Newmarket Era, 4 Jun 1909, p. 2

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I If b f J I s THE JRCWMABKBT VY 1 I km General Maid willing to go to the Lake la Apply to Mrs Newmar- Strayed Fruitful Legislation i J From M in the 2nd of East on May a RED YEAR LING Information as to her whereabouts will he suitably re warded J Newmarket Federal Parliament recently brought to a close though shorter usual was fruitful good leg islation of a national character Mat will have farreaching on future development the Do minion It is a source satisfaction to know that every attempt to discredit members of the Administration met i Provincial loan amounting to was floated on first of month by the safe of four per cent thirtyyear bonds for which the Province will net par papers announce that the loan was tak up by a local syndicate of bank trusts and insurance companies and money paid over to the Provincial Treasury The price netted is gen erally regarded as exceedingly satis factory This Idan is the last of a issue authorized to be made lor the const ruction and equip ment of railway and Our Society Column raim with Signal failure The Opposition will expended on the line was invited to formulate charges wrong doing it they knew of any Mr J A Codys mother has been confined to her bed a few days from sciatica Mrs J McMillan of Aurora visited Mrs Marshall Church St on Saturday Mrs Fletcher is moving to Toronto this week having decided to reside there in the future ago last Sunday j Mrs Gamble of Montreal is her fiat I mm Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA VIA CHICAGO JUNE VIA CO JUNK Steamer leaves PM WINNIPEG AM RETURN EDMONTON AND RETURN Alaska-Yukon- Pacific SEATTLE PROPORTIONATE RATES TO POINTS Full information and tickets Iron C Ticket Agent Fortythree years Fenians crossed over at hero in a few days to vis but the invitation was not accepted on following morning mother Mrs O J Not a word was said during the whole and Tenth Royals left Muir session reflecting upon the election Toronto for the June of uncle Mr cainnaign of most the Queens Own encountered the Toronto on Ivaders at Lime under general unusual thing a new Parliament j Mr and Mrs J A and Those arc circumstances worthy of re- took place resulting in thc are visiting Fenians being driven out of Canada During the sanguinary conflict WEAR CROMPTON8 THE OF QUALITY Hunter KroSo Limited NEWMARKET OVERALLS Wear like a Pigs 126 pair I Bxc Will This the and Dons i a i MAIL CONTRACT TENDERS addressed to tho Postmaster General will be re ceived at Ottawa until Noon on Fri day uly W09 for ihe convey ance f Majestys Mails on a proposal Contract for four years six times per each way between and from first October next Printed notices containing further information as to conditions pro posed Contract may Ik seen and blank forms of Tender may he obtain ed at the Post Office of and Ravenshoe and the Office Post Office Inspector at Toronto Post Office Department Mail Service Branch Ottawa May ANDERSON Superintendent Old Bradford Bridge for Sale One feature ol session which consumed an Undue port and led to no results was re vamping of some exploded and thread bare scandals days gone by most of them being matters upon which the people passed judgment In October last when the Government appealed to electorate This attempt at rehabilitation was work of new members who gravely referred to in cidents previously ventilated In the as if they were quite new As the session advanced these gentlemen grew wiser After their experience with Hon Mr the Opposi tion fought shy of direct attacks and even North Torontos shining light was more careful of the now famous rule since his encounter- with the Premier The parly organs are more or less to blame for the dilemma in which new members sometimes felt selws ilaicod They make mislead ing statements and new members take for granted that they are in truti This leads to serious this week Mr J Purdys Mr and Mrs Manning were ever Queens Own suffered the the guests of and Mrs Wesley at loss of twenty men their cottage at Roachs Point over was all astir that first week in June when Company No left for If our memory serves us right the late Alfred was the Captain of the Company at that time FROM THE TORE in I Ilia ij on the art of those who i instance the Mail a short tune ago said The Provinces west of Manitoba are deprived of their lands and arc hampered by the policy of So is British Columbia inference of this item is totally misleading The Provinces west of Manitoba never owncvl any land so cannot he hampered by any policy of restriction and the lands arc settled at the sole expense of the Do minion Government but when Mail adds Soris British Columbia we are amazed as that Province owns her own lands Some Ontario Con servative papers arc stating that British Columbia received an inade quate subsidy in consequence of the action of Dominion but this is all wrong Govern ment at Ottawa merely accepted the decision which had been arrived at by the conference of Colonial Premiers taking no part in the deliberations which led to the result Notwith standing these facte however the J 9 Mr T Stead writing from Lon don England claims to have found a now and speedy cure for tuberculosis The Toronto Telegram says that a prominent physician of City al leged that the principle is as old as the hills ft has been tried without success Fresh air only cure However after explaining that the treatment has been discovered by Win rcsired English publisher with a hobby for medical research Mr Stead thus explains the method The treatment is extremely simple A poultice containing aeitc and chlo rine the exact prescription has not led but there is no in tention on the part of to keep placed en the body of ir as possible to organ or mcmnranc that has become prey to the