Newmarket Era, 4 Jun 1909, p. 3

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ii r i I I I v I J Wi I I I A 1 I I I THE BRA I9i I Weeks Local Hews WHAT IB OH 111 A I Excursion to The North York Farmers Institute will hold their annual Excursion to A Tuesday Juno This is an excellent opportunity for the teachers and pupils of High and Public Schools to visit the Mc Donald Institute For fares etc see posters Firemen Attention I A meeting of the Fire Brigade will be hold Tuesday evening next at oclock All members of Brigade and Officers expected to attend Business of importance Methodist Conference in To- next Tuesday Christian Church Conference meets in Kcswicic on June 16th The dandy lions appear to have taken possession of the lawns in spite of the number that have their heads oft institute Excursion Wo notice by the paper the date fixed for North York Farm ers Institute Excursion to OAC has also been chosen for the Institute Excursions of East Elgin North Grey and North and West Bruce Juno On the following day Wednesday June there is lv one that of An Anticipated The of the WaterWorks Lawn having been neglected for years has this week been recommenced by the placing there of a quantity of earth It seems to us that this much desired plan could he hurried to completion by the removal of the cor poration sign Do not dump rubbish here and substitute therefor one that might read Earth may he here but no rubbish of any sort Juvenile Lacrosse The following is schedule for district A in the Juvenile scries the A June Aurora at Newmarket June Newmarket at Bradford June Bradford at Aurora July Aurora at Bradford July Bradford at Newmarket July Newmarket at Aurora consists of Beet on and Tottenham The winner of the two districts will play off The teams in this district of the Junior L A will he the Maitlands of To ronto Newmarket andAurora Lawn Social Dont forget the social tonigjht Friday on Mr Jawn Good music arid refreshments Should the weather be unsuitable It will be held In the basement of the rian Church Act Our town authorities are grading the southern section of Prospect Ave preparatory to giving the entire a coat of from Queen St to the southern town lim its League The young people of the League a most enjoyable time at the social last Monday evening and the Social Committee deserve praise for the unique program First there was drawing contest then a spelling match and then a test of Bible characters Everyone enjoy ed themselves immensely The meeting next Monday night is in charge of the 1st The Topic will be the conclusion of the study of Pilgrims Progress Essays will be given by three mem bers of the Also Roll and Consecration Dog Tags In a number of Towns and Village Corporations notice that mu nicipal authorities announce special date in May on which owners of dog must apply for tags and pay the required tax Those who neglect are either summoned before a J P or the animals destroyed This means business and ownerless curs allowed to be a nuisance to citizens generally Another Gathering Here The Yearly Meeting of Friends in Canada will be held in Newmarket commencing on the of June A Meeting of more than ordinary inter est is anticipated Among the visit ors from a distance is Prof Elbert Russell Of Earlham College Richmond Indiana a talented speak er and a thorough biblical scholar A larger number of delegates than usual Is anticipated Matters Not What people say against Sherwin- Williams Paints For the years they have proven to be best Paints and Varnishes in world Sole Agency MR A WILLIAMS Banquet and Presentation On Friday evening last some sixty Newmarket gcntlemen greeted Mr A A Williams barrister of this Town and the party sat down to a sumpt uous dinner in the parlors of caterer C Simpson The menu of eight courses was most excellently served and the entire company appeared to be in the best of spirits Mr Ronton pianist rendered popular instrumental selections thru- out the meal After cigars had been lighted the health of the King duly honored and a stirring patriotic song sung in re sponse by Mr Thos Davidson a brief but carefully prepared toast list was to With Mr Williams the guest the evening seated at his right and his father Mr Addison Williams at his Worships left Mayor Pearson in his best vein ably discharged the duties of toastmaster The toast of our guest was most happily proposal by ExMayor T J Robertson who referred in kindest terms to the sterling worth integri ty professional ability and general the Death of Mr Isaac Shupe The following regarding the death of Mr Isaac was omitted last week After an illness of several months Mr Isaac passed away on Sunday morning May 23rd at his residence on Simcoe street in his year Deceased was born at Waterloo Ont and came to New market 10 years ago From the manufacturers point of view lie was regarded as one of the best selling agents in Canada Not long after corning to Newmarket