Newmarket Era, 11 Jun 1909, p. 8

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i v i to l I- r NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 11 i- J- i J v iff in ood Aycrs Hair Vigor new Im proved formula is genuine htirfood It feeds nourishes builds up strengthens The hair grows rapidly keeps soft and smooth and all dandruff disappears Aid nature little Give your hair a good hairfood with tub Kuefs not change the to boul It You need not hesitate about using I new Hair VlRorffomanyfeirofiiscbB this the color of your hair The new Hair Vigor prevents premature ffrayncsa but docs not change the color of the hair even to the slightest degree by ih J Co Hal it AND find Sick Skins in Summer HUMOROUS I I FOR SALE Houses in Newmarket From to M Hughes Real House for Sale Cottage cement cellar to A Williams Newmarket if New House for Sale or Rent Apply to Mrs Scott The Cedars Newmarket House for Sale Conveniences Two lots and barn Apply at ERA OFFICE For Sale House rooms domestic water and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket Dominion Day at Nobtoton under the auspices of St Church will he a great fleld day festival and concert Football tournament for a prize of caah or value open to all rgulaily organized teams In the the play Valley Farm will in presented by the A YI A dramatic club This play is highly spoken of by all thai seen it and it is expected will prove the finest entertainment ever given in Collins Orches tra of Toronto will also be The services in the Church Eng land tent will commence on Sunday night and will be continued for the summer The third annual excursion of the A VI A to Jacksons Point will beheld on Friday June A good program of sport is being arranged Mr A Taylor senior student Toronto University and lege arrived here on Friday to assist in the work of parish for the will Summer is the hardest time for the My boy only received half an skin Its delicate tiny pores cation at college if worked under the best conditions is that would have a rough time of Well bo leacnod how to wear good the hem How When they have to clothes but they didnt teach work when impaired or damaged by how to get Hes trying to sunburn and heat spots No wonder that part of it now one has rough patches freckles- etc the following was copied from a heals sick skins When posted on a building patch of skin on face neck or arms c Tenants should bo careful is sun apply to throw cigars or limited link at- once It will cool and soothe matches about Otherwise they may set to the building and oblige 11 T GoliiiM and new skin will quickly formed When you are foot sore have some chafed places ainKuk will give you ease When the mosquitoes raise lumps- on you wilt stop that terrible itch ing and smarting Keep handy use it freely and this will be happiest summer you have ever John Blazer proprietor- A father overheard his young sou use a word he did not approve and calling the child to him said My son if you will promise me never to uso word again Ill give you a dime little fellow and true to bis word refrained spent viewed from the skin health About a week later he went to his standpomt All druggists and a stores worth fifty cents Mamma had unexpected callers and summer and will make his home i Mr a Firth at Cooke M Who Wis iest congratulations and best wishes for a long prosperous and happy life The greatest Marathon road race ever witnessed in Canada was put on the boards last Saturday night by the Idora Athletic Club Mr T La violet was official starter ami J Stephenson timekeeper The race was called for seven oclock and shortly after that hour those enter- lined up under the wire and took their position in the following order First next the judges stand were when preparing tea she founfl that tho sugar jar was empty Calling little Willie she Hun over to Mrs for some sugar and be sure the visitors do not see you Willie obtained the sugar and in stead of going to the side door he went to the parlor door and pushing in the little hand that held tho bowl of sugar called out lustily Hero ma heres your sugar I Now said Freddies mother as got him ready for a visit to her ColorSPittcant Webster Arthur Ba- I sure you arent late to her To Harvey and breakfast as you so often arc at home That wont do when you visiting your aunt Gel right are up Mr who Pas evenly with Darker a little in held for the last two years a teach- lead At the end of the first fellowship in the Iniversty of Webster dropped out Another Toronto has received half and Baker left the ranks at the by the Dominion on the corner the remaining throe men IV As the racers were all amateurs the start was a most anxious moment hut at crack of the pistol they all got away hack Vacant Lots for Sale In from to also acres In Enquire of Hughes Heal Es tate A Two Building Lots For sale One on Main St and one fronting on Church St Terms Apply to JACKSON Newmarket were all in the race working neck an neck for first place at the end of the next mile left the road and down the home stretch came Harvey stall of Geological Survey larty will beyond Mr Cooke is the eldest son f the Rev C Cooke of Bradford Mr who has been inand it was a time of the employ of Bros hardware J great excitement It was anybodys merchants for a number of years race one misstep would tell the has over business for himself tale On they came only ten rods in Keswick York Co If more and still even Harveys feet Freddie promised and came triumphantly Was down ev ery any