Newmarket Era, 30 Jul 1909, p. 5

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Thos Barrister Notary Public Newmarket good Farm prank AUCTIONEER Collects 1 Robertson COURT CLERK for Insurance also and Insurance ft Specialty Bolton Painter and Millard ad Womens Institute The next meeting of the Newmarket Branch or the North York Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Luke Gibbons 3rd Con King on Saturday August at 230 pm Dp DENTIST Dr Wilkinson Block and 3rd Wed In each month team f III HILT Of MARRIAGE LICENSES I it tbe Era Office Private Papers issued at private NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stone Call Ordering Elsewhere Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties i the Bathroom at Shop SHE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS j to It Dp s J Boyd In medicine of Toronto also of the College of Physicians and of the Royal College of Surgeons England Former clinical assistant la Eye Hospital and Uni- College Ear Nose and Throat London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Telephone No 110 Consultation Hours MO My services may be had at any hour day or night by calling at the iw or phone The New Grocery Store the place to had everything Fresh and Confectionery the Best Made by all the leading houses FOREIGN AND LOCAL FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IceCream Parlor NOW OPEN Have you tried our Bread Cakes etc If not you dont know what hare for biking la simply Try It A Winding- Up On hi Mr A of Whitchurdi a creditor to- the amount of has appealed for an order winding up the Farmers Cooperative Harvest ing Machine Co holding that concern is Insolvent within mean ing of tho act company was in corporated in with a nominal capital of divirlcd into shares of which were Women will find that Nature responds promptly to the gentle laxa tive effects and the helpful toruVaction of Toronto Setter TV Earnest stealing one hundred dollars from the Highlanders was sent to Central Prison for two years less one day during the past week Two men running restaurants on Queen Struct were fined for violat ing Lords Day Act by selling ice cream- on Sunday They going to carry their case to the High Court appeal Hope tlioy will then a very where decision will bo given set- THE OP THE DESERT a Banker lling the ice cream question After years of contin uous service in the employ of Old Northern Railway ami the Grand Guarding the approach to t id barren- ocean of driven sand j entrance to the tralnshed of the Libyan Desert and almost beneath ion Station leaves the service on Said to mightiest up The company has a large far- by- man upon this feflinor- i tory at Whitby and an l ft M n PW F itanc 1 Postponed Last Friday being such a wet day Decoration of Newmarket Ceme tery was postponed until this Fri day evening in the hope of better weather The program previously will be carried out- Music by Newmarket Military Band at followed by an address by Rev H Thomas The other clergymen of the Town also the Mayor are ex pected to be present It is hoped all lot-owners- will see that tho ancient world the Great Sphinx And well might those superstitious and deluded worshippers of crocodiles and mummied cats of and and regard the mondter with awe and with the profoundest reverence well might they look upon it as endowed with tremendous authority and power and with the absolute control- over their destinies both in this life and in realms beyond tomb For to us oven of this more intelligent age emancipated from those insensate de lusions which held those mighty an cients in an iron grip and sunk them plotoare attended to and that there abysmal and benighted will he a large attendance citizens a thrilling experience j stand at sunset before the tow- to- honor the memory of departed many of whom laid the foundation of Newmarkets prosperity Ont Masonic Elections At the Grand Lodge annual held at London last week the following were officers for the ensuing year of was elected Grand Master Aubrey White Toronto elected Deputy Grand Master over A brain Shaw of King ston T Toronto was reelected Grand Treasurer R of Hamilton was reelected Grand Secretary Thomas of London was elected Grand Senior Warden by a large majority W J P Rankin Stratford was elected Grand Junior Warden Geo Morris- burg was elected Grand Registrar majestic form of the stupend ous figure Now starting as it were into life as the golden rays morgo into carmine and passion less visage is gradually mantled with a ever deepening blush as though the life blood were coursing through it now as the great red lurrVnary sinks lower and lower the roseate of vitality fading away into- a and lurid empurpled and now as the gloaming advances and the stars heaven one by one shine forth the massive fea tures of the Image darkening ever On Thursday of last week at am the large crowd erf passengers on the upper decks