter Sunday was bright hut it awful cold Snow drops and crocuses arc in bloom again Trout fishing opens in two weeks Spring is in the air April showers The Metropolitan did a big business during the Easier holidays When one gets the warmth of sun shine there comes a feeling of satis faction that seems to say it is good to be here Good things come slowly This ap plies to the sunshine with all its warmth and radiance that wc need and look for at this time of the year bending over lag pulling All these strains tend to wear weaken and injure the kid neys until they fall behind in their work of filtering tho poisons from the blood Booths Kidney Pills cure sick put new strength in bad backs Newmarket cures prove It Mrs Frank of Main St Newmarket Ont says For a kidney complaint and kid ney aches and pains we can heartily the use of Booths Kidney Pills which were procured at the J Palo weak and need a that will build them up and them well and strong Celery King a that will do theeo things Large package centn at dent in era or by malt Well Co Toronto Madame Assists Rev Peer Niagara Falls April 11 Extending from the foot of the Falls down to heLake an expanse of ice over twelve miles long lies sta tionary in the Niagara River this j vast field is broken only at Whir lpool Rapids The water in river from thirtyfive to forty feet above the ordinary level and from Queens- ton to Lake Ontario the glacial is still rising From the in the river at Fosters Flats almost to a distance of six miles the tracks of the Gorge I road are buried under twenty to thir ty feet of ice and all the poles and equipment are broken down The condition of affairs has no precedent Sold The Booth Co Ltd Fort Erie Sole Canadian Agents Work of Black Hand at Aurora The expo- of has no We clip the following from the Tern- Since Friday every industrial plant dfcrald regarding a former that depends on electricity for motive pastor of the Christian Church in I power has been closed down and the Newmarket whole city is in darkness Early on Rev Win Peer returned from Saturday morning the water at the Y Drug Store Mr bis trip to California this week and J foot of the Falls rose forty feet above had an extremely sore and from his looks and after lis- the normal level flooding the power lame back and- the kidney action was toning to his talk one will be eon- house of Ontario Power Company and the hydraulic plant below bank Conditions became so bad at the Ontario power house that all the machinery was stopped The water and ice broke through the windows and doors which are built thirtyfive feci above normal level and flood ed the power house to a depth of nearly twenty feet Ice is piled fifty feet high in front of the power house Soo Water Power A special to the Globe of Monday dated Ottawa April says Hon far from correct There were throb- that be has thoroughly backaches pains over the kidney regions and his hack was so tender and painful that he could hardly stoop over He used Booths Kidney Pills with fine success as he was soon rid of the trouble and felt bet ter in general health than he had in a long time by the two months holiday re gentleman had unique rience on board the Union Pacific Railway while flying over tlie road towards Omaha ft was necessary that he should travel all day Sunday so ho proposed to the Pullman con ductor that service he held some dealers price cents during the day The man of the punch thought it rather an un usual request and slated that in all his railroad experience he had never heard a service on hoard the train hut he would see the passengers and if they were agreeable lie would have Furnace Work 3 of Our Specialties See the Outfit at th Shop SHE LEADING TINSMITHS R SONS Next Grocery Death of Reuben Kennedy Reuben J Kennedy who in Toronto for years died on Satur day at his residence Walker Ave In he went to the Caribou dis trict of British Columbia and mined for gold for five years re turning to Toronto Mr Kennedy re sided in Aurora and was well known in Newmarket He was a member of Deer Park Church and was con nected with the Masons Foresters and Ancient Order of Workmen lie is survived by six children J A and L of Toronto of Ottawa Mrs Hall worth of Toronto and Miss Kennedy at It appears certain that an iary is responsible for the fire which on Thursday gutted the home of T Cook here just as a Black Hand communication had declared would happen Mr Cook and Mrs Yourn a wealthy elderly widow recently re ceived letters threatening their lives and property if was not handed over Hoping to trap the letterwriter Mr Cook followed instructions to put up a notice in the post office that he had lost a purse Later Mr Cook received a second letter saying laid a trap for us Youre a fool Mrs Young is a fool too and well get both of you Mr Cook had kept Crown Attor ney Drayton posted as to the throats and on Thursday night the former wrote the Crown Attorney hinting that prompt action might have saved the house Inspector Greer worked all day on Thursday on the case FOUND COAL OIL CAN The finding of coal oil can in the kitchen to show that the fire NEW ARK Ei K i You Can Save Money By Buying From Us i I Line of- Light J Si I Paints Oils Glass Etc home Mr Kennedy was years old Deceased was horn in Aurora in and was a descendant of United Empire Loyalists who settled in North York in Of late years he was largely interested in the origin The hired rdS i Si man had been wakened by a noise Detroit is a sister of deceased The l by breaking the kitchen window to Pleasant Cemetery J occasion The passengers hailed the with delight and the result was that about passengers were seat ed in the ear to attend service at li a in Mr Peer sta tioned himself against the wall of the ear with lady seated on either side of him and before proceeding with the service he asked if one of the ladies would lead tho singing when the lady to his right volun teered if she knew the hymns ho was going to sing The first selection was Nearer My Cod to Thee and before the first verse was half com pleted the only singer was the vol unteer soloist