1 i- 1 1 a v I THE ERA FRIDAY JULY 1909 I i v t If i Vt Slop It And why Fall- log is disease a regular and Aycrs Hair Vigor as made from our new im proved formula quickly and completely destroys that dis ease The hair stops falling out grows more rapidly and all dandruff disappears change the of the hair WIDEAWAKE AHD FIND TO JACKSONS PI POINT tho Saturday in the hands of ORCHARD BEACH MS Mi if Hi with Show It bin at it The little hook In etch package jives formula of our new Hair Vigor tells etch Ingredient used and ex- plains many other Interesting things After you this new hah preparation does Its work so well I The management night dance is again a committee of cottagers are Miss Smellie Miss Tatty Sine- lie Miss Ted Fox Miss rciner Miss Edith Mr find Help in Flask- Wheeler and Mr Lylc first dance was held last Sat- J Vegetable and never been so well attc In spite of the wretched weather last Saturday there were many ar rivals for the weekend and the bright sunshine on Sunday morning was thoroughly enjoyed Miss Campbell who leaves shortly to do mission work in Japan is spending a week id Toronto before starting on her long journey Tho Bosch and the Jackson ft boys were to have met in a game of baseball last Saturday but the weather was against them Tho spacious verandah of Cottage was prettily decorated Saturday has an dance Saturday July it being hall wL t5fi annual daneogiv- it toil AM It New House for Sale or Kent Apply to Mrs flcott Tho Newmarket House for Sale Convenience Two lots and barn Apply at ERA OFFICE For Sale Brick House rooms domestic water and New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket House for Sale Next door south of Presbyterian Church Lately by A Apply Tvo Building Lots For One on Main St and fronting on Church St Terms Apply to JACKSON Newmarket prettily with evergreens and hunting and Chinese lanterns The coming dances arc being greatly looked forward to Last weeks bowling match be tween and was won by by a score of 41 to Mr and Mrs Robert Helmet visit ed Keswick friends last week Miss Wesley of Newmarket is visit ing Mrs J J A Wood this week MrHpnry of Newmarket was in town on Saturday Quite a number took in the excursion to Mortons Park on Friday The excursionists left the I for what VeRC- wharf at oclock and af- table Compound has accomplished for Wr a two hours sail on the picture- ttwmliavo Holland river and lake Simcoe Company Lynn they arrived at their destination troubled with painful Some of the younger people enjoyed nights My mother wrote to Mrs Pink- I began Vegetable Com- pound After taking one and one- naif of the Compound I am all right again and I recommend it to every Buffering woman May Deal Winchester Hundreds of such letters from girls and mothers expressing their gratitude that they could never make Mrs Rose Amongst thorougMy Mrs have dropsy hospitality were Miss Hunt bloat and jMIss Isabel Murphy Miss Marguerite suiTerrombearliig- j Turner Miss Norman Marion Hilda and I Misses Murray Miss Maud could not sleep Coleman Miss Muriel Miss Hilda Marguerite Cole man Miss Boss Miss take Amy Miss Miss Allen Miss Helen Robertson Miss Robertson Miss Helen Miss Mrs Harvey and the Messrs Irvine Ross Jack Murphy Hugh Murray Or Wood Clarence Van Norman Jack Howard Ashley Kilfour Clay ton Crawford Jaffray Robertson Herbert Klotz Frank Lloyd Colonel Lloyd Mr Mr Vair and Mr Harvey Mr and Mrs Palmer formerly Olive motored out on or irregular periods backache head- Saturday and spent the weekend at and wadding In the refresh- ache sensations Villa ami Mr water ae others too JSgfe ffi consequences and be restored to Mr health by E Miss Queen table Compound Thousands have been came down from restored to health by its use If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs at Lynn Her advice is free and always helpful IN THE SHADOW OF HIS WINGS In the shadow of His wings There is rest sweetrcst There is rest from care and There is rest for friend and neigh bour In the shadow of His wings There is rest sweet rest In the shadow of His wings There is rest Chorus There is rest There is peace I There is joy Jn the shadow of His wings There is rest There is peace There is joy In the shadow of His wings In the shadow of His wings There is peace sweet peace Peace that understanding Peace sweet peace that knows ending In the shadow of His wings There is peace sweet peace In the shadow of His wings There is peace In the shadow of His wings There is joy glad joy There is joy tell the Joy exceeding full of glory the shadow of His wings There is joy glad joy In the Shadow of His wings There is joy o trolley and went to Jacksons Point and Sutton After a delightful days outing the excursionists returned home all satisfied 2 Houses and Lots For sale in tihe Village of a Lot with Shop on it There a good Stable- Drive House Hen House etc Well and Cistern All to good repair For particulars ap ply to PROCTOR Farm For Sale Lots and in the 3rd Con of Township of King Old Survey The land is particularly for marsh hay pasture etc For particulars of sale apply to Vendors Solicitor Newmarket 50 Acre Farm FOR SALE IN WHITCHURCH Part of Lot No 31 in the