or the steamer Corona within twenty miles of To ronto encountered a regular squall Inside of five minutes a cold south easterly blast accompanied with rain and slcot caused thermometer to drop from to degrees The number of passengers on the boat was unusually large on account af an excursion from Buffalo Hundreds of ladies decked in midsummer were driven shivering into the warm cabins near the engine room Toronto druggists propose to fight the law against the Sunday selling of cigars setting up the defence that a cigar is a drug Telegram dont like the sale of twenty odd acres of land to Mr and others and expresses the Hope that the City Council gets out of office with out offering the City Hall square or the Horticultural Gardens at SI per acre to some capitalist who will agree to build a pop factory there upon Park Commissioner Wilson has sprayed about trees this year in his battle with the tussock pest In spile of the work of six White SlaVe I blacker and deeper until the rising spraying machines great difficulty moon again rekindles on it a ghostly experienced in coping with and unearthly pallor Pest- Hoary with age thousand years At the Grand Lodge meeting of before Mcncphtahs generals vainly Masons of London Ont last week pursuing the Israelite host perished Mr J- Boss Robertson of the Tole- in the Red Sea the gram presented the Grand Lodge with a new outfit of undress regalia blear stony of this sculptured monster of the huge and stu pendously colossal manheaded lion its pedestal rockhewn temple- have looked out with the same Produce Splendid market last COOKED HAM SLICED TO SUIT We guarantee satisfaction aonty refunded or Joseph Purdy Perkins Old Stand Phone as follows Eggs per to Butter per lb to 20c Dressed Chickens per 12c Red Currants boxes for Red Raspberries box Cherries to pail Black Currants quart Gooseberries per qt Radishes per bunch New Potatoes peck Green Peas to peck Carrots per bunch c Beets per bunch Onions per bunch Live Spring Chickens per lb Old Hens per lb Live Ducks per lb Old Live Turkeys per lb Pigeons per pair Rabbits to pr Hides per It to Calf Skins per lb to Horsehldes to each Sheepskins each to Tallow per lb 5c Impromptu Family Gathering On Monday of last week pleasant surprise greeted Mr and Mrs A St when his two sisters Mrs P Snider and Mrs W Knight of Falls walked in the house The following day his bro ther Mr of Spokane accompanied by his wife rived to the delight of all present while on the evening of the same day another sister Mrs T Sparrow of Road walked up the driveway and joined the happy company Then on Wednesday evening the sur prise and delight of everybody Mr of Jacksons Point novo In sight to lend his presence to the fam ily reunion This is the first time in thirty years that so many of the family have met at one time and place all present except one sister and one brother Mrs K Purdy of California and the Rev J P of Perm The strangest and most pleasant part of the gathering was the fact that none ot the divided ones knew before hand of meeting the others it being purely accidental The gathering was as richly enjoyed hy all as in the days of yore when they met around the old home fireside on the farm in Township tru oldest and youngest of the family were greatly missed During the recent retreat of the Roman Catholic in St chaols College his grace Archhishop discussed a number of im portant matters with them One of w the chief subjects was to establish a history the triumphant progresses of to maintain infirm priests the Great Barneses the headlong In the arrest of Edward Barryrnore flight of driven back a German Jew the police have the invincible forces of a clever American hotel burglar Saturday the return of with and the man who by using a convenient his rich plunder from the Holy City hall window and the landing of a escape broke into a room at the ruler of world-em- Walker house on Sunday night and The Deputy District Master for To- West is Mr Wilhy Weston and some for Toronto feast J P I of the greatest events of this worlds Large quantity of butter eggs fruit X l and vegetables offered Prices were I victorious triumph fir of that mighty ruler of world-cm- International Action Will be Taken to Control it Ottawa July The Canada Ga zette announces the terms of an in ternational agreement for the control ling of the- white slave traffic The agreement is for the purpose of pro viding for women an adequate protec tion against the criminal traffic known as the white slave traffic Thirteen governments have signed the agreement each naming a representa tive to act as a plenipotentiary to see to Its enforcement Each of the contracting governments undertakes to appoint or to designate an au thority whose duty will be to gather all the Information concerning the hiring of women and girls for Immo ral purposes in foreign places this authority to have power to commu nicate directly