J IS I Scotchmen- Attention All Scotsmen in Newmarket and vicinity In organizing a Burns Club arc requested to meet at the Proctor House at oclock next Wednesday night to talk oyer the matter I Friends Church During warm weather the even ing services are to be much shorten ed giving people from the country time to reach home before dark The subjects for next Sunday are Morning Why our Prayers arc not Answered from Joseph County Council The Minutes ol the June Session of York County Council are now printed and will be distributed to the Clerks the several municipali ties today The Minutes were de layed In publication owing to the appeal of York Council against tlic Equalization which was afterwards withdrawn MR A COOMBS Government Grants I At a special meeting of the Board Trustees on Thursday evening of last week the vacancies in the Board by deaths and removals filled by the appointment of- the following Messrs it Hun ter P Pearson J Cane and Atkinson The new Board will not moot until the holidays are over Presentation On Monday evening the lecture room of Methodist Church was filled al most to overflowing by the friends of Mr A Coombs and family who had to see what was going and hid goodbye to some of our best church workers After brief devotional exercises Mr Mulhcrn rendered a beautiful solo and the pastor invited Mr Coombs to the platform In a compliment ary address of about minutes spoke of the activity of Mr Coombs in all departments of the church fromthe onerous duties of envelope steward to the position of local preacher alt of which he had filled with the uUnost satisfaction and with remarkable ability The Sunday School and League were par ticularly indebted for his services and the presentation of a handsome Silver Tea of eight pieces was the unanimous expression of ap preciation from the entire tion During- the address Messrs Atkinson and Jackson made the presentation Mr Coombs was so overcome by the magnificent gift and the genuine sincerity of the address that for the moment he could scarcely control his Keeping Busy During the past two or three weeks Mr Osborne and his men have new furnaces at the following residences Mr on Yongc St formerly the John Millard farm Mr Hewitts new house on Ni agara St Mrs Cocbenours on Gorf agara St Mrs on feelings He was constrained to say ham St also bathroom outfits for Mr Hewitt and Mrs Geo Rich ardson on Prospect Ave Brief lets King Council meets at that he- never saw more wholeheart ed generous and liberalminded peo- plo than in Newmarket and it was at no small cost that he severed his relations with them Mr Coombs spoke of the pleasure andr spiritual influences he had received while work ing in the Sunday School and the League and the feeling of brother hood manifested on the church hoards Hotel King Station On Saturday This is Decoration Day at J Cemetery is Civic Holiday in crop a large and the quality the for the munificent the fruit was ol the best h New potatoes arc now On the bill- If and green com will I Congratulatory remarks on Mr Coombs work followed by Mr Cane Mr Mr J McKay Dr Scott Dr Wesley and Dr Wilkinson Meeting closed by singing Blest be the tie that binds low Geo Jefferson of the purchaser of Mr Coombs resi dence on St Old St so corjiousr last week that it was impossible to continue for days Good job Grand Garden Party Monday was an ideal night for a Garden Party and the members of St Johns Church Choir are to bo congratulated in making the most of j it The Separate School Grounds I where the party was held were very prettily decorated as well as the re freshment booth the latter being pre sided over by Mr McHale and Mrs They had their hands full as no less than gallons of ice cream were sold during the evening The ladies of the congregation did their in providing an excellent tea Father Whitney was associat ed by Father of St Mi chaels Toronto who preached both morning A civic presentation and farewell to Mr A Coombs the departing and evening last Sunday at Principal the High School took Johns Church and remained over place on the School grounds on for the party His 1 Thursday evening at which the so specially mo ere people were Splendid music attractive the itary Band was announced to render have te op- one of their popular outofdoor con- ongratulating him certs An account of the function in was furnished during detail will appear in our next issue the evening by Newmarket Military Band There was a large attendance and the total proceeds from gate re ceipts and booth amounted to Dean Morris of St Catharines was prevented being present owing to previous arrangements for a trip Baptism the to Rome Elder subject next Sun- Church at King Mode and Sub ject The Morning News printed