of em he said in answer to her Im so glad Hope youll keep it up You wont let me Wont let you Why not You see I just put my nighty on and slept in my I clothes to be ready in the morn ing And Freddie had been gone the best part of a week School Reports I say here and now that the last bridge is burned behind me and I stand squarely with the great tem perance to drive out this hid eous monitor Governor Glenn of North Carolina It is said that greater calamities are Inflicted oh mankind by intem perance than by tho three great his torical War Pestilence and Famine This is true for us and it is the measure of our discredit and disgrace Gladstone Just to be tender just to be true lust to he glad the whole day thru lust to be trustful as a child Just gentle and kind and sweet Just to be helpful with willing feet Just to be cheery when things go wrong Just to drive away with a song Whether the hour is dark bright Just to be loyal to and right Just to believe that God knows best Just In His promise ever to rest Just to let love he our daily key This is Gods will for you and me Speak a shade more kindly than the year before a little oftener love a little more Cling a little closer to the Fathers love- Then life below shall grow to the life above o ONE OF THE GREAT OF HISTORY For Sale on St Good rough cast house seven rooms Good woodshed Soft water large lot For particulars apply to John Prospect Ave or to Mrs Kelly Park Ave Farmers Wanting Money Enquire of M Hughes Agent money to loan on first mort gage let him fini the borrowers House for Sale Comfortable House with three lots on Wellington Street Furnace hard water Apply to Mrs M corner Prospect and Timothy WIDDIPIELD A sky rocket fell on the roof of Mr Palmer Merritts house at Ham ilton and set it on fire Loss seven or eight hundred SHORTHAND writers earn good money J it at home if you cannot attend College All particulars free J Write BUSINESS J COLLEGE Yonge Street a Toronto W H Shaw i I I SYNOPSIS OK CANADIAN LAND REGULATIONS ANV who IB or uialeoverlS years old may homo- leadariuarterflfcUoi of available land in or Alberta The applicant appear in person at tin jomIuon Lends or SubAgency foi thedtaitlct Entry by may be ftrtafu by father brother or In any on Other daughter Ac if realdence upon and Cultivation of the land In each of years A may live within nine ml Ice bis on a farm of at least 60 owned and occupied by or by bl father mother eon daughter brother 01 liter fa certain districts a homesteader In good may preempt a alongside homestead Price per acre Must reside months cadi of yeara from date of homestead entry Includ ing time required to earn homestead patent cultivate flfty acres extra who has exhausted his aUid right and cannot obtain a preemption in certain take a fllsfrtcta Price per ere Duties Musi months In three years culti vate flfty acres and erect a house worth Deputy Minister of the Interior Unauthorixed this ad will not be paid for ranco and close application to busi ness moans success will make The Witness wishes him much prosperity O AUKUKA Mail Delivery between here and Rose is to be established In fact the boxes have ar rived The A Aurora Railway was out of business a couple of days last week on account of the engine breaking down Mr of fills place bad a valuable young driver break its leg while out at pasture on lues- The animal had to Ix shot While walKing down the Hack from Newmarket to Aurora on Friday evening last Mr Geo this place met with an expe rience which he does not care to have repeated Shortly after leav ing Newmarket he was accosted by a man who was waiting on the track and asked if he was going to walk to Aurora Mr Billings stated that was his intention and the stranger then said they might as well walk down together as he was down All went well until they reached the overhead bridge about a mile north of Aurora when the stranger attempted to put his hand into Mr Hillings pocket Mr Hillings caught his hand and a scuffle ensued in which the stranger presented a revolver and demanded Mr Hillings to give up his money During the altercation the revolver was discharged three times two of the bullets passing through Mr Billings arm just below the el- how while the other bullet passed through the rim of his hat close to the forehead The stranger then made getting over the fence into the held and Mr Hillings made his way home as soon as possible A doctor was called in and th wounds in the arm dressed Mr Hillings says he would know the man if he should see him again but there is little doubt but what follow has made good his escape Banner Harrison is moving his barns this week preparatory to a general remodelling and rebuilding which when done will be a great improve ment Harrison is at head of the job Page Kerry raised a barn for Imphivy on Saturday last Mr Kerry enjoys the reputation of being a careful contractor who aims at get ting his raisings up early in the day and avoiding all needless risk One of those pleasing events took place on Wednesday last when Mr John Sodden in the presence of over led his ter Cora Lauretta to altar to become the wife of John Wilson Amid strains of the wedding march played by Mrs Rev Roach the contracting parties took their place before the officiating minister Mr Roach Mr Geo Taylor supported the groom and Miss Gertie the bride After a sumpt uous dinner the happy couple to and other points north The wedding party who accompanied the bride and groom to the station returned to