Con known as the Case farm at Pine Orchard Good buildings and fair fences For particulars apply to Newmarket Mrs J Humphrey and children are visiting Mr Mrs J Brown Court I had a most successful meeting on Saturday night last at which about candidates for initiation were presented and a good deal of enthusiasm was mani fest among the members This we believe to he the result of a two Weeks canvas by Bro of Montreal one of the organizers for Central Ontario After the initia tion of the candidates was successful ly performed speeches were then call ed for and J W and Weslgarth responded in their usual rhetorical freedom of speech Bro addressed the court in his pleas ing and impressive style after which votes of thanks and good wishes were proposed and refreshments were served up without Stint and all went INEFFICIENCYS APOLOGY Pressure of other duties never vet court Judgement for plaintiff for over amount paid into court and costs A sued Lemon of for balance of wages claimed Judgment for over amount of cheque tendered with costs of court only Todd Cook sued Powers of or on a note made by defendant to Toronto Gas and Gasoline Engine Co and by said company transferred to plain- tiffs for value received Defendant counterclaimed for for extras in a contract for building an elevator Judgment for plaintiffs for and costs Ira of the conces- this week kept aman from doing anything II at and Miss Gladys he ought to do The men down from know this and Offer on the steamer Way and spent j uncompleted or tardv work l how to do t Miss Sheila left on Satur- that ought to be done arm lo no day spending a few days with them on time and if anvthing that ar W of done J lJ k eir own fault of other duties excuses for They the things and to ill Everything happens in the home town the births marriages the social affairs com ings and goings of the neighbors the notes of the schools and churches all these and other new and interesting things this paper will give you ies for not hav- this as I sum of Whitchurch sued Robert home feeling a good work had been Grose neighbor for for rent of done and the court strengthen ed and enthused 0 rfCHOMUKUG House to Rent located Bath and eke- trie light Possession July An- ply at this office hi Houses for Sale one on c One on Niagara St and Pearson St ROBERTSON Newmarket It m For Sale or to Rent House with cement driving house over cement double lot with fruit trees and small fruits near Office Specialty and High School College Grounds opposite Apply to Glover Holland Landing Born On Monday July to Mr Mrs J Roe a daughter The tenuis club went to Tottenham Monday afternoon to play a game Mr Herbert anil Miss Mabel Skin ner after spending the in To ronto Port Credit and returned home on Saturday Mr truest Proctor son Mr Wesley Proctor escaped what might have been a serious accident on Thursday evening as it was lie is lame from a Kick one of the horses The Methodist and Bap tist picnic to bond on Tuesday last was a time to be remembered by the children and adults as well The day was fine and a large crowd advantage the excursion A gloom of sadness pervaded the homes of a large number of people last week owing to the death ol Mr on Monday A pleasant reunion was at the home Mr William Thompson lot concession King on present July About it I HUGHES Real Estate and Agent BRICK FRAME HOUSES Sale A First Class miles from Newmarket Perms Easy TO On First Mortgage on Farms INSURE YOUR PROPERTY From Loss by Fire or Lightning TAKE ON A PAY LIFE OR EN DOWMENT POLICY to have a nice anna come in when not so able to as now protect youreeli by an ACCIDENT SICKNESS INSURANCE Order taken for STONE Nursery Stock There was a very large attendance at the Methodist School pic nic on Tuesday to Mussulmans Lake Aboit forty conveyance were mere The fcjehooX Board hav ing decided to start a Continuation School on Sept 1st next have se cured the services of Mr A Gil- more A to charge it On toe of July two whiskey detectives visited Mr Drug Store and endeavored to secure some Intoxicating liquor but were- refused They however saw Mr from Mr a of liquor lor Mr John Graham West End and they and pur chased from him An was laid before Police Magi strate of West Toronto and case was heard on Tuesday A in evidence that he had authorized Mr to supply Mr Graham with liquor ashy required it but did not written instructions A Due of and costs was imposed His Honor Judge Morgan held court July and house use of drill etc Grose his principal item being for bags of po tatoes alleged to have been destroy ed by the plaintiffs pigs Judgment for plaintiff for and costs Jesse Davis of Whitchurch sued Fred Meyer of Newmarket for for misrepresentation and breach of warranty in the sat of a horse Judgment for plaintiff SCO and costs Dan Cook of sued Samuel a former tenant for for rent and for 6 loads of manure Defendant counter- claimed for plowing acres of land for fall wheat and various other items m all MO Judgment fot plaintiff for and costs Line to Hudson Bay Winnipeg July A party of sur veyors who have been engaged run- trial lines for the Hudsons Bay Railway in the Nelson country ar rived back from the north