Newmarket Era, 4 Jun 1909, p. 5

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I rai I Vfrf r -i- it AC- i f i 1 LEGAL I Notary o Main w I Security Duncan AUCTIONEER NEWMARKET ERA JUNE j Fair J tree items Street Robertson DIVISION COURT CLERK A goat for IiiHurunco Aocldon and Insurance a Specialty Bolton Corntr Millard Clank DENTIST St Wilkinson DENTIST in No market let and 3rd Wed in each month liyman eaucr of MARRIAGE LIC13NSESI At the BRA Newmarket Papon private rcaldence if NEWMARKET GARBLE WORKS DB810NB IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Ordering Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our- Specialties QMhioom Outfit the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS i to Dp J Boyd In medicine Toronto also Licentiate of Hoa College of Physicians and mem- of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant In Eye Hospital and Uni- College Ear Nose and Throat London England Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone No Consultation Hours My services may be had at any hour the day or night by calling at the or phone The New Grocery Store I the place to find everything Fresh and UptoDate Confectionery the Best Made by all the leading houses FOREIGN AND LOCAL FRUITS OP ALL KINDS IceCream Parlor NOW OPEN Have you tried our Cakes Buns etc If not you dont what have miss- J or the baking Is simply de licious Try it COOKED HAM SLICED TO SUIT We satisfaction or money refunded Joseph Perkins Old Stand Phone Tree Planting There has very little planting on the newer streets of this This is to be regretted A number of our residential streets could greatly Improved by planting shade trees thereon and the comfort of the citizens enhanced Well Pleased its report of the Richmond Hill on Victoria Day Liberal has his to say of the Town Band The Newmarket Military Band gave a program of excellent music Harry Knows W popular selections the Union while he Toronto better J the druggist does A stupid left an elderly to and little girl in his coupe I any life left in the roots of your were to secure on every bald head but if there at is to hair Parisian Sage will stimulate lovers of good music Mr Nelson the settled with the Insurance men for being damage to stock by fire Womans Institute The next meeting of th Branch of the North York Womens Poking its prettiest now Institute will take place at the home V of Mrs Second the moon last n King on Saturday July at of 230 pm closes with fore enrol As the Institute year May all who joined be- shaking I I SftiftfSSW and can notice a situation animal passersby noticed the situation By this time the horse Sster MaDbattan was beginning Soon how- R waft Mil km ever a managed to the Jltffi Agricultural Excursion the woman or child being hurt A Star press reporter was not and the rig stopped without f ww dandruff germ and prevent- J a Broughton the gist sells Parisian Sage at cents cease to be mem here The market Agricultural Society will be baseball players arcs- nt of members will place held on Wednesday June 23rd This forth like bushels of corn A year Port has been selected of herrings the brokers who Clonk of Foliage In consequence of impropitious wea ther the foliage of trees and garden shrubbery has been of slow growth this season During the past week however development- has been rapid fruit trees are in blossom and every where the trees are clothed in sum mer green The changed appearance of the country since the 2Mb of May has been wonderful and all nature wears a cheerful and promising hope for- an abundant harvest Corps for Niagara We learn from a reliable source that the arrangements lor the ap proaching camp at Niagara a now completed and will prohibit he offi cially tomorrow The annual Excursion New- astray when he remarked that since old back and to euro dandruff stop falling hair and or fall diseases of the scalp or as the destination It is at the them should hang out a sign of our head of Muskoka hakes and is one of balls No satisfaction in held it the prettiest spots in all the sports where lucre counts soft fluffy and District I Mlfti beautiful A special Train on the will having a aood time Hon a leave Concord at am calling at all stations up to AiUwIale arriving j lor England on at Wharf at June Hon Mr HalnTAlMollOw turning leave Wharf at shortly after and Provincial arc going on the is also talking of an Special Train only hut good to re- ocean trip Brigades will consist or the Third Brigade Regiment York Hangers 20th Regiment Lome 31th Ontario Regiment Peel Regiment The Fifth Brigade will consist of the 37th and and of course there will also be Cavalry Artillery and Medical Corps Farm Produce There was a tiptop market hero last Saturday the principal commo dities being and potatoes though there was a nice showing of fresh vegetables Mr J bought no less than eases of but ter