She completed the hymn alone said Mr Peer there was not a dry eye in all crowd of people when she finished for Hie singer was no less person age than Madame one of the worlds greatest soprano singers who was travelling with her husband to Omaha Among others present were govern ors legislators judges and bankers and after the benediction a governor from the Southern States remarked that a service was not complete with out a collection so proceeded forth with to pass the hat and the con tributions which amounted to were handed over to and that Death of Ambrose DeUuerre We clip the following from the Gait Reporter of April the throw in the oil Mr Cook has an acetylene plant for cooking and lighting it is certain that it did not cause the fire Mr Cook had illluck on Aug 3rd The death occurred last evening at last when his barn was burned down gentleman and thanked him for oclock of Mr Ambrose DeGuerre after he had frightened away two men the pleasant hour they had enjoyed assistant principal of the Gait Col legiate Institute at his home here Mr had been ill for some Dp J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto also of the Royal College of Physicians and fctr of the Royal College of Surgeons England Former clinical assistant in Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone No Consultation Hours may be had at any hour the day or night by calling at the fflce or phone whom he had found smoking in it service Mrs Young has been nearly pros- enthusiastic with fear on account of the and California visit- time and was compelled to relinquish burning of Mr Cooks house the Home for aged OddFellows at his duties at the I shortly be- lowing receipt of her letter present fore the Christmas holidays from attempt was made to the time he gradually sank until or by sending man in womans clothes to tho spot to which Mrs Young had been ordered to take mon ey A constable waited in hiding but nobody showed up the observation ear arranged for the A has returned to Ot tawa after a brief visit Washing ton where he went to discuss the rid er placed upon the Waterways treaty by the United States Senate The rider is rather indifinite and appears to exempt the United States from the provisions of the original treaty lor an equal restriction upon Canada and the United States in respect to the diverting of water at the for power purposes It was to obtain an interpretation of this rider that Mr went to Wash ington While there he had confer ences with the Secretary for War Mr Dickinson and with the late Se cretary of Senator Root It is learned that Mr was given to understand that to pro tect navigation and to control the power development at the the United States proposes to acquire the absolute title to all the property along the rapids on American side and for this purpose a Mil was put through Congress it the last sit ting authorizing the Government to acquire this property by expropriation and a million dollars was voted to be expended for this purpose The ad ministration of this fund is under Mr Dickinson and he proposes to acquire the property at once- With the jurisdiction over the power taken from the State of Michigan and placed in the hands of the United States Government the situation as regards the is much simplified A statement will be laid before the Government here by Mr Aylesworth and Canada will then decide whether or not it will give approval to the treaty with the Soo rider I a a ALLAN ARK I con- Mr Peor as a remembrance of the of this Union Pacific vice That the service was appreciated was shown by those present when they all shook hands with the See our immense stock of up to date Spring Clothing before purchasing We can save you money 50 O Toronto Jobbing House The Hew Grocery Store Is the place to find everything Fresh and Q Charles Young was killed at Til- by being whirled around a shaft The Canadian Northern Railway had two million dollars worth of cars of various kinds under construc tion A II Dis tress from Stomach Vanishes Confectionery the Best Made by all the leading houses FOREIGN AND LOCAL FRUITS OF ALL KINDS SELECT OY8TER8i By the quart or served to suit the end came last night Mr was born near the village of in the northern part of the County of York He re ceived his primary education at the Newmarket Public School and his sec ondary education at the Newmarket High School He matriculated into the University of Toronto with first- class honors in mathematics and graduated in with firstclass hon ors in mathematical physics His teaching experience before he came to Gait in 1890 was two years in a Public School six months in the Sydenham High School two years in the Stratford Collegiate Institute and four onehalf years in roy Collegiate Institute in both of sour stomach or maybe tlie latter as master of mathematics you it Indigestion Dyspepsia Mr death a distinct Gastritis or Catarrh of Stomach it loss to the Collegiate Institute teach- doesnt matter take your stomach staff was considered one of trouble right with you to your the best mathematical teachers in the racist and ask him to open province and his work was always s Diapepsin and let you marked by its great thoroughness He eat one Triangule and see if always took interest in every- within five minutes there is left any thing that pertained to the schools trace f stomach misery welfare He took an exceptional in- name for your trouble terest in the Literary Society and Fermentationfood souring Glee Club Of the former ho was a Digestive organs become weak great many times president of of gastric juice your the latter he was at different times digested and In every department of como Peered with loss of appetite school life he will be very greatly after eating missed vomiting nausea heartburn griping Mr Guerre was a member of bo mates The Home he describes as a magnificent and one which every OddFellow should be proud of At the request of the Superintendent he held service at the Home on the following Sunday and he has since received a letter of appreciation from the inmates which he is very proud of