Li I I I I I tf Loeal ONBbFOOR UNRIVALLED SUITS IS AROVZ The County Treasurers- Bale of lands for taxes takes place at Rich- mond Hill and Sutton next Tuesday as in tho Bra Oct the Beet to bo Burn of good We had good sea- with our Seeds and look for doubling our Sales thin year You your BULK or PACK AGE from such reliable Seed as Steele J A and M Ferry Your our interests Wo want your and rely on quality of our for it Talent Safe The Willing Workers ol Pres byterian Church are to bo latcd on success of their Talent Sale last Friday afternoon and even- I which netted them Re- wore served during evening and very social time was enjoyed by a large number of people- Splendid Advert sing The new signs on the factories and warehouses of the Cane Sons Co show up well from both the Grand Trunk and Metropolitan cars indicating- to the passengers that is no sleepy town The Davis Leather Co and the Office Spe cialty Co have had large business signs for some time AURORA AT HUNTER BROS LIMITED Change of Time A hew Time Table went into effect A Carpenters Fall last Monday morning Last Saturday one of the ters working foe Mr Isaac Rose on evening new store Mr Eli Jf north is minutes later ton had ids arms full of and J See new Time Card crossing the joists he stepped on I the end of a board that up and lie fell between the joists Boring for Water his side with such force that he The Davis Leather Co has engaged nearlybroke his ribs It Mr Jos Harvey of to bore day morning before he could to an artesian well for the use of the work tannery Mr Harvey moved his paratus here from Aurora last week and commenced boring on Monday Everything is working satisfactory and prospects are favorable for a EVAPORATED PEACHES Fine Quality lb EVAPORATED APPLES Choice Quality lb EVAPORATED APRICOfTS Very Fine 15c lb HONEY and 25c a Section VALENCIA RAISINS Only a Boxes Box Badly Trimmed Our Junior Lacrosse team went to Aurora last Monday to play good well in a few days in the Champion Series and so badly rattled their opponents that they c J were inclined to act a little ugly hut tho Newmarket had about Tne r Sweeney on the field who were do- Toronto held Confirmation in to have no nonsense Score- on Friday evening to I in favor of Newmarket The ast when twentysix candidates were Aurora boys were so down the mouth that failed to show the usual courtesy after the match was over Property owners in the town and especially those owning stables are becoming uneasy at tho prevalence fires The latest sufferer is Fred fust inside tho corporation at the south end of the town stable was burned down last week Tlibulldingwas a less but the contents were saved This makes four fires recently the others being Cannons Bros and Win A singu lar feature is all these fires broke out at oclock at night Taken in connection with the black- hand scare of a few months ago it begins to look as though Aurora has a confirmed incendiary in its midst Ol v AGENTS FOR CLOTHING AND DRESS GOODS S3 ii YOBKS i LEMONVILLE The cream social which was held on Friday evening last on Mr Groves lawn under the auspices of the League was decided success The program which con sisted of solos given by Miss an1 Mrs Willie Cook of ville and readings by Miss Warriner of and Master of was well receiv ed Everyone expressed themselves as having spent very pleasant and profitable evening proceeds amounted to over Mrs Stewart and daughter of To ronto were the guests of Miss over Sunday Mrs and little son Harry were of her fattier Mr M Cook for a week Miss Cook our efficient school teacher is spending her vaca tion in Winnipeg and other Western places Mr George Martin spent Sunday with friends in Miss Aggie McKuen attended the Alba on Saturday their Communion on Sunday flit Moon of tho TEaton at during the hot weather Phnty of goods to from plenty of clerks to attend to your wants makes shopping much easier during theso hot days That is what you will find in store and also the lowest prices i i J lb i SATURDAY IN THE DRY GOODS morning at 830 The Bishop deliver- a verV to ed a very earnest and instructive