Mr Sneddons to enjoy games and other amusements We extend to the young couple our were sounding on the road like the boom of distant cannon while garthe a little more fleetfooted but lacking in reach was a close rival The judges had almost announce a draw when Harvey threw a sandal which caused him to take a side mo tion which ran him into All An- wood pile leaving the winner the champion laurel- wearer and Longboat of R Webster J P prominent figure in county and township politics for years died here of cancer aged years He had been ill for a Whitchurch Gordon for May Mary ooo A Summer Outing Continued from Page No with a blush Mamie has written to ask if he can spend Sunday with us and I must answer his letter He he is coming to see you specially dad All right Mr Arthur was thing if not hospitable Tell to come along He and Ill go to old man Bennetts Oh Ill him your hands for the day Ill bet you anything you wont she told him with a saucy toss of her head Why not he called back Because he wont go So there Then he understood Its a ueer old world he said with a sigh But a good old world he added with a laugh over take No V Class Muriel Van Haw tin Jr Mamie Gordon Henry Swain Nettie Stuart Starr Lehman Annie Brandon Flossie Ada Reynolds Jr HI Florence Marshall Ken neth Hopper in toff Mabel Allen Herbert Stephens Albert Cora Allen Mabel Nor man Hopper Myrtle Allen Myrtle Brown II Nellie Johanna Clara Gilford Gladys Brandon Mandy Monlds Willie Harm an Jr Raymond Laura John Hopper Alfred sley Sr HRussell Marshall Alex Gordon Mabel John Hopper Brandon Ken neth Brown Jr Carl Reynolds Norman Moulds Fred Hop per Sr I Frank Jason gal Cecil Robbie Mavis Hopper Russell Jr I Edna Taylor Hopper Mary Skinner teacher The water in now higher than years Gravenhurst to raise the Ottawa it has been river is for 33 The dead Dowager Empress of China will go down to history as one of the worlds most remarkable wo men Tsu Hsi was the daughter of a starving Cantonese beggar who was sold into slavery She fell into the hands of a Tartar general and event ually into the harem of the Emperor of China as a concubine of the third class Through her cleverness and in domitable will she gradually got con trol of the Emperor and for half a century has dominated China Like other great women in history such as Elizabeth of England and Catherine I of Russia she cannot be measured by the ordinary standards The Dowager Empress arose to power in China when the dynasty was demoralized and the empire on the verge of breaking up The chief cities of China were in the hands of the enemy the imperial summer pal ace had been burned and the Em peror was a fugitive Tsu to join him in running and fated with success the enemy at Pekin How much influence have the people of Boston had cm the Chinamen who live down on Harrison avenue They live their lives in their own and when they die their bones go balk to China If these few hundred aliens cur off by thousands of miles from their homes are able to remain to Occidental civilization how much chance is there at reform ing the of Chinamen away submitted a bylaw to water works system and it was carried by a large majority Calgary Alta June Twenty- five years ago W J the first white child to ho bom in Cal gary was deeded a foot ot shorts ly after his by the then village authorities The property was held in trust by his parents until Costello came of age Yesterday the young man sold his lot for The property is on Eighthavenue oppo site the postofliee No King lor May Clifford Case D CasoN Bennett Myrtle Cade Lapp Morning Willie Haines Case Arthur Morning M Ferguson Jr A Buteman Morning L Evans F Robin son S 0 It Pat rick Morning P Casey P Simpson Harry Ferguson S Howard Morning Roy Ferguson 2nd Tab Bat em an rfliciiey Crawford Tab Eddie A Evins Edward J A come from with- w l in Time You cannot keep well unless the bowels are regular Neglect of this rule of health invites half the sicknesses from which we suffer Keep the bowels right otherwise waste matter and poisons which should pass out of the body find their way into the blood and sicken the whole system Dont wait until the bowels are constipated take mm They are the finest natural laxative in the world gentle safe prompt and thorough They strengthen the stomach muscles and will not injure the delicate mucous lining of the bowels Pills have a constitutional action That is the longer vou take them the less frequently you need them They help Nature help herself and China That must in During the last few years under China has been doing things of it own motion It resources arc being developed great public works have been started and the fight to suppress the curse of the Orient the opium traffic has been begun We may not approve of all Tsu has done but we must give her credit for being a great woman and if her suc cessor in the regency accomplishes for China anything like what she has done the world will be content Boston Traveller LOVED THE GOOD EARTH By Arthur Phelps In the place of pines we shall lay him The tall pines he loved so well Far better than tomb of cold marble with a graven bell His spirit has yearned to the murmur Of wind in the pines at night Let him sleep in the wonder Of the silent white moonlight He has felt all the ache of sorrow Just to learn the balm of joy here in the hush of the glooms His soul found its best employ pine- Keep the Bowels Healthy Bile Active Stomach Well Prepared only by Thomas lice St Helens Lancashire