o Mrs aged sixty years was killed by a street car at Mon treal The heavy wind on Wednesday of last week tore the roof the fine new barn of Mr Daniel Doner TREASURERS ft IF For Taxes in the County of York OF YORK By virtue of a Warrant by the Warden of theCounlf of TO WIT Nine Hundred ana Eight and to me directed commanding me to proceed with the collection of the Arrears of Taxes on the Lands hereinafter set forth together with the fees and ex penses I therefore notice that unless the arrears of tares and sooner paid shall on the dates and In the places hereinafter proceed to sell the said landydr fragrance and delicious flavor is used I much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge the arrears of taxes and charges in Salada Its purity and hereon F0LL0WJNG lands are patented District No Comprising Municipalities of Markham and Vaughan Sale to be held Tuesday the day of July at the hour of am in the Public Hall Clock Richmond Hill Tea grown at an elevation of feet and upwards where soil and cli mate combine to give that delightful ed purity a strength make it much more econo mical to use than other teas your taste Trinity Church of stomach bad taste in mouth con- Have you tried our Bread Cakes etc If not you dont know what you have miss ed for the baking is simply de licious Try it COOKED SLICED TO SUIT We guarantee satisfaction or money refunded Joseph Purdy Perkins Old Stand Phone He leaves besides wife b family of three Laura at home Harold of the staff of the Gait Hank a family of three Laura at home biliousness sick head- ache nervousness dizziness and many and the School of Practical Science Toronto If your appetite is fickle and no- The funera win jW J ke to Trinity QS there Is but one cause fermentation of undigested food Prove to yourself alter your next meal that your stomach is as good as any tbat there is nothing really wrong Stop this fermentation and begin eating what you want without fear of dfsoonifort or misery Almost instant relief waiting for you It is merely matter of how soon you take IT Sbilohs Cum will care my coughs and i Measure thy minds height by the shadow it casts Browning Immediate Relief From Coughs Colds Sore Throats and Hoarseness by Using When you catch cold you want to get rid of it as quickly as you can You dont want to lie around the house for a week swallowing nause ating drugs Why not avoid all this Why not relieve your cold in five minutes Why not cure it over night You cando it by using the sure and guaranteed cure for colds coughs throats catarrh bronchitis and asthma William Guest of Ayr says has proved to he a most satisfactory treatment for nasal catarrh and trouble I have doctored considerably for these troubles and conscientiously say that nothing ever has given mo such quick and lasting benefit as this rem edy I have found It especially good for cold in the head and cough I am very glad to endorse as an article of uncommon merit pronounced is medicated antiseptic air You breathe it into the lungs through a small pocket inhaler and its soothing influence as it passes over the In flamed membrane of the respiratory tract stops the musous discharge al lays the inflammation and the cold is cured A complete outfit costs and J will refund your money if It fails to cure- North Council Regular meeting held at March 20th Members all present Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed The Auditors report of Tp was presented also several communi cations as to making cement tile for culverts a communication from Murrel to have side road between lots 20 and con 6 opened and hills hereinafter dealt with The Reeve and Davidson were appointed a committee to ar range for making cement tile The whole council were appointed Road Bridge Committee for the year The Auditors report of Township accounts was accepted as satisfactory the Reeve and clerk instructed to sign the same and one hundred copies printed for distribution The following amounts were paid Municipal World col rolls and sub to World A deed for Lennox Renfrew of 200 John Jones So Hayes work con J do J braces 80 Jas use of jacks So Ed Keating grading con 76 325 Wei sheep claim Newborn keep of Little family Pollock expenses do A T do- A ByLaw was passed appointing overseers of highways pound keepers and fence viewers Council then adjourned to meet on May as Court of Revision and other business Description to Howard I part to Howard Smith Manitowannlng- East partf to O I Toronto West part to Hutchinson Middle part to Martin Heard ut Dart i to Mrs I East part Lot rlarkhatn Coo Quantity acre Taxes Fees Expenses Total 5 acre 310 r i Lot I acre Vaughan Con Quantity acre 1 Taxes 300 Expenses Total acres 3 District Ho Comprising Municipalities of North Sutton Sale to be held Tuesday the day of July at the hour of pm In the Town Hal Sutton North Taxes Description to Cane Newmarket J Lennox and part Description Lot 19 15 Quantity acre Lake acres Con 2 Fees Expenses Total Lot Sutton Block Quantity Asst to J to Mrs Henderson Treasurers County of York First Published April ISO IS acre acres Taxes c 33 13 Expenses Total Treasurer Co York In reply to a correspondent Act 1904 and subsection of Municipal World answers a question section of the Act provides that as to business and professional as- every person to business assess- sessment Can assessors as- under clause I of section a person on business and income shall be liable to be assessed for trie both in cases such as a doctor income derived by him from his Answer A doctor is liable to business profession or calling to theex- under clause sub- tent to which such income section 1 of section 10 The Assess- amount of his business assessment Swollen Hands and Feet moan Kidney Trouble Llnlment5rid blood purifiers must do is to euro the kidneys a railway tele grapher was found dead and frozen in a brook near the tsack at Que I Pills act these vital disease uric acid purify blood relieve pain and reduce swelling In hands a box for dealers or sent on of A ML y 4 F ONTARIO W TORONTi

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