he mar ried Miss Anne Theresa Prest who with three daughters Mrs A Proctor Rossi and Pauline and three the I popularity of Mr Angus Williams who is about leaving us to assume the important duties of solicitor to the of Indian Affairs an ap pointment in the gift of the Interior at Ottawa Mr Robertsons personal remarks thoroughly voiced the sentiments of those present and with double emphasis from him as it was to him self that Mr Williams was first ar ticled as a studenlatlaw The speaker then read the following address Dear Williams A few of- your many friends hearing that you were about to re move to Ottawa and thinking it would not be meet to allow you to leave us without receiving some ex pression of the warmth of our feel- lings towards you have arranged for twit L sonsFrank Clause and Robert sur- of the respect In the eighties Mr s0 unlvcrsaU together with his j in which law Mr Robert went to sided While we all regret It Us if a speech of such on amount of thorough pre paration and in language con taining such perfect metaphor and simile into which were introduce so many apt quotations withal deliver ed so forcibly carrying the very con victions of the to all pres ent was over before heard at a New market gathering as the pithy dis sertation on the Value of Thought to the Pupil and the Individual Science Master The singling of the National Anthem brought this happy gathering to a close Mr Fergus took flash light of the diners Heres toast to all who were there No matter whence they were from May the best day they nave seen Be worse than their woret yet to come Big Job The Contract for HotWater Heat ing Plumbing Metal Work on Mr A Davis new residence has been let to Mr A Newmarket The Qua Mountings A communication was received this week from Hon A B on board Victorian en route to England re the desired mountings or beds for the pair of heavy mor tars at the WaterWorks lawn Whilst his conversation with Sir land Sir Frederick win make some allows us to fear that the proper mountings for this style of old ord nance are not preserved at Woolwich an1 therefor unobtainable in Eng land Sir Frederick will make some effort Ho further ascertain if by any possible chance such are stored at any ordnance department in Canada and the kindly interest of our repre sentative Hon A al lows him to add that lie will per sonally try to locate beds whilst in England this summer and that he is taking with him our Committees letter giving measure1 dimensions of mortars and explaining our re quest THE BEST COOKS USE BAKING POWDER PATTERNS and NONE HIGHER Warm Weather Goods French Muslin Voiles Swiss Colored Muslins Stripe Linen Suiting English Galatea Stripes These are all very scarce goods are in Great Demand Summer Corsets 25c pr Bundles White TaPc for Ladies Black Cotton Hose Long Lisle Gloves 25 35 50c Cotton Cashmere yd Si Pork antf Beans tins for 25c Sardines for 25c Large Tin Mustard Sardines Kippered Herring tin Fresh Herring 3 for 25c Pink Salmon 10c Quaker Tea lb Shell Brand Castile Soap lb Boots and Shoes will advance price this Fall about 20 per cent account of increase in the price Of Green Hides Now Is the time anticipate your wants Our Shoes are celebrated for their wear and tha price Is just a little cheaper tha other fellow Live Stock Market Slight decline in cattle on Toronto market this week but choice butcher in good Lambs are down to per cwt Live hogs arc at the mark Newmarket Markets NEW June 3 Its a Good Time To think of Hammocks Refrigera tors IceCream Freezers Oil and Gasoline Stoves Your wants best supplied at Hardware Fall Wheat Barley per bush Oats per bush Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton per It Eggs per doz Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb per bush 30 21 26 00 14 0 0 00 58 17 00 20 BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF SUMMER MILLINERY Leading Millinery Dry Goods and Tailoring House Toronto Markets Fall Wheat per bush Goose Wheat per bush Barley per bush Oats per bush June Recalling Old Tiniea We received beautiful letter last Friday from an old resident of this section Mrs Frank Morrison who Peas per bushf now resides in San Francisco Hay per ton- Though so far away Mrs Morrison Eggs per keeps in touch with all local events Butter per lb by being a constant reader of The Potatoes per bag Era We are sure that her many Chickens per friends here will be glad to spend a Chickens per lb lev minutes in recalling old times with her and we appreciate the spirit that prompted her to write The letter reads San Francisco May To the Editor of The Era I remember you better as Lyman Jackson Some spirit I know not what unless it is thinking over old times induces me to write The weather is so cold here to- night that it makes me think of su- 35 20- 1 25 0 00 23 00- 35 7 00 What About Your Summer See our large variety of Linens Repps Ducks Ascot Suiting Mulls Zephers Ginghams in all