today They bring a report that would seem to indicate that Port Nelson is bet ter suited in every way for the ter minus of the road to the bay The line is shorter and more direct and the harbor facilities are good and open earlier than at Churchill while the cost of construction Is Vastly cheaper than the northern route The surveyors estimate that from Split Lake to Nelson the cost of building the line will not greatly exceed that of ordinary prairie work as there are no muskegs and no grades a Mr Harvey returned on from a trip to Ternagaml make no Sailing races have been arranged to ing given as much time tulQ take place every Saturday afternoon should have given But the t course starting dent man is constantly explaining M I Mis of Newmarket was the time to things is because I have so guest of Mrs Ross for the many things to do The reason he W I is Miss Shirley Willis of Aurora he has not schooled himself in the use a week with Miss Andrews at of time and in the discriminating BideaWee Miss Andrews will choice of work asks mar spend August in and the to undertake anything which there cottage will be occupied by Mr and not time to do God will show us Mrs Wilcox of Aurora for the first our duties and he places at our dis- two weeks and Mr Frank York and posal just enough time to do each- family the last half of the month not a second more When we disre- Two magnificent bonfires one even- his assignments or waste time last week one in front of us take the blame ourselves and the other near Mr J Messenger Lloyds cottage attracted ooo row boats filled with admiring Tobacco and Drug Habits New System of Treatment Recently Discovered Remedy that Cures Rapidly and Permanently Marvellous Results obtained that makes our remedy one of the wonders of Modern Medicine Pa tients cured secretly at own homes against their own will and knowledge No suffering no injections no loss of time or detention from business no bad after effects We send by mail free of charge our page book which fully plains our modern system of treatment of how the Drink Tobacco and Drug habits can be rapidly overcome and cured This book is sent in a plain envelope sealed from observation so no one can tell what your letter contains AH correspondence absolutely se cret and confidential Address SILVA INSTITUTE 55 University St Montreal Cauda duty The infraction of this rule Things done well and visitors while the circle around the blaze at Inglewood reminded some of years gone by Mr Charlie and bride ar rived here last week from the West accompanied by his and sis- and a large family gathering took place at Orchard Beach on Thursday of last week IRVING AND THE LAWYER WHAT LESS BEER MEANS a He Sir Henry Irving was at one time witness in a case of street robbery Mr Alfred Miles the well known author writes to the Daily Chronicle Less Beer and more boots is the title of pathetic post er which is in just now Will you allow me a little space lo j point out how wide the application of the thought is Every case giv en can be proved to the full Less beer mems more food for the hungry rnorq clothes for the naked more shelter for the homeless more health for the sick more rest for the weary will result in the discharge of guilty employee frOOO with care exempt themselves from fear A a man boy thinks what good time has And a man THE KINGS BUSINESS I am a stranger here within a for eign land what a good time a boy has A subscriber says he admires the man who has a principle and lives up to It although it may cost him many My home is far away upon a golden J a knock as along lifes strand Pathway but he has no regard for Ambassador to be of realms beyond I talk and preach sea among his neighbors and his Im here on business for my king and at the same time have a Chorus- keg on tap in his cellar This is the message that I bring A message angels fain would sing He had seen a sneak thief make off more work for the unemployed more J con- peace at home more quiet in the sen ted to appear as a witness for the girl The thiefs lawyer was of the type that roars and rants at witnesses attempts to break them down He tried this method on the disting uished actor And what hour sir did this hap pen asked the lawyer think began Sir Henry when the lawyer interrupted with It isnt what you think sir what you know that we want Dont you want to know what I think mildly asked the actor J do streets more I more not the lawyer snapped Well then said Sir Henry I moral might as well the witness box I cant talk without thinking Im not a Eliza sons A and Thou for 130 Two were caught be- of one years annuity to Apl two street cars at a crossing WOO Brcuis who claimed that mere was only amount A Plebiscite Promised Vancouver BC July 24 Mr the premier in replying to a letter from Mr B Morgan and Dr Spencer on the subject of Local Option says I can assure you it is the governments intention to take a plebiscite on this question At the present I am not in a position to make a public announcement in this regard You may rest satisfied that ample time will he given between the announcement and the taking of the plebiscite 8OQ What a Great Man Said to the Great