with the similar ser vice established in the contracting states of the governments under takes to have a strict watch kept for the purpose of seeking especially at the railway stations ports of de parture and during voyage the con ductors of women and girls intended for debauchery Instructions will be sent to the officers and all other competent persons to obtain with in legal limits all the information leading to aeriminal traffic The arrival of persons likely to be authors the accessories or the vic tims of such a traffic will be signal led if necessary either to the au thorities at the place of landing or to the diplomatic or consular agents concerned or to all other competent authorities governments undertake provi sionally to place the victims of the traffic in institutions and as far as possible send- back to their own country those who ask repatriation Where the person cannot reimburse the cost of her transfer it will be defrayed by the country on whose territory she resides as far as the next frontier or port of departure and the surplus by the country of or igin The contracting governments un dertake to as far as possible a watch on agencies employing wo men and girls in foreign countries list of countries colonies and protectorates which have decided to adhere to the agreement are Aus triaHungary Belgium Brazil Den mark Eritrea France tie many Great Britain Italv Norway and Sweden Portugal Russia Spain Switzerland Bahamas British Guiana Canada Ceylon Commonwealth of Australia Gold Coast Malta Newfoundland Northern Nigeria Southern Rho desia Trinidad Windward Islands ALSO BUT NOT LIKE WISE An old story illustrative of the dan ger of crossing swords with a witness is now being told at the expense of a HARDWARE STORE NEWMARKET mm I I r- I XM r Alexander the Great stole jewelry and money to the val- And then later on after many of over escaping by the door who not Ion aw other stirring vicissitde three of the room without disturbing weary figures fleeing by Divine com- occupants when arrested mand from the murderous jealousy was carrying a revolver of Herod who would not suffer his with five chambers loaded Most ol kingjy power to he disputed by an- the stolen jewelry has been even though babe the re- putod father the mother and the In spite of wet and disagreeable Holy Child take refuge in Egypt weather on Saturday quite a large doubtless regarding the stupendous number of people gathered at the with equal wonder as we our- corner of Ave and Queen selves at this day But that help- St to witness the ceremony of turn- lass who I Child was the Lord of Glory the first sod for the new Dale in order to save mankind from Presbyterian Church the consequenccn of his sins left His Throne in the heaven of heavens for a time Himself satisfied the claims of eternal justice by bearing the punishment due And whoso ever wild may participate in that all- prevailing quittance Norway July 21 Captain of the Norwegian Navy met a tragic death by light ning today lie was taking observations during a and when he happened to touch the winch holding the cop per wire attached to the kite which was a thousand yards high he was struck dead on the spot Captain was a prominent officer of Tho death of Henry one of the founders of the Toronto Stock Exchange occurred on Friday last Mr J Ross Robertson has secured an interim injunction to prevent the city selling part of Bay to an Iron Company power companies having fail ed to comply with the terms of their leases- the Ontario Government has cancelled them The employees annual ex cursion took place on Friday to Buf falo About people took ad vantage of the occasion Since the burglary at the Normal School Provincial Museum night- watchman goes on duty two hours earlier than previously The horse high scientific attainment He been stolen and now the to have commanded the Polar ex- keeps the stable locked Hon Dr ship Pram on secretary is going to have joyed his father before him He was examining somewhat crossly an elderly solicitor who gave his evi dence in very professional language Why do you sometimes say like wise and sometimes also V inquired counsel testily are they not of the same mejaning By no means re plied the witness For instance your father was a Queens Counsel so are you also but not likewise ing Polar expedition DARE YOU EAT HEARTILY gates placed at the head of the two stairways leading to the mu seum The local scribe of the Telegram marks Critics may argue that T Herbert Lennox Esq is not a par- Is Every Good Meal Followed By Discomfort go certain are we that Little ticularlv inspiring public personage Digesters will cure Iudigestion mOS of the Toronto News to portray Mr Lennox we will give you your money back without a word if they fail You can enjoy a good hearty meal of- wholesome food three times a day if you take a tablet after each meal Read how Little Digesters cured Mr For two years