Newmarket Era, 4 Jun 1909, p. 6

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Ha Ha YOU OUGHT TO p i if J 111 Ml IS in fep A i The GOING OUT FROM KESWICK MILLINERY In Spite the Cold Weather And the Prices at which we are selling everything is bringing In creased trade Sec our Graniteware at about Half Price Glass Tumblers at cents each SHERWINWILLIAMS PAINTS COL TURNIP Fanners should sow the genuine Canadian Gem Turnip Seed the best Variety grown For sale by Mount Albert OBITUARY The many friends oi Mrs Geo A Myers in this vicinity will regret to learn his death from appendicitis in Maimville Alia on May Mr Myers established a cheese factory here some years ago and later en gaged in fanning Later lie moved to Maniivillc Cattle for Sale Farmers wishing to buy Fresh Cows Stackers or having Cattle for Sale should apply to THOMPSON Cattle Dealer Holland Landing Always home on Friday or ThoroBred Jersey Bull For service Mis halfsister Finan cial Countess her owner Dr Still Churned Irs of butter first year in test Also eggs from choice Ply mouth Hocks White R White IOhoins and per setting J PERSONAL Miss Hunter spout a few days with friends in last week Mr McClelland of the Dominion Hank was a visitor at his old home in last week Mrs I was a delegate to the Missionary Conference in To ronto last week Mrs Shields is spending a few days visiting in Toronto Mr John Smith reeve of limhury was in town on Miss of Peterbriro Normal School is a sufferer from measles and will he unable ii com plete her course Mr John Terry of Cobalt Was in town for a few days week Messrs Henry and Lull County commissioners were in own on Friday last Mr John A was in town over Sunday Dr and Mrs Hums of were visitors at the home of her sister Mrs Ho wen The Spring Time Reunion last Friday night was all that was ad vertised The solos by Miss Williams were greatly appreciated The Maypole was wound and unwound again without a fault and The Chaperons was enjoyed by every one The satisfying supper prov ed the skill of the ladies in the cul inary art Proceeds MisG Williams was the guest of Miss the League social The Ladies Awl of the Presbyterian church held a very enjoyable meeting at the home of Mrs A T Wait on Wednesday- afternoon this week Miss Lena Myers of Toronto Is vis iting her cousin Miss Miss Mann Orchard Beach Was the guest of her friend Miss Fiankie Milne Friday and Saturday Abutment of of last week Rev Well wood and Miss Eva Well wood were In town on Monday calling on old friends It is twenty- two years since Mr Wei I wood was stationed here and naturally be no ticed a great many change The Methodist Ladles Aid meets next Wednesday at the home of Mrs Watson Wright Messrs Hoy and Irwin Wight also Mrs Harry came up from Aurora Friday night for the enter tainment given by the League Mrs reckon of Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs A T Wait The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church will hold their annual Garden Party on June 29th This year the leaves on the trees are in full expansion on May Pretty late I think The Owls pro phetic spirit received shakeup His snow storm did not materialize in the last week of May though it al most did on Friday There were many anxious souls inquiring about it Messrs John Hopkins arid Thompson the carpenters are rush ing along the improvements on J J Fosters residence which I spose will include a fine dining hall arid hall room what will please Mrs Joseph better a convenient store room and pantry Amongst other improvements in view by Frank Tomilson at the Red Mill are some Last year he built a retaining wall or stone as a support for I some earth falling the road by Hut he built it on a cheerful Geo His good word for Garden We have See for oases recur to my mind and and sce lther Early Ensilage Corn Imp Learning Ensilage Corn Giant White Ensilage Corn Red Clover ReCleaned and Government Standard The Misses Edna and Christie are in fine voice and are the mill at ion of sand and he met witfi just such calamity as no doubt you have often read in St Luke New Testa- merit The rain descended and the floods came and Treat was the fall thereof because it was not founded on a rock Duncan Crawfords man has departed We believe there was a woman at the back of it Somehow or other there often is Murdoch Chapman has much Improved the appearance of his pro perty by a very fine quality wire fence Now Mord remove the rem nants Of the old stone fence from the roadway and the rising generation will call you blessed suro to create a decidedly pleasant impression on the public ear at the coming Lawn Social on Monday eve next They alone are worth the price of admission so Uncle Owl Another heinous outrage a Wot on the fair namo of Baldwin was com mitted in the village on Monday night