TV- It I House toet possession on Monday Enquire at I this office Bargain Parlor Organ in perfect order M St v- Timothy Street Washing Wanted Good hand work with ironing re ceived Ontario St facing Superior St Charges modc- 1i Its pill rate 1 Young Lad 1U I mm DM 5 hi 111 Hi Wishes to for vacancy on a dairy farm Good and early riser Age Send particulars to tf Swallow BOX James Minister of Agriculture for thin Province has furnished Toronto of with some respecting arid pro5pecWvo from an and Mrs Miller of Chicago were in Town last Friday They have been spending the past wo room or more Mr and Mr a where she well known as Miss Kate W She went to Maggie is holiday- Monday accompanied her Toronto- 0 Lost At CpnsetvaUvo Picnic Gold Lock- with links T in re1 and white and blue J mono gram on other side photo inside Finder will kindly forward to Kes wick shop ff NOTICE Two Heifers wore Impounded at No 1 Found Newmarket on one rod and white one roan Unfess redeemed Aug they will be sold by Auction 1 rtlSRllELLBRt Pound Keeper mm mm Mm mm Mm TENDERS a bridge ABUTMENT Sunday at Orchard Beach Sheriff of Brampton spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Coombs punster of the Mercury remark It certainly was Miss Col ins is spending Ottawa diamond holidays at Eugenia Falls near robberies occurred when all the Cab- 0UDd Ministers were out of town Mr Clay and son of Toronto otherwise tho Toronto News could were calling on friends In Town yes laid the robbery to their crod- I Mrs Eli Armitagc of Toronto is I speeding a week Town calling on A Ottawa press despatch tys the revenue for Old Ago annuities j partmont for the seven months since Mr and Mrs Alfred Lloyd came M is ronto spent Monday Mrs c0nst6ntly 0 inquiries and applications Miss Brooks of Minneapolis that this has already become a popu lar form of investment for wage earn ers and people of moderate means will be received at the oflico of the undersigned up to twelve oclock noon of Tuewlay August for the construction of a Bridge and Concrete Abutments over a branch of the Holland River on St- in the Town New market PLANS AND may seen and all necessary in formation may obtained at ihc of fice of the Adelaide St Toronto lowest or any tender not accepted BARBER YOUNG Engineers Toronto Aug IN EARS AT- Flower THURSDAY EVENING AUGUST 12 in Toronto of Ontario His statistics will ho Miss spent over with great interest and by Canadians generally hut more by the people of Ontario Mr James tells us the settled area of this Province includes acres of which arc cloared acres woodland slasblaadi and swamp marsh or wasteland Of the 500000 acres 23000000 in what is known as Old Ontario and settled between and There are besides in the north country scattered tracts of land acres in extent and settled few years Mr James further states that for agri cultural purposes we have to add an other area of acred unoc cupied and only partly explored as yet It is known as the Clay Belt and is being opened up by the Na tional Transcontinental Railway Turning to the agricultural wealth of Province Mr James tells us that- in Ontario produced worth of beef in bacon and pork and in Ten years later the corresponding figures were and an aggregate increase in those commo dities from to The number of horses on Ontario farms increased from in to in number of milch cows from in to in In the same de cade poultry increased from 273 to Live stock to the value of was or Slaughtered in In 100G the figures had risen to The total value of stock on laws increased from 101000000 in to in ani the valu of farm lands buildings anl imple ments to The figures arc pleasing and it is FOR EASE AMD CROMPTONS CORSE The Home of Quality Newmarket I WEAR OVERALLS PAIR f t I 1 I I I f to note Ontario s suprem acy agriculturally is likely to be still further enhanced by the opening up to settlement of the northern por tions of the Province ooo- Four Men Badly Hurt Owing to a Weak Scaffold Minn is visiting Mrs Prospect Ave Rev Thomas and family left on Tuesday to spend a month at Orchard Beach Miss Jennie Lehman of is spending a few days at her uncles Mr Lehman Mr Vano and Melbert of Newmarket spent a few days with friends at Mr Maw and son Harold spent several days in turning on Wednesday Miss Laura of Nicholson Co is spending a few days with Mrs Mr and Mrs of To ronto spent Monday at the home of Mr and Mrs J Miss Lehman arrived home from Philadelphia for her vacation in time for her sisters wedding Mr If of Ottawa is spending bis vacation with his pa rents Mr and Mrs Win Mr and Mrs ONeill and children of Toronto spent Saturday with his sister Mrs Win Mr and Toronto spent the weekend with their son Mr Walter Joseph Ave Messrs J Hughes and leave tomorrow for to attend Grand Lodge the I Mr and Mrs Vennels of Toronto and Miss Pease of England spent last Monday with Mr and Mrs It appears more than likely that Thaw before it is finally de cided will have thoroughly discredit ed the professional insanity expert To the amazement of thinking people the very man who swore time of the trial that Thaw was insane art now solemnly swearing that he is perfectly rational Wonder if money is changing the views of the experts aforesaid It seems hard to be lieve but the is in that On Monday August 2nd commenced our Annual CLEAN SWEEP SALE A Final Clearance of all Summer Goods