American People Parisian Sage is a discovery of a celebrated scientist who spent the best years of his life in perfecting this great hair tonic In giving his recipe to the Ameri can people he said Parisian Sage cleanliness in habit in behavior more re creation more comfort and happiness more faith hope love But with less beer how many other evils would lessen Less beer means less drun kenness less profanity less brutal ity less quarrelling less accidents less halt and manned and blind less pain less widowhood and orphanage less battle murder and sudden its death less crime less immorality less profligacy less betting less lun acy less suicide less dirt less desti tution less loafing less borrowing and sorrowing less less commercial ruin in short less beer less hell But returning to the constructive side of less and more less beer means more thought more reading more wisdom more education more cul ture and refinement more enterprise and industry more success- and pros perity more freedom and life higher standards and loftier ideals in short less beer more heaven Houses for Sale Dwelling House situate on the north side of Huron Street occupied by the late Mrs Kelman Rough cast on solid stone founda tion with furnace Excellent from flowing well on premises Good stable and outbuildings on spaciotu grounds comprising three quarters of an acre Dwelling House on the north side of Street Two and half storey rough cast and plastered Eternal life and joy throughout its G foundation Do- vast domain mestic water and soft water cistern Mj Sovereign bids me tell how mor- 0r apply to Oh be ye reconciled Thus saith my Lord and King Oh be ye reconciled to God This is the Kings command that all men everywhere Repent and turn away from sins se ductive snare That all who will obey will reign with Him for aye And that s my business for the King My home is brighter far than rosy plain there may dwell And thats my business for the King CHARLES DENNE Huron St McHALE Prospect Ave Executors COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS When upon lifes billows you are tempesttossed When you are discouraged all is lost Count your many blessings name them one by one And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done Chorus Count your blessings name them one by one your blessings see what God hath done your blessings name them one by one i Count Count FOR SAL IN ONE BLOCK The Store and Dwelling On Corner of Main and Ontario Streets and Vacant Lot to the South These are Splendid Building Sites Easy Terms Apply to E JACK SON NEWSY NOTES And Are it will surprise you what theAUCtlOfi Sale Lord hath done I you are Farm Property In the Township of Whitchurch There will be offered for Sale by SEND TO fc and MY VALET lac eta to look and as when now It far to clean toAfl to fa Winnipeg and killed VW IUI we pay tho way on outoftown Ml NEW IT Till All My Valet FOUNTAIN THE ClCANUt Adelaide St Toronto- No more cigarette smoking is edict at the Louisiana State Uni te the most delightful hair dressing inw In the world it is more than a State Agricultural hair dressing It cures dandruff by Sft killing tho germs that infest the fight the roots of- the hair it stops falling I hair it gives vigor and strength to the hair roots J Y iSSLS recently been sells Parisian Sage at a S large and guarantees it to do I a all that Is claimed for it or- money refunded If you do not re- ch side near a druggist who sells Par I thC an Sage send to SSL Mfg Co Fort Erie and of the bottle will prepaid we smoker makc5 a business man I Dr Dora Martin noted friend of Tt is estimated that five hundred successful people thronged Hyde Park cities the Middle on Saturday afternoon to hear tke The papers make much men- speeches in of the budget f her lectures H you want to I of the Christian look for t you ever burdened with load of care Does the cross seem heavy called to bear Count your many blessings every doubt will ily And you will keep singing as the Auction on Saturday July 31 s- Thmk that Christ has promised you Royal Hotel His wealth untold Count your many blessings wealth can never buy Mortgage which- Your reward in heaven nor vour ft home on high following property AH that part Lot Number Thir tyfive in the Seventh C6ncesson of- We daily cast over each other an said Township of Whitchurch for good or evil Let us West of the Railway and contain- not be the occasion of misleading One hundred and sixty acres others by our silence when we ought to speak Newman Fall Term opens September let find a happy Arkansas division of the Rock Island a wide hearted System has issued bulletin prohib iting the use tobacco on or off a Cor and FIRSTCLASS Graduate always successful Write for Handsome Catatogve The following Improvements are- said to be on the property About Seventy acres urier cultiva tion Balance pasture and slash Frame Dwelling Frame Barn with- stone stabling underneath TERMS Ten per cent of the pur- chase money to be paid down on the day of sale For balance terms will be made known at the sale For particulars to- JONES LEONARD Solicitors Toronto St Toronto r 1 i ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO V-