WM J A A SI hi 7 J I I J v- v rrAV r to J I i a Till- FRIDAY 1009 J V i YH fi 1 a j J l I THE I next Ecumenical Council of tho Methodist Church throughout the in i if A and Painful Operation Avoided by Takin auclph OnL Auff suffered for many month dreadful Trouble with vomlt- P constant and I could retain practically nothing My doctor fltated that I muat go to hospital and undergo an operation and bo fed by tho for weeks All medicine doctor gave mo I vomited at once I Wan dreadfully alarmed but I dreaded en operation and had refused f r Canadas Future At a Dominion Day dinner In Eng land Earl Gray said some nice things for Canada in tho line of national conception of our future is to convene in Toronto in should prove inspiring to every October The Council will Uc declared that provided comprise hundreds of delegates re- keeps her judiciary pure is taMfitfiorf- I I soil riiv9 politics clean her administration ejt nothing can prevent hot most populous wealthy and Wonderful have been the discoveries if lives right the most th but tlie end t s not yet The most recent if J ford iosorriteTvrcinaTks I Comment North York country no The Canadian judiciary is above Statutes Revision Tory Picnic was great success ion of Can reuroach and will main- 1 Commission it is announced is at which the rain soaked the speak- the honor tan its reputation Pad anient Buildings firs- and the speakers the politics rests to a soaking held ft the of the country reeled towards shortening and time first lie borne readily i the the various acts submitted Canada respectively held theirs in to them Where changes are made Hamilton Herald find Con- amendments will require to he has this comment upon submitted to thc Legislature for ratification A I had heard of IYuitaUvcs and the great success they were having In all Stomach Troubles and I decided to try them To my the not only remained on the stomach but they also checked tho vomiting I Immediately began to Im prove and in three days pain was easier and I was decidedly better I continued to take and cured me Mrs Austin are a boxes for trial box At or from Limited Ottawa has Mr Meyers the Newmarket agency for the sold to Wonderful KIM Incandescent Mantle Oil Lamp MR MEYERS will also faith fully serve the Newmarket pa trons on Monday Thursday WITH only the purest best and safest American Oil sold in Canada J house West of Market J grounds on Timothy Street The- Star remark ally hurrying it is vers interested can the west I promise time for the next general election administration of delays attending this trial seem j license law is not yet fulfilled to indicate that the lawyers on to judge from present indications it sides of the issue dont care to bring is riot likely to be fulfilled This is a the it to an Perhaps theres the weakest spot in Whitneys money in delay It looks this way mor the past week an press dospateh from London announced that a womans Entente Committec with the object of striving to put an end to the incessant bickerings between the two nations November session This seems a marvel as it is in the minutes all The Progress further states here will be some questions ask ed at the next Council about re solution abolishing the office of Coun ty Magistrate The Toronto Star has the notion that the people of Mars are following example of the Conservative press It says The number of meteors which have fallen in Ontario lately gives rise to the horrible supposition that the people of Mars who are well i two nations was organized on known as specialists in canals have inst at the residence of Mr seen the Newmarket specimen and David Chancel or are enviously to bombard the Exchequer Anion legislature confirmed these it of the committee are Mrs SHh the assess was wife of Premier- Mrs both for school ari other The Herald reminds the George Mrs Winston a properly own- opponents of the Government I of the President the If Cr to mate Recent action at Stratford has given prominence to the question of school taxation upon industrial companies In the City of Stratford on a vote of the property owners gave two firms loan of each and exemption from taxes By special Act the CAR LOAD OF BANANAS EVERY WEEK Garden Parties Supplied at Following Rates Small Bunches each Fair Sized Bunches Big Bunches 150 Jumbo Bunches Peanuts supplied to Garden Parties Pineapples and Tomatoes fresh every week Trade Lady Lady and of something they conveniently appear to forget or at least choose to It says Those Conservatives who blame Mr Fielding because the debt The Examiner makes this goes up while the Transcontinental respecting the excellence of lino is building might bo sporty the Ross rifle used the Canadian enough to remember that it would team ft additional re be a lot easier for him if he didnt son for pride Satisfaction to have to renew the notes the old Con- that Ross rifles used Canadian at with such splendid results were not as jclarmcd by the teams from other the countries made specially for these The matches companies an pay school taxes The servative Government gave re- mm I BARGAINS ON SATURDAYS J Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto Newmarket 705 1025 GOING Leave a p 535 Newmarket 850 158 Toronto ar 1010 310 755 AT 7 PROMPTLY SECURED the business of Manufacturer others who tea of having Patent business transacted advice federate Marion Marion fikJ Montreal and WaafaiuKtoa IA MILUNgRV GOING FOR Also Ribbons and Flowers Call and see our stock before buying The New Millinery Parlor Mrs Willson Cor Main and Timothy NEWMARKET PHOTOS and tee us for your next Photo We are certain you will be with the results All work guaranteed A Us tic Photographer Newmarket Post Office era It was sinful to enter The Ontario Government has sanetuary unless the body was 22foot gasoline launch clean and for the alia on the Lakes It is tho priests a bathtub was employed by those in charge in sell- erected a the entrance to temple angling permits to nonresident It was said of Solomon made a fishermen and in seeing that the molten sea of ten cubits from fishery laws are observed brim round in compass and fivo- bits the height thereof and a line of A despatch from Ottawa states an hi a i is nest thirty cubits did compass it round- that Ills Excellency Governor- ism nnd its importance is difficult to about According to the measure- General reached that city from incuts the tub was for- land on Saturday last after an tyfive feet in circumference at of seven weeks Next month top and six and feet deep he will go to the Pacific coast on rested on carved figures of oxen promised visit to the Yukon iH cist In one Hal portion of the con- nounccd Miller an ftmeri decorated with a floral design The Ontario Government has made troUng factor of the empire of selfcan who claims to have invented an Connected with it there ten a donation towards the governing nations apparatus by wnlch electric light can small sinks which were used for erection of a monument In Nova Commenting on these observations transmitted for miles without washing the offering Scotia to commemorate the open- our Brant- wires J of first Parliament in the ford Expositor tritely remarks rt t Telegram comment North York country now included in tho Domln- Tory Picnic was great dur- ion of Canada that Province having iKjii- ii kniiAr the one so The first Parliament responsibility lor cean politics rests j res it was a soaking new first session in The I with the of the country directed towards shortening and time first Parliaments of Upper and Low- ami should be readily i press the pulpit and the universities are true to their mission in creating and fostering a spirit of Independ ence and righteousness with moral fibre in it Administrative honesty will speedily follow a revival in pub- lie life to the enthronement of truth honor and Integrity Canadians should labor to attain the ideals- of Mis Excellency and if they do there is no reason why prophecy should not Ik- fully realized Notwithstanding occasional adverse currents the tremendous strides this country has made towards nation hood during the past two decades large encouragement that nattering ideal regarding future influence and greatness will be fully realized So mote it be Transportation in Canada In the Alans Magazine for July is an article Mr Fisher under the heading Transportation in Canada clear ly showing that the past forty since confederation have been the the most eventful in the countrys history along transportation lines The writer points out that the im portance of the subject to Canadians is twofold First to make possi- bio an interchange of commodities within thc country itself enabling the producers of the cast and west to ship quickly and at reasonable rates the they produce such as coal iron lumber fish fruit manufactured goods etc to the in terior and to permit the farmer the wheat grower and the cattle rai ser of the interior to deliver his products at the lowest cost at the seaboard and to those centres of population within the country itself which require them and t5 do all this through Canadian channels Secondly to provide the quickest and safeat route for the great and increasing traffic in both freight and passengers between Europe and the Orient and allBritish or Imperial that is rapidly becoming the I most important link in the chain of communication between the different sections of thc Empire Mr Fisher then glances rapidly over the record of the past in the following summary of the growth of transportation in this country The first steamer to ply on Cana dian waters was on the St Lawrence in The first steamer to cross the At lantic was thc Royal William from Quebec in The first canal opened was the La- chine in 1825 The first railway in Canada was built in and ran from to St John P The first C P train to cross continent was in July The first Atlantic cable to Cana da was completed in 18C8 The first telegraph line in Canada was built in connecting Toron- with Niagara The writer then goes on to say today we have in round num bers miles of railway in act ual operation with miles esti mated as under construction This country will soon have three trans continental roads in operation each