ad- s week dress to the candidates urging them duties as lull epworth League members of the church and strive to me members of the carry out in their lives the sacred awl their friends had a de- sons which their preparation for evening at fhe Cedars firmation and Holy was last Monday The place was charm- designed to teach them decorated with Chinese Ian- terns Mr Frank Rose was there with his gramophone Mr Geo Bar- 4 Evening Serenade gave a Miss Hewitt On Thursday of last week two and Miss Lida Pearson contributed large private parties held picnic at at instrumental while the Mouth Or- Jacksons Point One was Dr God- July a MORTON PARK Dress Ginghams in Checks and Stripes Colors Drowns Greens Blues Reds Black and White Na tural and Pinks Reg yd for Plain in Pink Sky and Grey Reg yd for Bleached Table Linen Reg yd for Black Cashmere Hose sizes and Reg 35c for Black Lisle Finish Hose sizes and Reg for White Embroider Wash Belts Reg to 25c for in Cream and White Reg 25 and yd for Fancy Dress Muslins just a tew left Reg and yd for Already there have been five Excur sion picnics at Morton Park this sea son there is one billed for near ly every day between the first and fifteenth of July Dinner and tea are ordered for people from Toronto the Balmoral House on the of All the cottages are now we cell you a DINNER SET TOILET SET we you a Come ceo what we to otter I ilia mm The Loading Reliable Grocer Band added several selections freys party and the- other Dr and another dozen could have Games were also indulged in Re- mours On the return trip they been rented this season had they been were served between arid passed through Newmarket a few built oclock and the young people minutes before nine in the evening The ice did great havoc here last thoroughly enjoyed themselves The first car got away at once but Spring being piled up fifteen feet the second car had to wait here high along the shore The boat Brief lets about minutes for the regular to house has been rebuilt and the i j come in from the city During the tag houses levelled up aaain SSST taterim the citizens of the Town in j The summer outing has contributed to local improvements by tho vicinit I d a w0ndeTlul ftdva estate a neYMKMien tool tertainel with some fine chorus sing- 1 in this vicinity Several years ago It certainly made the time Edgar of Toronto bought the pass very quickly and the music was Collins property for About appreciated onethird of this property has since been sold for The last Sale Phone r PHOTOS Call and us for your next Photo We are certain you will be pleaced with the All Aork guaranteed E Artistic Photographer Newmarket O P Office r Tbo Newmarket Band is engaged to play on July at AUiston for Barrio Orange Lodge No The breaking of a shaft at Canes Factory last Friday afternoon threw Mr Geo Trivetts gang of men work for a couple of days Mr Davis McCarty has bought one of Mr Mike Kennedys new houses on Street Mr Geo has bought Mr T Milligans new house on Main street north oo GOING FOR Also Ribbons Flowers Call and see our stocK- buying The Hew Millinery Parlor r- I Cor Main and Timotby NEWMARKET Wo Teach You Mow to become Engineers Fire men etc within two weeks and get you position within a month thereaf ter Apply to Box 311 Newmarket mos 22 Methodist Church Splendid congregations last Sun day In the morning the usual courtesies were extended to the Friends Yearly Meeting and the pulpit was occupied by Rev John it Webb of Rock wood editor of the Canadian Friend A patriotic ser vice was held in the evening when Rev W presented the responsibilities of Canadian citizen ship in a masterly manner Our Canadian was the subject arid at the Jose the congregation made many favorable comments The choir provided three patriotic selec tions the congregation joining in the chorus of The Maple Leaf The M hold a picnic and meeting on the Parsonage lawn on Wednesday July at three oclock ladles are providing a pro gram and refreshments A cordial invitation is extended to all- Two weeks ago six miles from the town of NS stretches of rlj road began to