the new Stripes and Check Designs FANCY HOSE in all shades and prices ONE LINE of Fast Black Cotton reg or DONT FAIL to see our showing of SUMMER BLOUSES the best assortment in town TAILORING For something stylish and DISTINCTIVE wear one of LUNDYS TAILORED SUITS A large and fancy stock to choose from PHONE 117 Christian Church Moose Jaw Sask and opened up the we first hotel there known as Thc Moose but owing to the many getting supplies into a compliment has been paid you as the new unsettled country they only re- n an appoint- a short time and after sell- J the Govern- out returned to Newmarket Mr I J desire to times with its pans of snow and then moved with his wife and heartily congratulate you there- I would like some right Daring the absence of the pastor family to Brandon Man where he to hope that you j now from the old sugarbush I made some buns and told one the boarders I tried to make them as good as I could fifty years ago but I failed I think the flour is ground too fine your father will remember when the first roller Hour continued the agency business all over may last Sunday having charge of the lne hote Quarterly Communion Service at and after the rebellion the pulpit was occupied by not Mr S English a student at M6- gravitated to the old l Master College who gives Newmarket where he cheerful promise being a bright preacher have since resided while he W an and useful pastor lnnnMniiMl nr nil towards you Childrens Day will be observed here next Sunday for which a good program is being prepared Rev W Sargent Of Toronto will assist by address at each of the services during the day and a treat is assured to all who attend and earnestly to long live to enjoy it But though you are us yet we may express the hope the pleasure countenance earnest of our we ask vou to Ontario and Quebec The Chosen Friends mutual benevolent society is experiencing a regular boom After putting in- new members at Aurora organizer came to Newmarket and at once laid plans for a vigorous campaign At his quest the lodge offered three prizes to those who would obtain the largest number of members The contest closed on Tuesday evening when it was found that Os borne and Mr Trivett were each and Mr Jos Roach third It was decided to settle the 1st and 2nd prizes by lot and drew the first About new mem bers were initiated on Tuesday even ing making a total of for the two weeks work and bringing the to tal membership up to about some 20 of whom are ladies The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon and to the very low condition of Mrs Shupe was conduct ed privately by Rev J rector of St Pauls church The pallbearers were the three sons also Messrs A Proctor and Lloyd Those from a distance were Dr and Mrs McQueen Freel- accept from us this Cane and we hope was made in Newmarket I think the miller was before Mr Lukes and that vou and it may long continue to the first in America Also the first auto was made in Toronto and ran suit each other Faithfully yours on behalf of your friends KEITH Chairman Secretary Mrs Grieves of visit ed friends here one day last week Mr and Mrs Edgar Story and little daughter spent a day with relatives in Markham Mr of Vandorf visited his sister Mrs A Law Mr W Stony and Miss Burnett- were in Toronto on Saturday Mr and Mrs visited at her parents J Morris Mr was a Toronto visitor Mr A and lady friend spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs Williams spent a couple of days w his parents near Newmarket Miss Emily visited relatives in Markham far a few days Miss Annie Conner and lady friend of Toronto spent a few days with Established ton Mr Charlie Lloyd Stratford Newmarket May 1900 Mrs Thorpe Philadelphia Pa and VVC Widdiiield Durst miss Mrs neat and chaste gold- Mr Nash Mr A Mr cane thoroughly accorded with what and Mrs A Sleigh The remains the previous speaker had said and were interred in the Newmarket coupled therewith many further the following from Toronto Mrs barrister in presenting Mr Williams Person Mrs Mrs P behalf of his friends with an Durst Miss Sykes Mrs Clark jtremeiy neat and chaste goldheaded College Notes The furniture and gymnasium ap paratus that was saved from the Pickering College fire arrived here on Monday and is stored in the new col lege building The board of Directors purchased this week from the Philip Harris Company London England a supply of the latest and best of everything required for the Labratory of the Science Department amounting to be tween and The supplies are to arrive about the 15th of July and it Is said there will be nothing in Canada to excel them Excellent progress is being made in the grading and terracing of the pounds convenient to the main g and mason work on the Princi pals residence is being rapidly carri ed forward No other style of Wedding Ring will be as acceptable as our Seamless Ring It is made of Gold Workmanship and finish the best and range in price reminiscences