it ivj ay llf 11 A MP KV iv NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE 11 Ti- I ft Si 4vTuMday the month I l f i I I t I if I 1 1 i it ji if i Ha Ha Ha YOU OUGHT TO See The GOING OUT FROM KESWICK MILLINERY In Spite of the Cold Weather And the Prices at which arc everything Is bringing in creased trade Sec our Graniteware at about Hall Price Glass Tumblers at cents each PAINTS C COL K ESWICH J JIANAGER PERSONAL Mr and Mrs A Ward Milne ol Markhiun were at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Thirsk over Sunday Messrs Shields and James Oldham left on Monday morning for a trip to Seattle Mr and Mrs It Jones daughter of Toronto are enjoying a visi with friends in town Mr and Mrs Stephen Winch of were in town on Tuesday Wednesday and Cattle for Sale Fanners wishing to buy Fresh Cows or or having Cattle lor Sale should apply to THOMPSON Cattle Dealer i Holland Landing Always home on Friday ThoroBred Jersey Bull For service His halfsister Finan cial Countess her owner Dr Still Churned Irs of butter first year in test Also eggs from choice Bar rod Ply mouth Rocks While White Leghorns and setting J B 0 Y 0 U Dry Goods Groceries Boots Shoes Hardware Furniture Go P Wo carry the Stock Genera Goods of any country store North of Toronto and sell at the Lowest Prices We take all kind of Produce P pay Cash for Hides Sheepskins Beeswax Tallow Horsehair Rubbers Scrap Iron and Copper 50000 lbs of Wool wanted tor which we will pay the highest Toronto Cash Price Remember the Place THE MODEL STORE CAMP MEETING The Toronto District of the Free Methodist Church will hold their an nual Camp Meeting in Mr woods miles West Mt Albert commencing on the evening Tuesday June and closing on Tuesday evening June The order of service is as follows am Holiness Meeting am Love Feast atm Preaching pm Childrens Meeting pm Preaching pm Ring Meeting pm Preaching A of Pittsburg with the ministers and evangel ists of the District arc expected to do the preaching No gate fee will he charged but a offering will he taken at the close of the Sabbath morning service to defray the ex penses of the camp Everybody viteil Queens lie lias made application to the County Council to be formed in to a Police Village and will no doubt successful Our sister vil- though only hall our size seems to get the bulge on us at every turn Rain is badly needed in this vicin ity and the crops are beginning to suffer from the prolonged drouth The roads never seemed more dusty Lillian Terrys solo in the Methodist church choir on Sunday ev ening was a treat to all lovors ol good music The choir also sang several selections in a most ale maimer An illustrated temperance lecture under the auspices of the Dominion Alliance was held in the church on Monday evening anl was fairly well attended The market drew another large crowd on Tuesday Prices remained firm at for butter and lor eggs Mrs Coleman and her son Mr Russell Coleman of Rochester are visiting at Mrs Wrn Turners Mr and Mrs Forge of Windermere spont Sunday at the parsonage Rev left on Wednes day to Conference in Toronto The Presbyterian Ladies Aid this week will he of the nature of a pic nic to be held on Saturday afternoon in Mr R Putnams woods The usual fee of will he collected All friends are invited to be present The harness shop has been moved to too building recently occupied by fhc Bank of Montreal Flower Sunday in the Methodist church was enjoyed by old as well as young The church was beautifully decorated with purple and white lilac and Mr Fralicks sermon was full of practical lessons drawn from the lives of the flowers UNION STREET The Christian Sabbath School will hold their annual picnic at Morton Park on the of June The lit tle folk are expecting good time for warmer weather Mrs Fairy of Newmarket spent Sunday with Mrs A Rose Mr Stanley after spend ing a week with his parents and old friends returned to the city Mr and Mrs John of Newmarket spent a ley days on the Street visiting their sons They are looking well the town seems to agree with them Miss Edna Morton a student of McMastcr University spent over Sunday with Mrs 1 A Ladies Aid Tea was held