England Sola by nil Druggists In and U S America In cent Just the lilt of a wild birds music Sung from the bough to azure skies He would pause and wonder and listen With a rapjure in his eyes And whoreever the winds can wander There his soul will follow sUll Though we laid him to last forget ing With tho pine glooms on the hill Collingwood ratepayers carried a bylaw to erect a new agricultural building and defeated two others one to extend the waterworks system and another to erect a new school London June 3 While play- log in a of sawdust Gordon the year and ten months old son of Mr and Mrs A Knowles was smpthere4 to death When Weaverley an employe of Mr returned after dinner and went to the bin sawdust which is used as fuel lor the engine to put on more fire he saw the bond of the child out The boy was covered only about four or five inches and at the place where he was buried the saw dust was only about inches deep I TORONTO A woman who is sick and suffering and wont at least try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is to blame for her own wretched condition There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in Canada and the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy which was produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve womans suffering Read what these women say Que Without Vegetable Compound I would not be alive For five month I bad painful Irregular period and inflammation of the uterus I suffered like a martyr and thought often of death I consulted two doc tors who could do nothing for me I went to a hospital and the beat doctors said I must submit to an operation because I had a tumor I went back home much discouraged One of my cousins advised me to take your Compound as ft had cured her I did so and soon commenced to feel better and my appetite came back with the first bottle Now I feel no pain and am cured Your remedy is deservingof praise Mrs Emma Valleyfield Quebec Erie Pa suffered for five years from female troubles and at last was almost helpless tried three doctors but they did me no good My sister advised me to try Lydia Pink- hams Vegetable Compound and it has made me well and strong I hope all suffering women will just give Vegetable Compound a triat for it Is worth Its weight in gold Mrs J P It I Erie Pa Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub lish are genuine is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffer ing from the same trouble For 30 years Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female Ills No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine Made exclusively from roots and herbs and has thousands of cures to its credit Mrs invites all sick women to write her fop advice She has guided thousands to health free of charge Address Mrs Lynn Mass Farmers need not have any their grain made into whiskey but into bread bread to feed the drunkards children Grape growers in California could make the grapes into raisins which bring a higher price Alcohol deadens the nerves of sense so that they can neither feel nor signal the brain of danger Alcohol deadens the nerves of sense the servants of the brain puts them to sleep so they cannot carry any messages to the muscles to the body The Regiment will camp at instead of as an nounced at first It was on condi tion however that the citizens sub scribe to assist n defraying ex penses of the camp Nothing Better THAN PURE WATER I am looking for boys that are strong and true that have courage to dare and do Does that mean vou and vou and Now is the time to have your well protect cistern cleaned a new Pump in stalled or pumps repaired Estimate given Lowest Rates A STORKS Newmarket vou am looking for girls that are strong and true that have courage to dare and do that mean you and you and vou w here are hoys that are full of glee girls with hearts that are glad and free Who will say to all evil Let me be Yes that- means you and you On page Teachers Edition In Scientific Temperance Girls Does Yes And for Hatching From English Brown Leghorns a grand pen of Black Minorca hen that lays is the hen that pays per setting For sale by W J READHEAD Near High School Newmarket Ontario CHEAPER Your smart TO CLEAN tailored suits your soiled OR DYE curtain and draperies look as fresh and BUI clean or dye them Tho It small and we pay the express charge one way on outoftown orders Willi GUI BOOKLET IT ML My Valet FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER Adelaide St Toronto FOUR YEARS SUCCESS WITH American Field Lawn Fences MAD E B Y The Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd Come and see Quality and get prices For Sale by J Near High School Newmarket Ontario Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA VIA CHICAGO JUNE VIA CO JUNE Steamer leaves Sarnia PM WINNIPEG AND RETURN EDMONTON AND RETURN Alaska-Yukon- Pacific IT 8EATTLE PROPORTIONATE RATES TO OTHER POINTS Full information and from J Ticket Agent Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast 71 A Return from 41U NEWMARKET good going May to Sept Return limit Oct Liberal stopovers Wide choice routes Go by the direct Can adian line see your own coun trythe West the Rocky Moun tains Visit the Seattle Ex position and other special at tractions Talk it over with Atkinson Agent Newmar ket the of and others the bus In CM hiving their Pre It Montreal and Co Br house We can 9m It for ever you PHONE IN Tl TOR OR 1

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