running over own rails from ocean to ocean which- when viewed in comparison with our American neighbors little less than amazing Their first transcontinental road was opened in when they had a population of about ours in when we had a population of They now have several roads crossing the continent says Mr Fisher but each is made up of parts of various lines joined togeth er in a series of links requiring sev eral to form a complete chain The foregoing data and evidence of growth is distinctly flattering to the people of this Dominion and marks the rapid development and of the country USE THE PHONE NEW SEEDS COOKED MEAT Mild Ham Conned Beef Jellied Hocks Ox Tongue etc sliced to suit you A meal in a few minutes by permitting us to cater to your dining room requisites MEAT Pea Meal Backs Wiltshire Breakfast Bacon Sugar cured Hams Mild Roll Bacon Pickled Rolls The finest of Canadian products Strawberries very choice stock Get our prices for large or small quantities We can interest you SPECIAL IN SALMON 500 Red Salmon for PARIS GREEN Package Package ml ad 30c 15c W HOWARD American Trust it is said is sponsible for the recent rise in in the price of rubber goods The j matches The rifles used at raw rubber has gone up from to Win the the per pound during the past week and the Jubilee cup were the and assert it is liable to Canadian service rifle identical with lake another advance at any time those issued to regulars and At present motor car owners and leers There were no special rifles tlie users of rubber belting are for team hardest hit but the common people requiring rubber boots and coats will A press despatch from Ottawa at find a marked advance when they the close of last week states that make- their fall purchases A Minister of j Justice and Commons member fir The illustrations in the August York is still London ore Canadian Magazine on pre strong feature J courts have now decided that school taxes cannot be exempted All cor porations should understand this act Big Warehouse Collapsed Winnipeg Man July 25 At seven oclock the southeast quar ter of the by 100foot brick ware house owned by the J Wilson Paper Company Montreal crash ed to the ground under the weight of the ninetyton water supply tank which was placed in the southeast corner of the building recently The crash swept away floor after floor piling up debris two storeys high and shooting immense steel and cedar pil lars thirty feet into the lane at the rear of the warehouse The damage amounts to and until the underwriters examine the policies it is not known whether Si Pickering College Newmarket Reopens Sept 7th Resident Day School Under the Care of the Society of Friends Preparatory Collegiate and Commercial Courses Also in Music and Art Nonresidents also may arrange for Special Courses In Music and Art For Terms and Announcements apply to P FIRTH A Principal Newmarket Ontario Or during the next two or three weeks to A Rogers Chairman of the Board Bay Street Toronto are a particu- Paring Canada In no popular Robert occupied the inn T I Both sides lost in the bat- tie between the Spaniards and Moors near on The jewellery stolen from a store in Ottawa was found hidden in the bathroom of a hotel in Renfrew j Six persons lost their lives when a Wabash passenger train plunged into the Missouri River near Kansas City An explosion occurred on the line yatch Caprice at Kingston and Greenhouses St The pen by Miss Maude McLaren illustrating the story A broken Pathway by S Kirkpatrick are reproduced in halftones instead of ordinary zinc process and a faint buff tint is spread over the whole giving the charming effect of an etching The Government fish patrol Naiad now in Lake Simeoe and Conchiching waters is causing a little flutter among the flsh poachers at least so it is reported by the Toronto press on the authority of the De partment of Game and Fisheries A number of seizures of nets illegally used have been made and the boat is carefully the waters above mentioned Guess the seizures were made a little too late at any rate the old camp fishers of Jacksons Point Snake Island and Orchard Beach say that bass and were never so scarce as this season Perhaps the poachers got in their handiwork before the got after thorn woe where he will consult with an car specialist regarding his deafness which occasioned him much discom fort during last session of merit He will to Canada magWne To moreilHan IT illustrations appear and the tints sues between the Stltes their this month which are used as to go before the Hague Conferee Comnanv ark mentary to the black are very understand Hon Mr C ft The pen and ink drawings will proceed l0 in few The latter used the top floor neatness Cannot be Cured for storage purposes Ordinarily over local applications as they cannot a hundred men are employed in the reach the diseased portion of the ear building A Bark well manager There is only one way to cure deaf- the Gage Company was in the and that is constitutional building half an hour it fell remedies Deafness caused by an No one was hurt inflamed condition of the mucous lin- looc