Every dollars worth of Goods must be sold no matter what the sacrifice Our MUST BE SOLD THE SEASON THEYRE BOUGHT must bo enforced The knife goes deep into early seasons prices Our loss Is your gain Wherever you see a broom with a price ticket look out for Extra Special are as the broom CLEAN SWEEP PRICES COME EARLY COME OFTEN AND DONT FOR GET YOUR PURSE Few Suggestions Picked at Random We understand the Trunk Railway Co has appointed a Com missioner of Industries charged with duty of encouraging industrial en terprise in the territory covered by the system The new is Mr who has already sent requests for information re garding population and resources of towns served by the railway Newmarket municipal authorities should place the claims of this town before the Commissioner LADIES READY TO WEAR WHITE WEAR The of our Ladies Ready to Wear cut still Reg 45 and lines Clcan Sweep Price Rag and Clean Sweep Price Reg and Clh Sweep Price Reg and lines Sweep Price LADIES OXFORDS SLIPPERS All our and lines Clean Sweep Price pair All our and lines Clean Sweep Price pair MENS STRAW HATS HALF PRICE TitBibs the following story of Mrs W Brodie of Marconi It is a curious fact that as a boy Mr Marconi value of whose system of wireless telegraphy has been so strikingly il lustrated by the saving of the pass engers of the illfated Republic little signs of cleverness One of his teachers in fact once said of him that he could never learn anything by heart Nevertheless he was only when he began to startle the world with his demonstration of wireless telegraphy In spite of his fame he Bain Mr Haskell of Markdale Stand- 1 is the most unassuming of men visited his brother at Watsons hates demonstrations He was once jewellery store a couple of days this recognized while walking in Rome week Immediately a cheering crowd Mr and Mrs A Lee of To- Marconi bolted into voluntarily at the end of spent Sunday and Monday vis- WASH GOODS OFFERINGS PRICES CUT 25 and 50c Muslins Clean Sweep Price yd and Muslins Clean Sweep Price yd LADIES TO WEAR LAWN WAISTS EA The Balance of our Lawn Waists that sold at and Clean Sweep Price Mens Negligee Shirts lines Clean Sweep Price Mens Negligee Shirts lines Clean Price Mens Negligee Shirts lines Clean Sweep Price 98c ea Mens Fancy Sox lines Clean Sweep Price 19c pair Mens Taney Sox 50c lines Clean Sweep Price 39c pair Mens Tan Shoes lines Clean Sweep Price pair Mens Tan Shoes lines Sweep Price pair Mens Serge Suits 1000 lines Clean Sweep Price Suit Mens Tweed Suits lines Clean Sweep Price Suit Mens Tweed Suits lines Clean Sweep Price Suit Ji J I A I it The Skating Rink Newmarket Horticultural Societys Annual Exhibition A Big Cut Flowers Vegetables and Fruits is anticipated A SPLENDID PROGRAM OF Music etc sclioof child ren unrVbr the of Miss Ironside and Views of Flowers and Natural Scenery by Rev Cornell A ATTRACTION An additional attraction to this years Show will bo real live Teddy Boars ajl the way from Admission nonmembers child ren About oclock on Tuesday morn ing a sad accident occurred at Mr William Holboms new barn Four carpenters were on the scaffold get ting ready to shingle the high side inlaw Mr J Bishop of Drayton above the barn vard when the last week with his sister Mrs J A Miss Borland returned to home in Toronto this week after spending three with her aunt Mrs Mr and Mrs Thomas Laws at tended the funeral of their brother- he thought was an empty carnage that period He was elected to the but it contained lady who was Ontario Legislature for South OnU- to expostulate The in- and in the Leg- ventor quickly his apologies and the lady allowed him to remain until they were free from the crowd IIS BY TENDER OF Farm Property fold gave way and all were thrown to the ground falling about feet Tingle Wight had his leg and arm broken and his back badly injured if not broken He was taken Metro politan car to Toronto Hospital John had an arm broken the bone protruding into the dirt As there was danger of Moos poisoning he was also sent to the hospital Charlie Rye his arm broken and a had wound on the back of his head Art was badly shaken up but no bones broken It is feared that Wights injuries may prove fatal The break in the scaffold was caused by a knot in one of the hoards used as a support LEMONVILLE There was a good attendance at the Methodist Church on Sunday ev ening The pastor Rev A J preached a very instructive sermon on the Judgment Day Miss Louisa King of Hamilton was the guest of her aunt Mrs over Sunday Mr and Mrs wish to thank their many friends for their kindnesses during the severe illness of their little daughter Amy who we are pleased to say is improving in health Miss Cook accompanied by her friend Mr Norman French visit ed her parents over Sunday Miss of Hamilton is also the guest of Mr and Mrs Cook Mr and Mrs Lemon of Newmarket vislttd at Mr A on Sun day Mr and Mrs R French and daugh ter Lizzie were renewing old acquaint ances last week Mrs J White of West Toronto The Executors of the Estate of the late Mr Kenneth Cameron oner lor Sale Tender the following Farm Property namely ail Lot No 10 in Concession of Town ship of in the- County of York This is a valuable and wellsituated farm property 200 acres more or less upon which is a good orchard a fairly good frame dwel ling and good log outbuildings all cleared and under cultivation