and eggs and the other hucksters all got fair loads The ruling prices were as follows Eggs to do Butter per lb to 22c Potatoes 75 to bag Rhubarb hunch Tomato Plants box Aster Plants box Onions bunch Asparagus bunch Live Spring Chickens 25c lb Live per lb Old Hens 10c lb Live Ducks to Hi Live Turkeys to lb Pigeons pr Rabbits 25 to Hides and It Calf Skins to lb Sheep Skins 50c to each Tallow 5c lb Horse Hides to each turn the following day The train is due at at am and the price is lor round trip This is a cheap excursion when it is remembered that the ordinary round trip ticket costs and it takes two days to make the trip Arrangements have been made for dinner at lie Summit House Port for and also meals boat at the same price Music will he furnished on the boat by the Orchestra If you have never been to dont miss this delightful trip It is a positive fact that many people living in the Old Country know more about beautiful scenery of than majority of Canadians residing within a days ride of the district As the weather seems settled Use So ciety looks for an unusually large Ex cursion this year set on trip Children playing with matches fire to Richard Matthews house DulTerln and the house entirely destroyed with all the tents The establishment of a Professor ship of Music in the University of Toronto is under consideration by the Board of Governors The City Board of Education de cided a few nights ago that the Public Schools should on day June for the days in a compound frac ture of the right leg Another summer hotel is being built on the eastern bank of the number at about the fourth bend of the liver It to be of frame and is expected to be ready for guests about the middle of July Michael Madden was struck by street car opposite 544 Queen street west Thursday afternoon and had his skull fractured John and Fred Murray who helped themselves to a large quantity lead pipe that belonged to other people and who had previous convictions against them were sent to the Central for a vear or summer and nn U north an fixed by S or is IfiJ fflSJflS wav Commissioners and members of a the bus of a court unless proved Town Water Supply As this topic has been one recent interest we publish hereunder an ar ticle that appeared in the of nth March relating to the discovery of the big flow at that time There were giants in those days and fools too apparently We al lude to the four men who stool on that plank The own had a grand surprise party at the Water Works last Fri day night For a length of time the domestic supply for the Town has been pumped direct from the wells complete wreck and the pump kept going steadily at taken him to the a slow motion a day this means the reservoir illegality can be pleasure yacht in in regard to such expulsion with Marconi Mr Justice in the telegraphy As there are Jury Assize Court last week j Marconi stations on the great lakes A touching and tragic death occur- Mr has decided to establish a red at West Toronto a few days ago station on top of the store While the family were attending that while on the funeral of Mr Atkin the last look of the mother at the face her husband and the last much for her was too on inc he can be kept In constant touch with the busi ness of the Co The Canadian Northern train which weakened system for pulled out of the Union Station on when her children returned from the Friday evening carried the novel con cemetery they found the mother dead of nearly pickerel Mr I Marins autocar eggs a gift from the Dominion in a midnight collision Thursday eminent to be placed in Sparrow I night with a street car was made a His had Inion Station that long By evening to leave for York af- full which he took a couple of lalies cry evening and what the night trains and two or three gentlemen for a tour used out was made up through the about the city Near midnight he Lake Muskoka to restock that fa mous fishing resort During the absence of Hon Dr Minister of Public Works in the Old Country Hon Mr Cochrane will be Acting Minister of that A Manitoba Fire We regret to learn by the Cart- wright Review that our old friend Mr James Gray formerly ol Holland Landing and at one time an employee at Foundry in Newmarket has mot with severe financial loss by lire on May The following infor mation is taken from the paper re ferred to About hail past five Thursday morn ing smoke was discovered issuing from the Gray block and the alarm was quickly spread about Town that the building was on lire Although it was daylight a steady rain was falling which obscured the view but even those first on the spot realized that the building was doomed The fire at that time was in the north part of the block in the store occu pied by Mr Owens but the whole building including H J Grahams drug store was filled with such a dense volume of smoke that it was practically impossible to