Newmarket Era, 4 Jun 1909, p. 1

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Brighten Up Brighten Up Time is hero the time to clean up about the house renovate and make the old things look neat and clean again We can help you in the work with our line of Oaf Toronto Mayor Oliver has returned from the Old Country His mission was suc cessful Rev picked up a wallet containing 350 on the Union Station platform and handed it to officials Rev Dr Carman has gone to at tend the Methodist Conferences in the West and survey the mission field While Gypsy Smith was telling the people to he good the hand book men were trying to hypnotize the innocent on the racetrack A pickpocket from Buffalo was ar rested at the Woodbine on Tuesday on a charge of stealing ft gold watch from J Stead man While playing about a boxful of dead leaves to which fire had been set little Alice was serious ly if not fatally burned this week Hugh McCauley was stabbed nearly a dozen times with a small knife dur ing a row on Stewart St Tuesday night The aggressor was arrested A driver for John Co wholesale grocers named Pat was arrested this week on a charge of breaking into the premises of his employers and stealing several hundred dollars worth of groceries Authors Story writer of Sowing Seeds in Danny gives an account of her early life Sketch sent to a Toronto friend and published by permission in The Home Journal I have been trying ail afternoon to wolves racing over the snow in the ln flight and it looked like childhood and although several have the waves of the sea I have often come to me do not believe they arc tried to make people understand the very creditable Ihey do not point numbers of wolves we used to see to the fact that was good meek They were poor starved cowardly mild gentle little girl Ill tell creatures nobody was afraid of them ran wild on the prairie for three you one which will convince you think that we had better not probe the past too deeply- When I was ten years old I did not know anything and didnt care if I didnt J refused to be interested in the classics with which my poor mother tried to illu mine my dark mind You see there great chums She were no schools then in Manitoba up was great person years I had a dog called Nap dear old He drew me over the hard snow on a little hand sleigh one of the kind neighbors a carpenter- made for me often tell my own children about the trips Nap and 1 made My sister Hannah and I were could read and in my eyes and Paints and It is surprising what a little paint or varnish will do toward brightening up dingy surroundings We have a paint and varnish X lor every purpose and would be pleased to have a paint talk with you Color Cards for the asking at HARDWARE PAINTS GLASS PLUMBING FURNACE WORK PHONE NEWMARKET to that time I mean always will be She had read a School the first one I attended was story about Indians a real thriller opened in I think Mother and called The HeartEater or my elder sisters tried to stir up in of the Hollow Hill it was me some sense of pride They told well named and she told it to me Wickedness abounds notwithstanding fl0W wi and old I was getting a in niggardly installments The the good work of thousands of would he sometime etc amount of diskwashing and sweeping One day a neighbor arrived the hat girl got me to do for the story- Urn near Weston was I might say came over to telling makes me tired even now but found guilty of sending Black Hand bringing her little boy also ten do not blame her at all It to Mr Geo Plant and 0f lilte hoy had been quired stratagem to get me to work under threats and school in he could read indoors My idea of happiness was tenoo deferred till the close of lc cani England driving Nap in the little sleigh I Ireland and Scotland he was fond of drew in wood also loads of snow for fifteen years old I stayed at Council has declined to i books bis mother said In proof l0 snow for washing I the on Eighth St Sessions Hie City I remember once when I was read ing in the Second Hook we were studying the lesson called The Faithful Dog and when my turn came to read I started off bravely enough that pathetic where the little dog wourtfed to death by his master who thought mad crawl ed to guard the saddle bags which the master had forgotten his I broke down utterly and refused to be comforted The other young sters laughed but Dear Teacher did not laugh He stroked my head and said to the otter youngsters I do not see how anyone can read this story without crying Then I bowled louder than ever 1 The Teacher had a wonderful influence over me wept with delight when he gave rne a smile and I nev er needed to tremble with ear at his frown He always planned a great future for me and made me think well of myself He and his wife live now in Manitoba where he is a bank manager and they are two of my dearest friends I shall always feel that I owe debt of love and gratitude to Mr and Mrs Frank of and if any of success or any op portunity for usefulness comes to me no one has better reason than they