tibcrculosis hacilli In about a week an ulcer is formed con nected by what is called ray of in flammation with the diseased organ This forms a kind of duct through which the mucopus is drawn out the system The ulcer needs to be carefully dressed twice a day with a salve which is also thc discovery If this is neglected the ulcer spreads becomes black and the pa tient dies But if it is properly at tended to the ulcer steadily works off have all diseased matter from the lung un til in from four to six months a complete cure is effected Mr Stead adds that it was tried on a young man pronounced to be in the final stages of the disease and effected a complete cure Sealed Tenders addressed to the 1 Federal Government is being attacked will be received up to noon for infringing upon Provincial lights Our Toronto Iiettef Ipesday the of June tor- the purohase and removal of the old wooden bridge over the Holland River at Bradford The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted bridge to he taken as it is with out any representation of any kind and to be removed and taken down at sole risk of purchaser arid the whole to be cleared not later than 1st October next and to the satisfaction of the County Engineer tenderer to sign an agrce- satisfactory to Engineer Mark ed cheque for 20 of- price to be put in with tender and balance paid by successful party in five days after acceptance of tender and before any part of bridge is removed failing which the deposit will be forfeited Other deposits will be returned Dated Mas day of May AD 1909 ALBERT County Councillor Bradford Ont Fire broke out in Henry Dunns Poultry vand in on Mon- morning and did damage bia a Provincial It I chicken house destroyed contam- kind of journalism not calculated pureWooded Minorca to the val- Sunday Miss of Toronto and Miss Madeline Wild of New York were the guests of Mrs 7 Purdy this week Miss Mabel Black of Buffalo spent over Sunday with her aunts the Misses Miss accompanied her home on Monday Miss Vera Playter is visiting friends at Jacksons Point and Miss Greta Playter is with a house party of College girls at Jacksons Point Mr J of High School staff has been appointed by Separate School Board to re present them on the Board of Exam iners for the Entrance Exams of Mr Oliver who is moving from Bradford to Bar He is spending a few days with Mr Joshua Mr Oliver was born in Whitchurch years ago and has resided years in West Mrs has rented a cottage at Jacksons Point for a cou ple of months She expects her daughter Mrs McCormick of Pem broke here next week to some time with her at the lake Mr Chantler of National Military Home Kansas in renewing his subscription to the Era wnites From my heart send my kindest regards yourself and all the inter esting people of Newmarket Mr formerly of t and writes We moved to our new home which is four miles from the new town of on the newlyconstructed line of the known as the Moose Jaw Branch This is a slightly rolling section of prairie land peopled principally We have Methodist service every Sunday afternoon miles away and school mile from our place Seeding in this part is about all finished and business in the towns is lively o Special Prices for week ending June Big Wrappers Little Price flOooach 5 dozen Womens Print Wrappers all sizes to Extra large sized goad strong Print in colors of Blue Garnet and Black Worth on sale at 98c each Black Sateen Underskirte each 2 dozen Black Sateen Underskirts made with deep flounces Good large sizes 40 and inches long Reg 100 on sale at 79c each Lawn Blouses 98c each Heres a bargain for 36 women- Fine India Lawn Blouses travellers samples Worth up to each to clear 98c each Crash Towelling yard yards Crash Roller Towelling with red border Regular 10c yard on sale at 8c yard Llama Hose 35c pair Puritan Brand Llama Black Cash mere Hose Sizes and 9i The Best Hose in Canada at the price 35c pair pairs for Coys Odd pair pairs Boys Odd Knicker Pants made of Tweed and Moleskin lined throughout with White Cotton Sizes 22 to 32 On sale at pair Gottonade Pants 100 pair A good strong Cottonade Pant Sizes 32 to A great famous Pant 100 pair Suits Reg 1000 1250 24 Mens Tweed and Blue Worsted Suits Good linings and trimmings Made to sell at 1000 and 1250 all at one price Womens Patent Sample Oxfords 198 pair 24 pairs Womens Patent Leather Oxfords travellers samples Regular 300 arid on sale at 198 pair Mens Negligee Shirts each 5 dozen Mens Fancy Print and Zephyr Shirts Sizes to 16J On sale at 75c each A to reflect much credit upon their knowledge of the situation or their reputation for an honest presentation of the facts of the case r f BOTES An OrdcrinCouncil has been pass ed by the Dominion Cabinet making it compulsory for civil servants to be at their departments from 9 am un til 5 pm Hitherto many cases civil servants have been working only from ten till four with two hours break for lunch Domestic Wanted To go to the Lake Apply to MRS J ROBERTSON Main St I III Personal If Moore does not call and remove his effects they wil be sold to defray expenses on Saturday the of June at the Market Square Newmarket at am JOHN Hamilton Herald pulled the right string when it said Profes sional Marathon racing is fast run ning to soed The thing has been overdone the public has been grossly gulled and evidently is now onto game The goose that laid the golden eggs has been killed An Ottawa despatch dated June 1 says During the month of May the customs collections totalled or more than was col lected in May For the first two months of the fiscal year the col lections totalled an in crease of a million and a quarter over last vear An American is starting a large English pheasant farm on a Island among the Thousand Islands below Kingston and pjans to raise to English golden pheas ants It is claimed that the