at Mrs which was well at tended by the young people in the evening The next lea will he at Mrs A Roses the last of June The young men of this vicinity will soon all wear the badge of the Sons of of which there is a flourishing branch at Keswick is busy these days with building fences and hatching chickens with incubator for which he is agent 0 SHARON Mr and Mrs of Man are visiting with Mrs A J Hughes Mr Hughes does not im prove in health as his friends would like although he is able to sit on the lawn a short time each day Mr Bailey is drawing sand and gravel to put a stone cellar under his barn and make other improvements in his newly acquired property Miss Maggie Brown Toronto has Frank Cook in lieu Parish Steep er to moot July at am In Sharon Council A meeting of above Council was held at May 29 Members all ol former meeting read Council subscribed to the neces sary oath and proceeded io deal with he several appeals and re the As follows that of reduc ed Mit chell 400 Sarah The following were Clark and J Breads k William name on Roll as Householder lot con and assessed for one dog The property assessed to John Doyle was added to the of Sarah Thomber and ba pi lot School Reports I Phone is j r fit Me OAK RIDGES SCHOOL Report for May Annie Stewart Jr Flossie Taylor Sr HI Pearl Smith Wood Jr III Percy Hill Lome Lee HRosy Hill Adeline Hud- gins Clayton Fern Taylor Jr Constance Capcll Dorothy Leggc Harold Legge Wood Marvel Hill Pt Lorne Hill Maud III Tab Irene Thompson Florence Tab Herbert Stocks Dennis Aubrey Norman Roy Roberts I Tab Eddie Claudia v Horace Present every day Annie Stewart Velma Stewart Ella S Milne Teacher con added that of James Cain PUBLIC SCHOOL Senior Division Nellie Lewis Kel ler Basil John Smith Clara Not only on the Farm but also in the Garden- We have Seeds for both Farm and Garden Call and see what we have before going Early Ensilage Corn Learning Ensilage Corn Giant White Ensilage Corn Rod Clover ReCleaned and Government Standard Timothy do do do do Early White Cory Corn for your Garden Golden Wax Beans Potatoe Onions per Dutch Sett Onions Also ail kinds Vegetable Seed in Packages at packages for Fresh Seeds Wo have alsb a Large Stock o Turnip Seed Mangel and Sugar Beet In the Boot and Shoe Line we can snow you the best lines we have ever had We can suit you as to Quality Size and Price in a Light or IN GRANITE WARE WE CAN GIVE YOU SOMETHING SPECIAL Covered Dinner Pails 30c Large Dish Pans for Pie Tins Stow Kettles for 50c Pudding Dishes WE SELL RETURN RAILWAY TICKETS TO ANY POINT ON METRO POLITAN RAILWAY E SMITH The heading Merchant I Hill Nettie Smith Marian Fred Oscar Watson III Tower Gladys Mar shall Flossie Lewis Olive Ingram Albert Jr Sandy Milne Mary Doris Stephens Bert Salt er Ross MacKcnzie Willie Hill Fred Kavanagh Ross Fred Starr Nellie Milne Dan McGincrty Jr HI Marjory Ray Wait Albert Hughwina Smith Ross Katy Turney Mary Maries Charlie Mitchell following parties had one dog the Roll Job P and With these the Roll was finally adopted On proceeding to general bus iness several communications ac counts etc were received and dealt with Councillor empowered t make arrangements with Peels to manufacturer and 1 1 Marian Linskell Elva cement file for culvert for season Junior Room of The Clerk was instructed to order J A Lake to remove off the fence that is across the line near The treasurer was three months leave of absence as he is going on a trip to England and appointed to act in hie Alma Milne Grace Maries Eva Viola Hill Jr Sec B Geo Salter Raymond Watson Russell May Nelly Russell Stock- wood Jr A Douglas Marshall Launcelot Wright Stephens Evelyn Ostley Mel- vin Wright Willie Walter Hill Floyd Mitchell Reeve and Clerk was appoint- Willie Bertha to deal count for With rendered An OddFellows Excursion will be held to Niagara Falls on Friday 18th June under the auspices of Lodge IOOF via from Sutton to Toronto Niagara been spending a week with her Co to and Route Electric Railway to the Falls Timetable and Fares Sutton am Baldwin Crossing 028 Zephyr 634 Mt Albert Vivian 185 Ballantrae The excursion will reach Toronto at Returning will leave To