to say Didnt always tell you so I went to Brandon to write on the Teachers Examination in July It was the first time I was ever away from home for more than one and I was poor scared little memorialize the Government to re- thereof his mother male fund the license fee of the somc abominable thing I a A Subscriptions to the South African memorial now totals nearly him recite forget now fed the chickens and I was very fond of all animals we had and what it was Then everybody pro- thought it no trouble to carry water to rub it in to little Nellie I for them bore it all with sullen indifference but At three miles away homecoming of Mc- heart was hot for battle Pretty had brought out quite a Cann VicarGeneral of the Roman were of people He had a Hour mill Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto from When became in again which was on the river and entertained bright Rome was duly celebrated at St hurriedly his nose was hopes of the railroad coming Algebra Down below in the Marys Church last Tuesday evening olecriing crossing the river there There were the Salvation Army began to where the parishoners gathered to ex- Thats not a nice story see about a down opposite the Palace Hotel Up in a third storey bedroom one hot July night I wrestled hard with Hamblin Smiths Algebra I was up against it pood and plenty The next morning we were to write on Alec- bra and I was almost sick with fear I was afraid that I knew but little IN THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OF THE BANK OF TORONTO ACCOUNTS may be opened for sums large or small THERE IS NO DELAY or diffi culty about opening an account and the money may be withdrawn whenever required INTEREST IS PAID on your money FROM THE DAY YOU LEAVE IT WITH US TILL THE DAY you take it out BRANCHES In Ontario Quebec and the West CAPITAL REST ASSETS FIELD Manager Newmarket tend a hearty welcome Three true bills were returned by I the Grand Jury in the sessions last Tuesday nigh indicting Mr John proprietor of the Tower I three brothers House on a charge of receiving stol en whiskey on a charge of housebreaking and on a charge of inflicting grievous bodily harm on Annia Ma- young fellows at Mill- sing Port Hope and a nice you see a But I can give you the biographical ford from sketch anyway I was bom October remember and they often came out 201h at County of to see us One them played a Grey the youngest of a family of six violin and they often danced There and two sisters We were two other young lalies in the ou fear the gathering clouds of sorrow Tell it to Jesus tell it to Jesus anxious what will be to morrow came west in as far as St Hon- neighborhood besides my sisters it to Jesus alone iface by train and crossed over the and Hannah I was too young message was not in vain that Red River to Winnipeg in a little to tale part in the festivities and night and I went to bed strangely row boat one dark rainy night in ways had to go to bed at nine My In these days candidates early May After staying in brother Will coaxed mother many required to at least forty about two weeks tenting on the times to let me stay up but mymoPer on Algebra and some other Bank of TORONTO Incorporated peg river bank we moved out to Silver was a Dundee It is now given out that Shrubh and Longboat will run their postponed Heights and rented a house for the could be turned aside from what she at the Island on June summer My father and two thought she ought to do So at will run at Buffalo on Sat- went farther west to th Souris oclock I went to bed presumably Evening river where my eldest brother Will that is I did not any more Permission was granted the voung had taken up land We had a I sat on the stairs and looked over men of the Metropolitan Bible Class time that summer Our house Thats how I learned to woman and never subjects I made fortyone per cent ea 11 off went seen every day immigrant waggons on A few years after the railroad JsasrA to use the speeding track at the Ex- the main road leading into Major Rodgers bright hopes of Mill- grounds on Saturday June Winnipeg and there was plenty to be fords greatness faded aStime upon which date will he held the field day sports of all the Methodist Bible Classes The local militia are getting ready to go into camp next month at Nia gara Spring drill is being held ev ery Friday evening on the subject So you see had some- cause for the stage fright After six weeks of wailing I got one day a post card from the of Education at Winnipeg beginning with these sweet and magical words Having successively passed the re cent Second Class Teachers Examin ation you are eligible to attend the Normal Session beginning etc I Indians traders There were In- came from Winnipeg to and everywhere I played with a the people moved there lea never saw anything that looked net- black greasy little fellow call- only the wells and cellars and to me than hat nice Tommy whose mother little on the hill with fought intermittently with a lady friend of hers for three days on the its spruce trees and