i to the Eustachian Tube j this tube is inflamed t0 sound or imperfect hearing Sturgeon Lake country js is the result and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this in Oh dear dear how particular those Toronto Burglars are becom ing The Star says Burglars stolen a lot of relics from Normal School but overlooked the j which Dr Pyne finds so necessary o his labours It is well for the Star scribe that tjie Minister of The chief veterinary officer of the Dominion Department of Agriculture Dr Rutherford is credited with mak ing the statement that a large per centage of the meat packed in Cana da is not fit to eat being diseased or packed under unsanitary condi tions The declaration is a most serious- one and demands prompt and thorough investigation by the Feder al authorities Of course the state ment of Dr Rutherford does not ap ply to all packers but the fact that consumers are more or less unpro tected should engage serious at tention of the Department of Agri culture as well as Parliament Re sponsibility for remedying an evil of so serious a character rests some where and no time should be in removing the cause for complaint Provision has already been made for inspection of meat for export But why stop here Home consum ers should at least he afforded the same protection as foreigners The Plumbers Trade Journal tak ing the record in the book of Chron icles as authority goes on to say that the bathroom was an invention King Solomon who put it in use luc inn mat Minister tn- is up rusticating at Orchard thousand years before the Christian Beach these days Members of the Methodist Church of Canada will learn with regret that a telegram has been received at the Mission Rooms Toronto announcing that the gasoline launch has since last fall been do ing useful service as a mission boat of the coast of British Columbia had been sunk in Portland Channel Every effort Mr Allen says is be ing made to raise her Tho was built at his own expense Cant Oliver who ran the Glad Tidings with Rev Thomas Crosby DD in the same waters till she likewise came to grief and who has been running his boat direc tion of Rev C Webber The Missionary Society gave a stated amount for maintenance of the vessel The wreck will cause a seri ous interruption to work along the coast Locating water by means of a ha zel Wig used to be a common thing by welldiggers in Ontario half a cen tury ago It is stated that some remarkable results of water divin ing have recentlybeen achieved at in Essex England by Mr Harry Holding chairman of the Booking Essex Urban Council who tells us he is seeking to have the water divining test scientifically enquired into He says I was told about water divining by a man I met the train one lay and up on getting back to my factory in Docking I decided to try it I cut a largo hazel twig from a hedge and walked round my factory yard when the twig turned up at certain places I was atonishod and four men out of my factory and told two of them to hold my arms and hands prevent any movement I then walked- over the places I had marked and the twig which was pre vented from turning actually broke in two I have applied to the Geo logical Society to test the water di vining in the most scientific way pos sible What looks like a dastardly attempt to poison dumb animals was discov- a wncn out- ana inis some days ago on the sideroad its normal condition leading from Mount Joy to he destroyed forever Mr Jacob was of ten are caused by cattle to pasture and discovered along Catarrh which is nothing but an li the roadside several small heaps flamed condition of the mucous salt Upon closer examination he was shocked to ascertain that the One Hundred Dollars salt was of a greenish cast plainly case Deafness caused by Raspberries for Salef Fid For every Occasion given Special Attention at Reasonable Prices Phone S PERRIN Newmarket indicating that it was mixed with Paris Green In all of these little piles of salt were counted Mr Hei sey at once notified the authorities and a detective has been placed on the job that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for cir culars free J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by Druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation FOUR YEARS SUCCESS WITH American Field Lawn Fences And Flower Guards any Height MADE BY The Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd Come and see Quality and get For Sale by J Near High School Newmarket Ontario We Teach You How to become Engineers Fire men etc within two weeks and get you position within a month thereaf ter Apply to Box Newmarket 3 J Flooring Sidln Base Are now Wainscotting Ceiling 9 LIMITED Casing and Various Inside Trim u All kinds of Custom Work such as Dressing Matching Jointing Turning ReSawing Ripping Scroll Sawing c will receive prompt Attention I flftDBS02 Agent for Fire Bol Practical Street In Iiyma At the Era Papers LA CallBofc o Next Dp S ft l Royal Collet of the EaUnd la Colic Office Cor Tele Consul cervices the day or The la the pi by all NO Have dont knot for COOKEI S We money Phono TORflNTn