The details are too distress ingly dirty for publication will be revenged is a had feeling for one to cherish in the human heart Im truly thankful I am not built after that pattern referring to the visit of Mr and Mrs Thos Morton in our burg recently I was not aware he had giv en up business in Little Britain and retired into private life in the pros perous city of Altogeth er he was in active business for about thirtyfive years His first wife was Ella a Baldwin young lady Wife No 2 was Jennie Prosser which is about tantamount to saying he married fin angelic as the girls are undoubtedly real trea sures Dan has five which in my sight for attractiveness arid gen ial dispositions should grade as Man itoba wheat No 1 hard vou ask the Elder about it Vou Baldwin old bachelors why dont you get a wife Here are half a score the golden mo ments glide by and nary a one dare Timothy do do do do Early White Cory Corn for your Garden Golden Wax Beans Onions per Dutch Sett Onions Also all kinds Vegetable- Seed in Packages at packages for Fresh Seeds We have also a Large Stock Turnip Seed Mangel and Sugar Beet In the Boot and Shoe Line we can show ever had We can suit you as to Quality Size and Price in a Light or IN GRANITE WARE WE CAN GIVE YOU SOMETHING SPECIAL Covered Dinner Palls 30c Large Dish Pans for 55c Pie Tins Stew Kettles for Pudding Dishes SELL RETURN RAILWAY TICKETS TO ANY POINT ON METRO POLITAN RAILWAY The Leading Merchant QUEEN8VILLI YOUR Dry Goods Groceries Boots Shoes Hardware Furniture Go to- P BROWNHILL Wo carry the Largest Stock of- General Goods of any country store North of Toronto and sell at the Lowest Prices We take all kind of Produce P We pay Cash for Hides Sheepskins Beeswax Tallow Horsehair Rubbers Scrap Iron Brass and Copper Its of Wool which we will pay Toronto Cash Price wanted for the highest Remember the Place THE MODEL STORE llIRJKKLKTS The Methodist Choir are preparing a special program of music for Sun day evening next A feature will he a charming solo by Miss Lillian Ter ry Rev Thos Edwards has been ap pointed to the stationing committee ui Methodist Conference which meets in Toronto this week- Measles have been prevalent in town among the children this past few weeks About cases are reported The worth League of the Meth odist Church here gave the program of their National Social at Hartman on Tuesday evening Mr Oldham disposed of a threeyearold steer on Wednesday which weighed and realized about The usual large summer attendance was at the market on Tuesday There Was no fluctuation in prices as the I limit has evidently been fixed at headquarters Butter Eggs The crops in this section never looked better nor were further ad vanced than during this season The recent warm weather has worked wonders Miss Cameron teacher of the department of our public school tendered her resignation to take ef fect at Midsummer This will be generally regretted as Miss Cameron has proved herself an efficient earn est painstaking teacher Life Program for the League June Consecration Meeting sons from Luke Luke Header Mr Jos Speaker Miss Irene Moore 14 Literary Meeting The Noble Life of Frances 1720 26 2331 Header Miss Ida SpeakerMr Wilson 21 Social Meeting Pilgrims Pro- grass VL The Hill Dim- 1 culty Rom Cor Header Miss Mabel Wright Speaker Miss Missionary Meeting Hebrews and Italians Rom ReaderMiss Vera Smith SpeakerMr Smith ZEPHYR Donald rook an outing to the Metropolis or in other words the Queen City Me came home lad- Miss Sadie teacher near Baldwin visited her grandmother over Sunday Rev Me Each em will preach in the Presbyterian church next Sunday ev ening service commencing at 730 The League are arranging for their picnic to Jacksons Point on June when they expect have their usual pleasant outing A large number of the young men already came home en with news and a suspicious look ing panel which might be a new dress in which to give a great address at the coming Lawn Social He pic up wonderful deal of new sy tithits of oldtimers in the Huh that are of absorbing interest to an Owl He used ter who once for ten thousand and have it honor ed too but poor he got in the trough of a wave of adversity and was swamped This week Mr and Mrs Jas Ste venson retire from business in Bald win and Messrs Harry and Morris Wolf go into possession They are hustlers and understand the value of courtesy and politeness in trade I have learned of late that there are gentlemen as well as junk deal- amongst the Hebrew brotherhood Mrs Wolf my womans as Harry calls her is a pretty little Jewish lady fast becoming popular amongst the natrons of the store She is rapidly acquiring our lan guage though to a foreigner I expect it is a hard tongue to pick up There was a huge market on but butter being somewhat soft greasy is on the