or pas- lure but about The above mentioned property is subject to a lease to Adolphus and Cecil Lee dated September expiring the first day of April which lease Is to a right to terminate Terms are as follows ten per cent purchase money within fifteen days after the day of August visiting friends in this locality and the balance within three months A number from here attended the of above date tmihtB will ho received up to and 44u4teg Saturday August 1900 addressed to McOUllan P or Joseph VcheH P Tho nicest or any tender not accepted any further particulars apply garden party at last week and report having spent a very pleas- evening the root used In making pipes for smoking is not the root of ft a taree found near to either of the above Executors of the Mediterranean the name being a ie estate of Kenneth Cameron de- corruption the French eah v Mrs Kennedy and Miss Essie Ken nedy are spending a couple of weeks in the guests of Mrs John Mr and Mrs J have gone on a two weeks of Lake and the Trent Canal in his gasoline launch Mrs J Jay Watson of New York City is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Daniel Phillips of Maple Lawn Yonge Street Alderman Geo Vale spent the weekend with his brother Mr Vale manager of the Home Bank at a place near Detroit Mrs Phillips of Yonge St has gone to Kansas on account of the serious illness of her sister Mrs Mr and Mrs Albert Morson and Mr IM ward of Pittsburg Pa are spending a couple of weeks with Mr Archie Thomson Dr Paul and wife Chicago spent over Sunday with Mr Mrs M Hughes and went with her to Fergus on Monday for a few dayh Dr Wesley and family also Mrs R Manning attended the Jack son Point Regatta last Monday go ing over from Roachs Point In his gasoline Mr J Wilson Toronto for merly photographer of this Town spent Monday here renewing old ac quaintances also Mr Fred Cole was here over Sunday and Monday Mrs Jenner me Miss An nie formerly of Newmarket and two sons of Chicago are visit ing with Mrs P also Miss of Toronto is with Mrs wile and children of Toronto spent Saturday and Monday visiting with her bro ther Mr J H Also Mrs Geo of Midland son spent a few days before leaving for Mr Duncan Marshall wife and two children from Edmonton the guests of Mr Aubrey Davis a couple of days last on their way to Toronto Mr Marshall gave the Era a call on Thursday Western life appears to agree with hun On the Hon John Dry- den Minister of Agriculture for On tario from to who has been ill for the past fifteen months passod away at his residence Toron to on Thursday of last week He was GO years of age and is survived by his widow one son and five daugh ters As a man Mr always enjoyed the respect and con fidence of those who took an active part in public life with him When years of age was to the municipal council of Whitby township where ns Deputy Reeve and Reeve he server for seven years TUB CRADL8 DYKEIn East July to Mr and Mrs Dyke a daughter LEPPARDAt Sharon on July to Mr and Mrs John pard a daughter HUNTLEY In East on Aug 5th to Mr and Mrs W T Huntley a daughter Newmarket on July to Dr and Mrs J Boyd a son WIDKMANin Newmarket on Aug 1st to Mr end Mrs A N a son In Mount Amen on Mon day August to Mr and Mrs D a son GORMAN In Mount Albert on Tues day August to Mr and Mrs Gorman until the advent of the Whit- Administration in As Minister of Agriculture for Ontario he gave invaluable service Previous to accepting a Cabinet position he had made an international reputation as an agriculturist and stock breed er and was able to bring to the du ties of his office large of prac tical knowledge and administrative ability He gave much strength to Liberal Governments under three Premiers co O A suggestion in whipping cream is to whip it in the upper of double boiler with fine ice or cold water placed in the lower part An added advantage of this arrangement is that the boiler is deeper than a bowl and is less spattering THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY calls attended to at John H Millard Phones and THE ALTAR PEPPIATT SMITH At St Lukes Church Toronto on July Mr Geo Peppiatt to Miss May Smith daughter of Mr William Smith all of New market TOMB STEPHENSOn the th of Whit church on Sunday Aug Francis Stephens aged years mos and 29 davs IN In loving memory of Mercy who died Aug Eight years have passed Mercy and you are gone To dwell In your eternal home- Beloved by all who knew you here And welcomed there by friends most dear Although your I cannot I know and feel your spirit near To help and cheer me on my way Untif we meet in heavens bright day FROM MOTHER J Ob MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET AH Orders will receive Careful Prompt Attention LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH A GOOD CANADIAN DINNER IN THE WAY OF GOOD FRESH VEGETABLES Canadian Peas Canadian Cabbage Canadian Tomatoes Canadian Scans Canadian Potatoes The Strawberry season Is at tho close and now for Cherries and Rasp berries The crop is a good average one and you can depend on us giving you good value CALL AND SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR WOOL cot leave your Order FOR COAL AND GET THE BEST NUT STOVE AND EGG PEA 1 if EVE l Hard or Sol Wood Short or Long or Dry Hemlock or order from Carters J Turner Boy r I J ftA r I I I J I I i J 1 J J J I ARCHIVES OP ONTARIO TAbAMTA M