enter An attfcmpt was made to enter the gro cery store and air T Owens succeed ed in carrying out the cash register which was in an almost redhot con dition Mr Owens dragged out a washing machine and this with a few brushes and small articles that were in the windows was practically alt was saved both men being somewhat burned as it was The wind was in the north and the chances of the buildings south of the block looked decidedly meagre the day Last evening Mrs War ren observed the water from the house tap was a little Engineer Warren at once went to the pumps and saw that they were not working smoothly He opened the valve from the wells so that they could dis charge into reservoir and saw that the water was dirty He at once went to the upper reservoir but so as he could see the water there was all right Coming hack lc concluded that one of the wells had caved in at the bottom and he de cided to take the cap oil the One that was bored last but in order to do this he had about three cords of wood to move This was about ten oclock at night and the moment he removed the cap a volume of and water issued forth It contin ued to discharge all night and morning the excitement the flowing well was greater than the election fever It was found by measurement that the How was at least gallons every hours was more than a six inch pipe could off Chunks of soap- stone clay were discharged as large as a goose egg together with a great quantity of gravel and sand Some struck a College Street car Next Saturday was the day for the chauffeur was missing and school games for the Public and the broken auto was toted to the High Schools of the City and thou- It is known that sands of them gathered at the Exhi- pants of the auto were more or less nation Grounds where the sports took injured one the ladies having her place arm broken j Mr David F secretary to Jack years old with the Deputy Minister of Agriculture some other lads trie to celebrate has been appointed by the Ontario the with powder in a bottle- Government as secretary of the Pro- corked it up and set fire to a Board of Stationary It exploded and the succeeding Mr Varley lad had his face and eyes badly dam- former secretary of the department aged I who also held this and who Convicted of running a handbook in resigned some weeks ago a cigar store Allan Pardoe was fined Two hundred and sixty boys and and costs- Betting on races is girls from Dr Home in expensive to one side or the other London arrived in Toronto on every time No less than Sunday School ex cursions are bookol out Toronto already by steamers for the months of June July and August The Cross Country Club arc going to appeal to the County Council to improve the Lake Shore road The Club ougit to know that the high way referred to is a Township road A steel head salmon reached Fisheries Department at the Parlia ment Buildings last week It was taken from the waters of the of the amount of soil discharged at pud Islands south may he formed from the quantity re- the Island lb is a moved from the lower reservoir last salt water variety and how it got so Saturday which is estimated at af away from its natural element is dozen cart loads This well query It weighed four pounds drilled feet deep and the flow does Findlay pastor of St not affect the other three wells which Enochs Presbyterian Church found are not so deep by feet and all WW 0 the Union Station four are sunk within a distance of and turned it over to the feet This gives us a yield of authorities Mr Hcggie of gals per day and all fear re- Brampton was the loser and properly a sufficiency of water is describing the bills it was handed pel led It of firstclass quality to him A couple of days later for domestic use being evidently John Smith entered a claim for spring water- filtered through a money which he said was in bod On Monday four men were and bills but he fooled himself speculating on the force of the las the bills were of and de- plank over pipe all four stand- charged with attempting to obtain thereon Though it still forced money by fraud In the police court he the up the water was riled as was remanded for a week had as ever and the flow interrupted somewhat for a time SEND TO MY VALET whole question being whether the con- t and placed nomination Smith was arrested walls of the Grey block would stand long enough to let the fire sub side As a precautionary measure a team was hitched to the building by Watts as an of fice and it was unceremoniously dumped into the middle of the street A similar attempt was made on the post office but was less successful the heavier structure defying all ef forts tp move it any distance Tele phone poles were Mien secured and braced walls of the burn ing building insure that they would not fall Inward and a vigorous fight resulted saving the post office from being burnt although it