down grade in price Mr is taking well a sad suicide at I understand it is a repetition of the say Be mine thou fair damsel I believe every respectable young man if he goes the right way about it can get an adorable partner because Ilka Jockie has as the Scotch his Jennie Theres a right and a wrong way The right Is I about as a certain widower used to get a second partner It is so lone- I cannot live without thee Life sce Wm McMas- 1 the refining influence a ild draw his cheque a wilderness I but with them for a helpmate and companion it would be an earthly paradise Wilt thou be mine and she wilted Mr Percy Ward is the sorry loser of a Tine horse for which he has re fused He turned it out to have its first nibble at fresh grass land inflammation soon cut short its career Too sudden changes are bad for man or beast as the sys tem is unprepared for it Some days ago Mr and Mrs Arch I Murray Aurora were in town An enthusiastic friend observed I wish we had them back for neighbors Yes twould nice Or how- would Mr and Mrs Will Ross catch you As for me A Miller and his wife and bairns would he tip- top are already arranging to take their best girls to the annual Farmers Ex- which is being ld f May it be a warning to others Council held their last on Wednesday weeks in School Reports No East Senior IV Mar tha Burrows Annie Tunny Junior Sproxton Linstead Senior III Frederic Gibson Slew- art Walter Tunny Junior HI Ada Andrews Swain Hubert Tunny Ethel Pegg Earnest Rolling Part Roy Stick wood Pearl Rowland Stella Rolling Senior Hazel Shirley Bertha Tunny Intermedial I and Ross Williams Junior Earl Burrows Elsie Good Swain James Rolling James A teacher Report No King for May Those marked with an as terisk were each day Sen Harry Calms A Beatrice Hurst Wade Deacon Sen III Welle Well Pearl PICKUP ITEMS Mrs Shields left to spend a couple oi city Mr Marshall Crittenden met with a painful accident on Monday morn ing While trying to catch a horse on the farm of Mr French the animal wheeled and kicked him in the face inflicting a wound at first lo be fatal hut at present hopes are entertained for his ultimate recovery Miss Etta Wilson who has been attending Normal School is suffering from a severe attack of measles She was too ill to re sume her studies on Tuesday last and it is feared that she will he un able to write on her final examina tion which begins on Thursday June 3rd Mr Lea Edwards returned from Belleville with a badly sprained an kle the result of a baseball game Though the injured limb is improving it is thought be will be out of the game for the balance of the season On Friday last Mrs A Lapp Sr left for Brougham where she will reside with her daughter Mrs J Mrs J Oldham returned on Mon day after few days in StoufTvillc Mr A Dunn has improved the ap pearance of his premises by removing fence and hedge So many of our Mt Albert people wished to take in the National Con cert on Tuesday evening at that the buses were filled to overflow ing and some had to stay at home ThGse who were fortunate enough to be there report a very enjoyable time On Monday evening there will be an lecture in the held on the of June Mr Albert Horner and Mr went to on Mon day to do a lot of mason work for a bank bam the We aro sorry to report the total loss of Mr Wellington Madills resi dence on the con by fire on Sat urday last supposed to have been caused by a defective chimney The dwelling was a total loss although with the assistance of his neighbors most of the contents was saved with the exception of the spare bedroom The insurance on the house and con tents amounts to about which will not half cover Mr Madills loss Womens Foreign Missionary Soci ety will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs ton Picker in session till fall on Saturday at Baldwin Amongst other important matter diseuRsol was petition I COUtlCU a road to farm to allow of a short cut for the to Baldwin Wm Thompson spoke in behalf of the petition and Uncle Sam I presume opposed it on general principles Some warm words as hot as the business end of a jacket passed between these rival orators and as the portly Wil liam got up his ginger I honestly be lieve came near a To our Friends in Pine Orchard I hope Im sure you have you have found Whitney T I recommended just go to him Whitney I hear Societys Convention held in Toronto in J last which will no doubt be how very interesting ret The Canadian Northern Railway I It is an acknowledged fact ton on Thursday afternoon for vol Subject for roll call Prayer Mrs a OLaw will give her report on the SL raise the fines for the information give few pointers on Pineapple made flower beds at all their stations on the line and have not forgotten the little beehive at Ze phyr THE RIDGE Eon Florence Ferguson Jun III Wilson Walter