ronto at pm For further particulars see large bills For Sale Two Buggies one Cutter Set o Single Harness Robe Rug Blankets etc Apply at Queensville Post Office Teacher Wanted For No Scott near Albert SecondClass Normal Male preferred Duties to commence af ter midsummer holidays to BYRON STIVER Farmers Institute North York Farmers Institute held two very successful meetings in Aurora on June 3rd when Prof W Dean of tho A de livered very beneficial addresses on ClkCOG and Butter Making The fol lowing officers and directors were ap pointed for the ensuing year President- Thos Aurora Herbert Ross Strange Simeon Lemon King Tp T M Black burn Arch A Lloyd L Graham Snider Wells Scott Logge L Gibbons R- Phillips Whitchurch A T J J A VanNos- Chafe Lowis Dennis T Simpson W Rich ardson J J Lemon Ba ker Fred Hill Percy J Davidson Scott A King A Moore ITEMS Miss Amy of Owen Sound is spending a week at her home here Mr and Mrs J Oldham and Mr Wm Shields left on Monday for an extended trip through the west They expect to visit the Fair at Seattle Mr and Mrs Jones and family of Toronto are spending a week with relatives here Rev I and Mrs Cameron left on Thursday for It is to be hoped that the fresh air and the change of scene will benefit his health Mr S Last is suffering from an attack of blood poisoning caused by a knife wound in the arm Even here we are troubled with some light fingered gentry On Tuesday night Mr Amos Lapp tied his horse by the roadside while he paid a visit to his brotherinlaw Mr who is ill On bis return he found he been relieved of both whip and duster We hope that the guilty parties may he caught and punished Mr and Mrs W of Kswick Mr T Brown Postmaster Watson spent the early parti of the week with his daughter in Toronto Miss Rebecca has been with her sisten Mrs the past month on account the illness of one of her nephews but returned to her home on Monday Mrs Montgomery of Toronto has been spending the past week with her parents Mrs J Montgomery Mrs Mrs J Brodie came up from Newmarket and spent a day with her and enjoying the fine country scenery Mr John Hughes Toledo spent a week with his brother Mr J Hughes returning to his home on Friday The villagers are most delighted with the accommodation at the sta tion and wonder why did not have it from the first After an absence of years Mr Richard came hero from Brandon Man and claimed a bride on Thursday the ceremony taking place in St James Church We all wish them much happiness CO while in the law directs in such cases Notice were ordered to be print ed and posted up in township gravel Jr Wright pits forbidding tne of Alice Smith Ethan C purposes without Thomas Cass ling Kathleen Moore Gladys Tower Dorothea Ferguson Peter Milne Frank Ralph Hill Angus Smith Byron Hill Jimmy Sewell I Alice Turney Emma Annie Wright Viola Ingham visited at T over Sunday Congratulations are in order to the following students Douglas Shields 1st year in medicine Ross Shields 2nd and Harry Shields 3rd year Mr Steeper is wearing a broad smile days A smile that will not come off He is the proud pos sessor of an infant daughter stork also called on Mr Ross June and left a son- Extra Correspondent Three wore killed persons wounded by a powder explo sion at Cracow Austrian The delivery horse belonging to Messrs Graham and Bates bakers was stolen from their sta ble East Qwllllmbury Council Sharon June East Court of Revi sion held this day in Town Hall Sha ron at am Members all present and duly qual ified as a Court John Smith appointed Chairman Very few appeals presented A few changes made in values and corrections made as to removals and changes as to ownership and occu pancy of land Court Adjourned Regular meeting Council held af ter adjournment of Court of Revision Minutes of previous meeting con firmed Communications received W Hunter re rent of hall de- and from the following to whom payments were made re road machines Little making tile A equalization School Sections taking school census and assessing A Tate re bridge covering On motion the clerk was instructed to notify Wie clerk of the township of Scott to forward cheque for the sum of amount