thick car- School in pet of ground cedar Many of the months I attended the Manitoba Normal Winnipeg for five It was conducted by Mr COAL LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR GOAL mm Nut Stove and Eg Pea PEARSON Corner Church and ORDER PHONE OR CARTERS JOS WESLEY AND FRED HOOVER Perfect Fitting Garments Are what you expect from the tailors hands Perfection of fit Is assured when WE MAKE YOUR CLOTH a f High Class tailoring Reliable Goods and Superior Fit are the points upon we liave built up our busi ness mm See our Spring with your next order MERCHANT taken up much faster than holders ventured to hope The scarcity of domestics is evi- by the fact that although applications for servants have been made at the Womans Employment Bureau at the City Hall Miss Wile- man who is in charge has only been able to find to send out to the and country The National Council of Charities Corrections will foregather in Toronto on the and the Confer ence is expected to be continued till of June From to 1500 persons are expected to attend The City authorities have declined to license the sale of cigars from au tomatic slot machines The Toronto Canoe Club will hold annual regatta on Bay course Aug On this occasion the Canadian Championships will he for and it is being looked forward to as the most important aquatic event of the season At a meeting of the Senate of Mc- University on Thursday of last week recommendation that Prof J Matthews be exonerated the charge of teaching heretical views of the Old Testament and that the University adopt a definite posi tion on the permanent value the Old Testament was adopted i The Controllers have decided to the Salvation Army and MennonJtes from holding campmeet ings in the Parks Toronto ratepayers will to morrow on a proposed bylaw to raise for the completion of jthe sea wall along the Lake shore- Tommy looked in through the gate little flat where George Motherwell and brought me beads and gum al- kept the hotel and John Brown the most as good as new and we were general store and William Turnbuil very miserable the Scotch blacksmith pounded the In September of that year we drove anvil They are all dead now I the whole distance to one attended the funerals these three hundred and eighty miles by oxtrain up there on the lonesome little It was simply great We tented out hillside that to me is the dreariest at night I can smell the bacon fry- deathlike place in all world yet the scones my mother made for with it I associate the terrible I sometimes dream about We often of death that children often have got stuck in the mud but the first The Rev Hall now in Revel- team that came along doubled up stoke was the first Methodist minis- and pulled our waggon out Every- ter there and the first grave in the body was jolly and neighborly I re- little field was his delicate boy momben Lord distinctly bur whom I mourned with bitter he was on his way to Edmonton tears I have been there at least was not a bit glad when we came to 0 a year since and I find the the Assiniboine River and Will said same feeling of loneliness comes back we would be at our own house that when I read the simple inscription on night We had been two weeks on little Wilburs marble slab It is the road twentyeight years since we first That winter was a very cold one the blue anemones on the fresh and when people are eighty miles mound from a store they probably have to A new era of things began for me do without a great many of the when a school was built and opened things which are supposed to make two miles away I was very anxious life agreeable know we had a to go but fearful too I knew I time I remember we could was desperately Ignorant for my age see the stars through the cracks at and I had the greatest fear of the he didn night and the bed clothes were often teacher saying so But frozen to my hair But we had a bless him He said when 1 told him good time Only once things were 1 had never been to school Oh well pretty sad We bad brought youll soon learn youll be just as black cow with us from Winnipeg and I far ahead as any of the others in a she accidentally broke her neck My year From that minute I was mother cried when father came in and ready to do anything for Dear told her It was a big surprise to He never scoldcH me He to ace mother cry couragod me inspired me to love When the little black cow was knowledge stireod my ambition en away out on the prairie the attended his school for five years and wolves came to feast on her They at the end of that time had a Second came in hundreds I have seen Class Teachers Certificate which position held until January when I was appointed a member of the teaching staff Mr Shine was the Principal and he was a wonderful teacher He was kind enough to give us lessons after school hours on Algebra Trigonometry and and Algebra ceased to have terrors me I was not remarkable in any was as a teacher I liked the children and never had any difficulty They were very agreeable with me always In December I went to Winni peg to