at Moose Jaw July 22nd the following particulars re the marriage of Mr- Thomas McDonalds son the filth one wo remember right Mr McDonald was employed in Canes Factory for years and was leader of the Band when the present instru ments were purchased for the Cor- poration The family left here for Moose Jaw over five ago The Morning News says A verv pretty largely attended wedding took place on Tuesday morn- at the Methodist church the con tracting parties being Miss Mary Et ta A and Mr Wallace Mc Donald the latter being a son of Mr Thomas McDonald one of the oldest residents of South Hill The bride was given away by her father Mr and looked very charming in a full leogth coat of cream silk and white sills skirt relieved in front with an embroidered panel with lace insertion- The happy pair left the same day for California Cut Glass s Hi Try and think of some thing more desirable for a Gift Occasion Try to think of something more tasteful more suitable YOU CANT It sparkles like myriads of Diamonds It lasts for ever and is a neverending source of delight to its owner See those beautiful Cut 8Inch Bowls at Regular Price A largo assortment to select from fi CO and Get your Railway and Ocean Steamship Tickets Atkinson Agent and Issuer of Marriage Licences to to to to V Send the ERA to absent Mends Social Evening announced last Monday will take place text Monday evening weather permitting Police On Monday streetwalker and men wcjre summoned before the Colonel to answer the charge of dis orderly conduct The was fined 2 and costs and the mm each and costs They let off too easy The same day a lad from the North end years of age was before the same- official charged with taking a watch out of the vest podket of one of the workmen engaged last Thurs day now store The watch was recovered on Saturday by Constable Duncan The boy pleaded guilty and was off on suspended sentence his parents becoming secur ity for Ms good behaviour in the future Should he come before the bench again he will be to for a term of throe years Program for the League Aug Life lessons for me from the Book of Acts Acts 271814 Cutting Gertie Cook Why war should be abolished 221 Matt Ward Cook Jos August Pilgrims Progress series VIII Two Valleys 2218 Mic Rom Gertie Cook Sarah Two Prayer Lin a Brown Edward Baker Missionary Meeting The Indi ans and Negroes Hob Watson Mr Leonard A Lethal Quagmire In BY A BANKER many parts of the world dis- Wheels THE BEST COOKS USE BAKING POW AH Over Embroidery yd Oxford Shirting He yd 38 inch Linen Suiting yd neb Table Damask Cotton Delaines yd 40 Cotton Cashmere yd White Lawn Blouses Lcrt Erobrodered from to all at each Embroidered- Dutch each Long Lisle Gloves Long Lisle Gloves and for pair Mens Heavy Union Socks 25c exist occasionally of vast ex tent of apparently fertile land but really deceptive death traps ready to engulf the unwary traveller who heedlessly ventures upon the de lusive grassy sward which he soon finds to bo hot a yielding quagmire in which unless speedy help arrives he will inevitably be buried alive Now he down to his middle now still sinking to his nock and how to his horror still slowly down down arid slimy and unctuous mire has reached his mouth and he hopelessly realizes that in a few more minutes he will be and then en tombed uncoflined and with no monument to mark his grave and no trace visible of the fatal abysm into which he sank and which is- re lentlessly closing her mouth him And there he will probably rest until time is no more but un like those whoso sepulture is in the earth or in the great ocean he will not see corruption for all down the centuries the antiseptic properties this peat being so powerful even his skin remains almost as fresh as when Che poor struggling victim sank help lessly into his grave One of these peaty morasses exists on the borders oi England and Scot land and it is recorded that after the battle of in the time Henry VIII an unfortunate troop of horse routed and in full flight plung ed headlong into this deceptive mo rass which gripped them in its fatal embrace suffocating the whole of the vanquished horsemen except some who were able to extricate themselves before it was too late Itis reflated that some peat diggers long after wards exhumed a armour who is supposed to have been one oS that troop More than a hundred years ago af ter a long series of almost unprece dented rains this same morass as sumed the offensive and bursting its bonds slowly advanced down the val ley a deluge of black mud the slimy torrent overwhelming the district and wholly covering some of the cottages and burying others up to the thatch And what must have been the feel ing of that victim of the morass as he realized that