disappear from highway section fifty feet wide disappeared carrying a telephone pole far out of sight Next a strip of road feet long disap peared leaving a pond forty feet deep and thirty feet wide- The road com missioner went to the scene from Halifax and while he was investi gating another portion of the road fifteen feet long by ten in widtb dis appeared and next day still another 200 feet from the first cavein sank from view The Intercolonial Rail way track is also affected rails having settled over a foot in two places The road commissioner says subterranean waters are dissolving the plaster far beneath the road and that district will eventually be come a large lake YOU CAN GET was feet on the Lake shore for field of the Morton Park en trance on the road leading to the lake shore has just been to a To ronto man for Already this season nine new sum- residences have been built at a short distance East Morton Park at an average cost of about This is the most tocratac point on the lake shore One house here cost over An ex tensive breakwater has also been built at private expense The steamer will commence w regular Saturday trips next Saturday to Barrio in the morning and return ing in the evening LADIES WASH SKIRTS FOR 100 Ladies White Pique Linen Drill and Duck Skirts Ladies Black Duck Skirts- with Colored Figures Just of them so its first come first served each for SATURDAY IN THE SHOE DEPARTMENT FOR THE LAblES Something for every lady Fine Dongola Ox fords High or Low Heel any Style range of price125 to Patent Leather Oxfords guaran teed Patent Colt All Styles that are prices to Tan Chocolate Oxjords Style prices to Chocolate Boots Style Cuban Heel from to Chocolate Oxfords Style Cuban Heel from SI to White Canvas Oxfords Style Leather or Cow Heel to FOR THE MEN Compare these prices with others Patent Leather Oxfords Blucher Style Wing or Straight Tip sizes 5 to rane of prices to and Chocolate Lace Ox fords Blucher Style all new lasts Price and White Canvas Oxford Boots Greys and Lacrosse Shoes at rock bottom prices v SATURDAY IN THE GENTS DEPARTMENT MENS CLOTHING A TwoPiece Suit is the correct thing for this weather because they are cool Suitable fox business Outings and all occasions We have a great range of goods to select from in all the latest style and cut arid very best workman ship and at prices to suit every one Better come in and see us anyhow a A J 5000 Wash Ties all newest Pat terns Shapes Worth clear ing at each Negligee Shirts with reversible collars in Browns Creams Ele phant shades worth clear at Mens Tennis and Outing Flannel Pants with roll bottom worth clearing for Table of Mens Fine Straw Hats worth up to Come take one for 95c Land and Water Caps 39c each SATURDAY IN THE HOUSE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Yard wide Union Ingrain Carpet ing and 55c clear ing out at one price 35c per yard A few Velvet Squares left yds and 3x4 yards regular price Clear them at Inlaid Japanese Matting for per yd 20c Japanese Matting cotton warp for 15c 12 te China Matting 10c yd A few pairs Lace Curtains for Swiss Net Brussels Net and Not tingham Lace Curtains to clear at per pair WALL PAPERSCIearing our entire stock at from to off prices Now is your time to buy Floor Oilcloths ends and clearing lines sq yd Curtain Poles complete with ends and brackets for each Hi i I it TIM if lemonade set Miss and Mr Murray Simpson Pickering set of smoothing irons Miss Simpson Toronto landscape and Mrs T Kennedy Toronto gold inlaid bonbon dish and Cloy Holder London sterling silver spoons Mr and Mrs H Hood New cushion Mr Murrav Steele Brougham toil et set Mr and Mrs Simpson rfCHOMBERG THIRD OF KING Grove meeting A grove meeting will be held in connection with the King Christian Church on Sunday July in Mr grove adjoining the church Services will be conducted as follows am Rev A Ward Baptist minis ter pm Elder Chid ley Newmarket pm Rev T Leonard Methodist minister Kettleby A strawberry festival will be held The Ladies Aid are sparing no pains to make this the festival of the sea son O PINE ORCHARD were