was consld- damaged of the fire is a mystery Mr Grays loss is on build ings insurance Other losses Insurance 3000 Our wonderful French Dry cleaning clothing drap eries I feathers tto bo that they look fresh and bright aa when new It la far cheaper to clean your old and household articles than to uy now and process Is quite harm- lew not Injure fabric We pay the express charges on outoftown order CUR MM IT TltU AIL My Valet THE Adelaide St Toronto day being the party this Home has sent to Canada the number of children being J The newly district of West Toronto elected on Saturday Messrs A G Anderson and A to represent the Ward as it is call ed John Richardson on Saturday even ing was to the Hospital suffer ing from a broken back occasioned by falling from the rear platform of a street car He stooped to pick up a cigar which had slipped from his fing ers and while in the act a sudden jolt of the car made him lose his bal ance The veterans of on Sunday last decorated the graves of their dead comrades at the Necropolis and St James Cemeteries A man came in from ley bury last Friday to have a good time at the races but his unquenchable thirst got the better of his brains He be came dead to the world that night and woke up next morning at a place in York St but his hat coat boots watch and money were gone A per son named John was known to have been with him and the police hunted him up When found he had the coat and hat of his Haileybury on him Cut out the gambling feature cut out betting and racing dont amount to shucks Its a fool game this hotting on horses Do women bet at the Woodbine Well yes and get fussy Put on a big bet for me Tut on The report that the Salvation Army were prohibited from playing sacred music in Niagara Falls Park on Sun day- is not true They were prohi bited from soliciting alms which is to a bylaw of the lady on Friday commission know the horse j In the Sessions on Wednesday charged with third time Mrs Perry has come taining from J Robinson by off victorious in actions brought false pretences had his trial traversed against her by Mrs Emma Weston till the next Sessions as two mate- First former accused the latter rial witnesses for the prisoner were of alienating her husbands affections absent one in Cobalt and one in In this she failed her action last Winnipeg Wednesday was a charge of perjury -r- An employee of Street Railway Residents of Point Douglas Win- Co named Alex Curry was knock- are preparing for aggressive ed down by a Winchester car and campaign against the importation of shoved along by the fender for some immoral v omen Into that district HARDWARE STORS1 i V 1-7- i I You Can Save IVloney By Buying From Us I Full Line of- I Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc Wo mm W MARKET If See our immense stock of up to date Spring Clothing before purchasing We can save you money 000 Toronto Jobbing House j TREASURERS I For Taxes in the County of York COUNTY OF YORK TO WIT Nine Hundred and of Arrears of tf with fees and ex I give notice that unlesa the ald arrears of taxea and be sooner paid I on dates and fa the places hereinafter proceed to fell the or bo much thereof may be sufficient to discharge the of taxes and thereon ALL THE FOLLOWING LANDS ARE PATENTED District Ho Comprising Municipalities of Markhom and Vaughah Sale to be Tuesday the day of July at the hour am in the Public 1 Lot Description Aasd to Howard Smith I East part to Howard Manitowanning East Asstd part DJscrlption Lot to in Hutchinson Middle Asetd to Martin Hearn Frl East part to Mrs Sogers 3 Palmers Block Richmond Con J acre acre East part acre Vaughan Con Quantity J acre acres Taxes c 3 Taxes Fees Expenses c ToVtJ Hi Total i 2 w 7V- Municipalities of North Sutton Jul of pm in the Town Halt Description Asst to Cane Newmarket part Asstd to J Lennox and Renfrew 8touffvllle part r Description RIddeil to Mrs Henderson Tf Office County of York First Published April North Lot Con i Lot 5 jantity Taxes Fee Expenses Total Jiacre 1 acres Lake acres Sutton Block Quantity IS US acre ere Taxes Fees ft Expenses Total So c 15 J Treasurer CO York P S Inspector has decided the election the school trustees in No Scarboro was legal Halifax May The storm this week is estimated to have caused a loss of to lobster fishermen on the Nova and P E I coast the loss being due to gear destroyed and carried away Quebec May 21 A despatch from Toronto published this morning de clares that the Quebec Legislature parsed a bill legalizing the shooting of wild ducks at This is rath er misleading as the bill referred to is not a government measure and furthermore has not yet passed in second reading and is not likely to pass either v Sour Stomach and Heartburn MM BILGE CURE OR YOUR BACK or COLEMAN MEDICINE CO Toronto ARCHIVES IDF ONTAR1 TORONTO

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