his fate was irrevoc ably sealed Had he lived the life of the righteous and knew without any doubt that his misdeeds having been atoned for by the Saviour of the world the Accuser could bring no charge against him he would know that in a few more minutes the vital spark fled in dazzling glory he would be company of his guardian an gel and be escorted into Paradise it self But if he had spurned and scoff ed at religion how must he been transfixed with dismal foreboding and dread as standing on the brink of the cold river of death he knows that in a moment or two he must make the fatal plunge into that sul len leaden stream There is no sand in sandpaper said the manufacturer It is pow dered glass that does the business Thats where the broken bottles go to He nodded toward a mass of bottles in the yard We powder glass into half ft dozen grades he said We coat our pa per with an even layer of hot glue Then without loss of time we spread on the glass powder Finally a wooden roller lightly over tho sheets to give them a good sur face When in the past they made sandpaper of sand it wouldnt do a Quarter of work that glass paper A flannel bag with a little char- coal makes a good filter Use dissolved borax instead o bluing- in your rinsing water All pumping fixtures must sep arately and effectively trapped A toolroom should not be over looked in the planning of a base ment Piano keya as well as all ivory articles cleaned with alco hol damped newspaper for pol ishing stove trimmings rub bing vigorously Stained table linen should be put into pure boiling water before putting any soap on After greasing the cake tins pow der them with flour and the cakes will come out whole Rhubarb makes the best sauce when it Is baked in layers with pieces without peeling The most easily digested meats are mutton chops venison sirloin of beef lambs chops rabbit and chickens- One reason why cake falls is that the sugar is not dissolved Another is because too much butter is used Mother can save much trouble if they will run darning cotton through the heels and toes of Blockings when they come from the store Prick potatoes before baking so that the air can escape This will prevent their bursting in the oven Take a small block of wood and cover with a piece of old carpet and use to rub off range when through using Windows should he closed during a thunderstorm as window glass is one of the worst possible conductors of lightning a hot curling iron loosely cov ered with a wet cloth to renovate vel vet hows on a hat by inserting same in the loops In scrubbing the kitchen use hot water and a little kerosene The secret of a nice clean floor lies in changing the water often resistance glass jars that re fuse to open can be overcome by set ting them top downward in an inch or two of hot water Strong tea will stop bleeding from a cut Worn out lace curtains cut into large squares make good discloths A few drops of rose water added to almonds will prevent their oiling when chopped When you have occasion to use plaster of Paris mix it with vinegar instead of water To make a cake flavored with coffee use strong coffee in place of milk in mixing the batter A novelty in a table brush Is fashioned after a carpot sweeper It is made of brass A piece of asbestos or leather is ex cellent to slip between the filling when making iron holders By soaking beans peas and other dried vegetables thoroughly much fuel will be saved in the cooking A splendid cement for china is made by mixing plaster of Paris into a- solution of gum arable and w looking with some con- tempt at his companion The addition of a beaten egg to the mashed potatoes used for potato I could guess as near as you cakes will be found well worth while I PATTERNS and i GROCERIES This Store closes every day at oclock pm To give the working salesman chance 3 Large Tins Tomatova Cora and Peas tins for English Breakfast Coffee ft Perfection Baking Powder ldclH Pork and Beans tin Bulk quart ft ft i Quality Low watchword Our sales in ibis partrnent are growing every day Why Because they get satisfaction for their money We guarantee every pair we sell J r MY SWEETHEART You may talk about your sweetheart I With eyes of gray or blue And you wonder if shes waiting At the gate for sight of you You talk of her affection Of deep undying Jove And say that being with her Is a glimpse of the above Perhaps her hair is golden Or as black as ravens wing Of beauty and her sweetness You can forever sing I NEW i BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF SUMMER MILLINERY and But I sit alone in silence While you talk and rave dream Then a sweet face comes before me And I name her as my queen For I know of me shes hinting Her face is pure and true