was and Wanted Good General Servant with refer ences Good wages MRS BLAKE HEWITT- 140 Wells St Toronto Always wash lettuce cabbage dandelion spinach or any of greens in water with a half cup of salt and it will bring out the wprms if there are any In them Carbcrry Man lime 27 died on Friday night as- tho of being struck by on on Ifce street Presbyterian Church All the services on Sunday largely attended The church decorated with maple leaves flags Mr Thomas readied a able sermon to the children in morning In afternoon Mr Au brey Davis gave an excellent address on Canada for Christ and the girls choir sang God Bless Our Na tive Home During the session Hilda Thomas daughter of the pastor was presented by the with a Diploma from the General As sembly of the Presbyterian Church for reciting at one silting without a the Shorter Catechism for which she was deservedly praised In the evening Rev Thomas deliver ed a good patriotic sermon and choir furnished brilliant patriotic music The services throughout the day were greatly enjoyed Send the ERA to absent friends I FOR- livlli A I AT DRUG STORE Can Co Phone Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch Lists of gifts at the wedding Leather covered Mor ris chair by Ms Watson by Mr and Mrs W H Tramner leather covered oak rocker by Mr and Mrs W Miller Jordan purse of gold by Mr and Mrs R Fair ies silver knives and forks Mrs and Miss Davis Pickering din ing room dishes and silver spoons Mrs T mother of the bride silver teapot Mr and Mrs J Hill Chatham cut glass berry bowl Jordan Toronto silver meat fork Miss Burnett breakfast cruet Mr and Mrs W Storry case of sterling silver teaspoons Mrs P Watson silver tea service Mrs and Dr J J Ma- Toronto tenoriffe cover hand worked Miss J Lemon Stouft ville silver cake dish Mr and Mrs J Steele and Miss Annie Rev and Mrs A R Sanderson case of sterling silver teaspoons Mr and Mrs Ed china cocoa pot Miss Delia Fairies mar ble clock Mr and Mrs Edgar A Storry jardineie water set Mrs Grace Burnett cush ion Miss Nellie Moore cushion Miss Hill Chatham sliver fruit spoon W G Matheson Buffalo silver bake dish Misses Toronto silver serving dish Jack London Gold clock T Pickering silver bread dish Mr Mrs W Clarke in the same grove on Monday evening Report of Examinations and pro- July nth Music will be furnished by motions of Junior room the Aurora Orchestra June Karnes in order of merit tette and other local talent Straw- Prom Jr III berries and ice cream in abundance ERA absent friend The the Union Church at Pine Orchard arc preparing an ex cellent tea for their Strawberry Fes- tival to be held on the lawn of Mr Penrose on Tuesday evening next July An excellent program will also be provided consisting of vocal solos orchestral music speeches readings etc by talent Tea served from six to eight Everybody come Gladys Clark Gladys Brown J Gill Emerson Cooper Irwin Myrtle Kitchen Leonard Percy Kitchen From Sr to Jr IIL Gertrude Albert Simp son Gertrude Kitchen JJ From Jr to Sr 11 Ennis Humphreys Rowena Harris Alice Velma Stonehouse A Shelson From 2nd Tablet to Jr Orma Edwards Eva tan- ny let Tablet class Pi O Brown Alma Brown Alma Har ris Wallace Gilroy A McCarroIl Hilary Earl Class Harold Edwards Mary Watson Harold Russell RoBner Harris Class A Elmer Fred Dennis Earl Attridge Vernon nio Brown Olivia Wilson Mild con Jennings Walter Rogers USE THE PHONE NEW SEEDS L COOKED MEAT Mild Ham Conned Beef Jellied Hocks Ox Tongue etc sliced to suit you A meal in a few minutes by permitting us to cater to your dining room requisites MEAT Meal Backs Wiltshire Breakfast Bacon Sugar cured Hams Roll Bacon Pickled Rolls The finest of Canadian products Average attendance for June Strawberries very choice stock Get our prices for largo McDonald Qr quantities We can interest you Teacher Marshall Sask June Cyril Foster a young homesteader was killed by lightning while standing in his fathers yard today A in a Detroit kill ed a newborn babe by placing it y mistake in a carbolic acid bath SPECIAL IN SALMON Salmon 3 for PARIS GREEN Package Package SOc W HOWARD