birds can be prevented from flying far and as the island has a water expanse of at least half a mile on either sldo the pheasants can be isolated on the island farm It is stated that the Ontario Gov ernment has under consideration im portant plans for providing improved prison accommodation in Northern Ontario A Provincial Prison will likely be the result The Premier stated the other day that the for building is emphasized by enormous travelling hills presented for transferring prisoners to Toron to and the crowded condiUon of the prison In the City Sale Register The choice of J Herbert Denton as third junior judge of York County does credit to Hon A Such Is the Telegrams comment on the appointment referred to lUy Integrity and Industry are June Daniel elated with Mr Dentons record of will have a cash sale of household effects on lot of 3rd Con East of ue of Fire is supposed to have originated from a defective lamp A clerk in a St store Mrs while sorting a pile of papers behind the counter last Monday was bitten in the second finger by large rat The wound was cauterized at the Hospital and no serious results are anticipated His Excellency the Governor Gen eral and Lady Grey left this City for Kingston on Monday whore they spent the day and then proceeded to Ottawa that night Earl and Lady Grey gave a garden party on the beautiful lawn at Mr Manns residence on the Kingston road It was a function and was attended by about guests Percy and AH to have a race at Point on Saturday night The Holland Landing action against the for maintaining a nuisance by fencing a portion of a highway was traversed till the Sept Sessions The courts opinion seemed to be that the case was only a civil one and should be dealt with by the Railway Commission Customs receipts at this port show increase for May over corresponding month last year A lot of spurious 25c pieces are in circulation in the City this week Spurious money turns up about race week almost every year Tho imita tion quarters are described as good of their kind just the sort that are al lowed to pass in a hurry Mrs Henry Cunningham and her child which was born in tho Swiss Cottage Hospital wliore the mother was undergoing treatment for small pox were discharged from that in stitution last Monday Mrs Cun ningham has recovered and her baby although in contact with the disease escaped without infection Two new cases of smallpox were sent to the Swiss Cottage this week Taylor 37 years of age for some time employed in the T Eaton Companys upholstering department was found dead in her room at Victoria Street Monday afternoon The cause of death was apparently heart failure The Ontario Gazette announces the incorporation of the Oslor Trunk New Offices The Grand Trunk Svstem with their new organization in Europe have opened a fine suite of offices at Street London one of the best locations in the city It is just opposite Pall Mall and the majority of the traffic from Westminster and the west end of London passes through this thoroughfare to Piccadilly Oxford street and the commercial sections of the Metropolis Canadians who visit London will find these offices com plete in every way and the company are desirous of having all visitors from the colonies make their head quarters in London their rendezvous where they can have their mail ad dressed make appointments and do their correspondence This is an in novation of the transportation lines of the colonies and no doubt will be taken advantage of by many over seas visitors to the Mother Country unswerving to the party This commendation from an source is mortal Home an institution for aged to the friends of the Minister of men and women to be erected at Justice North York THE CRADLE In Whitchurch on May to Mr and Mrs Byron a son HARMON In Newmarket on May to Mr and Mrs Harmon a son GROSE At Sharon on May to Mr land Mrs Grose a daughter THE ALTAR Monday May 24 by Rev A Toye A Jane Phillips of Whit church to Arthur Hellam of THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at Millard Phones and 26 THE TOMB SPROULE At on Wed nesday May 190 Mrs Isa bella Sproule in her year In Bradford on Thurs day May 20 Sophia Milgate be loved wife of Geo in her year Interment in New market Cemetery JACKSONIn on June 1st 1909 Sophia Wright wife Jackson Esq in her year FINCH At Laskay on Saturday May after months illness James Finch third son of James and Mary Finch late of West Toronto in his year Interment at King City Cemetery May GRAY In Newmarket on Monday May William Grey aged yrs mo and days Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon BEYNON On Friday May 28 at the residence of her son J Temperanceville Mary Ann widow of the late John non aged years FERGUSON In Toronto on 31st of May Mrs Donald Fergu son formerly of Utopia and New market Interred at on Wednesday WILLIS At the residence of her son- inlaw J Snider Toronto on June Rebecca widow of the late Benjamin Willis late of Aurora in her year In terred at Aurora yesterday KENT In Toronto on May 31 Mabel wife of Mr Jolm Kent and daughter of the late Malloy formerly of NewmarVct aged 26 years COKE At Larder City New Onta rio on May 1909 Harry Coke formerly 6t Newmarket aged years 3 J Overtaking ST NORTH NEWMARKET AH Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention 1 For Quality and Price we think this is a good time for you to buy your Pine Apples for Canning We have been advised that now will be the cheapest time for preserving 1 e We have some of the Best Quality Maple Syrup at pen Imp Gallon of Eastern Township For Field and Garden Seeds we have a Full Range If Phoa AT- Nut Stove or Egg 650 Pea Our Bales beyond our IS TH Order by Phone or from Boyd Fred or Turner TORONTO Col pan MO lege this Cor of reqi are and in the gro ins pal

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