agreed upon as an adjustment of accounts between two townships On motion ByLaw No was amended by inserting the nam of mission from the council Five Dollar- was paid to the As sessor for extra serviccpce in taking a census of the School ChilJren A petition was receive from John Taylor and others to open up a road from to the con line in centre of lot 3 Council went into committee of the whole thereon Committee rose and reported that Jr HI Walter Hoover they did not think it aaviuaole to open up said road at prrseni which Accounts ordeied paid Shearer repair to saw mill bridge tile and for culvert J vlve fence bonus 1110 SChspman wire fence bonus Station wire fence bonus Coiner work on Corner to County bridge Coiner wire fence bonus J Kay claim J sheep claim RJ work on side- line 515 B repairs to county bridge John C Taylor attending Court of Revision Dr medical at tendance and medicine re and Wil son families Samuel Corner Jr was appointed pound Kesper for the Lake shore district meeting at July 3 at 2 pm V Teacher S S NO 10 SCOTT Report for May Names in order of merit Evelyn Lyman Pearson Jr Lil lian Edna Sarah Myers Sr III Willie Money Olive Flossie Thompson Id Jirnmie Nathaniel Hoover hon Jr Erie Jack Myers Franklin Myers Jr Elgin Alma I Jimmie Myers Eva Myers Tommy Money Beatrice Money Jr I Murray Maurice Tait Willie Dunn Tair Morgan Pearl Walter Myers Delia Summerville Lena Hoover Whitney Teacher Orillia is submitting three by laws to the ratepayers this month one to change Public Library to a free library another to raise money to build greenhouses and mak otner park improvements the other is to raise the sum of for a sewer system Cobalt dune All Saturday and Sunday fierce fires raged in the Gil lies limit One broke out near- the Silver Bar on the boundary of thousand acres to be by the Government and it swept everything clear for some distance Another starUd near Cranberry Lake and everything before it along the rightofway of the Cobalt Hydraulic Power to Montreal Hivr Up the Montreal River aid- around Gowganda huge fires are caus ing uneasiness Send ERA to absent friends No North Sr Myrtle Hamilton Jr Shaw III Harold Jr ill Vera Taylor II Roy Gladstone Yorke Wesley Taylor Herman Ralph Pt Elmer Hamilton Earl Barber I Hamilton Lizzie Hamilton Pearl Stiles Jr Hattie Stiles Clifford Hamilton M Teacher IN In Loving Memory of my Father Robert Small wood who died May in his year Gone but not Forgot ten Dear father art gone we miss thee words fail to tell But glad are we our hearts now cherish The thought with All is well We mi6s from our family circle Wo miss thy voice at the hour of prayer We know that everywhere well miss thee Especially miss our tattlers care As disease made dire destruction thy weak a enfeebled frame So thy soul drew closes to Him Fully in His Til MP CAPITAL 396000000 RESERVE TOTAL ASSETS 5000000000 ASSETS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Branches and agencies throughout Canada and the United SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current of Interest allowed MOUNT ALBERT J TORRANCE Manager your EVA EVA EVA COM But father dear we expect to meet you Where sorrows have an end Well put our trust in the blessed Jesus An Irishman who had just got aboard a railway train and found the seats all taken up except place where one seat had been turned Car cr over facing another which space was We know He prove to us a friend 1 a As fae For in His blessed Word He promts- removing his overcoat the car gave a sudden lurch and he sat down fair To us a Father He would be j th fat a was about to apologize when the car gave another jerk and down he went again just the same as before where And wo expect Hell stand right us by Until we cross deaths sea Be ye also ready for in such an hour a shove and Til Phone as ye think not the Son of Man Matt Composed by Mabel said- What kind of a man axe you anyway He said I al ways supposed I was an Irishman but I begin to think Im a Laplander STOWS Millet I warf ommon Timothy Alsike Red Clover 1 Mangel Sugar Beet Turnip Paying lb for Dried Apples and dot Cash for Cash Store Sutton Pei var Mix TORONTO