and complimentary tributes Mr Williams response and acknow ledgment were voiced in his usual happy manner of address but with a trend to the many regrets that he could not but fail to express on leav ing the home of his youth his days and his successful legal practice Old Newmarket The toast The Learned called forth a jocular response from Mr Aylesworth of j Toronto who from his recent formers to I on its trial trip Our person has returned home j gentle American cousins should be after a weeks stay with her son in reminded of these facts I Newmarket Dont it make you feel old to be called grandpa I remember you better as a schoolboy How many j of Mr Nasons scholars have him across the river A good There was a good attendance at many of my old schoolmates have the Methodist church on Sunday al and I see lately Alex ternoon when the pastor Rev A J all went to school in the Toy preached a sermon bearing on house on Lot Street Moses LaJdies Aid work Our Ladies Aid and wife Mrs and been in operation about thirteen scores of others I could name so years and during that time they have long ago and yet it seems as yester day The late Mrs Hughes was my first Sunday School teacher I saw in the last Era that your mo ther was quite ill I hope she has I recovered Remember me to your parents Franks health is fast failing He has nearly lost his mental faculties If he lives until the 28th of June he will be No one knows how I miss Tede but we are fast near the shore where the outstretched hands will welcome us and parting be CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST 12000000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Branches at all important centres in Canada and in London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodate as heretofore BRANCH AT NEWMARKET ROSS best finam during the fiscal renovated the church so that we have as pretty a country church as you would find also fixed the par- sonage making it comfortable for here last week the minister Mrs Lemon now of acted as President from its inauguration until her re moval from our midst arid under her hehind leadership became one of w Ladies Aids in the county pray that Gods blessing may still steel miles are running rest upon them and that they may capacity for the first time in continue in their good work j Mr John has been Man June 2The conr lying his house and outbuildings with of the crop is excellent a coat of paint according to the P report this Miss Mahan of Buffalo and farmers of Western spending a few months with her mo- looking forward to ther Mrs A Mahan cubing a big harvest All the wheat Mrs Lemon and daughters Jes- sown percentage ot sie and Marie of Stouflville visited I barley oats and flax that remains to Mr Bakers on Sunday in small Reports Miss Jeannie Lehman of regarding the growing was visiting her friends in town on tlons excellent Ideal growing Sunday weather prevails and light rains and Mr French formerlv of this weather have done an now ol Toronto called on work in bringing up the grain In a great many places the Mrs Jonathan Baker of Baker Hill wheat is reported eight inches and Mrs Bankey of were and in the more backward points it the guests of Mrs Grose on Monday from two to four inches high from to ATKINSON CO end Get your Railway and Ocean Steamship Tickets from Atkinson Agent and Issuer of Marriage Licenses JC visits to the town and Riding the interests of the Minister of Justice our Dominion representative has come to be by all North Yorkers as and all public occasions whilst Rev Frank Cornell our well known Qua ker wit responded for tho clotn in his uscal of subtle humor Tho toast Our Town brought Reeve Keith to his feet and his re marks left those present further in spired as to our material progress as a town and advantages for still further development None present but felt a pride in ability of Principal Coombs and Mr who as teachers in our High School responded with so much ability to the toast of our Learned Professions lre The Era comes as an old friend and keeps me in touch with the scenes of my childhood I am glad the old Town in a progressive mood How well I remember Mr Roe and the a thoroughly popular j postmaster Mr a welcome personage oa F Is tbe old hoU6e sUU the corner I presume I would be quite lost if I were to return there now Remember me to your wife I know she must be proud of her boys I have read their letters in the Era with interest I remember them as the little fairhaired boys riding by the corner the wellknown Morrisons corner she means with their grandpa How many changes since then Excuse this scribble and good night AMELIA MORRISON Summer Underwear Shirts and Collars Sox and Ties Boots and Shoes Suits from Up Spring Overcoats Hats and Caps Silk Umbrellas etc ft Send the ERA to absent friends The Mens Wear Store Corner of Main Timothy ARCHIVES ONTO TORONTO

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