attend the Collegiate Institute there and the following luly wrote for a First Class Teachers Certifi cate After that I taught for a year in Treherne School and for sis months in the old Northfield School On August I was mar ried My husband was in business then in Manitou and we have lived here ever since Now in regard to my literary en deavors I always had pipe- dreams I would write some day I remember the first time I was in Brandon I had of my own which I had intended to buy a brooch with but I went into a store and bought St Elmo and Washington Sketch Book and read them over and I had to look after quite a herd ol cattle after school every day and then I had a chance to follow the fortunes of Edna Earl while the cows laid in a supply of meadow grass At other times when days came upon me and I had to stay at home from school to herd I these same unruly I I could not lose the time from the serious business of life and so a Euclid or an Algebra afield I remember working through the second book of Euclid with a scribbler rest- on old Naps back as he lay me When some restless old cow wandered away toward a grain field just as I was beginning to sea light in a proposition I remember I could have smitten her dead with great deal of pleasure My earliest writing was epitaphs for dead kittens setting forth theli virtues and sad parting from their bereaved mother which purely fictitious in both places fox they had no virtues conspicuous or otherwise and the old cat did nob care a linkers hoot about them My sister Hannah was a very clever girl and wrote good verses owe a great deal to her She never let my ambition flag She was one of the most successful teachers in the Pro vince arid always had Better judg ment than J She was level headed and cautious and very persevering My firsi literary effort was along the line of editorials for Sunday School papers The Detroit Free Press paid me one dollar for some verses I sent them also East and West took some little stories of mine but of course you know that it was who really is accountable for Sowing Seeds in Danny You would not be bothering about who L is if your friend there be side you hadnt written me a nice letter after reading the first chapter and telling me I sure could do it J did not even know his name then but its easy to believe nice things about ones self isnt it I hoped this pleasant person was telling the truth Now shall I teil you about the characters in the book The old Doctor I knew well and knew too something of his kind ministrations to the sick and how he could com fort and cheer us even when the Sha dow of the Dark Valley was creeping into the home He has been dead now for many years but he is still named among us with reverence Sam Motherwell and his wife are still with us in large numbers I have known them in about fourteen instances the same big bare house the same stuffy smell in the parlor that Is never used the big bank ac count and the stolid selfish grey- lives They arc cold and hard and greedy but even they can loosen up when it is put up to them good and strong Mrs Frances is a real woman and she does wear pink and writes papers for conventions have always thought shed make a delightful character for a book she is so sweet and kindly with all her thoughtlessness She is a most in capable woman in some ways A friend of hers once said in speaking of her habit of losing her belongings Ii Mrs Frances was put in a very small room with a very large ele phant and a pair of scissors in kail an hour shed both of them The young doctor and the young minister are types fine fellows too Ive known dozens of them theyre plentiful in the West Mrs McGuire I knew too My motherinlaw once went to try to make peace between her and the Watsons and told her she should pray for poor Mrs Watson to which the Relict of the late replied Pray the divil Ive enough to do to pray for so I have The doctors horse Pleurisy is our own Jasper You have observed no doubt that Jasper is no beauty but his merits arc very real just the same Nap the Motherwells dog is my dear old Nap of whom I have tod you I hope Nap knows I have not forgotten him Jack Paul and Florence the kid dies take the greatest Interest in my work often hear Paul weaving romances of the good times coming when Mamma gets paid for her books He speaks of Shetland ponies and automobiles in his wildest flights Paul is a chunky little browneyed chap with a crop of bran- colored checkles over his nose I cannot lay claim to public sym pathy I like my own folks I get on well with my neighbors and friends My hired help does not Continued on page L I 1 1 1 i It is sufficient for some people that they drink any thing called tea Others preier a standard brand like which has a reputation for be ing good The latter get more en joyment out of life In buying tea lor the satisfaction you expect to get from use it will pay to purchase Avoid anything just good Imitations are invariably of poor quality 1 J ONTARr TORONTO

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