Everybody especially Lloyd Charles Ada I are cordially L Ferguson Wells Jon Lily Pat sons Wilson Sen Plot fie Faxons A Wade Hope J Andrews Parsons tt Hope A Tennyson Ferguson Harry Wilson Wells Mabel Teacher vited No admission charges Extra Correspondent The official stenographer in the inquest has billed the city of Hamilton for his services For Sale Two Buggies on Cutter Set Single Harness Robe Rug Blankets etc Apply at Post Office farmers have their corn fields watched by scarecrows Miss Lila Warren and Miss Laura Profit spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Rye Mr James Allen and son were the guests of Mr Allen on Sunday Mr Oscar profit and lady friend spent Sunday at Zephyr Miss Sander has returned home from her visit Miss Lucy Allen was home on Sun day She returned to Swamp on Monday Mr Crittenden had very nar row escape on Monday morning He mason wow l knowledge of a good many that Mr has the knack of raising to a fine science all competitors acknowledge his as boss Dr Job Wilsons early return to his California home was a sur prise to me I thought hed stay at least several months Ive no doubt from my- own experience he has be come greatly attached to strangers Most those are freehearted people Mr Arnold is again undergoing treatment for the remov al of a malignant growth from his lip We hope there no fur ther recurrence of the trouble Lyman Miller is putting on the fin ishing touches fitting up cornices etc on Johnson house Lyman is a tidy workman at almost any job of carpentry and mason work He has on the head with horse His face was cut up badly He was unconscious nearly all day but is re covering slowly WHISTLING JACK OOO- A globe trotter purporting to be on tour for several prominent old world publications was arrested in Vancouver for forgery trades He cant be beat at dress ing up a sick saw It seems as though at times the Era anticipates my desires as for in stance some ago I was wonder ing where Uncle Geo Driver hes no more uncle than Moses only every body calld him so was arid what was he at In a few days came an Era Item re our old friend Glad to Hear Meeting of Council held this this day in Town Hall members all present minutes of last meeting and confirmed Communication received from Agreement made with John Thompson re improvement to bridge lot con Commissioners appointed for town ship work as follows Kellev Div 1 Con and Town Line south west of Newmarket Town Line west vil lage Hill Sharon village and Con 3 south end Albert village and T and T East of Con line Town Line north and Mt Albert village John Smith Reeve and Treas were authorized to make a loan to Queensville Trus tees from Clergy Reserve Principal amount of payable Dec 1st 1909 Payments ordered as follows sheep claim Transfer from Gen Tp Fund to R J Fund re culbert 1908 filling washout Graham re Hu- family Cook re culvert Franklin Jas A Rose reprs to bridge con gravel for Hall Smart cutting brush T Stickwood div con 5 Little blocks for moulds Council adjourned to meet as Court Revision June am North Bay May 28 The postoffice at Cache Bay was burg larised last night safe being blown open and cash and stamps stolen The money order forms were not touched The job is evidently the work of expert cracksmen who have been working along the Canadian Pa cific Railway line for sometime 500 0MINI0N CAPITAL RESERVE TOTAL ASSETS ASSETS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Branches and agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current of interest allowed MOUNT ALBERT BRANCHM J TORRANCE Manager a Highest Cash Price Paid FOR TY OF WOOL AT WOLF Harry and Albert Mil- burn fell ofi a launch in Hamilton Hay and were drowned Dr of Windsor was fined for attempting to poison a neighbors dog Wyoming May 27 During thunderstorm this afternoon about Man May 30 John Piep- aged 26 was accidentally shot Sunday afternoon Shorter while gopher shooting The bullet lodged behind ear and fca soon died His mother is prostrat ed His father left for Ontario Saturday Montreal June The Ottawa oclock the barn of Wallace Williams River is in flood the water not near this village was struck by light- been so high for the past Mr Williams brotherinlaw three vears when the great flood Mr Charles was instantly Ten thousand men are out of killed while standing in the stable almost all steamers and freight door The deceased conducted a tail- boats are up are business here and had been a closed down and there is general hi resident of Wyoming for many years reported at all the small towns He was married but had no family banks mi Common Timothy Red Clover Mangel Sugar Beet Turnip Paying ft for Dried Apples and Cash for Eggs Johnstons Cash Store Sutton T ARCHIYErOinipftBlO TORONTO fi

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