I suffered with Indi gestion and obtained no relief from anything I took including several prescriptions from prominent physicians as Chinee with his black hair done up in a queue Mr Geo Hope Queen St has two young muskrats which were caught north of Toronto early this spring before they were weaned and given to a cat who bad a small Utter of kittens Pussy took- great Care of them and didnt let on she knew the A hundred and seventy deaths from bubonic plague and cholera combined are reported in Amdy taR China during the past two weeks Every meal was followed bracute pain difference The muskrats aro now until I feared to eat consequently nearly fullgrown and are caged but up and play with them- them with remarkable results- two A special squad of City police are boxes completely curing me It is three now regularly detailed to regulate months face I took any and I have traffic on all the leading streets a pain no how j The has decided to build roundhouse at the foot of Bath- mend them to anybody suffering with Indigestion Two large skyscraper buildings are Ave Toronto to Little Digesters can K Tho st a lot of You Can Money By Buying From Us IF I r X X t your druggist or by mall from Coleman Medicine Co for cents a l damage hi thy City also at- Hamil ton- a ii 1 rf X t Paints Oils Glass Etc v v a SLUM IV A It 1 ON Wednesday Afternoons DURING M fc July and An Toronto Jobbing a ALL Cured ifce Mettod Trefttmeat JUST LIKE A WOMAN well known judge had the ol placing his watch under his pillow when he went to bed One night it- slipped down somehow and as the judge was restless it worked its way to the foot of the bed After a bit he awoke and his foot touched it It felt very cold and he was and jumped from his bed shouting gracious Maria is a toad or something under the clothes I touched it with wife gave a loud scream and was on the floor in a moment Now dont go waking the neigh bors up said the judge You get a broom or something and well fix it quick The broom was given him Now turn down the covers slowly while I bang it Put bucket of wa ter alongside the bed so we can shove It in and drown it Maria fixed the bucket and removal the covers After or four good bangs they pushed it in the bucket and then they took it to the light to investigate When the judge saw it was his watch he said I might have known just like you women to go screeching and fussing about nothing Its utterly ruined now He tossed into bed and spoke no more that night to poor Maria July Mrs John Miller 56 years old while crossing the railway tracks at Caldwells yesterday was struck by a freight train and fatally injured dying two hours later t This Is the way a bachelor poeti cally lays a bouquet at the feet his best girl Theres a gladness in her gladness shes glad theres a sadness in her sadness when shes sad But the gladness of her glad ness nor the sadness of her sadness is nothing to her madness when shes NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT NERVOUS DEBILITY of through lowing gloom fcpecka before the dark circles them weak back If ratable palpitation of the heart bashful and in urine lace full weak decay XX- pimples on the cheeky careworn JK memory sore- throat etc cbiu sjsss lack aad strength tired morning bone pains hair loose YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our New Method Treatment can cure you and make a man of yon Under Its e the brain becomes the blood purified so that aU pimpled blotches and disappear the become strong as steel so that bash fulness and to the the brain becomes active the blood purified so that aU plmplea blotches and ulcers disappear the become strong as steel so that nervousness potency the eye becomes bright the face full and clear energy body and the moral physical and systems are InTigorated all drains cease no more vital waste system Dont let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars We will cure you or no EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER Vo matter who has treated you write for honest opinion Free The Golden Monitor Secret of Men QUESTION FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT OH REQUEST Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St TELEGRAPHY is a sure passport to a good salary You can learn it easily and quickly at the CENTRAL TELEGRAPH SCHOOL Ger- St East Toronto Par ticulars free Write Shaw Pres i HUGHES is offering BARGAINS to clear out balance of Summer Stock A good chance for any who have not got Summer Hat Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast A A Return NEWMARKET good going May to Sept SO Return limit Oct 31 Literal stopovers choice ol routes Go by the direct Can adian line your own try the West the Rocky Moun tains Visit tho Seattle Ex position and other special at tractions Talk It over with Atkinson Agent Newmar ket l J I- J I mm ARCHIVESOFON I

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