And her love for me is greater Than the girl who waits for you With a smile she always greets me And no matter how she feels In every look anI action Her love for me reveals not for wealth she does it Position looks or fame But just because she loves me Mother is her dear old name J Printer coo Millinery Dry Goods Tailoring House Sale of Summer Goods LOT I Fancy Ginghams in Stripes for yard Checks Broken Plaids Spots also Floral A SLICK THICK LOT Fancy Muslins in Red Blue Brown Patterns reg for yard LOT III Fancy Muslins Pretty Patterns for yard A CORSETS ARE THE BEST Call and see the Corset for the Stout Figure back from up to PHONE 117 A couple of individuals were rel gazing with admiration at a fine fat beast at a cattle show I wonder what his weight might be observed one of them who as it happened was a cockney without any special knowledge Its easy enough to guess pretty nigh it said the other man a I till Established now roared the farm- Steel knives that arc not in al use can he kept from rusting if they are dipped in a strong solution of soda Warm water should be used with yeast while with cream of tartar and soda only cold water should bo used Have bacon cut in very thin slices lay in long shallow tin and bake till a nice brown It is very crisp and nice Stains and on tin ware can be removed by dipping a damp cloth in common soda and rub bing briskly Use a sponge for cleaning silver faucets sink and windows It toner had to rinses out thoroughly and does not flatten like a cloth Dont cut belt for a short waist on the length of the material because Oh think can Could ye er Well Ill bet ye a sovereign ye cant Done returned the cockney mmch do you say After a critical survey the farmer replied A hundred and seventeen stone Well said the cockney Ill s a hundred and seventeen stone too Now hand over tne money What dye mean Well I said Id guess as near as you and Ive done so I guessed exactly the same And the bystanders taking his part him ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 168001175 Branches at all impertant centres in Canada and in London Ea New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted 2 INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodate BRANCH AT WMARltr- ROSS J Forty thousand workers in the William Smith the man who paper and textile industries of Swe- made harnessstealing a was sentenced to three years in Kingston Penitentiary den are on strike it will shrtni cross of the goods Buttermilk which has turned slight- house and Dont lust your furniture with a the I dust the necessity for Cut all belts on the feather duster it only spreads more than ever throughout the causes sour is an excellent wash for the face It is harmless and efficient and is a great purifier- A pretty and warm coverlet can be made from thin and worn blankets covered with some of handsome figured cretonnes An excellent preventative against scarlet fever and diphtheria their season is to give a child a small piece of sulphur every morning t To prevent old potatoes breaking first put in cold water when they come to a boil strain the water and put in fresh cold wa ter To remove ink spots soak well in milk sweet or sour and rub well be tween the hands and the before putting the garment into the water To keep starch from sticking use flatirons that are perfectly clean when making the starch add a niece of borax and stir with a tallow can dle Carrots should be cut in slices in- stead of cubes the outside part which is the darkest is the richest If cut in slices it Is more equally distributed The corners of apron pockets soon rip but if a small button preferably one with four holes is sewed to each upper corner of the pocket it will pre vent ripping To destroy moths in carpeted rooms spread damp salt over the and brush well This not only de stroys the hut also revives the colors in the carpet laundering the curtains Do not put tomato aspic to harden in a tin or iron baking pan the acid in the jelly acts on the tin and makes the salad taste while the black pan gives an unsightly black rim to the aspic The Manitoba Government has de cided to give a grant to the Selkirk Centennial Exhibition Toronto Markets July 29 0 0 0 Newmarket Markets Fall Wheat per Fall Wheat per bush Goose Wheat per bush Barley per bush Oats per bush Peas per bush Hay per ton Eggs per doz Butter per lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Barley per bush Oats per bush 15 Peas per 0 Bran per ton 0 Shorts per ton Hay per ton JO per lb 0 24 Eggs per doz 22 0 Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb bush 0 24 ay 2t- 0 SO 15- New Wheatand new Hay ft little less iven Away with Every Suit of Wear Store Corner of Main Timothy i f I archives TORONTO